It is necessary to provide only a short list
of economic problems to see the critical
condition we are in :
Virtually everything you look at
is broken and unfixable, from both
a mathematical and political standpoint.
All democratic welfare states are insolvent
and incapable of meeting their obligations.
Sovereign defaults are likely
and will likely occur in domino fashion.
Insane economic policies
and regulations are making matters worse.
Businesses are not hiring or investing
because of the uncertainty that has been
imposed on the country.
Wealth, intellect,
and corporations will flee this country.
More than half of the states
are likely to default on their obligations.
Most major municipalities have pension
obligations that will be unable to be met.
Individuals are still over their heads
in debt with no hope in sight.
The housing market has farther to go
on the downside. Foreclosures will accelerate.
Commercial real estate
is a disaster that has not yet hit full force.
is not improving and will get worse.
Infrastructure has deteriorated.
There are no funds available to
upgrade it to proper standards.
Private pensions and union pensions
are grossly underfunded and likely to
become worse when financial markets tank.
The welfare system
is unsustainable and has to be dismantled.
Generations have grown accustomed
to entitlements and will not take kindly
to the necessary reductions and eliminations.
Education has deteriorated to levels
such that many graduates are literally
unemployable at a minimum wage,
or at any wage.
The banking system is insolvent,
with many banks unlikely to survive.
Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable
programs that will collapse or have benefits so
reduced as to make them virtually unrecognizable.
Government guarantees of Fannie, Freddie, FHA,
and a host of other programs will likely require
$2 trillion-plus to honor at taxpayer expense.
Anything the government touches, it destroys,
be it social programs, the post office, Amtrak,
education, or (soon to be) the entire credit system,
General Motors, student loans, etc. -- and finally,
the entire economy.
The FDIC is in a deep hole
from which there is no escape
The relevance
for plans for CO2 trading is obvious.
The SO2 market was not "highly successful"
or "robust," as is so often reported.
In fact, it was too thin
to have had anything to do
with the cost of reducing emissions.
This means a CO2 market
without property rights cannot be
counted on to reduce the cost of
lowering CO2 emissions, either.
The latest proposals for CO2 trading deny
property rights status to the emission allowances.
Does anyone believe politicians
will keep their hands off a CO2
cap-and-trade system and allow
the market to work? Do you want
to buy a bridge in Phoenix?
The death of SO2 cap-and-trade
in July 2010 should be duly noted
by every thoughtful observer.
It should signal the defeat of any
proposals for CO2 emissions trading.
If a CO2 cap-and-trade program
were ever enacted in the U.S., its collapse
would be spectacular indeed compared to
the one that will have foreshadowed it
The Satanic Commie World Order