requires institutions that channel potentially
dangerous political passions into constructive
compromise and coalition building.
The Electoral College system does this ;
the proposed "National Popular Vote"
interstate compact does not.
National Popular Vote
is a San Fransisco-based organization
founded and funded by Dr. John Koza.
It is also the name
of Dr. Koza's proposal to use state legislation
to create an agreement among states that would
change how the Electoral College works.
In short, states would
agree to ignore the result within their
state and instead give all of their electoral
votes to the candidate winning the most
votes nationwide.
There is no majority
requirement or provision for a runoff.
The agreement takes effect
when passed by enough states to control
an electoral vote majority, and therefore to
control the presidential election.
While Dr. Koza's proposal
has been stymied now for over
a year, it was previously enacted
in five states: Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland,
New Jersey, and Washington.
Within the last month,
it has made some progress
in Delaware, Massachusetts, and New York.
It is now dead
for the year in Delaware, but it remains
possible that either or both of the other
two states could enact it.
National Popular Vote
cleverly takes advantage of the
Constitution's grant of authority
to state legislatures to determine
how to allocate their electoral votes.
For over a century,
Electoral College opponents
focused on amending the Constitution.
National Popular Vote
is a clever strategy and, at least
on its surface, elegantly simple
Long considered
a tool for fomenting socialist revolution
in America, the "Cloward-Piven Strategy"
was a sociopolitical theory developed by
left-wing ivory tower-dwellers
Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.
it seeks to undermine the (American)
government by overloading said government
with dependents needing welfare.
this will force the government into
recognizing that there are a lot of
dependents out there (artificially created,
no doubt), which would inevitably lead to
the United States' government establishing
a guaranteed national income
or some such poppycock.
You see, folks?
This is what happens
when you let sociologists
from the Ivy League be taken seriously.
Sadly, many
in the Democratic Party have adopted
this strategy as a way to build their base
and solidify their political power, believing
that Cloward and Piven knew what the hell
they were talking about and that, by some
miracle, crashing the national economy by
using welfare and other government payout
programs as a tool would bring about
even larger government.
This seems a clear-cut case
of throwing the logical conclusion
to the four breezes so we can focus on our
much-wanted outcome :
A socialist fantasy-land
for all the little boys and girls
everywhere across the land.
It seems to me
that bloating government
and overloading already burdened
bureaucracies would totally crash them.
As in : they're over. Kaput. No existen más
The Satanic Commie World Order