The So-So Security
is facing a systemic collapse.
Therefore, just like Maine,
Congress will also soon admit
that what can't be paid, won't be paid,
and therefore "cut benefits" and raise
taxes on the dummies.
"Most places are asking painful
questions about their investment strategies.
But what Maine has discovered
is just how expensive it really is to
provide a guaranteed retirement benefit."
No one can guarantee
your pension plan better than you.
If you want a pension plan that is :
1) rational (possible);
2) moral (no "something for nothing");
3) not a Ponzi scheme;
4) not dependant on taxpayer ability
or willingness to pay higher taxes; and is
5) "portable," then see if you can name
or imagine a pension plan better than a
collection of gold and silver coins
Modern-day progressives,
now known as liberals, have come
to dominate the current Democratic Party.
Under this administration,
we have seen government takeover
of large companies, the implementation
of a pay czar to determine compensation
in private companies, a health care insurance
mandate where you will be forced to purchase
insurance or have the IRS withholding your refund
or garnishing your wages, cap-and-trade legislation,
and the EPA regulation of carbon, which will determine
where we can set our thermostats in our own homes.
The Obama administration
has managed to move us back
in time to the medieval days, where
the king reigned supreme, and the fruits
of the serfs' (taxpayers, producers in society,
the middle class, entrepreneurs, etc.) labor belong
to the government, who determine how much
we shall keep