Friday, February 26, 2010

Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist Obamunist Unionist Hell Care Coup Ponzi Scheme Summit : No Choice, No Competition ;

Analysis of Commie 'Health Care' Summit

The Commie 'President's' 'Health Care' Summit
was an exercise in public education; it was

Particularly noteworthy was the threat of rising
deficits to the nation's future articulated by
Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI)

In preparation for his bipartisan 'Health Care'
Summit, Commie 'President Obama' released his
own version of 'health care reform' earlier this week.

The 'President's' proposal includes several
high-ticket provisions for expanding coverage.

Since he has promised time and again not to raise
taxes on the middle-class in order to pay for
'health care' reform, the 'President's' bill imposes
a Medicare tax on the investment income to off-set
some of the cost of expanding Medicaid
and financing other provisions of his 'health' agenda

These new taxes would have widespread adverse
effects for all Americans, not just the wealthy that
they target

Commie 'President Obama' keeps rolling out
the tax hikes.

In his budget released earlier this month, excluding
the tax hikes he assumed to pay for 'health care',
he called for $1.3 trillion in higher taxes over the
next decade.

Now in his recently released health reform plan,
he calls for even more tax increases

In preparation for the 'Health Care' Summit,
'President Obama' unveiled his first official health
care proposal.

It is intended to reconcile the differences between
the highly unpopular House and Senate bills.

Curiously, President Obama's latest iteration of
the Commie liberal health policy agenda includes
more federal power : the power
to control "private" health plan premiums

The Commie White House-sponsored 'health care'
summit is an insult to the intelligence of every honest

'President Barack Obama's' communications minions
are still trying sell his plan as an "opening bid" in the
health care debate.

The White House does not enter Thursday's summit
expecting Republicans to make a deal.

In fact, the President's recently-unveiled plan is
specifically designed to be passed without a single
Republican vote

In anticipation of the February 25th health care
summit with members of Congress, the Commie
'President' released his proposal for pricey,
government-run health care.

The Commie White House estimates the cost of
the proposal to be $950 billion over a decade,
decreasing the federal deficit.

However, health policy expert James Capretta, a
former senior official of the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), shows in a recent paper that
this is not only inaccurate, but far from reality.

Capretta's research shows that ten full years of
implementation of the President's proposal would
cost closer to $2.5 trillion, with the strong
likelihood of far exceeding this amount

The well tested Commie rhetoric used by the
White House to sugarcoat the Commie health
policy outline should not fool ordinary

This proposal is even more expensive than the
Senate bill upon which it is apparently based

'The President's' new version of Obamacare,
and his method of passing it, are not popular with
the American people.

Dubbed the Health Care Nuclear Option, this
tactic will only further anger the American people
by sidetracking the filibuster in the Senate and
creating an even more highly charged partisan
atmosphere in Congress.

The content of Obamacare, and the strategies
being employed to pass it, violates one of our
nation's core first principles :
the consent of the governed.

Our Republic is not a democracy where
bare 51 vote majorities rule

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Commie Globalist Liberal Progressive Stateist Ponzi Schemes EPA, U.N. Global Warming Lies & Frauds ;

The climate scandal involving the University
of East Anglia's Commie Climatic Research Unit
(CRU) and the flaws uncovered in the Commie
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The Senate Minority Committee on Environment
and Public Works (EPW) released a new report
that scrutinizes the climate scandal and CRU and
its connection with the IPCC
and U.S. government policy

The Clean Air Act :
Commie Globalist Liberal Progressive Stateist
Ponzi Scheme EPA, U.N. Global Fraud ;

The business uncertainty the EPA is creating is
preventing economic recovery today.

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), in a response to
Commie EPA Lisa Jackson's statement, said,
"Until the specter of command-and-control
regulations goes away, it will remain a
counterproductive threat hanging over the work
that must be done to find common ground."

A December 2009 National Federation
of Independent Business (NFIB) survey of small
and independent business owners asked owners
to rank the single most important problem they

Behind poor sales, taxes and government
regulations/red tape finished second and third,

Government regulations and red tape jumped
three spots from a year ago

Commie Globalist Liberal Progressive Stateist
Ponzi Scheme EPA, U.N. Global Fraud :

Endangered Species Act

Why, when the Commie Federal government
already owns more land than the total area of
Mexico and Spain combined, does it need to
acquire more?

Why does it need more in a state like Wyoming
where the Federal Government already owns about
half of everything?

How is spending the equivalent of more than
50,000 times the median income of a Wyoming family
to rid the state of a few "large private" ranches a
good idea?

In this economic climate what rationale can the
Commie 'Obama' Administration offer to spend tax
dollars on these ranches or to lock up more land

Major financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs,
Barclays, and Citibank now host carbon trading
desks in London; traders who once speculated on
oil and gas are betting on it .

Over the next decade, if 'President Obama' and
other 'advocates' can institute a cap-and-trade
system in the United States, the demand for carbon
credits could explode into a $2 to $3 trillion market,
according to the market-analysis firm Point Carbon

'Global warming' is not a crisis and should not be
addressed as one.

The Latest wave of climate science scandals -
climategate, glaciergate, hurricanegate, amazongate,
others - have exposed a number of efforts initially
crafted to hype the issue into something far scarier
than the underlying science actually shows.

Climategate - the release of internal emails from
scientists with key roles in the UN's 2007
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) Report

Commie Globalist Unionist Liberal Progressive Stateist Ponzi Schemes Lies & Frauds ;

Was the Commie stimulus (A) a job creation bill
or, (B) a liberal spending wish list?

A new Government Accountability Office (GAO)
study suggests that option B is closer to the truth.

Small wonder it did not bring unemployment down.

Commie Obama publicly argued that America
needed the $862 billion bill to create jobs and
singled out Commie "green job" spending as the
key to an economic recovery.

The stimulus itself, however, looked a lot like not
letting "a good crisis go to waste" and pouring
public money at liberal special interests.

Remember all the Commie green jobs weatherizing
homes that Obama said the stimulus would fund?

Commie Obama would not waive regulations
that benefit Commie unions

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has
produced a new report estimating that the
$862 billion stimulus has thus far saved or created
1.5 million jobs.

Yet the CBO's calculations are not based on
actually observing the economy's recent

Rather, they used an economic model that was
programmed to assume that stimulus spending
automatically creates jobs-
thus guaranteeing their result

The creation of an independent super-agency
dedicated soley to consumer regulation has been a
centerpiece of President Obama's financial regulation

But, while it was approved last summer by the
House, the idea has languished in the Senate, as
opponents have pointed out that a consumer
regulation agency independent of other banking
regulators would foster confusion
and bureaucratic infighting

Businesses are reluctant to hire more workers
because they feel a sense of uncertainty for what
bills may be enacted by Congress.

Critical bills such as healthcare reform and
cap and trade legislation are currently being
contemplated, which could significantly increase the
price of labor for businesses.

Until they are certain about whether or not they
must pay for healthcare of evey worker on payroll,
or whether the cost of energy could potentially rise
due to cap-and-trade legislation, businesses are not
going to be enticed by a temporary payroll tax hike
to hire workers whose wages will need to paid
indefinitely into the future.

The Davis-Bacon Act is yet another measure currently
on the books that hinders rather than encourages more

Government construction spending has to cost more
than the market rates, and to pay for this extra cost,
the government takes money through taxes from
elsewhere in the economy.

But Congress cannot reduce unemployment through
public works projects, because for every job that it
creates in the public sector, at least one job is not
being created in the private sector and in the
best-case scenario the net job creation is zero

Commie 'President Barack Obama ' held a
behind-closed-door dinner with 17 chief executive
officers from major U.S. corporations including
Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase,
Verizon Communications' Ivan Seidenberg,
and General Electric's Jeffrey Immelt.

According to Bloomberg, the President made the
case to his select guests that his administration is
"fundamentally business-friendly."

This comes almost two weeks after the President
told BusinessWeek: "[T]he irony is, is that on the
left we are perceived as being in the pockets of
Big Business.

And then on the business side, we are perceived
as being anti-business."

What the President fails to understand is that there
is no irony here.

It is entirely consistent for big government policies
that favor select and politically connected big
corporations to hurt the economy as a whole.

In fact, almost all well-intentioned government
interventions in the market place do exactly that

The special inspector general for the TARP program,
Neil Barofsky, has made a reputation for himself by
issuing tough assessments of the troubled federal
program for troubled assets.

It's been a problem for Tim Geithner's
Treasury Department.

But The sorry history of TARP shows us we
need more snarling watchdogs, not fewer

'Government' "stimulus" spending does not add
new purchasing power to the economy because
the government must first borrow that purchasing
power out of the economy

Future Commie taxes and increased regulations :

Businesses are reluctant to hire when they could
be facing additional labor costs due to Commie
government policies.

This, at a particularly vulnerable time due to the
credit crunch and financial crisis, spells a death
sentence for many small businesses, and stunts the
growth of others.

The health care debate typifies what has become
all too clear to political observers-that Commie
liberals in Washington will jam through Congress
whatever high-tax-and-spend legislation they can.

Whether or not the American people want the new
rules and regulations to them is of no concern.

Most importantly, this leaves the small business
owner in the dark when preparing for the future

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Medicare's existing $38 trillion unfunded liability ;

Commie Hell Care Steals More Money
from Medicare :

To pay for Cornhusker Kickbacks for all,
increased subsidies for health insurance, and the
health insurance tax delay, the White House raises
the Medicare payroll tax and extends it for the first
time ever to investment income.

The least they could have done is slate this new
$120 billion in taxes to help plug Medicare's
existing $38 trillion unfunded liability, not fund a
brand new entitlement.

Can Commies Make Obamacare Worse?
Yes They Can!

$2 trillion dollar Secret Commie Hell Care Coup ;

Yet again, the Obama Administration has tossed
aside transparency and has crafted this legislation
behind closed doors.

Not even all Congressional Democrats have been
looped into this secret proposal

The legislation is being crafted in a way to allow
for partisans in the House and Senate to pass the
legislation without any support from Republicans
and in a way that avoids a 60 vote threshold of a
filibuster in the Senate.

Democratic officials said the president's proposal
was being written so that it could be attached to a
budget bill as a way of averting a Republican
filibuster in the Senate.

The procedure, known as budget reconciliation,
would let Democrats advance the bill with a simple
majority rather than a 60-vote supermajority.

Some may bring up other examples of massive
legislation passed through reconciliation bills as
proof that using reconciliation bills to explode
government spending is okay, but past instances
of wrongdoing does not make it acceptable to add
$2 trillion dollars worth of health care spending

The Commie 'President' promised that under
health reform taxpayers would not be forced
to fund abortion. Not true

Given that the 'President's' proposal builds off of
the Senate bill, that means that a number of
features of the Senate bill that many , if not most,
of Americans find objectionable are going to be

For example, the President insists on an individual
mandate for Americans to buy health insurance
coverage that is approved by federal authorities.

The President's proposal adopts the Senate
approach to imposing an individual mandate but
lowers the tax assessments.

He also insists on the imposition of an employer
mandate, though he would soften it to some extent
by providing $40 billion worth of tax credits to
small businesses.

Consistent with the Senate bill, he would exempt
small firms with less than 50 employees from the
employer mandate.

Even more important
is what the outline does not spell out

If Congress can raise payroll taxes easily to pay for
any spending it desires, payroll taxes will no longer
be used to pay for entitlements, but as an ATM for
Congress to go back to each time it needs more cash.

Obama's Health Plan Has Dangerous New Taxes

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Is Brown Another One Of Those Commie Liberal Progressive Republicans ;

Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts
is being branded "Benedict Brown" for siding with
Democrats in favor of a jobs bill endorsed by the
Obama administration

'Mr. President,' why should we believe
anything you tell us about health care anymore

The Commie 'President's' scheme substantially
raises taxes, obliterates states' rights, funds
abortion on demand with tax dollars, destroys
America's private health care system, forces
individuals and employers to buy
government-approved health insurance all the
while delegating to the IRS the power
to enforce compliance

The Commie 'President's' health care proposal
is out this morning and it's déjà vu all over again.

The President has released a list of bullet points
that puts into fancier typeface the worst Democrat
proposals that have already been soundly rejected
by the American people

In an alarming finding, the Rasmussen Report
found only 21% of Americans believe the
Democrat-controlled U.S. government has the
consent of the governed.

Amazingly, this view is held by only 32% of Democrats.

Spurred by the unjust Wall Street Bailout, this crisis
of consent is exacerbated by an 'Obama'
Administration and its Democratic Congress'
insistence on ramming through a government-run
health care scheme in defiance of the sovereign
American people's emphatic opposition.

Now, having already pre-determined its outcome,
the Obama Administration will hold
a health care summit.

The summit's goal is to persuade the public that the
Republican minority is "forcing" the Democrats'
heavy-handed tactics to foist this abominable bill
upon Americans.

The truth is otherwise

Monday, February 22, 2010

Terrifying monsters from the slime of Washington's legislative bogs : The Zombiecrats ;

Beware the Commie health care reform zombiecrats

Republicans are not the ones
who have thwarted the passage of healthcare;
the Democrats have failed themselves

ObamaCare: We Get It - And We Don't Want It

Healthcare Deal
Was Done BEFORE MA Election

Louisiana Legislature
Floating Bill Making Obamacare Illegal in State

The Feds Are Out of Money :
Healthcare Is Their New Bank

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Doctors Challenging Commie Government Health Care & Commie AMA ;

The AMA represents less than 20 percent of all
physicians in the United States

The AMA has become increasingly politicized in
recent years issuing a statement in support of climate
change, for example, in 2008

In a major political scandal orchestrated by the
Obama Administration, a popular Democratic
congressman from Pennsylvania has revealed that
the White House tried bribing him to drop out of
the upcoming U.S. Senate race

On the heels of a federal crackdown, lawmakers
in Nebraska are scrambling to pass legislation that
will allow pregnant illegal immigrant women to
continue receiving free, taxpayer-financed
medical care

Secretly Hosts Terrorist Groups In D.C.

Ariz. Sen. Passes Bill Outlawing Sanctuary Cities

House Caucus Makes Millions Selling Influence

Obama Administration Denies Public Access
to Fannie and Freddie Documents

Friday, February 19, 2010

Obamunist Reconciliators Considering Commie Hell Care ;

Recent reports indicate that House and Senate
leaders are considering using reconciliation as a
means to pass Obamacare (again).

The reconciliation process is a fast-track way to
bypass the normal legislative process and to speed
up consideration (and passage) of such a bill

The Global Commie U.N. Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change Fraude ;

Vested economic and political interests have emerged
where trillions of dollars and social control are at stake.

Therefore, many people who recognize the scientific
fraud underlying global warming claims are likely to
defend it anyway.

Automobile companies have invested billions in
research and investment in producing "green cars."

General Electric and Phillips have spent millions
lobbying Congress to outlaw incandescent bulbs so
that they can force us to buy costly compact
fluorescent light bulbs (CFL).

Farmers and ethanol manufacturers have gotten
Congress to enact laws mandating greater use of
their product, not to mention massive subsidies.

Thousands of major corporations around the world
have taken steps to reduce carbon emissions
including giants like IBM, Nike, Coca-Cola and BP,
the oil giant.

Companies like Google, Yahoo and Dell have
vowed to become "carbon neutral."

Then there's Chicago Climate Futures Exchange
that plans to trade in billions of dollars of greenhouse
gas emission allowances.

Corporate America and labor unions, as well as
their international counterparts have a huge
multi-trillion dollar financial stake in the perpetuation
of the global warming fraud.

Federal, state and local agencies have spent billions
of dollars and created millions of jobs to deal with
one aspect or another of global warming.

And It's deeper than just money.

Schoolteachers have created polar-bear-dying
lectures to frighten and indoctrinate our children
when in fact there are more polar bears now than
in 1950

Global Commies Al Gore and all the others who
wanted the world to take the Global Commie U.N.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's
(IPCC) report as untouchable science now have
a problem as reports of flaws in both the methods
and the data keep on coming

Just how epic of a failure the Global Commie U.N.
Copenhagen Climate Change Conference really was:

"To fully appreciate what a step backwards the
final Copenhagen accord is, one has to recall the
buildup to it.

For the last two years, global warming activists
and UN officials had circled December 2009 on
their calendars as the watershed moment for
creating a new carbon-constrained global economy
for decades to come.

And in the nick of time, they would argue, as the
existing targets in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol are
scheduled to expire in 2012.

Furthermore, with the Bush administration gone in
2009, many in the international community felt that
the path was clear for the 'Obama' administration
to finally include America in binding, verifiable,
and enforceable restrictions on greenhouse gas

When 'President Obama' signed the now
$862 billion deficit-spending bill into law, the
unemployment rate stood at 7.6% and the U.S.
economy employed 133.5 million people.

At the time President Obama promised the
American people that, thanks to his stimulus,
unemployment would never go higher than 8.2%
and the U.S. economy would support 138.6 million
jobs by December 2010.

At the one year mark unemployment is now 9.7%,
after rising above 10%, and the U.S. economy has
lost 4 million jobs leaving the White House 9 million
jobs short of the 138.6 million they promised to
deliver by December of this year.

By any objective measure President Obama's $862
billion stimulus must be judged as a complete failure

Another Global Commie Love Fest ;

Russia's top diplomat made it clear his nation
intends to be a strategic player in the Americas

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Pressures of falling national barriers, globalism, One World Government & fiat currencies have made the world mad, terrified & corrupt ;

The Greek Crisis : When Thieves Fall Out

Silver, Gold & Metals
Market News

Greece broke the rules.
The Greek government borrowed too much.
It spent too much.

Because it broke the rules, it is not worthy to be
included in the eurozone.

So Greece should be expelled

Global Commie Investor George Soros doubled
his bet on gold at the end of 2009 amid rising
prices, a filing with the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission showed

Global Commie Anchor Babies ;

Every year, 400,000 pregnant women enter the
United States illegally to birth their babies on
American soil.

Their children become instant citizens and their
mothers become instant wards of the American

They enjoy taxpayer paid deliveries in our hospitals,
unlimited medical health, K-12 educations, 'free'
breakfasts and lunches, 'free' English as a second
language classes and assisted housing, food stamps
and social security benefits

The greatest question facing Americans today in the arena
of legal and illegal immigration is: how many is too many?

When is enough enough?
How many more of the world's poor can we handle?

How are we going to handle a line of immigrants that
never ends?

As they stream into our country by the millions annually,
what about our culture, language and quality of life?
What about our sustainability

Liberalism is not what it started out to be.

20th century classical liberalism "stressed human
rationality, individual property rights, natural rights,
the need for constitutional limitations on government,
and, especially, freedom of the individual from any
kind of external restraint."

Liberals were usually thought of as kind, generous
and compassionate.

In the 21st century liberalism has taken on a whole
new meaning

There has been an unrelenting quarter century of
one-sided indoctrination of the western world by
the media and by various scientists and
governments concerning a coming carbon dioxide
(CO_2 ) induced global warming disaster.

These warming scenarios have been orchestrated
by a combination of environmentalists, vested interest
scientists wanting larger federal grants and publicity,
the media which profits from doomsday scenario
reporting, governmental bureaucrats who want more
power over our lives, and socialists who want to
level-out global living standards

In order to achieve one-world governance, existing
systems all over the globe had to be dismantled
and eliminated.

For instance, national sovereignty, national loyalty,
national patriotism, personally selected lifestyles,
individual beliefs and preferences, and naturally
occurring communities versus socially engineered
"communities" had to be dismantled, eliminated,
and redefined by think tankers financed by
philanthropic and government money

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Commie Obamunist Hellcare Summit ;

Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl of Arizona threw
more cold water on the chances that his party would
cooperate with a Feb. 25 healthcare reform summit
at the White House, protesting that Democrats
already seem poised to force a bill through

Commie 'President Barack Obama' wants a
bipartisan deal on health reform, but trial lawyers
don't want him to deal on a top Republican priority :
tort reform

Declaration of Health Care Independence ;

100 lawmakers reject Big Brother health-care

'American people repudiated what Obama,
Democrats have put forward'

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., drafted
and formally unveiled the Declaration of Health
Care Independence Jan. 27.
The declaration is a commitment to protect the
rights of the American people to make their own
health decisions, reduce bureaucratic red-tape,
decrease intergenerational debt and implement 10
common-sense principles for future health-care reform

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Who is more conservative : John McCain, or his primary rival, J.D. Hayworth ;

Hayworth has officially announced his candidacy for
the Senate

McCain, the "maverick," has been in Congress for
28 years, or since winning his first election in 1982.

He is no longer fighting the establishment; he is the

He personifies the compromise wing of the Republican
Party, which has since become the dominant wing.

J. D. Hayworth represents the 1994 Contract With
America Republicans.

He first entered Congress in that historic turnaround,
the first time Republicans took the majority of the
House since 1952.

He was voted out in 2006 when the House turned
Democrat again on a referendum on Iraq, and the
last time the unemployment rate was below 4.5%.

This Arizona primary election can be put in simple

Do Republicans want more compromise with
Democrats and "bipartisanship," or would they rather
take the Ronald Reagan approach : We win, they lose?

America is funding a large portion of its newly issued
debt by direct purchases from the Federal Reserve.

In other words, as private-sector demand for US
Treasuries wanes, Mr. Bernanke is creating new
money so that Mr. Obama's government can bail out
insolvent financial institutions.

Strangely, the American establishment is quite content
to pledge the economic fate of its future generations
in order to protect the bondholders of dubious
'too big to fail' corporations.

Is America a gigantic Ponzi scheme?

The Bank of England's falsification of gold holdings
data, undertaken with the help of the U.S. Federal
Reserve, to deceive the markets and manipulate
interest rates secretly between 1925 and 1931

The crittical lawsuit challenging that mystery of
finance known as the Bailout started, oddly enough,
with a casual newsroom chat ;

Seeking to crack the Fed's secrecy
around the bank bailout

If the vast majority of climatologists do not believe
the debate on climate change is over, why do our
politicians pushing for cap and trade and a transition
to a "clean energy economy" repeatedly assert that
the science is settled?

Because the Commie Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change said so and told us that a warming
planet was "unequivocal."

While the nation suffers an unemployment rate of
nearly 10 percent, Barack Obama spent last week
talking about job creation with "civil rights" leaders ;

The New York Times reports that 'President Obama'
met with Benjamin T. Jealous of the NAACP,
Marc H. Morial of the National Urban League,
and Reverend Al Sharpton

According to the article, the vast majority of the
meeting was spent discussing "how to get Republican
leaders to support Mr. Obama's jobs proposals."

More Commie Nominees ;

At its Executive Business Meeting on February 4,
2010, the Senate Judiciary Committee sent the
nominations of Edward Chen, Louis Butler, Mary Smith,
and Christopher Schroeder to the floor for
consideration by the Senate. President

'Obama' resubmitted those nominations in January

Chen, worked as a staff attorney for the American
Civil Liberties Union from 1985 to 2001,

While with the ACLU, Chen participated in
unsuccessful challenges to an Arizona referendum
calling for the State's official business to be conducted
in English, a California referendum that eliminated
so-called "bilingual education" and implemented other
measures for teaching English to nonnative students,
and a California ban on racial preferences in state
education, employment, and contracting.

Chen objected to the singing of "America the Beautiful"
at a funeral, citing his "feelings of ambivalence and
cynicism when confronted by appeals to patriotism."

He has also endorsed the notion that judges should
draw on their experiences, including "one's ethnic
and racial background," in judging.

Butler, While on the Wisconsin Supreme Court
helped to expand the rights of criminals and the
scope of potential liability for businesses.

He also helped to strike down legislatively-enacted
limits on punitive damages in medical malpractice

In 2008, the voters of Wisconsin declined to elect him
to the court in his own right.

Smith, was nominated for this position notwithstanding
that she has not held a job specializing in tax law,
written or spoken on tax issues, or taken a continuing
legal education course in tax law.

According to the Department of Justice, while she is
neither "a traditional tax lawyer [n]or a tax specialist,"
she does have "extensive experience in financial litigation,
both for and against the government."

Senator Kyl, who voted against the nomination, pointed
out that there must be "thousands of highly experienced
tax lawyers who would love to have a job like this."

Schroeder, formerly chief counsel for the Democrats
on the Senate Judiciary Committee is now a law
professor at Duke,

Schroeder has been nominated to head the Office
of Legal Policy at DOJ.

In his writings, he has objected to the use of cost-benefit
analysis in the review of proposed federal regulations,
and he told the Judiciary Committee that empathy is
one of the qualities that should be part of a judge's
decision-making process.

While voting to send the nomination forward, Senator
Sessions observed that Schroeder is a
"very strong partisan"

Commie SEIU'S Shameless Abuse ;

As many are already aware, the SEIU has been
incessantly battering Sodexo since 2007, in its
desire to unionize some of its nearly 400,000
employees, many of them hotel and food service

Sodexo is one of the largest food services and facilities
management companies in the world, and is the
provider of choice for most schools, universities,
companies, hotels, prisons and other facilities that
outsource their cafeteria and food catering operations,
and for those that outsource industrial cleaning services.

The other target though, since 2003, has actually
been another union, UNITE HERE, the former
combination of the Union of Needle trades, Industrial
and Textile Employees and the Hotel Employees
and Restaurant Employees International union.

There has been a longstanding war amongst the
three, where SEIU once partnered with UNITE to
attack HERE, then eventually betrayed UNITE as well.

The prize of course being hotel and casino workers,
cleaners, garment workers, and potentially even bank

The epic battle is not exactly secret, nor is it new,
although there have been significant recent escalations
in their ongoing war

Census 2010 : Up to 800 Canvassers With
Criminal Records

Despite reports last fall that the Census Bureau had
severed ties with community-organizing group known
as ACORN, Americans might want to think twice
before opening their doors to canvassers for the
2010 Census

According to a report issued by the Government
Accountability approximately 785 employees with
disqualifying criminal records could still end up
working for the Census Bureau this year.

Excerpts (below) show the exact wording of the
agency's frightening information about the people
who go door to door conducting interviews and
collecting information for the 2010 Census :

The Bureau's efforts to fingerprint employees, which
was required as part of a criminal background check,
did not proceed smoothly, in part because of training

As a result, over 35,000 temporary census workers -
over a fifth of the address canvassing workforce -
were hired despite the fact that their fingerprints could
not be processed and they were not fully screened for
employment eligibility

Cumulative consumer energy costs will rise by
$2.35 trillion over the next two decades ;

A new report says U.S. oil-and-gas drilling bans will
increase consumer energy costs and decrease cumulative
U.S. GDP by $2.36 trillion over the next two decades

In a vivid display of President Obama's diminished
clout, the Senate's newest Republican and two veteran
Democrats Tuesday helped block Mr. Obama's bid
to fill a key labor post with a nominee they considered
too cozy with unions.

With newly seated Sen. Scott Brown, Massachusetts
Republican, voting to sustain the filibuster, Senate
Democratic leaders failed to muster the 60 votes
needed to force a vote on the nomination of Craig
Becker to the National Labor Relations Board,
which resolves disputes between unions and

Dubbed a friend of organized labor, Mr. Becker
had been fiercely opposed by business and employer
groups, who feared his support for the proposed
Employee Free Choice Act, called "card check,"
which would give unions a stronger hand in organizing

Republicans strongly oppose the legislation, which
could come up for a vote in the Senate later this year

The Commie EPA's endangerment finding ;

Based on all of the new information on climate change
and the manipulation of the "science" for some 15
years, it will be revealing if the United States adheres
to this agreement.

If Obama continues with this nonsense of climate
change and insists on transferring United States' wealth
to third world countries, my assertions have been correct
all along-that the core intentions of the Obama agenda
are to place severe hardship on the American people
by destroying the nation's wealth.

After all, Obama is intentionally proposing, supporting,
and forcing policies through-by any means-that
bankrupt the United States and weaken our economy,
discourage businesses from investing and hiring
workers, deepening unemployment and stifling
innovation, and squeezing the American people into
desperation for federal aid (there is a record number
of food stamp recipients now, for example) and health
care benefits.

It seems the end goal of the Obama Administration
is to make people dependent upon the federal

Public Employee Benefit Plans : Up to 1 Trillion
in unfunded liabilities

Much of the current data regarding liabilities in
public employee pensions was taken before the
recent economic downturn, and the study's authors
warn the problem is much worse today since stock
market losses have not been fully realized in many
official government pension statistics.

Other estimates with recent data place the
unfunded pension liabilities at $1 trillion nationally

Why 'Obama' is wrong about net neutrality and his
scheme must be defeated

Menendez New Jersy recall :
The tea party goes to court

Tea Party activists might be smarter than some would
like to think.

And depending upon the outcome of a court case
later this month, they might also play a role in setting
legal precedent.

When New Jersey state election officials denied
their submission to initiate a recall effort against
U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, calling it
unconstitutional, a grass-roots recall committee's
constitutional instincts kicked into full gear.

Attorneys for the committee, themselves Tea Party
activists, filed to appeal the agency decision and
began writing their supporting brief

Inconvenient Lies : The Commie U.N. Copenhagen Accords on climate change ;

Less than two months after it was hastily drafted
to stave off a fiasco, the Commie Copenhagen
Accord on climate change is in a bad way ;

The deal was crafted amid chaos by a small group
of countries, led by the United States and China, to
avert an implosion of the UN's December 7-18
climate summit.

Political momentum is so weak that so far only two
negotiating rounds have been rostered in 2010, one
among officials in Bonn in mid-year, the other in
Mexico at ministerial level in December.

Worse, the Accord itself already seems to have been
quietly disowned by China, India and other emerging
economies just weeks after they helped write it, say
these sources.

And With This Commie Accord Comes Commie
promises of money :
30 billion dollars for climate-vulnerable poor
countries by 2012, with as much as 100 billion
dollars annually by 2020

Oppression under Big Brother's green thumb ;

In Cambridge, Mass.,
the city officially adopted an order recognizing that
there is a climate emergency; & after nearly a year,
officials discovered the city's carbon footprint was
nonetheless growing worse.

Cambridge Commie Mayor Denise Simmons,
therefore, brought together nearly 100 Commie
activists and concerned citizens under the
endorsement of the city council to convene a
"Climate Congress" to make recommendations on
how Cambridge can meet its Commie green goals.

Life in Cambridge may be about to
dramatically change

To add to the list of outrageous Commie earmarks
in 'Obama's' fiscal 2011 budget, it appears Commie
left-wing activist groups including ACORN, the
embezzlement-prone, voter-registration-fraud-plagued
Commie community organizing group, are eligible to
receive up to $3.99 billion in taxpayer-backed slush

The funds would come indirectly from the Commie
Community Development Block Grant, one of the
Commie Department of Housing and Urban
Development's longest-running programs

For the U.S., the crushing weight of its debt threatens
to overwhelm everything the federal government does,
even in the short-term, best-case financial scenario --
a full recovery and a return to prerecession
employment levels

Commie Council on American-Islamic Relations Lawsuit Dismissed ;

A federal judge has dismissed an attempt by the
Council on American-Islamic Relations to re-file a
lawsuit against the father-and-son team that
investigated and exposed the group's terrorist ties

Across the country, tea-party participants are
finding the passing of state-sovereignty resolutions
under the Ninth and 10th Amendment is key to
advancing the goal of taking back control of
government spending from Washington, D.C., to
return that control to the states

GOP-tea party outreach has left some
Republicans nervous that the tea party affiliation
could turn off swing voters or independents, even
as others predict the infusion of new blood could
reinvigorate the GOP the way Barry Goldwater's
disciples did starting in the 1960s

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Republicans are urging the White House to scrap Obamacare ;

Commie Obama's Commie Health-Care Summit

By 2020, the Commie 'President's' budget
would raise the federal debt to $18.6 trillion ;

Trillion Dollar Commie Debt Could Kill
'Obama' 'Health Care Reform'

There's a problem with the bipartisan jobs bill emerging
in the Senate: It won't create many jobs." ;

It is now clear that the Commie coalition 'President Obama'
was counting on to pass his 'health-care' bill and follow-on
legislation is in absolute tatters.

The strain of the effort to ram health care through
despite intense public opposition has taken a very heavy toll.

Independent voters remain outraged at the arrogance of it all ;

When All Else Fails, Try Bipartisanship

The Commie White House Council of Economic Advisers
(CEA) has released a projection of jobs created
by the economic stimulus bill.

However, the method they used to get these numbers
falls short of basic scientific standards ;

We Don't Need No Stinking Scientific Method

According to the COP, over the next four years
$1.4 trillion in commercial real estate loans will come due,
of which half are currently underwater,
sunk by a 40 percent drop in values since 2007.

Total losses could be some $300-400 billion.

These losses would be in large part borne by mid-sized
and community banks, who tend to invest most heavily
in to the commercial market ;

Warning for Commercial Real Estate:
New TARP Not the Answer

American businesses see Washington awash in conflict,
its leaders messaging on jobs while threatening higher taxes
and more regulations.

They see an endless train of trillion dollar budget deficits.
They worry about resurgent inflation ;

But The Commie Senate Still Doesn't Get the Message

With literally trillions of dollars put into play by various
Commie cap-and-trade bills over the last three years,
it would have been surprising if Commie lobbying
hadn't grown by leaps and bounds ;

Climate and Rent-Seeking

Commies At The Department's of Homeland Security
& National Intelligence are Hog Wild on Global Warming ;

Night of the Living Dead Idea

Tucked into the Commie budget
of the Commie Environmental Protection Agency
(run by unelected Commie bureaucrats)
is money to enact Commie "laws" that will force
us to comply with Commie emissions standards ;

Watch Out for the Commie "Green Police"

The Washington Post reports
that The Commie National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
has proposed to create a new climate service
and website that would provide the public with information
and predictions about the impact of Commie global warming ;

Commie Government's New Climate Service

Commie 'Obama's' second stimulus is also a jobs killer ;

Instead of piling on more debt and more regulations,
the federal government should move in the opposite direction

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Investment vehicle hyped & manipulated to price so "inflated" that it bears little resemblance to true, free market value ;

The Mutha of All Bubbles

Gold drops on Greek woes ;

Feb 13, 2010 at 10:42
Gold dropped Friday on a dollar rally as worries
for debt-stricken Greece and a surprise move
by China to tighten money supply took a toll
on sentiment

The euro has been sliding against the US dollar for weeks ;

The Bailout of Greece
and the End of the Euro

The Sovereign Debt Crisis:
A Greek Economic Crisis is Coming to America ;

What we in the western world are about to learn
is that there is no such thing as a Keynesian free lunch.

Deficits did not "save" us half so much as monetary policy -
zero interest rates plus quantitative easing - did.

First, the impact of government spending
(the hallowed "multiplier") has been much less
than the proponents of stimulus hoped.

Second, there is a good deal of "leakage" from open
economies in a globalised world.

Last, crucially, explosions of public debt incur bills
that fall due much sooner than we expect

For the world's biggest economy, the US, the day of reckoning
still seems reassuringly remote.

The worse things get in the eurozone, the more the US dollar
rallies as nervous investors park their cash in the "safe haven"
of American government debt.

This effect may persist for some months, just as the dollar
and Treasuries rallied in the depths of the banking panic
in late 2008.

Yet even a casual look at the fiscal position
of the federal government (not to mention the states)
makes a nonsense of the phrase "safe haven".

US government debt is a safe haven the way
Pearl Harbor was a safe haven in 1941

More Costly Commie Benefits, Entitlements & Rewards For Illegal Aliens ;

A bill in the Iowa House
(Iowa Opportunities and Workforce Act)
aims to give illegal immigrants discounted in-state tuition-
not even granted to U.S. citizens of other states-
at public colleges and universities.

Ten states-including California, Texas, New York
and Illinois-currently offer illegal immigrants
the costly perk which has been legally challenged
in at least two states

Another Commie Law To Reward Illegal Immigrants

Another Illegal Alien convicted in the U.S.
of two separate crimes has been spared
deportation by a federal appellate court
that determined the violations aren't serious
enough to send the man back to his native Mexico ;

Commie Court Spares Another Criminal From Deportation

Commie Michelle Obama declares that child obesity
is a threat to national security

More Commie TARP Corruption & Secrecy

Obamunists preparing to use executive power to advance energy, environmental, fiscal & other domestic policy priorities ;

'Obama' Is Making Plans to Use Executive Power
for Action on Several Fronts

Commie UNITED NATIONS - Trying to jump-start
a climate change campaign that has stalled amid claims
of fraudulent reports and data manipulation,
U.N. Secretary-General today announced the
formation of a new high-level advisory group ;

U.N. jump-starting cash collections for 'climate change'
Says $10 billion must be raised to kick off programs

"This is as awful, I will say evil ... this is as evil as it gets,"
said Allen Quist, who is running to unseat Democrat Tim Walz
in Minnesota's 1st congressional district

Quist said the fine print of provisions still alive in both
the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
deliberately create enormous pressure for couples
to live together without marriage - or even get divorced -
by charging married couples thousands of dollars
more in premiums and fees.

"And it's deliberate," Quist added,
"This is clearly not accidental." ;

Commie Health-care plan redoubles 'marriage penalty'
Congressional proposals could penalize couples
$10,000 for saying 'I do'

'Obama' has proposed a bipartisan health care summit
for later this month that Republican detractors bill
as a publicity stunt designed to generate more support
for the flailing pro-abortion health care bill.

Now, an aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
essentially admitted that's the case.

In comments reported by Congress Daily,
House Speaker Commie Nancy Pelosi's top
health care aide Wendell Primus admitted
top Democrats have already decided
on the strategy to pass the Senate's
government-run health care bill that funds
abortions and has other pro-abortion problems ;

Pelosi Aide: Health Care Summit a Trick,
Strategy on Pro-Abortion Bill Decided

A Commie homosexual congressman from Colorado
has proposed a law critics say would give controversial
federal school safety czar Kevin Jennings - a longtime
homosexual-rights advocate - almost unlimited
authority to mandate indoctrination in public schools
at taxpayer expense ;

'Obama' Commie czar's 'homo-genda' proposed
for U.S. schools Congressional legislation called
'a sexual revolutionary's dream'

A California lawyer who has shepherded several
of the high-profile legal challenges to Commie 'Barack Obama's'
eligibility to be president has filed a pleading in federal court
in Washington, saying she faces a $20,000 penalty
and a threat to her law license and needs the 'president's'
birth documents to defend herself ;

Attorney facing penalties wants birth docs for defense
'Hardship on plaintiff greatly outweighs hardship on defendant'

Commie Pope Continues Global "Green" Crusade for World Government ;

The facts speak for themselves, and they are available
on the Vatican's own website in the actual words
and statements being uttered by the Pope

A rogue government agency,
the Environmental Protection Agency, is brazenly
warning Congress that it will regulate carbon dioxide
if it does not pass the patently false "Cap-and-Trade"
legislation intended to limit so-called "greenhouse gases."

The EPA must be reined in and a complete housecleaning
is necessary to repeal the many regulations and laws based
on the global warming fraud.

The U.S. needs a new Congress filled with men and women
who want to protect the nation against the frauds perpetrated
by its own science-related agencies, to kill legislation
that would impose a massive tax on energy use, and bring
the global warming advocates within the government
to the bar of justice.

The world needs to dissolve the United Nations
in the same way it shunted aside the useless League of Nations.

No global taxes. No global army. No global propaganda machine.

Nations, worldwide, need to reclaim their sovereignty
and then work together for the mutual goal of peace
and other worthwhile causes ;

Global Warming Makes the Case Against Global Government

While telling the American people that national security
is a priority for the administration, the White House submitted
a 2011 budget proposal that includes cuts
to U.S. border security

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Government health spending to increase faster than private health, surpassing the private sector as soon as 2012 ;

Existing Government Programs
to Take Over Health Care by 2012

One minor proposal in the Senate health care bill
could have huge repercussions for entire health care system ;

Public Option Threat Still Buried in the Senate Bill

Another proposal seen in the House bill
could spell the death of private health care ;

Risking Big Changes with Small Reforms

Lack of freedom has a direct,
negative effect on job growth ;

It should be no surprise that 'President Obama's'
policies have taken us down the path
to fewer jobs and record deficits

Commie Climate Change Scientific Consensus ;

The Commie Environmental Protection agency
heavily relied on the IPCC report to suggest
there was a scientific consensus
on global warming

The apparent attempts to cover up problems
with temperature data provide the first link between
scandal and the UN's embattled climate science body,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
as the measurements were used to bolster
IPCC statements about rapid global warming
in recent decades.

Commie Members of Congress
want to implement a cap and trade policy
based on these reports that would result in $4.6 trillion
in higher energy taxes, job losses exceeding 2.5 million
and nearly $10 trillion lost in gross domestic product (GDP).

Commie Washington looks increasingly
like a public-works jobs program
for lawyers and lobbyists,
a profit center for professionals
who are in business for themselves."

Second Stimulus, Same as the First

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Insofar as we believe in lies, we become subject to lies, subject to "authorities" that do not, in fact, exist ;

What do you "believe" about "belief"?

The A.D. 1890 Supreme Court's reversal
of the A.D. 1793 Chisholm v Georgia was lame,
contrived and most importantly TREASONOUS ;

God-given, unalienable Rights
repudiated by Supreme Court

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Republicans say they have found a loophole in the budget reconciliation process ;

The left is angry that anybody would dare
to fight back against these strong arm tactics

Fighting the Nuclear Option

The U.S. Constitution and federalism won a key battle ;

The States Fight Back: Virginia Rejects Obamacare's Individual Mandates

While Obamunists continue to try to takeover
health care system & Obamacare would
fast-forward that development ;

Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams is scheduled
for heart surgery in the United States,
a move that throws into question his province's
and his nation's health-care system.

Obamacare policies could still become law through
incremental approach, buried in different bills
or legislative vehicles ;

Reports that Obamacare is near death are premature ;

And, if the past is any guide, flat out wrong.

It is possible for the Administration to lose politically
in pushing its federal takeover of health care,
and yet win the policy battle.

Rumors of Obamacare's Death are Premature

The dangers of a government takeover of health care ;

The deterioration of Britain's health care system
is due to years of liberal health policy marked by
heavy concentration of power, higher taxes
and the proliferation of rules and restrictions
by the National Health Service

To understand the dangers of a government takeover
of health care, America should study Britain's system,
which exemplifies the shortcomings of heavily regulated,
nationalized health care

Don't Centralize Health Care in Washington

The individual mandate would force all U.S. citizens
to purchase health insurance, has outraged many
& has led to public backlash ;

The Virginia Senate passed a measure
that would prohibit the imposition
of the individual mandate -
a feature of both the current House
and Senate health care bills.

An increasing number of state legislatures
have begun considering such legislation.

The individual mandate -
which would force all U.S. citizens to purchase
health insurance -
has outraged many Americans and has led
to a public backlash against the proposal.

States Consider Prohibiting the Individual Mandate

Environmental policies designed to restrict
consumer choice already exist & members
of 'our government' are proposing them.

'Our government' is picking off individual freedoms
and slowly but surely reducing consumer choice.

Having choice is an invaluable benefit of being an
American and the more the government attempts
to restrict it, the less it will be taken for granted.

Commie Wind power is not the economic savior
'the government' said it would be.

The stimulus money is failing
to create the clean energy jobs
the White House said it would :

Wind Mills: Not Spinning, Not Creating Jobs

Obamunists Are Hog Wild On 2011 Budget ;

'President Obama' has released his fiscal year 2011 budget :

$28.4 billion for the Department of Energy (DOE)
and $10 billion for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

$36 billion for Nuclear Loan Guarantees
$4.7 billion for Clean Energy

Elimination of Tax Credits for Coal, Oil and Natural Gas

The government will collect $4.6 trillion
in higher energy taxes from 2012-2035

Mitigating Climate Change:
The EPA's section of the budget also includes
$21 million to implement a Mandatory
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule
and "$56 million -
including $43 million in new funding -
for the EPA and states to address climate change
effectively through regulatory initiatives
to control greenhouse gas emissions."

With the EPA set to move forward
with its backdoor global warming policy,
beginning with new regulations for vehicle tailpipe emissions,
it appears the administration is willing to provide the funding.

Congress should amend the Clean Air Act
in order to prevent unelected government
bureaucrats from bankrupting the nation.

More government spending and more government
regulation are this administration's answer to every
economic problem.

But more debt and more regulation
will not create new jobs.

The 'President's' Permanent Political Slush Fund

What's another $3.8 TRILLION when you're in the hole over $12 TRILLION ;


Fascism is one head of a three-headed snake,
all sharing one body: Marxism.

The other two heads of the three-headed snake
are national socialism (Nazism) and communism.

The difference between the three
is not in basic philosophy
but in who owns the means of production

When the law becomes a source of plunder
or pits itself in opposition to the morals
of the people, the people perceive
the law to be immoral and widely despise it.

Indeed, in those times, flouting the law
is extolled as virtue.

Monday, February 1, 2010

As long as government is committed to Global Free Trade, low tariffs & the loss of millions of jobs, how can there be a recovery ;

Global Free Trade = Increased US Unemployment

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Daily Maoist Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Public doesn't want Washington securing power of their health care decisions and dollars ;

Public opinion is consequential.

Voters will hold Congress accountable
for imposing on them rules and regulations
that they do not want, while attempting
to takeover one-sixth of the nation's economy.

Manufactured Momentum & Support
for ObamaCare Screeching to Halt

Government Unions Ate Your Raise ;

In the private sector, total compensation grew
just 1.2 percent in 2009.

On the other hand the compensation paid to state
and local government employees grew 2.4 percent.

The average government employee got twice the raise
that private sector workers did.

Why did government workers get higher raises?
In the private sector workers compete to produce goods
and services that others value.

In a recession, production falls and employers
have less money to pay raises with.

On the other hand, taxes fund government paychecks.
Government employees can continue getting raises
no matter the health of the overall economy,
so long as taxes keep coming in.

This fact has turned the labor movement
into determined tax hikers.

Union membership has grown in the government
even as it has fallen in the private sector.

In 2009 the numbers crossed: a majority of union members
now work for the government.

Higher pay for government employees can only come
through higher taxes on private sector workers.

Unions almost never go on strike anymore.
Instead, they fight to get more for their members
by lobbying for tax increases.

Unions spent tens of millions of dollars last year
campaigning for higher taxes across the country

It is clear that global warming science
has been hijacked by a subset of researchers
who have crossed the line into advocacy and alarmism.

Climategate alone reveals a number of scandals -
key researchers and institutions manipulating temperature
data to gin up a bigger warming trend,
refusing to allow independent researchers
to see the raw data, and strategizing
to keep skeptical views out of the scientific literature
and official reports.

Climategate is just beginning to unfold.

The UN's vaunted Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) report turns out to contain a whopper

The General Government has,
as a "Form of Government",
"become destructive of the ends"
for which it was first instituted ;

But "secession" is ineffective
unless the "seceding" State
successfully took prior actions
that would make "secession"
unnecessary in the first place.

Some of the world's most prominent bankers
have come out in favour of a global bank
wind-down fund, a concession from the industry
after weeks of fighting proposals
for new taxes in the US and Europe ;

Bankers in favour of paying global fee

In a rare case for a state
that has long offered illegal immigrants sanctuary,
an appellate court in Oregon has ruled in favor
of a state agency that denied an illegal alien
costly public services
based on her immigration status.

Court Says Ok To Deny Illegal Alien Public Service

Defeat Expose Oppose Protest & Resist All Commies ;

Federal government claiming the authority to regulate
in-state commerce under the Constitution's Commerce clause ;

Plaintiff says the 10th Amendment specifically
grants authority to states

CAIR has run afoul of IRS rules ;

It's just a matter of time before the "dirty"
organization is forced to open its books to government
auditors and other investigators.

"It's a dirty institution, founded by Islamic terrorists
and with many subsequent ties to terrorists."

Republicans in Obama's home state of Illinois
sense the Senate seat he left vacant
is ripe for their picking ;

Could Illinois' Senate race copy Massachusetts?

McCain is not going to be re-elected ;

The people of Arizona have had enough of his arrogance
and big-government ideas and so have Americans.

I don't want to see the Democrats
take that McCain seat.
I want to see a real Republican take it.
That real Republican is J.D. Hayworth.

Obama has unveiled a multitrillion-dollar spending plan ;

Asking Congress to quickly approve
new job-creation efforts that would boost
the deficit to a record-breaking $1.56 trillion.

leaving the financial system
vulnerable to another collapse ;

Special Inspector General
of Troubled Asset Relief Program,
says policymakers still have not addressed
fundamental problems that triggered the financial crisis.

Obama's controversial "green jobs" czar,
is slated to address a major environmental forum
alongside speakers from such major corporations
as Microsoft, IBM, Yahoo, Intel, Best Buy
and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

Other include Rob Bernard, chief environmental strategist
for Microsoft; Rich Lechner, vice president
of energy and environment for IBM;
Christina Page, director of climate and energy strategy
for Yahoo; Rick Rommel, senior vice president
of emerging business for Best Buy Co.,
Lorie Wigle, general manager of
the eco-technology program office
for Intel Corporation.
Also two speakers will be on hand
from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

Congress will move
to pass controversial "card check"
legislation this year, AFL-CIO President
Richard Trumka predicted .

But business groups
and congressional Republicans
have mounted a strong opposition to the bill,
which they say would unfairly bias
labor organizing votes in favor of unions.

In a rare display of bipartisanship,
a top House Democrat agreed to back
a Republican lawmaker's quest
for details of closed-door deals
the White House made with industry insiders
to produce a healthcare reform bill.

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.),
chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee,
said he'd help Dr. Michael Burgess (R-Texas)
seek information on the names of representatives .

That meeting included representatives
from the Advanced Medical Technology Association,
the American Medical Association (AMA),
America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP),
the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
(PhRMA), the American Hospital Association (AHA),
and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).