Of the Satanic Jesuit Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The Waxman-Markey
Cap-and-Trade Bill may
be momentarily dead, but
there are persistent rumors
of its resurrection.
Even without it,
proposals are floating
through the halls of Congress
which would offer billions more
to wind developers and demand
that as much as 20% of our electricity
be generated from renewable sources.
While these proposals
are being discussed, three
wind farms are cluttering the
landscape of Hawaii, monuments
in rust to the government's imposition
of a technology that simply does not work.
A similar situation exists in California.
In a recent edition of The American Thinker,
Andrew Walden discusses what was once the
largest collection of wind farms in the world.
"In the best wind spots on earth," he writes,
"14,000 wind turbines were simply abandoned.
Spinning, post-industrial junk
which generates nothing but bird kills."
If and when federal funds
cease to be shoveled into the wind
projects now underway in Texas, most
industry observers believe they will also
be abandoned leaving the once swaying
prairie an industrial junkyard of concrete,
steel and fiberglass.
Wind's entry
is bad for the environment;
its exit will be the same. And this is "green"?
"Wind power
is an open trough
of government subsidies,
tax credits and state mandates.
Taken together,
it's a massive corporate
welfare effort that means big
money for the wind power developers
and big costs for the rest of us."
Courting government agencies and
influencing laws becomes the chief goal.
or government-created
corporations become an extension
of political might, and a symbiotic relationship
develops between lawmakers and corporations
facilitated by laws that, in many instances,
they helped write.
Equipping corporate welfare recipients
with one of the most easily abused powers
of the state in an attempt to force the populace
to accept an unreliable source of energy at a
tremendously inflated price is both unwise
and dangerous.
Such policies come at great cost,
and landowners may only be the first to pay
Free-Market Energy
Economic malaise,
global free trade and lowered tariffs :
The fundamental
economic "imperative" is not
to export, but rather to produce.
So long as Americans
must compete directly with
3rd world labor in our own
domestic markets, our productive
capacity will fall until American wages
approach 3rd world levels.
It's not about exports,
it's about production.
If we're serious
about restoring the American
economy, employment, wages and
standard of living, we must force our
government to abandon global free
trade and restore our tariffs
'Our' modern "government" is a
conglomerate of private companies :
"I am convinced
that the existence of
too-big-to-fail financial
institutions poses the greatest
risk to the U.S. economy.
They must be broken up.
We must not allow
organizations to pursue
high-risk activities and we
cannot let large organizations
put our financial system at risk."
"too big to fail financial institutions"
pose a threat-but I see the threat to
the nation and our individually-held
rights rather than to the economy.
biggest threat may be a modern
system of governmental trusts and
monopolies virtually identical to the
robber barons' trusts, monopolies
and fascism first seen in this country
over a century ago
Adask's law
· The Profit of Injustice
The pension tsunami Whoredoms :
A story has gone
unremarked in the general press.
It concerns
the pension tsunami that is
looming at all levels of government.
The story is the flimsy state of
the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC).
It is covered magisterially
in a new paper written by the
fine economist Charles Blahous
of the Mercatus Center at George
Mason University. Entitled
"The 'Other' Pension Crisis :
Options for Avoiding a Taxpayer Bailout
of the PBGC"
It is easily found on the
internet, and is a real eye-popper
Are Barack Obama's energy
policies influenced by hedge fund
billionaire and political patron,
George Soros?
The Obama administration
is clamping down on oil and gas
development in America (both onshore
and offshore) but is hell-bent on helping
other nation's tap their resources and
points out that such help is being showered
specifically in New Guinea, of all places.
It is starting to look obvious
that the administration doesn't
want oil exploration and extraction
at home while it is promoting the same
exploration and extraction elsewhere --
Others have commented
on Obama's generosity regarding
Brazil's oil wealth and how those
actions might help George Soros.
Perhaps, he just wants to pay back
George Soros, who was so instrumental
in helping his election and the election
of fellow Democrats across America.
George Soros is the Patron Saint
of the Democratic Party and was a
very early and generous supporter
of Barack Obama's.
Soros even used a loophole
in Federal campaign laws that
allowed him and his family to give
outsized donations to Barack Obama;
he also fielded his army of so-called
527 groups (such as MoveOn.Org)
to help Obama win the Oval Office.
Soros also stands to massively benefit if
New Guinea becomes an energy power,
especially if the American taxpayer
subsidizes this development
American Thinker
Open Border Whoredoms :
Federal agents who risk their lives
to patrol the U.S. border are blasting
their boss-Homeland Security Secretary
Janet Napolitano-for giving Americans a
"false sense of security" by assuring that
the Mexican border is safe.
During a visit to El Paso,
Napolitano said that violence
along the Mexican border is merely
a mistaken "perception" thanks to the
Obama Administration's commitment to
"fostering a secure and prosperous" region.
In fact, Napolitano said
that some of America's safest
communities are in the southwest
border region.
Outraged Border Patrol agents
on the front line of the escalating
violence responded by reminding
that three of their agents have been
murdered by Mexican drug cartels in
the last few years and ranchers have
been gunned down in border
U.S. citizens
are also being
"kidnapped and killed"
with regularity, according
to the National Border Patrol
Council, which represents more
than 17,000 agents nationwide
The official appointed
by the Obama Administration
to promote transparency at the
Department of Homeland Security
has long warned that the agency violates
public records laws when data is considered
"politically sensitive" by her bosses.
The damaging information
has come to light thanks to a
news outlet's relentless effort to
expose a scandal involving how the
administration blocks the release of
public records at the agency.
A separate story revealed
that a senior career employee
suffered retaliation for blowing the
whistle on political appointees who
illegally interfered with public records
requests at the Department of Homeland
The official
(Catherine Papoi)
worked as a deputy unit
chief in charge of handling
public records requests under
the Freedom of Information Act
Papoi told the Homeland Security
Inspector General that hundreds of
public records requests had been illegally
sidetracked to Obama advisers because
the documents were considered politically
The administration officials
delayed release and demanded
information about the watchdog groups,
journalists and others requesting the materials.
If a member of congress
requested documents, Homeland
Security employees were ordered
to specify if it was a Republican or
Democrat who put in the order.
a veteran Homeland Security lawyer,
got demoted for denouncing the wrongdoing
The Corruption Chronicles
Astounding Exposure
by Louis T. McFadden :
On May 23, 1933,
Congressman, Louis T. McFadden,
brought formal charges against the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank
system, The Controller of the Currency and
the Secretary of United States Treasury for
numerous criminal acts, including but not limited
The petition for Articles of Impeachment
was thereafter referred to the Judiciary
Committee and has YET TO BE ACTED ON.
Some Quotations from
several of McFadden's speeches :
"Mr. Chairman,
we have in this Country one
of the most corrupt institutions
the world has ever known.
I refer
to the Federal Reserve Board
and the Federal Reserve Banks,
hereinafter called the Fed
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist
Energy and Environment Coup 2
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
The Foreign & Domestic
Enemies Of Free Enterprise
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
~ A 1599 Genava Bible Errata Report ~
From : Tolle Lege Press
This page lists the few errors
reported and corrected on the
second and third printings.
As much we had hoped
to have an error free republication,
we have reaffirmed that even the world's
finest proofreaders are less than perfect.
Lest we become too proud
of our own efforts, the Lord reminds
us that we must rely totally on him.
It's important to keep in mind
the distinction between correcting
errors that we (in the 21st century)
have made vs. errors that the Geneva
Bible publishers made (in the 16th century).
We definitely want to fix the former,
but to change the latter is to completely
change the focus of this publication
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
The Geneva Bible Forum
~ God Be Praised ~
This page lists the few errors
reported and corrected on the
second and third printings.
As much we had hoped
to have an error free republication,
we have reaffirmed that even the world's
finest proofreaders are less than perfect.
Lest we become too proud
of our own efforts, the Lord reminds
us that we must rely totally on him.
It's important to keep in mind
the distinction between correcting
errors that we (in the 21st century)
have made vs. errors that the Geneva
Bible publishers made (in the 16th century).
We definitely want to fix the former,
but to change the latter is to completely
change the focus of this publication
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
The Geneva Bible Forum
~ God Be Praised ~
~ Afternotes From Melbo's Post ~
I could prefer both GB versions -
Since I have a Hard Copy of the 1599 GB
I can understand Melbo's comment that this
version has a certain # of errors .
The errors he writes of most likely refer to
typo's for the most part, although I have read
some difficult to recite sentences here and there .
At times it seems that the protestant editors of
this bible composed their comments in a kind
of shorthand which requires a moment or so
of study to figure out .
I can understand how things might have been
in those early days of printing presses & the
technical challenges & limitations that these
people could have faced .
Yet, I find that I am never disappointed
with my study of the 1599 GB .
If it were the Only version of the GB
available to me I would still be
happy with it .
Regarding formats, when I look at the way
the 1599 GBOT is laid out, I can see how
the 1560 GBNT was originally laid out .
I have read parts of the 1599 GBNT
many times over & I like the annotations
& commentaries that I've read there .
Knowing that there are more
annotations & commentaries from
the 1560 GBNT that I have yet to read,
is just more good reading yet to come .
Did the protestant editors lend their
annotation & commentary to the
Apocrypha ?
If so, they might make
for some interesting reading .
Not that the Apocrypha
books are necessary to be read,
but some of the bibles back in those
days did seem to include them .
Open up a Catholic Bible
sometime & you will find the
Apocrypha .
I have read some of them
& I can see why they are not
considered critical books to
include in a protestant bible .
Someday I suppose
that there will be a Geneva
Bible version that contains a
true & full fusion of annotations,
commentaries & footnotes from
the 1560 & 1599 versions .
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
The Geneva Bible Forum
~ God Be Praised ~
Since I have a Hard Copy of the 1599 GB
I can understand Melbo's comment that this
version has a certain # of errors .
The errors he writes of most likely refer to
typo's for the most part, although I have read
some difficult to recite sentences here and there .
At times it seems that the protestant editors of
this bible composed their comments in a kind
of shorthand which requires a moment or so
of study to figure out .
I can understand how things might have been
in those early days of printing presses & the
technical challenges & limitations that these
people could have faced .
Yet, I find that I am never disappointed
with my study of the 1599 GB .
If it were the Only version of the GB
available to me I would still be
happy with it .
Regarding formats, when I look at the way
the 1599 GBOT is laid out, I can see how
the 1560 GBNT was originally laid out .
I have read parts of the 1599 GBNT
many times over & I like the annotations
& commentaries that I've read there .
Knowing that there are more
annotations & commentaries from
the 1560 GBNT that I have yet to read,
is just more good reading yet to come .
Did the protestant editors lend their
annotation & commentary to the
Apocrypha ?
If so, they might make
for some interesting reading .
Not that the Apocrypha
books are necessary to be read,
but some of the bibles back in those
days did seem to include them .
Open up a Catholic Bible
sometime & you will find the
Apocrypha .
I have read some of them
& I can see why they are not
considered critical books to
include in a protestant bible .
Someday I suppose
that there will be a Geneva
Bible version that contains a
true & full fusion of annotations,
commentaries & footnotes from
the 1560 & 1599 versions .
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
The Geneva Bible Forum
~ God Be Praised ~
Thursday, June 23, 2011
~ The 1560 Geneva Bible ~ Melbo's Edition ~ Notes ~
Melbo's post :
02-22-2011, 01:29 PM
Why the 1560 vs. 1599 edition?
A good library will include both editions -
The 1560 Geneva Bible -
is far more important
as a historical production.
It is directly
in the line of the 16th century
translation accomplishments.
The notes reflect
the reformation theology
better than the later notes.
The notes of the 1560 edition
show John Calvin's influence
from his commentaries.
The 1599
has Tomson's NT notes
and was the first to have notes on
Revelation by Junius (an avid Calvinist
whose father was brutally murdered).
They also included the Metrical
Psalms, which were popular.
The basic problem, however,
is that the 1599 edition is one
of the most error ridden copies
of all Geneva's.
many were dated 1599
but were really printed in 1633,
as explained in my Introduction.
The notes put into the "1599"
became more and more Calvinistic,
and also show anti-catholic sentiment,
probably in response to the notes in the
1582 Catholic Rhemes NT.
In a Revelation 9 note,
for instance, Francis Junius
blasts Pope Gregory VII
for his "evil doings."
Finally, the advertising
for the 1599 reproduction
makes it sound much more
important than it was.
While the Geneva Bible
was popular among the Pilgrims,
they continued to use the KJV as well.
The 1599 edition
was only one out of the many
Geneva Bible editions that the
Pilgrims and Puritans would have
brought to America.
The 1560 Geneva Bible
will be much more sought
after by collectors and historians.
I can't say that I've studied
all of the differences between
the 1560 and 1599 editions, nor
all of the various editions in-between
(a key difference from 1576 onwards
being Laurence Tomson's revision of the
New Testament), but based on what little
I know, I am partial to the 1599 edition
for the following reasons :
* The 1560 edition
included the Apocrypha
(albeit with a note stating that
it was not canonical) but did not
include a Psalter for singing;
the 1599 edition
was the first English Bible
to not include the Apocrypha,
and it does include a Psalter
for singing; and
* I prefer the annotations
of Francis Junius which appeared in
the 1599 edition first, replacing the previous
notes by John Bale and Heinrich Bullinger
(which are good and not to be despised).
I think the editing
of the annotations in
the intervening period
enables the 1599 edition
to reflect a richer and more
profound Biblical interpretation.
A good library will include both editions
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
~ God Be Praised ~
02-22-2011, 01:29 PM
Why the 1560 vs. 1599 edition?
A good library will include both editions -
The 1560 Geneva Bible -
is far more important
as a historical production.
It is directly
in the line of the 16th century
translation accomplishments.
The notes reflect
the reformation theology
better than the later notes.
The notes of the 1560 edition
show John Calvin's influence
from his commentaries.
The 1599
has Tomson's NT notes
and was the first to have notes on
Revelation by Junius (an avid Calvinist
whose father was brutally murdered).
They also included the Metrical
Psalms, which were popular.
The basic problem, however,
is that the 1599 edition is one
of the most error ridden copies
of all Geneva's.
many were dated 1599
but were really printed in 1633,
as explained in my Introduction.
The notes put into the "1599"
became more and more Calvinistic,
and also show anti-catholic sentiment,
probably in response to the notes in the
1582 Catholic Rhemes NT.
In a Revelation 9 note,
for instance, Francis Junius
blasts Pope Gregory VII
for his "evil doings."
Finally, the advertising
for the 1599 reproduction
makes it sound much more
important than it was.
While the Geneva Bible
was popular among the Pilgrims,
they continued to use the KJV as well.
The 1599 edition
was only one out of the many
Geneva Bible editions that the
Pilgrims and Puritans would have
brought to America.
The 1560 Geneva Bible
will be much more sought
after by collectors and historians.
I can't say that I've studied
all of the differences between
the 1560 and 1599 editions, nor
all of the various editions in-between
(a key difference from 1576 onwards
being Laurence Tomson's revision of the
New Testament), but based on what little
I know, I am partial to the 1599 edition
for the following reasons :
* The 1560 edition
included the Apocrypha
(albeit with a note stating that
it was not canonical) but did not
include a Psalter for singing;
the 1599 edition
was the first English Bible
to not include the Apocrypha,
and it does include a Psalter
for singing; and
* I prefer the annotations
of Francis Junius which appeared in
the 1599 edition first, replacing the previous
notes by John Bale and Heinrich Bullinger
(which are good and not to be despised).
I think the editing
of the annotations in
the intervening period
enables the 1599 edition
to reflect a richer and more
profound Biblical interpretation.
A good library will include both editions
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
~ God Be Praised ~
~ Relocated ~ 1560 Geneva Bible pdf ~ Reactor-core Edition ~
Melbo writes :
11-07-2010, 10:14 PM ;
I did some work on a pdf text
of the 1560 Geneva Bible a year ago.
I optimized the original 275 MB giant down
to 87 MB while also adding (adobe pdf)
bookmarks for books and chapters.
No small task -
I sent it back to the guy
who runs reactor-core.org
and he had posted it along side
the original version.
I just noticed
tonight that the site has gone down
with a cryptic message from the webmaster.
This version contains the Old Testament,
the Apocrypha and the New Testament.
It's often claimed
that this is the first 'Bible'
to reach the Americas.
Attached Files
geneva1560.pdf (86.88 MB,)
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
~ God Be Praised ~
11-07-2010, 10:14 PM ;
I did some work on a pdf text
of the 1560 Geneva Bible a year ago.
I optimized the original 275 MB giant down
to 87 MB while also adding (adobe pdf)
bookmarks for books and chapters.
No small task -
I sent it back to the guy
who runs reactor-core.org
and he had posted it along side
the original version.
I just noticed
tonight that the site has gone down
with a cryptic message from the webmaster.
This version contains the Old Testament,
the Apocrypha and the New Testament.
It's often claimed
that this is the first 'Bible'
to reach the Americas.
Attached Files
geneva1560.pdf (86.88 MB,)
~ To God Be The Glory ~
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
~ God Be Praised ~
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
1560 & 1599 Geneva Bible's
Based upon the online infos i've viewed up
till now, it seems that in the future i may be
planning to build a kind of Geneva Bible library .
PDF's of the 1560 GBNT like the one Steve
has done would be part of it .
Facsimile editions of the GB are not so easy
to read, so I suppose that I will be looking
for a combination of GB versions .
A corrected & restored version of the
complete 1560 GB would seem to be one
to have .
A corrected & restored version of the
complete 1599 GB would also seem to be
one to have .
To have them both in a form like Steve's
version would also be worth having .
To have them both in hard copy form
would also be ideal .
Steve has said that the 1599 GBOT is
essentially the same as the 1560 GBOT
version and that's good news .
So the 1560 GBNT version is the GBNT
version that is going to be the needle in the
haystack, unless one discovers Steve's GBNT .
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Table of Contents
to the 1560-1599 GBNT
Book of Revelations :
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
till now, it seems that in the future i may be
planning to build a kind of Geneva Bible library .
PDF's of the 1560 GBNT like the one Steve
has done would be part of it .
Facsimile editions of the GB are not so easy
to read, so I suppose that I will be looking
for a combination of GB versions .
A corrected & restored version of the
complete 1560 GB would seem to be one
to have .
A corrected & restored version of the
complete 1599 GB would also seem to be
one to have .
To have them both in a form like Steve's
version would also be worth having .
To have them both in hard copy form
would also be ideal .
Steve has said that the 1599 GBOT is
essentially the same as the 1560 GBOT
version and that's good news .
So the 1560 GBNT version is the GBNT
version that is going to be the needle in the
haystack, unless one discovers Steve's GBNT .
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Table of Contents
to the 1560-1599 GBNT
Book of Revelations :
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
~ To God Be The Glory ~ God Be Praised ~
Steve's Edition of the
Geneva Bible (1560/1599)
With Original Geneva Footnotes
of both the 1560 and 1599 versions
is probably the best online GBNT version
available at this time .
A marvelous fact about this version
is that the New Testament is completed
and available to all .
Steve's GBNT has offered me a chance
to see how earlier footnotes from the GBNT
are dropped or kept in the 1599 version .
Some Footnotes prior to 1599 may not always
be found in the later 1599 versions and these
notes are also of much value .
Today I searched for some old links to a
1560 GBNT and I located this message
concerning a free downloadable 1560 GBNT :
The Old Testament is basically unchanged
from the 1560 to the 1599, but the 1599
added and changed many footnotes from
the 1560 in the New Testament.
I suppose that Steve can vouch for this free
download but I do not think it is presently
available .
I also suppose that Steve's GBNT is
probably one of the few available for
free download online .
Included in the message above is a
reference to the 1599 GB produced by
Tolle Lege Press .
I suppose that the TLP 1599 GBOT
will be pretty close to the hard copy version
that I have at home .
For Future Reference I have included here
a link for the TLP 1599 GB version :
1599 Geneva Bible (CD-Rom)
Your Price: $10.00
Easy-to-read print
Searchable, printable PDFs
Tolle Lege Press
The hard copy 1599 GB version that I have been
reading for over 10 years now is the facsimile
version produced by L. L. Brown Publishing .
It was from this edition that I reproduced
a prolog page to the book of revelations
entitled 'The Order Of Time' .
The L. L. Brown Publishing edition also
contains a page in the OT entitled
'The Prayer Of Manasseh' .
Since we do seem to have an interest
in 'Old Books', I would like to include in this
post an entry about another book that I have
been thinking about getting .
It's called :
The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
by Samuel Shuckford .
Reproduced by
Tolle Lege Press ;
"In the nineteenth century,
higher critics added thousands
of years to the history books to
discredit the Bible and its authority.
The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
(Volumes 1-4), back in print
after 200 years, will be the frontal
assault that could overturn the whole
of secular humanism.
It connects
biblical and secular
history in a way that
proves the Bible's
chronology is correct.
That's why
we've reprinted it
and made it available for
the modern world to rediscover.
The craftsmanship
of this series is second to none.
"Years ago I purchased this
rare book from a store widow
in a small West Virginia town.
(Her late husband was a
collector of old history books.)
Once I opened the book
I couldn't put it down.
Intricate maps
of the ancient world
unfolded before my eyes.
Fascinating illustrations
with the translation of ancient
languages and charts with the
ages of the Antediluvian Patriarchs
were interspersed throughout the text.
I've never seen Biblical
and Secular history woven
together in this way.
I've always known
that the Bible's history
was true--but my faith in
God's Word was strengthened
like never before.
We finally located
the other three volumes
and have brought them all back
into print for future generations."
- Ray Vallorani,
Co-Founder of Tolle Lege Press
(Publishers of the 1599 Geneva Bible)
Inside the first volume
you will find intricate fold-out
maps of the ancient world such
as the location of the Garden of Eden
and the settlements of Noah's descendants.
You'll also find charts
and graphs on the ages
of the patriarchs, ancient
languages, and more.
The author dramatically weaves
the historical accounts of the Bible
and secular history together into
one powerful narrative.
Dr. Shuckford's research
confirms the accuracy of the
Bible-from the Creation and Fall
of Man to the Dissolution of the Assyrian
Empire at the death of Sardanapalus, and
to the declension of the Kingdoms of Judah
and Israel, under the reigns of Ahaz
and Pekah.
Volumes 1-4 CD-ROM
Your Price: $10.00
(Includes complete searchable/
printable text of all four volumes!)
Free Download
of Vol. 1 available here :
Tolle Lege Press
Here's an interesting & short article about
Bible Chronology that has nothing to do
with buying anything :
According to Bible chronology,
the world is about 6,051 years old
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Geneva Bible (1560/1599)
With Original Geneva Footnotes
of both the 1560 and 1599 versions
is probably the best online GBNT version
available at this time .
A marvelous fact about this version
is that the New Testament is completed
and available to all .
Steve's GBNT has offered me a chance
to see how earlier footnotes from the GBNT
are dropped or kept in the 1599 version .
Some Footnotes prior to 1599 may not always
be found in the later 1599 versions and these
notes are also of much value .
Today I searched for some old links to a
1560 GBNT and I located this message
concerning a free downloadable 1560 GBNT :
The Old Testament is basically unchanged
from the 1560 to the 1599, but the 1599
added and changed many footnotes from
the 1560 in the New Testament.
I suppose that Steve can vouch for this free
download but I do not think it is presently
available .
I also suppose that Steve's GBNT is
probably one of the few available for
free download online .
Included in the message above is a
reference to the 1599 GB produced by
Tolle Lege Press .
I suppose that the TLP 1599 GBOT
will be pretty close to the hard copy version
that I have at home .
For Future Reference I have included here
a link for the TLP 1599 GB version :
1599 Geneva Bible (CD-Rom)
Your Price: $10.00
Easy-to-read print
Searchable, printable PDFs
Tolle Lege Press
The hard copy 1599 GB version that I have been
reading for over 10 years now is the facsimile
version produced by L. L. Brown Publishing .
It was from this edition that I reproduced
a prolog page to the book of revelations
entitled 'The Order Of Time' .
The L. L. Brown Publishing edition also
contains a page in the OT entitled
'The Prayer Of Manasseh' .
Since we do seem to have an interest
in 'Old Books', I would like to include in this
post an entry about another book that I have
been thinking about getting .
It's called :
The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
by Samuel Shuckford .
Reproduced by
Tolle Lege Press ;
"In the nineteenth century,
higher critics added thousands
of years to the history books to
discredit the Bible and its authority.
The Sacred
and Profane History
of the World Connected
(Volumes 1-4), back in print
after 200 years, will be the frontal
assault that could overturn the whole
of secular humanism.
It connects
biblical and secular
history in a way that
proves the Bible's
chronology is correct.
That's why
we've reprinted it
and made it available for
the modern world to rediscover.
The craftsmanship
of this series is second to none.
"Years ago I purchased this
rare book from a store widow
in a small West Virginia town.
(Her late husband was a
collector of old history books.)
Once I opened the book
I couldn't put it down.
Intricate maps
of the ancient world
unfolded before my eyes.
Fascinating illustrations
with the translation of ancient
languages and charts with the
ages of the Antediluvian Patriarchs
were interspersed throughout the text.
I've never seen Biblical
and Secular history woven
together in this way.
I've always known
that the Bible's history
was true--but my faith in
God's Word was strengthened
like never before.
We finally located
the other three volumes
and have brought them all back
into print for future generations."
- Ray Vallorani,
Co-Founder of Tolle Lege Press
(Publishers of the 1599 Geneva Bible)
Inside the first volume
you will find intricate fold-out
maps of the ancient world such
as the location of the Garden of Eden
and the settlements of Noah's descendants.
You'll also find charts
and graphs on the ages
of the patriarchs, ancient
languages, and more.
The author dramatically weaves
the historical accounts of the Bible
and secular history together into
one powerful narrative.
Dr. Shuckford's research
confirms the accuracy of the
Bible-from the Creation and Fall
of Man to the Dissolution of the Assyrian
Empire at the death of Sardanapalus, and
to the declension of the Kingdoms of Judah
and Israel, under the reigns of Ahaz
and Pekah.
Volumes 1-4 CD-ROM
Your Price: $10.00
(Includes complete searchable/
printable text of all four volumes!)
Free Download
of Vol. 1 available here :
Tolle Lege Press
Here's an interesting & short article about
Bible Chronology that has nothing to do
with buying anything :
According to Bible chronology,
the world is about 6,051 years old
The 1560-1599
Geneva Bible With Footnotes
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
United Nations & Sharia 'Renewable Energy' Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Jesuit Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
As if wasting exorbitant amounts
of money to support the corrupt
United Nations wasn't bad enough,
'President' 'Obama' has joined a new
Arab-based "international organization"
dedicated to promoting renewable
energy worldwide.
That means U.S. taxpayers
will supply a big chunk of the
group's funding in addition to the
billions of dollars that already go to
the U.N. each year for programs that,
incidentally, already address renewable
As the largest contributors
to the U.N., American taxpayers
forked over $6.3 billion last year
and billions more will be allocated this
fiscal year, despite promises from some
lawmakers to slash the cash flow to the
scandal-plagued world body.
With the U.S. national debt
topping $14 trillion the last thing the
country needs is a costly membership
to yet another world agency promoting
a leftist agenda.
in the United Arab Emirates,
the new International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) will get
a chunk of change from Uncle Sam
-around $5 million-to promote
renewable energy technologies that
meet the challenges of sustained
economic growth, energy security
and climate change.
At least that's how
the State Department explains it
As the already-bloated
federal government keeps
expanding under 'President'
'Obama', a new congressional
report exposes astounding waste
in hundreds of duplicate programs
that cost U.S. taxpayers billions
Released this week by the bipartisan
Government Accountability Office, the
investigative arm of the United States
Congress, the report is sure to enrage
most Americans because it illustrates
the sort of corruption that prevails in
a government on steroids.
In all, investigators found
redundancies in more than 540
programs, including education,
social services, agriculture
and defense.
No wonder the nation
is $14 trillion in debt.
Ten federal agencies
run more than 82 separate
programs to improve teacher
quality, 20 agencies operate 56
financial literacy initiatives, 80 programs
provide the elderly and disadvantaged
with transportation, 44 are dedicated
to employment training and 20 help
the homeless.
More than a dozen agencies
oversee food safety, including
two for eggs alone.
Just take a look at some of
the examples listed by the GAO
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
As if wasting exorbitant amounts
of money to support the corrupt
United Nations wasn't bad enough,
'President' 'Obama' has joined a new
Arab-based "international organization"
dedicated to promoting renewable
energy worldwide.
That means U.S. taxpayers
will supply a big chunk of the
group's funding in addition to the
billions of dollars that already go to
the U.N. each year for programs that,
incidentally, already address renewable
As the largest contributors
to the U.N., American taxpayers
forked over $6.3 billion last year
and billions more will be allocated this
fiscal year, despite promises from some
lawmakers to slash the cash flow to the
scandal-plagued world body.
With the U.S. national debt
topping $14 trillion the last thing the
country needs is a costly membership
to yet another world agency promoting
a leftist agenda.
in the United Arab Emirates,
the new International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA) will get
a chunk of change from Uncle Sam
-around $5 million-to promote
renewable energy technologies that
meet the challenges of sustained
economic growth, energy security
and climate change.
At least that's how
the State Department explains it
As the already-bloated
federal government keeps
expanding under 'President'
'Obama', a new congressional
report exposes astounding waste
in hundreds of duplicate programs
that cost U.S. taxpayers billions
Released this week by the bipartisan
Government Accountability Office, the
investigative arm of the United States
Congress, the report is sure to enrage
most Americans because it illustrates
the sort of corruption that prevails in
a government on steroids.
In all, investigators found
redundancies in more than 540
programs, including education,
social services, agriculture
and defense.
No wonder the nation
is $14 trillion in debt.
Ten federal agencies
run more than 82 separate
programs to improve teacher
quality, 20 agencies operate 56
financial literacy initiatives, 80 programs
provide the elderly and disadvantaged
with transportation, 44 are dedicated
to employment training and 20 help
the homeless.
More than a dozen agencies
oversee food safety, including
two for eggs alone.
Just take a look at some of
the examples listed by the GAO
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist World Order
New World Order Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Jesuit Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The Trilateral Commission
has called for the creation of
a number of new institutions "to
deal with planetary interest groups."
New structures, reports Jeremiah Novak,
"are recommended to meet the needs of
oil users and producers and to 'bridge the
economic systems' of Communist and
non-Communist states.
These interest-group
institutions are seen as subordinate
to a superstructure of planetary institutions."
We are no longer talking
about the theories of impotent utopians.
These planners are actually moving ahead.
Take the strengthening of the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.)
Goals of the New World Order
1. Consolidate everything.
2. Commercialize everything.
3. Classify everything.
4. Claim everything.
5. Control everything.
We might call these goals the
five Cs of the New World Order.
If it is fully empowered,
free speech, personality,
personal goals and decisions,
individual responsibility, private
property, private business, morality,
Constitutional government, national
sovereignty; and religious freedom
can no longer be tolerated
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The Trilateral Commission
has called for the creation of
a number of new institutions "to
deal with planetary interest groups."
New structures, reports Jeremiah Novak,
"are recommended to meet the needs of
oil users and producers and to 'bridge the
economic systems' of Communist and
non-Communist states.
These interest-group
institutions are seen as subordinate
to a superstructure of planetary institutions."
We are no longer talking
about the theories of impotent utopians.
These planners are actually moving ahead.
Take the strengthening of the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.)
Goals of the New World Order
1. Consolidate everything.
2. Commercialize everything.
3. Classify everything.
4. Claim everything.
5. Control everything.
We might call these goals the
five Cs of the New World Order.
If it is fully empowered,
free speech, personality,
personal goals and decisions,
individual responsibility, private
property, private business, morality,
Constitutional government, national
sovereignty; and religious freedom
can no longer be tolerated
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Sharia Revolutions & Green Solutions Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Jesuit Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The current demonstrations
and riots in the Middle East are
being orchestrated by people who
have no desire for democracy -
There are a number of agendas at
work, but one is surely :
To Raise Oil Prices.
Then, claim
that "alternative energies" are
competitive in price, and bring on cap
and trade and all sorts of "green solutions."
This movement
will pretend, against
all evidence, that green
energy can save and fuel
the planet -and in the aftermath,
the real wildfire will be an upsurge
in planetary poverty and death, as
it becomes apparent that solar, wind
& geothermal are vastly inadequate
The current daily federal assault on
state and individual rights has nearly
every state legislature and governor
scrambling to figure out what their
state rights really are and how to
assert them, before state sovereignty
is completely eliminated under the
assumed powers of so-called
Federal Supremacy.
Unlike federal legislators,
state legislators swear an oath
to protect and preserve the rights
of their states and establish state
policy on behalf of state citizens.
They are obligated
to live within the confines
of the US Constitution in so
doing, but their primary oath
is to the people of their individual
state, not the federal government.
Yet many state officials
have a convoluted understanding
of their oath and obligations, claiming
the existence of states' rights, but no
right or means to assert these rights
Reality Shatters Illusion
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The current demonstrations
and riots in the Middle East are
being orchestrated by people who
have no desire for democracy -
There are a number of agendas at
work, but one is surely :
To Raise Oil Prices.
Then, claim
that "alternative energies" are
competitive in price, and bring on cap
and trade and all sorts of "green solutions."
This movement
will pretend, against
all evidence, that green
energy can save and fuel
the planet -and in the aftermath,
the real wildfire will be an upsurge
in planetary poverty and death, as
it becomes apparent that solar, wind
& geothermal are vastly inadequate
The current daily federal assault on
state and individual rights has nearly
every state legislature and governor
scrambling to figure out what their
state rights really are and how to
assert them, before state sovereignty
is completely eliminated under the
assumed powers of so-called
Federal Supremacy.
Unlike federal legislators,
state legislators swear an oath
to protect and preserve the rights
of their states and establish state
policy on behalf of state citizens.
They are obligated
to live within the confines
of the US Constitution in so
doing, but their primary oath
is to the people of their individual
state, not the federal government.
Yet many state officials
have a convoluted understanding
of their oath and obligations, claiming
the existence of states' rights, but no
right or means to assert these rights
Reality Shatters Illusion
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Rule By Radical whoredoms
Of the Satanic Jesuit Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Reinvented Government -
The story of how
we reached this point
along the path to global
totalitarianism is a long one -
A short overview
of the present will suffice.
With the creation
of the United Nations,
free-trade zones, public-private partnerships,
communitarianism, some 30,000+ NGOs and
37,000+ Multinational Corporations and
Foundations we now see a devolution
of the government.
Globalization has effectively
achieved a global corporate fascism
A movement
of vital proportion,
ignored by the major media,
kept off-limits from the general public,
has been on the United Nations (UN)
drawing board for well over ten years.
This movement
would nullify our Constitutional
structure with its freedoms and
prerogatives enshrined in the Bill
of Rights, including our unhampered
right to religious freedom.
It masquerades behind
the facade of "sustainable development"
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Sharia Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Reinvented Government -
The story of how
we reached this point
along the path to global
totalitarianism is a long one -
A short overview
of the present will suffice.
With the creation
of the United Nations,
free-trade zones, public-private partnerships,
communitarianism, some 30,000+ NGOs and
37,000+ Multinational Corporations and
Foundations we now see a devolution
of the government.
Globalization has effectively
achieved a global corporate fascism
A movement
of vital proportion,
ignored by the major media,
kept off-limits from the general public,
has been on the United Nations (UN)
drawing board for well over ten years.
This movement
would nullify our Constitutional
structure with its freedoms and
prerogatives enshrined in the Bill
of Rights, including our unhampered
right to religious freedom.
It masquerades behind
the facade of "sustainable development"
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Monday, February 28, 2011
American Bar Association & Sharia law whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The American Bar Association has
decided to undertake the fight
for Sharia law.
The ABA's Executive Counsel
"has organized a Task Force to
review the legislation of 14 states
in which anti-Sharia legislation
has been introduced."
The goal
of the ABA's Task Force
is to fight against these legislative
initiatives by free people, and to
develop "an informal set of 'talking
points' that local opponents of these
initiatives could use to make their
case in each of these states"
The battles over public sector union
benefits are merely financial precursors
to a much bigger ideological war that has
been on the horizon now for years, if not
When you acknowledge
the coming battle, you realize
that Governors Walker and Christie
-- courageously as they are behaving
-- are only nibbling at the edges
of the real issue.
And the real issue
is whether public sector unions
should even be allowed to exist.
Frankly, when even a modicum
of common sense is infused into
the equation, the answer is
a resounding no.
And the foundational reason is simple.
There is no one
at the bargaining table
representing the folks who
are actually going to pay
whatever is negotiated.
Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
American Thinker
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The American Bar Association has
decided to undertake the fight
for Sharia law.
The ABA's Executive Counsel
"has organized a Task Force to
review the legislation of 14 states
in which anti-Sharia legislation
has been introduced."
The goal
of the ABA's Task Force
is to fight against these legislative
initiatives by free people, and to
develop "an informal set of 'talking
points' that local opponents of these
initiatives could use to make their
case in each of these states"
The battles over public sector union
benefits are merely financial precursors
to a much bigger ideological war that has
been on the horizon now for years, if not
When you acknowledge
the coming battle, you realize
that Governors Walker and Christie
-- courageously as they are behaving
-- are only nibbling at the edges
of the real issue.
And the real issue
is whether public sector unions
should even be allowed to exist.
Frankly, when even a modicum
of common sense is infused into
the equation, the answer is
a resounding no.
And the foundational reason is simple.
There is no one
at the bargaining table
representing the folks who
are actually going to pay
whatever is negotiated.
Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
American Thinker
The Satanic Fascist World Order
The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate from the federal United States government ;
Assets of the debtor
can be hypothecated (to
pledge something as a security
without taking possession of it.) as
security by the lender or underwriter.
All property within the federal
United States to the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve, - in which the Trustees
(stockholders) held legal title.
The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee)
was registered as a "beneficiary" of
the trust via his/her birth certificate.
In 1933,
the federal United States
hypothecated all of the present and
future properties, assets and labor of
their "subjects," the 14th Amendment
U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System
To illustrate the issue of title,
consider your car. Do you own it?
Even if you have a
"Certificate of Title," the answer is No.
You have equitable title to your car,
but the state has legal title and therefore
owns and can control the vehicle.
Because the state owns legal title
to "your" car, it can force you to
license, register and insure the vehicle.
If you had legal title,
the state could not subject
you to those requirements.
However, since you're only entitled
to possess and use the car, if you fail
to meet the state-owner's rules, you can
be ticketed, jailed, or even compelled to
forfeit the "state's" vehicle.
How do you gain legal title to something?
Primarily by paying for it with
lawful money (gold & silver); by
paying with a "medium of exchange"
(exchange of legal titles) rather than a
"medium of transfer" (transfer of
equitable titles).
Most people would be astonished
to understand that it's legally impossible to
repay your loans with modern debt-based
currency like Federal Reserve Notes.
The reason is simple :
You can't "pay" a debt with another debt.
Given that our FRNs
are all loaned into existence,
they're all "debt-based" (promises
to pay) and can't truly "pay" for anything.
As a result,
we can't own (buy legal title to)
any property purchased with FRNs
Adask's law
· The Profit of Injustice
can be hypothecated (to
pledge something as a security
without taking possession of it.) as
security by the lender or underwriter.
All property within the federal
United States to the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve, - in which the Trustees
(stockholders) held legal title.
The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee)
was registered as a "beneficiary" of
the trust via his/her birth certificate.
In 1933,
the federal United States
hypothecated all of the present and
future properties, assets and labor of
their "subjects," the 14th Amendment
U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System
To illustrate the issue of title,
consider your car. Do you own it?
Even if you have a
"Certificate of Title," the answer is No.
You have equitable title to your car,
but the state has legal title and therefore
owns and can control the vehicle.
Because the state owns legal title
to "your" car, it can force you to
license, register and insure the vehicle.
If you had legal title,
the state could not subject
you to those requirements.
However, since you're only entitled
to possess and use the car, if you fail
to meet the state-owner's rules, you can
be ticketed, jailed, or even compelled to
forfeit the "state's" vehicle.
How do you gain legal title to something?
Primarily by paying for it with
lawful money (gold & silver); by
paying with a "medium of exchange"
(exchange of legal titles) rather than a
"medium of transfer" (transfer of
equitable titles).
Most people would be astonished
to understand that it's legally impossible to
repay your loans with modern debt-based
currency like Federal Reserve Notes.
The reason is simple :
You can't "pay" a debt with another debt.
Given that our FRNs
are all loaned into existence,
they're all "debt-based" (promises
to pay) and can't truly "pay" for anything.
As a result,
we can't own (buy legal title to)
any property purchased with FRNs
Adask's law
· The Profit of Injustice
The incestuous relationship between government and union whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The Democratic Party has sold
its soul to the public sector unions.
In the 2010 mid-term election,
the American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees
poured over $87 million dollars into
the election. (A new spending record).
AFSCME's $87 million
was greater than the campaign
spending by the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce ($75 million) and
American Crossroads ($65 million).
Other public sector unions also
ratcheted up their spending such as
SEIU ($44 million) and the National
Education Association ($40 million)
The end justifies the means -
Barack Obama,
perhaps the most
dishonest president
in modern history, has,
in a cynical abdication of
leadership, not only proposed
a budget that, if adopted, is
guaranteed to destroy the
financial future of the country,
but he has done so while lying
about a supposed economic
recovery underway.
His proclivity to do or say anything
to enhance his image or achieve his
ends was amply on display at a press
conference held on the 16th of February
American Thinker
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The Democratic Party has sold
its soul to the public sector unions.
In the 2010 mid-term election,
the American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees
poured over $87 million dollars into
the election. (A new spending record).
AFSCME's $87 million
was greater than the campaign
spending by the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce ($75 million) and
American Crossroads ($65 million).
Other public sector unions also
ratcheted up their spending such as
SEIU ($44 million) and the National
Education Association ($40 million)
The end justifies the means -
Barack Obama,
perhaps the most
dishonest president
in modern history, has,
in a cynical abdication of
leadership, not only proposed
a budget that, if adopted, is
guaranteed to destroy the
financial future of the country,
but he has done so while lying
about a supposed economic
recovery underway.
His proclivity to do or say anything
to enhance his image or achieve his
ends was amply on display at a press
conference held on the 16th of February
American Thinker
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Political patronage whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
"When public-employee unions
at the state and federal level extract
union fees to pay campaign contributions
to Democratic politicians, the union
movement itself effectively destroys
collective bargaining,"
"The fundamental principle
of collective bargaining is that
labor organizes to exert economic
pressure on management in the hope
of gaining a larger share of general
revenue for employee pay and benefits.
"But when the unions have a lock-grip
such that all public employees must belong
to the union and when the unions succeed
in electing Democratic politicians, the game
changes from collective bargaining
to political patronage"
The mayhem
over the last two weeks has
highlighted the determination of
organized labor unions to continue
to restrict workers rights, and to try
to intimidate Gov. Scott Walker and
the taxpayers into some more
unsustainable demands.
Choosing to join a union in one thing.
Being forced to do so
as a condition of employment
is a restriction on a worker's rights.
Joining a union
or any other organization
should be an individual's choice.
And the desire of the unions
to continue to make unsustainable
demands on local, state and federal
government, irrespective of the devastating
financial impacts, is totally illogical, not to
mention being a collective disregard for
the nearly 90 percent of the workers
and taxpayers who pay them
A Free Press
For A Free People
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
"When public-employee unions
at the state and federal level extract
union fees to pay campaign contributions
to Democratic politicians, the union
movement itself effectively destroys
collective bargaining,"
"The fundamental principle
of collective bargaining is that
labor organizes to exert economic
pressure on management in the hope
of gaining a larger share of general
revenue for employee pay and benefits.
"But when the unions have a lock-grip
such that all public employees must belong
to the union and when the unions succeed
in electing Democratic politicians, the game
changes from collective bargaining
to political patronage"
The mayhem
over the last two weeks has
highlighted the determination of
organized labor unions to continue
to restrict workers rights, and to try
to intimidate Gov. Scott Walker and
the taxpayers into some more
unsustainable demands.
Choosing to join a union in one thing.
Being forced to do so
as a condition of employment
is a restriction on a worker's rights.
Joining a union
or any other organization
should be an individual's choice.
And the desire of the unions
to continue to make unsustainable
demands on local, state and federal
government, irrespective of the devastating
financial impacts, is totally illogical, not to
mention being a collective disregard for
the nearly 90 percent of the workers
and taxpayers who pay them
A Free Press
For A Free People
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The North American Union Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Obama signature
creates 'continental perimeter'
Move described as key step in
advance of North American Union -
Without any specific
congressional approval or authorization :
Barack Obama
and Canadian Prime Minister
Stephen Harper quietly have taken
a major step toward erasing the border
between the two nations with a new
"Beyond the Border" bilateral declaration.
Towards A North American Commission,
a North American Parliament and a North
American Court on Trade and Investment -
The U.S. State Department
is moving to expand the definition
of a "North American perimeter" to
define a continental border around the
United States that would include Mexico
as well as Canada.
The relevant document with Mexico
is a March 23 State Department memo
titled "United States-Mexico Partnership:
A New Border Vision."
The document that appears
to be a companion document
to the Beyond the Border Declaration
signed Obama signed with Harper on Feb. 4.
On Nov. 30, DHS Secretary
Janet Napolitano signed a "Trusted Traveler"
agreement with Mexico, thereby implementing
a primary objective of the Security and Prosperity
Partnership or SPP Transportation Policy working
group under President Bush.
The agreement opens the U.S. border
to approximately 84 million Mexican citizens
by issuing biometric "Trusted Traveler" cards
that Mexicans entering the U.S. can swipe
through ATM-like "Global Entry" kiosks
at some 20 international airports
in the United States.
The SPP appears to be designed
to replicate the steps taken in Europe
over a 50-year period following the end
of World War II to transform an economic
agreement under the European Common Market
into a full-fledged regional government, operating
as the European Union, with its own currency, the
euro, functioning as the sole legitimate currency in
what has become known as "the eurozone"
U.S.-Mexico border vanishes
under Obama agency program
'Trusted traveler' plan eliminates
U.S. boundary with Canada, too -
Without any specific
congressional approval or authorization :
The Security and Prosperity Partnership
and the Trusted Traveler Program -
Under the SPP,
the U.S., Mexico
and Canada organized some
20 different "shadow government"
bureaucratic working groups composed
of agency heads and undersecretaries
in the three nations, spanning a wide range
of policy areas, from e-commerce to aviation
policy to borders and immigration, trilateral
travel, transportation, energy, environment,
food and agriculture, health, and financial
Under the SPP,
the North American
Free Trade Agreement,
or NAFTA, could be evolved
into a regional government, the
North American Union, with a
regional currency, the Amero,
designed to replace the U.S.
dollar, the Mexican peso
and the Canadian dollar.
Since 2006 a blueprint published
in 2005 by the Council on Foreign
Relations entitled "Building a North
America Community" called for the
establishment of a common security
perimeter around North America by
2010 to facilitate the free movement
of people, trade and capital between
the three nations of North America.
Without any specific
congressional approval or authorization
A Free Press
For A Free People
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Obama signature
creates 'continental perimeter'
Move described as key step in
advance of North American Union -
Without any specific
congressional approval or authorization :
Barack Obama
and Canadian Prime Minister
Stephen Harper quietly have taken
a major step toward erasing the border
between the two nations with a new
"Beyond the Border" bilateral declaration.
Towards A North American Commission,
a North American Parliament and a North
American Court on Trade and Investment -
The U.S. State Department
is moving to expand the definition
of a "North American perimeter" to
define a continental border around the
United States that would include Mexico
as well as Canada.
The relevant document with Mexico
is a March 23 State Department memo
titled "United States-Mexico Partnership:
A New Border Vision."
The document that appears
to be a companion document
to the Beyond the Border Declaration
signed Obama signed with Harper on Feb. 4.
On Nov. 30, DHS Secretary
Janet Napolitano signed a "Trusted Traveler"
agreement with Mexico, thereby implementing
a primary objective of the Security and Prosperity
Partnership or SPP Transportation Policy working
group under President Bush.
The agreement opens the U.S. border
to approximately 84 million Mexican citizens
by issuing biometric "Trusted Traveler" cards
that Mexicans entering the U.S. can swipe
through ATM-like "Global Entry" kiosks
at some 20 international airports
in the United States.
The SPP appears to be designed
to replicate the steps taken in Europe
over a 50-year period following the end
of World War II to transform an economic
agreement under the European Common Market
into a full-fledged regional government, operating
as the European Union, with its own currency, the
euro, functioning as the sole legitimate currency in
what has become known as "the eurozone"
U.S.-Mexico border vanishes
under Obama agency program
'Trusted traveler' plan eliminates
U.S. boundary with Canada, too -
Without any specific
congressional approval or authorization :
The Security and Prosperity Partnership
and the Trusted Traveler Program -
Under the SPP,
the U.S., Mexico
and Canada organized some
20 different "shadow government"
bureaucratic working groups composed
of agency heads and undersecretaries
in the three nations, spanning a wide range
of policy areas, from e-commerce to aviation
policy to borders and immigration, trilateral
travel, transportation, energy, environment,
food and agriculture, health, and financial
Under the SPP,
the North American
Free Trade Agreement,
or NAFTA, could be evolved
into a regional government, the
North American Union, with a
regional currency, the Amero,
designed to replace the U.S.
dollar, the Mexican peso
and the Canadian dollar.
Since 2006 a blueprint published
in 2005 by the Council on Foreign
Relations entitled "Building a North
America Community" called for the
establishment of a common security
perimeter around North America by
2010 to facilitate the free movement
of people, trade and capital between
the three nations of North America.
Without any specific
congressional approval or authorization
A Free Press
For A Free People
The Satanic Fascist World Order
The Federal Reserve owns legal title to the Federal Reserve Notes in your wallet
-it also owns legal title to
whatever you purchase with those FRNs.
Currency involves two titles :
legal and equitable; the Federal Reserve,
by loaning FRNs into circulation, divides
the equitable and legal titles to the FRNs
and to whatever FRNs are used to
The Federal Reserve owns legal
title to whatever is purchased with FRNs.
Insofar as you use FRNs,
your government presumes you
to be a virtual sharecropper who
doesn't really own anything.
More importantly, until you understand
the nature of money, you'll never be free.
There's a lot more
to money than mere counting
1) Because our modern
"Federal Reserve Notes" (FRNs)
are loaned into circulation, the lender
(the Federal Reserve System) retains
legal title (right of actual ownership, control
and disposal) to the green pieces of paper
in your wallet;
2) You have only equitable title
(right of use) to those green pieces
of paper; and, therefore,
3) Because you hold only equitable title
to "your" FRNs in your wallet, you can
only use those FRNs to acquire equitable
title to the property you purchase.
As a result,
your home is not your "castle,"
and you are a virtual sharecropper
rather than a free man
Adask's law
· The Profit of Injustice
whatever you purchase with those FRNs.
Currency involves two titles :
legal and equitable; the Federal Reserve,
by loaning FRNs into circulation, divides
the equitable and legal titles to the FRNs
and to whatever FRNs are used to
The Federal Reserve owns legal
title to whatever is purchased with FRNs.
Insofar as you use FRNs,
your government presumes you
to be a virtual sharecropper who
doesn't really own anything.
More importantly, until you understand
the nature of money, you'll never be free.
There's a lot more
to money than mere counting
1) Because our modern
"Federal Reserve Notes" (FRNs)
are loaned into circulation, the lender
(the Federal Reserve System) retains
legal title (right of actual ownership, control
and disposal) to the green pieces of paper
in your wallet;
2) You have only equitable title
(right of use) to those green pieces
of paper; and, therefore,
3) Because you hold only equitable title
to "your" FRNs in your wallet, you can
only use those FRNs to acquire equitable
title to the property you purchase.
As a result,
your home is not your "castle,"
and you are a virtual sharecropper
rather than a free man
Adask's law
· The Profit of Injustice
The Security and Prosperity Partnership Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The U.S. State Department
is moving to create a continental
border around the U.S. as the relevant
national security perimeter, thereby erasing
the borders between the U.S. and Mexico
and between the U.S. and Canada.
The agreements are documented
in a March 23 State Department
memo titled "United States-Mexico
Partnership: A New Border Vision,"
and a draft document with Canada titled
"Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for
Perimeter Security and Competitiveness"
The 2005
Council On Foreign Relations report
"Building a North American Community,"
called on page xvii of the foreword for the
"establishment by 2010 of a North American
economic and security perimeter, the boundaries
of which would be defined by a common external
tariff and an outer security perimeter."
The language
of the documents declaring
"A New Border Vision" with
Mexico and Canada could easily
have been lifted directly from the CFR report
The U.S. Department of Transportation
under the Obama administration continues
to harbor the dream of Mexico-to-Canada
NAFTA superhighways is made clear by the
Federal Highway Administration website that
proclaims the "Corridor: Interstate 69 (I-69)
- Texas to Michigan" is to be fully operational
under the following project description:
"The 2,680-mile international and interstate trade
corridor extends from Mexico to Canada."
Since 2006, the original Trans-Texas Corridor
project was launched by TxDOT as a 4,000-mile
network of four NAFTA superhighway consisting
of automobile-truck-railroad corridors that TxDOT
planned to build over a 50-year period.
The original TTC designed called for TTC-35
to be built as a 1,200-foot-wide corridor of new
highways, designed to run parallel to the existing I-35
and to include separate north-south lanes for
automobiles, trucks and trains, with included
pipelines for oil, water and natural gas.
The I-69 Corridor in its full
Mexico-to-Canada dimensions
has been divided into 32 segments of
Independent Utilities, of which 16 are in Texas
A Free Press
For A Free People
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
The U.S. State Department
is moving to create a continental
border around the U.S. as the relevant
national security perimeter, thereby erasing
the borders between the U.S. and Mexico
and between the U.S. and Canada.
The agreements are documented
in a March 23 State Department
memo titled "United States-Mexico
Partnership: A New Border Vision,"
and a draft document with Canada titled
"Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for
Perimeter Security and Competitiveness"
The 2005
Council On Foreign Relations report
"Building a North American Community,"
called on page xvii of the foreword for the
"establishment by 2010 of a North American
economic and security perimeter, the boundaries
of which would be defined by a common external
tariff and an outer security perimeter."
The language
of the documents declaring
"A New Border Vision" with
Mexico and Canada could easily
have been lifted directly from the CFR report
The U.S. Department of Transportation
under the Obama administration continues
to harbor the dream of Mexico-to-Canada
NAFTA superhighways is made clear by the
Federal Highway Administration website that
proclaims the "Corridor: Interstate 69 (I-69)
- Texas to Michigan" is to be fully operational
under the following project description:
"The 2,680-mile international and interstate trade
corridor extends from Mexico to Canada."
Since 2006, the original Trans-Texas Corridor
project was launched by TxDOT as a 4,000-mile
network of four NAFTA superhighway consisting
of automobile-truck-railroad corridors that TxDOT
planned to build over a 50-year period.
The original TTC designed called for TTC-35
to be built as a 1,200-foot-wide corridor of new
highways, designed to run parallel to the existing I-35
and to include separate north-south lanes for
automobiles, trucks and trains, with included
pipelines for oil, water and natural gas.
The I-69 Corridor in its full
Mexico-to-Canada dimensions
has been divided into 32 segments of
Independent Utilities, of which 16 are in Texas
A Free Press
For A Free People
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Unconstitutional President Obama & his unconstitutional czarist Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
'President' Obama's unconstitutional
czar-fest may come to a screeching halt
now that the U.S. House has voted to block
funding for the officials-many of them radical
leftists-he assigned to run government without
congressional approval.
In all, the president has appointed
41 czars who have enormous power
to regulate and control the American
economy and government without any
sort of oversight.
The czars answer
'only' to the 'president'
even though they manage
crucial areas of national policy
and that violates the constitutional
system of checks and balances and
its separation of powers
As if government wasn't bloated enough,
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will hire
more than 1,000 new employees to monitor
the implementation of Obamacare and the
agency will spend an extra $93 million just
to promote compliance in the first year.
That's because Obama's hostile takeover
of the nation's healthcare system has created
a "major challenge" for the IRS and the "largest
set of tax law changes in more than 20 years."
At least that's how the agency is justifying
the costly additions in its 2012 budget request
to Congress.
The healthcare law will require additional
resources to, among other things, build new
information technology systems, modify existing
tax processing systems and provide taxpayer
outreach and assistance, according to the IRS
budget request.
There will also be other expenses
for things such as resolving taxpayer
"issues" in a timely and accurate manner
and conducting "focused examinations
to encourage compliance
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
'President' Obama's unconstitutional
czar-fest may come to a screeching halt
now that the U.S. House has voted to block
funding for the officials-many of them radical
leftists-he assigned to run government without
congressional approval.
In all, the president has appointed
41 czars who have enormous power
to regulate and control the American
economy and government without any
sort of oversight.
The czars answer
'only' to the 'president'
even though they manage
crucial areas of national policy
and that violates the constitutional
system of checks and balances and
its separation of powers
As if government wasn't bloated enough,
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will hire
more than 1,000 new employees to monitor
the implementation of Obamacare and the
agency will spend an extra $93 million just
to promote compliance in the first year.
That's because Obama's hostile takeover
of the nation's healthcare system has created
a "major challenge" for the IRS and the "largest
set of tax law changes in more than 20 years."
At least that's how the agency is justifying
the costly additions in its 2012 budget request
to Congress.
The healthcare law will require additional
resources to, among other things, build new
information technology systems, modify existing
tax processing systems and provide taxpayer
outreach and assistance, according to the IRS
budget request.
There will also be other expenses
for things such as resolving taxpayer
"issues" in a timely and accurate manner
and conducting "focused examinations
to encourage compliance
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Commie Justice & Commie Court Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Without notice or fanfare
by the news media, multi-billionaire
George Soros financed a $45 million
campaign to reshape state supreme courts.
The first step
in the Soros backed scheme
is to keep conservative judges
off the courts by taking judicial
selection decisions away from
American citizens and handing them
over to "merit" boards stacked with
legal special interests, according to
a conservative political consultant.
The second step is to gag
any conservative judge who
happens to slip by with phony
demands to recuse him/herself
David Rockefeller,
the founder and honorary
Chairman of the Trilateral
Commission, has written,
"Some believe we are part
of a secret cabal working against
the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as
'internationalists' and of conspiring with
others around the world to build a more
integrated global political and economic
structure - one world, if you will.
If that's the charge,
I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
I. The U.S. is controlled by a secret cabal.
II. The cabal is transferring U.S. jobs,
factories, and wealth to other nations.
III. The cabal is implementing
provision 10A of the Earth Charter
Reality Shatters Illusion
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Without notice or fanfare
by the news media, multi-billionaire
George Soros financed a $45 million
campaign to reshape state supreme courts.
The first step
in the Soros backed scheme
is to keep conservative judges
off the courts by taking judicial
selection decisions away from
American citizens and handing them
over to "merit" boards stacked with
legal special interests, according to
a conservative political consultant.
The second step is to gag
any conservative judge who
happens to slip by with phony
demands to recuse him/herself
David Rockefeller,
the founder and honorary
Chairman of the Trilateral
Commission, has written,
"Some believe we are part
of a secret cabal working against
the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as
'internationalists' and of conspiring with
others around the world to build a more
integrated global political and economic
structure - one world, if you will.
If that's the charge,
I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
I. The U.S. is controlled by a secret cabal.
II. The cabal is transferring U.S. jobs,
factories, and wealth to other nations.
III. The cabal is implementing
provision 10A of the Earth Charter
Reality Shatters Illusion
The Satanic Fascist World Order
United Nations Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
For many years,
going back to before
World War I, there have
been those in High places who
were attempting to subvert our
national sovereignty to a form of
World Government, such as
the League of Nations.
However, this attempt failed to be
adopted by the U.S. Senate in 1919.
The proponents of this scheme
did not give up, and went on to
create a private organization called
The Council On Foreign Relations, or
CFR, in 1921, whose goal has been to
bring about a Socialist World Government.
During World War II,
it virtually took over control
of the State Department, and
has ever since been providing
the policies and key personnel
for the Federal Government.
In 1941,
just after Pearl Harbor,
fourteen member/agents of
the CFR were appointed by
then Secretary of State Cordell
Hull to create a constitution for their
new baby; the United Nations, which
held its first assembly in San Francisco
in 1945, led by Alger Hiss, later
convicted as a Communist spy
The Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR) has been the historical driving
force behind such bedrock institutions
of corporate globalization as the United
Nations, World Bank, International Monetary
Fund, World Trade Organization (WTO), and
NATO, and which Esquire magazine referred
to in 1962 as "that part of the Establishment
that guides our destiny as a nation."
In 1950, the Chicago Tribune
published a story on the CFR in
which they stated, "[the members]
have used the prestige that their wealth,
their social position, and their education
have given them to lead their country
towards bankruptcy and military debacle.
Billionaire George Soros,
who refers to himself as a
"progressive philanthropist", has since
1995 been part of the arms-dealing Carlyle
Group, in which he has invested a reported
$100 Million, and has substantial stock
holdings in weapons manufacturers
Boeing and Lockheed-Martin.
He is a member and former Director
of the CFR, and is a member of the
enigmatic Bilderberg Group, a collection
of approximately 1300 of the world's richest
and most powerful figures in business, banking,
media, military, and government, who meet
once a year in extreme secrecy and under
almost unfathomable security, and whose
official purpose and actions remain a mystery,
spurring a deluge of wide-ranging speculation.
The 353-member American contingent
of Bilderberg is a bipartisan cavalcade that
includes Paul Wolfowitz, David Rockefeller,
Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger, Vernon Jordan,
Melinda Gates, Bill Clinton, and Alan Greenspan.
It is long argued and well documented
that the mission of this organization, working
in conjunction with the Council on Foreign
Relations and the Trilateral Commission, is to
manipulate world governments and economies
to promote a global, capitalist agenda commonly
referred to as the "New World Order".
These supranational bodies
seek to dismantle national sovereignty
(through mechanisms such as "Free Trade"
agreements) in favor of a one-world government
which primarily upholds the rights of corporations
and the wealthy over the people
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
For many years,
going back to before
World War I, there have
been those in High places who
were attempting to subvert our
national sovereignty to a form of
World Government, such as
the League of Nations.
However, this attempt failed to be
adopted by the U.S. Senate in 1919.
The proponents of this scheme
did not give up, and went on to
create a private organization called
The Council On Foreign Relations, or
CFR, in 1921, whose goal has been to
bring about a Socialist World Government.
During World War II,
it virtually took over control
of the State Department, and
has ever since been providing
the policies and key personnel
for the Federal Government.
In 1941,
just after Pearl Harbor,
fourteen member/agents of
the CFR were appointed by
then Secretary of State Cordell
Hull to create a constitution for their
new baby; the United Nations, which
held its first assembly in San Francisco
in 1945, led by Alger Hiss, later
convicted as a Communist spy
The Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR) has been the historical driving
force behind such bedrock institutions
of corporate globalization as the United
Nations, World Bank, International Monetary
Fund, World Trade Organization (WTO), and
NATO, and which Esquire magazine referred
to in 1962 as "that part of the Establishment
that guides our destiny as a nation."
In 1950, the Chicago Tribune
published a story on the CFR in
which they stated, "[the members]
have used the prestige that their wealth,
their social position, and their education
have given them to lead their country
towards bankruptcy and military debacle.
Billionaire George Soros,
who refers to himself as a
"progressive philanthropist", has since
1995 been part of the arms-dealing Carlyle
Group, in which he has invested a reported
$100 Million, and has substantial stock
holdings in weapons manufacturers
Boeing and Lockheed-Martin.
He is a member and former Director
of the CFR, and is a member of the
enigmatic Bilderberg Group, a collection
of approximately 1300 of the world's richest
and most powerful figures in business, banking,
media, military, and government, who meet
once a year in extreme secrecy and under
almost unfathomable security, and whose
official purpose and actions remain a mystery,
spurring a deluge of wide-ranging speculation.
The 353-member American contingent
of Bilderberg is a bipartisan cavalcade that
includes Paul Wolfowitz, David Rockefeller,
Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger, Vernon Jordan,
Melinda Gates, Bill Clinton, and Alan Greenspan.
It is long argued and well documented
that the mission of this organization, working
in conjunction with the Council on Foreign
Relations and the Trilateral Commission, is to
manipulate world governments and economies
to promote a global, capitalist agenda commonly
referred to as the "New World Order".
These supranational bodies
seek to dismantle national sovereignty
(through mechanisms such as "Free Trade"
agreements) in favor of a one-world government
which primarily upholds the rights of corporations
and the wealthy over the people
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Global Governance Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The global economic crisis
has sped up developments that
have been underway for a long time,
specifically within the last century.
In the midst of a global crisis,
these changes, which have been
slow and evolutionary, are being
rapidly sped up and accelerated.
The global political economy
is being transformed into a global
government structure at the crossroads
of a major financial crisis.
However, far from the assumptions
of many students of Capitalism and the
global political economy, these changes
are not natural and inevitable; these
changes are planned, organized,
socialized and institutionalized.
The process towards creating a global
government is not a new one; several
institutions and organizations throughout
the world have slowly been directing
the world down this path -
The Council on Foreign Relations
On May 23, 1933,
Congressman, Louis T. McFadden,
brought formal charges against the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank
system, The Controller of the Currency and
the Secretary of United States Treasury for
numerous criminal acts, including but not limited
The petition for Articles of Impeachment
was thereafter referred to the Judiciary
Committee and has YET TO BE ACTED ON.
Some Quotations from
several of McFadden's speeches :
"Mr. Chairman,
we have in this Country one
of the most corrupt institutions
the world has ever known.
I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and
the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter
called the Fed.
The Fed has cheated
the Government of these
United States and the people
of the United States -
"This evil institution
has impoverished and ruined
the people of these United States, has
bankrupted itself, and has practically
bankrupted our Government.
It has done this through
the defects of the law under
which it operates, through the
maladministration of that law by
the Fed and through the corrupt
practices of the moneyed vultures
who control it."
"Some people think that
the Federal Reserve Banks
are United States Government
They are private monopolies
which prey upon the people of
these United States for the benefit of
themselves and their foreign customers;
foreign and domestic speculators and
swindlers; and rich and predatory money
In that dark crew
of financial pirates there
are those who maintain International
propaganda for the purpose of deceiving
us into granting of new concessions which
will permit them to cover up their past
misdeeds and set again in motion their
gigantic train of crime"
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The global economic crisis
has sped up developments that
have been underway for a long time,
specifically within the last century.
In the midst of a global crisis,
these changes, which have been
slow and evolutionary, are being
rapidly sped up and accelerated.
The global political economy
is being transformed into a global
government structure at the crossroads
of a major financial crisis.
However, far from the assumptions
of many students of Capitalism and the
global political economy, these changes
are not natural and inevitable; these
changes are planned, organized,
socialized and institutionalized.
The process towards creating a global
government is not a new one; several
institutions and organizations throughout
the world have slowly been directing
the world down this path -
The Council on Foreign Relations
On May 23, 1933,
Congressman, Louis T. McFadden,
brought formal charges against the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank
system, The Controller of the Currency and
the Secretary of United States Treasury for
numerous criminal acts, including but not limited
The petition for Articles of Impeachment
was thereafter referred to the Judiciary
Committee and has YET TO BE ACTED ON.
Some Quotations from
several of McFadden's speeches :
"Mr. Chairman,
we have in this Country one
of the most corrupt institutions
the world has ever known.
I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and
the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter
called the Fed.
The Fed has cheated
the Government of these
United States and the people
of the United States -
"This evil institution
has impoverished and ruined
the people of these United States, has
bankrupted itself, and has practically
bankrupted our Government.
It has done this through
the defects of the law under
which it operates, through the
maladministration of that law by
the Fed and through the corrupt
practices of the moneyed vultures
who control it."
"Some people think that
the Federal Reserve Banks
are United States Government
They are private monopolies
which prey upon the people of
these United States for the benefit of
themselves and their foreign customers;
foreign and domestic speculators and
swindlers; and rich and predatory money
In that dark crew
of financial pirates there
are those who maintain International
propaganda for the purpose of deceiving
us into granting of new concessions which
will permit them to cover up their past
misdeeds and set again in motion their
gigantic train of crime"
New World Order
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Terrorists are covertly using Islamic Sharia law to destroy the United States :
Terrorists Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Central Intelligence Agency Director
Jim Woolsey, a foreign policy specialist
who has worked for both Democratic and
Republican administrations, led the intriguing
The United States is,
not only at war with terrorists
such as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah
but also with those who, over the
long run, want to impose Sharia law,
Woolsey assured.
He defined Sharia
as a "theocratic dictatorship
extremely opposed to democracy"
and a movement to "eliminate and
destroy western civilization."
The biggest challenge
in fighting it is America's
long tradition of tolerance
towards all religions, he warned,
pointing out that the radical Islamic
group Muslim Brotherhood is largely
behind the effort to bring Sharia to the U.S.
A Homeland Security program
created to deport incarcerated illegal
immigrants convicted of serious crimes
has failed to identify hundreds of dangerous
felons-including child molesters and drug
dealers-who instead have been released
in the U.S.
It marks the latest of many failures on
the part of the massive federal agency
charged with keeping America safe.
The idea behind the Immigration
and Customs Enforcement Criminal
Alien program is to remove violent illegal
aliens before they are released from federal
and state prisons nationwide.
Most of the criminals
who were released back
into society were jailed in state
facilities in California and Texas.
Many of them are among the
"most egregious criminal aliens,"
according to the inspector general,
which identifies their offenses as
homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault,
robbery, aggravated assault and drug dealing
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Saboteurs & the Global Commie Fabian
Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Central Intelligence Agency Director
Jim Woolsey, a foreign policy specialist
who has worked for both Democratic and
Republican administrations, led the intriguing
The United States is,
not only at war with terrorists
such as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah
but also with those who, over the
long run, want to impose Sharia law,
Woolsey assured.
He defined Sharia
as a "theocratic dictatorship
extremely opposed to democracy"
and a movement to "eliminate and
destroy western civilization."
The biggest challenge
in fighting it is America's
long tradition of tolerance
towards all religions, he warned,
pointing out that the radical Islamic
group Muslim Brotherhood is largely
behind the effort to bring Sharia to the U.S.
A Homeland Security program
created to deport incarcerated illegal
immigrants convicted of serious crimes
has failed to identify hundreds of dangerous
felons-including child molesters and drug
dealers-who instead have been released
in the U.S.
It marks the latest of many failures on
the part of the massive federal agency
charged with keeping America safe.
The idea behind the Immigration
and Customs Enforcement Criminal
Alien program is to remove violent illegal
aliens before they are released from federal
and state prisons nationwide.
Most of the criminals
who were released back
into society were jailed in state
facilities in California and Texas.
Many of them are among the
"most egregious criminal aliens,"
according to the inspector general,
which identifies their offenses as
homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault,
robbery, aggravated assault and drug dealing
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Muslim Brotherhood
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Frank Gaffney
of the Center for Security
Policy has been making the
point, based on a key internal
document from the Muslim Brotherhood,
that "the Muslim Brotherhood is our enemy,
and whatever role it plays in Egypt's future
will be to our detriment."
Gaffney quotes
from a Muslim Brotherhood
document, entitled, "An Explanatory
Memorandum on the General Strategic
Goal for the Group in North America."
It says, "The Ikhwan
[Muslim Brotherhood]
must understand that their
work in America is a kind
of grand Jihad in eliminating
and destroying the Western
civilization from within and
'sabotaging' its miserable house
by their hands and the hands of the
believers so that it is eliminated and
God's religion is made victorious
over all other religions"
The Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC), a source of information for
the major media is now placing its
articles in a communist newspaper
through a left-wing "news service."
The paper is the People's World,
the official on-line publication of the
Communist Party USA (CPUSA).
is the old Moscow-line
party which was funded by
the Soviet Union and infiltrated the
U.S. government with agents and spies.
It was an official
sponsor of the October 2, 2010,
"One Nation Working Together"
progressive rally in Washington
Accuracy in Media
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
Frank Gaffney
of the Center for Security
Policy has been making the
point, based on a key internal
document from the Muslim Brotherhood,
that "the Muslim Brotherhood is our enemy,
and whatever role it plays in Egypt's future
will be to our detriment."
Gaffney quotes
from a Muslim Brotherhood
document, entitled, "An Explanatory
Memorandum on the General Strategic
Goal for the Group in North America."
It says, "The Ikhwan
[Muslim Brotherhood]
must understand that their
work in America is a kind
of grand Jihad in eliminating
and destroying the Western
civilization from within and
'sabotaging' its miserable house
by their hands and the hands of the
believers so that it is eliminated and
God's religion is made victorious
over all other religions"
The Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC), a source of information for
the major media is now placing its
articles in a communist newspaper
through a left-wing "news service."
The paper is the People's World,
the official on-line publication of the
Communist Party USA (CPUSA).
is the old Moscow-line
party which was funded by
the Soviet Union and infiltrated the
U.S. government with agents and spies.
It was an official
sponsor of the October 2, 2010,
"One Nation Working Together"
progressive rally in Washington
Accuracy in Media
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Gov-co wants ignorance concerning "money" to be maintained at all costs
Because "money" lies
at the heart of "this state"
and the New World Order.
It's all about the "money".
And more particularly,
it's all about the "money"
that isn't really "money".
If Americans
ever reach the point
where they appreciate
the differences between
"tender" and "legal tender"
or "money" and "currency," the
whole damned system might collapse
What passes
for "state government"
today is not actually part
of The State of Texas, The
State of Florida, etc., but are
actually some sort of privatized
entity operating in a territory (rather
than a State of the Union) which is not
subject to Article 1.10.1 but is subject
to the exclusive legislative control of the
Congress (Article 4.3.2 of the federal
the governments
of The States of the
Union have been rendered
non-functional by the loss of
gold and silver coin, it appears
to me (and others) that what passes
for state governments today may be
merely a conglomeration of private
corporations acting within an
unincorporated territory (like TX,
OK or NY) which are now generally
referred to in law as "this state"
Adask's law
- The Profit of Injustice
Because "money" lies
at the heart of "this state"
and the New World Order.
It's all about the "money".
And more particularly,
it's all about the "money"
that isn't really "money".
If Americans
ever reach the point
where they appreciate
the differences between
"tender" and "legal tender"
or "money" and "currency," the
whole damned system might collapse
What passes
for "state government"
today is not actually part
of The State of Texas, The
State of Florida, etc., but are
actually some sort of privatized
entity operating in a territory (rather
than a State of the Union) which is not
subject to Article 1.10.1 but is subject
to the exclusive legislative control of the
Congress (Article 4.3.2 of the federal
the governments
of The States of the
Union have been rendered
non-functional by the loss of
gold and silver coin, it appears
to me (and others) that what passes
for state governments today may be
merely a conglomeration of private
corporations acting within an
unincorporated territory (like TX,
OK or NY) which are now generally
referred to in law as "this state"
Adask's law
- The Profit of Injustice
The looming prospects of fascism and oppression
Recognize that your consent is a
principle cause for those problems.
Withdraw your consent to
oppression and oppression will end.
It won't end quickly
or painlessly, but it'll end.
If our government used
violence to compel our "consent,"
it would only provide additional evidence
that our government was morally bankrupt
and operating without the people's consent.
The federal government's
only chance to survive is to
accept its diminished capacity
without resorting to violence.
If our government uses
force to compel "consent,"
the government itself will perish
If the government can print
"money" for free, what is the
true value of such "money"?
Is the real reason for the IRS
not to collect "money" so much
as to "put on a show" that intimidates
Americans into believing that the paper
we carry in our pockets must be
"real" money?
Surely government
wouldn't go to all that
expense of harassing, fining
and jailing Americans for failing
to pay income tax if the only
money we had was essentially
worthless- or would they?
Adask's law
- The Profit of Injustice
principle cause for those problems.
Withdraw your consent to
oppression and oppression will end.
It won't end quickly
or painlessly, but it'll end.
If our government used
violence to compel our "consent,"
it would only provide additional evidence
that our government was morally bankrupt
and operating without the people's consent.
The federal government's
only chance to survive is to
accept its diminished capacity
without resorting to violence.
If our government uses
force to compel "consent,"
the government itself will perish
If the government can print
"money" for free, what is the
true value of such "money"?
Is the real reason for the IRS
not to collect "money" so much
as to "put on a show" that intimidates
Americans into believing that the paper
we carry in our pockets must be
"real" money?
Surely government
wouldn't go to all that
expense of harassing, fining
and jailing Americans for failing
to pay income tax if the only
money we had was essentially
worthless- or would they?
Adask's law
- The Profit of Injustice
Illegal Alien Trespasser Open Border Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
In a perpetual state of denial,
Janet Napolitano insists that security
along the Mexican border has been
strengthened even as drug-cartel violence
reaches epic proportions and routinely
spills into the U.S.
The delusional assessment from
the nation's Homeland Security chief -
Napolitano made that assertion
in September, as violence escalated
along the Mexican border and overwhelmed
federal agents got attacked by heavily armed
drug smugglers.
In fact, days before
Border Patrol agents came
under siege during a bust -
As the crisis worsens,
Napolitano continues to
diminish her credibility as
the top official responsible
for keeping the nation safe.
During a speech
at a Texas university
she said that the Obama
Administration's "unprecedented effort"
to intensify southwest border security
"is working" and that the nation's
"partnership with Mexico is strong."
Napolitano did acknowledge
that there are still "challenges"
and that she's "deeply concerned
about the drug cartel violence taking
place in Mexico."
That's probably because
the sophisticated operations
have taken over northern portions
of the notoriously corrupt Latin
American country and the U.S.
is feeling the spillover effects
As more states push
for stricter immigration
enforcement one is bucking
the trend, instead working to
help illegal immigrants by offering
them a taxpayer-funded benefit that
should be reserved for legal U.S.
residents and citizens.
Colorado lawmakers
are on the verge of passing
legislation to give illegal immigrants
discounted in-state tuition at public
colleges and universities.
The measure has a good chance
of passing the state's Democrat-controlled
Senate and could even make it through the
Republican-led House -
The legislation's two sponsors-
both Democratic state senators-
are promoting it as an economic
development issue -
Ten states-
including Texas,
Utah, California, Oklahoma
and Maryland-already subsidize
the college education of illegal immigrants
who graduate from local high schools.
A few weeks ago
Judicial Watch filed a
lawsuit to stop government
tuition benefits for illegal aliens
in Montgomery County, Maryland
where the perk is offered because
officials claim it's essential to promote
the state's security and economic stability
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
In a perpetual state of denial,
Janet Napolitano insists that security
along the Mexican border has been
strengthened even as drug-cartel violence
reaches epic proportions and routinely
spills into the U.S.
The delusional assessment from
the nation's Homeland Security chief -
Napolitano made that assertion
in September, as violence escalated
along the Mexican border and overwhelmed
federal agents got attacked by heavily armed
drug smugglers.
In fact, days before
Border Patrol agents came
under siege during a bust -
As the crisis worsens,
Napolitano continues to
diminish her credibility as
the top official responsible
for keeping the nation safe.
During a speech
at a Texas university
she said that the Obama
Administration's "unprecedented effort"
to intensify southwest border security
"is working" and that the nation's
"partnership with Mexico is strong."
Napolitano did acknowledge
that there are still "challenges"
and that she's "deeply concerned
about the drug cartel violence taking
place in Mexico."
That's probably because
the sophisticated operations
have taken over northern portions
of the notoriously corrupt Latin
American country and the U.S.
is feeling the spillover effects
As more states push
for stricter immigration
enforcement one is bucking
the trend, instead working to
help illegal immigrants by offering
them a taxpayer-funded benefit that
should be reserved for legal U.S.
residents and citizens.
Colorado lawmakers
are on the verge of passing
legislation to give illegal immigrants
discounted in-state tuition at public
colleges and universities.
The measure has a good chance
of passing the state's Democrat-controlled
Senate and could even make it through the
Republican-led House -
The legislation's two sponsors-
both Democratic state senators-
are promoting it as an economic
development issue -
Ten states-
including Texas,
Utah, California, Oklahoma
and Maryland-already subsidize
the college education of illegal immigrants
who graduate from local high schools.
A few weeks ago
Judicial Watch filed a
lawsuit to stop government
tuition benefits for illegal aliens
in Montgomery County, Maryland
where the perk is offered because
officials claim it's essential to promote
the state's security and economic stability
The Corruption Chronicles
The Satanic Fascist
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic
Fascist Saboteurs Cloakroom
The Satanic
Fascist Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Satanic Fascist Hell Care Coup
The Satanic Fascist Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional
Anti Republic Anti Capitalistic
Unconstitutional Treasonous Criminal
Satanic Commie Open Borders, NAFTA,
NAU, Illegal Aliens, Trespassers, Censorship,
AIG, TARP, Shariah, Hell Care, Homo,
Smart Grid Whores & Satanic Globalist
Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist
Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars, Frauds, Saboteurs
& Their Jesuit Masters
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Climate Change Fraud Whoredoms
Of the Satanic Fascist Socialist
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
If Congress was really intent
on cutting back on spending,
they could begin by defunding
or shutting down the Environmental
Protection Agency, the Department
of Energy, and all the other federal
grifters with their snouts rooting
around in the 'climate change' trough.
The ways
the Obama administration
intends to squander your money -
The magic number is
$2,481,000,000 and it
represents specific amounts
devoted to "climate change"
research or other programs
requested for the 2011 budgets
by an alphabet soup of federal
agencies that include the
Environmental Protection Agency,
NASA, Department of Energy
(DOE), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), National Science
Foundation (NSF), Department
of the Interior (DOI), and the
Department of Agriculture (DOA)
Excessive regulations
have far greater impact
than is generally thought.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute
(CEI) reported that 80,000 pages of
proposed and new regulations were
printed in the Federal Register in 2008.
Over 26,000 pages
out of the 80,000 were
new regulations to which
businesses must conform.
CEI estimated
that the compliance
cost in 2008 was a
staggering $1.2 trillion dollars.
That is 8 percent
of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product!
That cost is added on
to the price of everything we buy.
The man hours needed
by businesses to read these new
rules are in the millions of hours.
Is it any wonder
that U.S. businesses and
industry are fleeing to other nations?
On Tuesday before Christmas 2010,
the Obama administration issued thousands
of pages of new regulations to the 60,000
already issued during the year.
Some of these
merely burden the economy.
Others however,
put the very foundations of the nation at risk
Reality Shatters Illusion
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Saboteurs & the Global Commie
Fabian Progressive Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;
If Congress was really intent
on cutting back on spending,
they could begin by defunding
or shutting down the Environmental
Protection Agency, the Department
of Energy, and all the other federal
grifters with their snouts rooting
around in the 'climate change' trough.
The ways
the Obama administration
intends to squander your money -
The magic number is
$2,481,000,000 and it
represents specific amounts
devoted to "climate change"
research or other programs
requested for the 2011 budgets
by an alphabet soup of federal
agencies that include the
Environmental Protection Agency,
NASA, Department of Energy
(DOE), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), National Science
Foundation (NSF), Department
of the Interior (DOI), and the
Department of Agriculture (DOA)
Excessive regulations
have far greater impact
than is generally thought.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute
(CEI) reported that 80,000 pages of
proposed and new regulations were
printed in the Federal Register in 2008.
Over 26,000 pages
out of the 80,000 were
new regulations to which
businesses must conform.
CEI estimated
that the compliance
cost in 2008 was a
staggering $1.2 trillion dollars.
That is 8 percent
of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product!
That cost is added on
to the price of everything we buy.
The man hours needed
by businesses to read these new
rules are in the millions of hours.
Is it any wonder
that U.S. businesses and
industry are fleeing to other nations?
On Tuesday before Christmas 2010,
the Obama administration issued thousands
of pages of new regulations to the 60,000
already issued during the year.
Some of these
merely burden the economy.
Others however,
put the very foundations of the nation at risk
Reality Shatters Illusion
The Satanic Fascist World Order
Defaults in municipal bonds, stocks, pension funds, US Treasuries and paper debt instruments in general will be inevitable and massive -
The consequences will also be massive:
All the while the municipal
employee unions thought they
were robbing the taxpayers by
demanding exorbitant wages and
overly-generous pension plans, the
city politicians may have been robbing
the muni-employees' pension funds.
Increase taxes on today's
(increasingly unemployed and
impoverished) taxpayers to fund
the pension obligations that were
ignored by yesterday's comparatively
wealthy taxpayers and government officials.
But today's Americans
can't or won't stand for higher taxes.
As the Tea Party proved
in last November's election,
politicians who raise taxes aren't
likely to remain politicians
As Americans become
increasingly impoverished by
1) the flow of jobs
out of the country and
2) the influx of illegal aliens
eager to compete for the jobs
that remain, our standard of living
will continue to decline until Americans
become as impoverished, desperate to
survive and therefore as immoral
as the people of Mexico.
This "loss of liberty"
corresponds very closely
to my argument that rising
economic efficiency increases
economic vulnerability, paranoia
among government and corporate
leaders, fascism and finally slavery.
That very cycle
is not hypothetical,
but was notoriously
seen in Nazi Germany.
The Germans' hyper-efficient
economy seemed grand in the
1930s, but ultimately contributed
to its leaders' paranoia, fascism,
slavery and finally national destruction.
Don't bet
that same cycle can't happen here.
Don't bet that same
cycle isn't already happening here
Adask's law
- The Profit of Injustice
All the while the municipal
employee unions thought they
were robbing the taxpayers by
demanding exorbitant wages and
overly-generous pension plans, the
city politicians may have been robbing
the muni-employees' pension funds.
Increase taxes on today's
(increasingly unemployed and
impoverished) taxpayers to fund
the pension obligations that were
ignored by yesterday's comparatively
wealthy taxpayers and government officials.
But today's Americans
can't or won't stand for higher taxes.
As the Tea Party proved
in last November's election,
politicians who raise taxes aren't
likely to remain politicians
As Americans become
increasingly impoverished by
1) the flow of jobs
out of the country and
2) the influx of illegal aliens
eager to compete for the jobs
that remain, our standard of living
will continue to decline until Americans
become as impoverished, desperate to
survive and therefore as immoral
as the people of Mexico.
This "loss of liberty"
corresponds very closely
to my argument that rising
economic efficiency increases
economic vulnerability, paranoia
among government and corporate
leaders, fascism and finally slavery.
That very cycle
is not hypothetical,
but was notoriously
seen in Nazi Germany.
The Germans' hyper-efficient
economy seemed grand in the
1930s, but ultimately contributed
to its leaders' paranoia, fascism,
slavery and finally national destruction.
Don't bet
that same cycle can't happen here.
Don't bet that same
cycle isn't already happening here
Adask's law
- The Profit of Injustice
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