Succession NO .
Nullification & The 10th Amendment YES !
What could be the most
effective means of stopping
an out-of-control federal
government : Nullification.
"Nullification" is simply an act by states
(and occasionally individuals) to resist
unconstitutional federal laws.
The term "nullification"
was coined by Thomas Jefferson
in his 1798 Kentucky Resolutions
that protested the Alien and Sedition Acts'
unconstitutional criminal ban on criticism
of the President.
(The ban
violated the First, Ninth, and 10th
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution).
should be a tool for committed activists
of the Tea Party movement on the issue
of federal healthcare mandates
and a host of other issues.
The constitutional
justification for nullification
of unconstitutional laws :
The 10th Amendment.
Indeed, nowhere
in the Constitution is any branch
of the federal government given the
exclusive right to "interpret" the document.
(Yes, it sounds silly
to speak about needing
an "interpreter" to read a document
written in straightforward English prose,
but that's the unfortunate terminology
government uses today.)
It's true
that the Supreme Court
has always acted as if it has
the exclusive right to "interpret,"
but the supremacy clause in Article 5
of the Constitution merely stipulates :
That judges must follow the Constitution,
not that the Supreme Court is the exclusive
judge of what is - or is not - constitutional.
Likewise, other branches of government
are bound to follow the Constitution.
Article 2 specifies
the President must swear
to "preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States."
In fact,
if there is an exclusive
interpreter of the Constitution,
it is the states or the people, since
the 10th Amendment stipulates :
"The powers not delegated
to the United States by the Constitution,
nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved
to the States respectively, or to the people"
As part of a procedural vote
on the emergency war supplemental bill,
House Democrats attached a document
that "deemed as passed" a non-existent
$1.12 trillion budget.
The execution
of the "deeming" document
allows Democrats to start spending
money for Fiscal Year 2011 without
the pesky constraints of a budget.
The procedural vote passed 215-210
with no Republicans voting in favor and 38
Democrats crossing the aisle to vote against
deeming the faux budget resolution passed.
Never before --
since the creation
of the Congressional budget process --
has the House failed to pass a budget,
failed to propose a budget then deemed
the non-existent budget as passed as
a means to avoid a direct, recorded vote
on a budget, but still allow Congress to
spend taxpayer money.
House Budget Committee
Ranking Member Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.)
warned this was the green light for
Democrats to continue their out-of-control
spending virtually unchecked.
"Facing a record deficit and a tidal wave
of debt, House Democrats decided it was
politically inconvenient to put forward a
budget and account for their
fiscal recklessness.
With no priorities
and no restraints, the spending, taxing,
and borrowing will continue unchecked
for the coming fiscal year," Ryan said.
"The so-called
'budget enforcement resolution'
enforces no budget, but instead
provides a green light for the
Appropriators to continue spending,
exacerbating our looming fiscal crisis"
The Satanic Commie World Order