federal spending will not spur
the private-sector investment
and risk-taking necessary to create
jobs and reduce unemployment.
Congress should instead reduce
government spending to free up funds
for private investment while committing to not
passing any measures - such as card-check,
cap and trade, or the health care mandates -
that would make creating new jobs
more expensive.
Instead, though,
it looks like the Obama administration
is trying to convince businesses that the
President is on their side.
Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geithner said this week :
this president understands deeply
that governments don't create jobs,
businesses create jobs.
And our job as government
is to try to make sure we're creating
the conditions that allow businesses to
prosper so they can hire people back,
get this economy going again.
In reality,
this President has done the exact opposite.
He has attempted to use
government spending to create
jobs, failed miserably, and has only
succeeded in creating an environment
where businesses - the real job creators
- are afraid to put America back to work
With all the uncertainties and worries
businesses have about the future, somehow
potentially higher tax rates at some unknown
point in the potentially distant future hardly seems
a major worry for corporate CEOs examining their
investment plans today.
Corporations may sit on a lot of cash,
but they do so by making it available as
savings to the financial system to intermediate
it to those who need it more.
The cash is never idle-
it's just working where it's needed more.
There is a certain conservation
of savings involved, directly analogous
to the conservation of energy principle in physics.
As it happens, unfortunately,
government is soaking up a lot
of this corporate cash through deficit spending.
This deprives other private borrowers
of the funds and/or causes the United States
to import more savings from abroad than it
otherwise would.
And therein lies rub.
Absent the higher debt
resulting from this misbegotten Keynesian
experiment, the nation's capital stock would
be higher and/or our indebtedness to the rest
of the world would be lower, either of which
would benefit the economy in the years to come.
As matters now stand,
thanks to Krugman-esque
stimulus, all we will have to show
for our efforts is the higher mountain of debt