Existing Government Programs
to Take Over Health Care by 2012
One minor proposal in the Senate health care bill
could have huge repercussions for entire health care system ;
Public Option Threat Still Buried in the Senate Bill
Another proposal seen in the House bill
could spell the death of private health care ;
Risking Big Changes with Small Reforms
Lack of freedom has a direct,
negative effect on job growth ;
It should be no surprise that 'President Obama's'
policies have taken us down the path
to fewer jobs and record deficits
Commie Climate Change Scientific Consensus ;
The Commie Environmental Protection agency
heavily relied on the IPCC report to suggest
there was a scientific consensus
on global warming
The apparent attempts to cover up problems
with temperature data provide the first link between
scandal and the UN's embattled climate science body,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
as the measurements were used to bolster
IPCC statements about rapid global warming
in recent decades.
Commie Members of Congress
want to implement a cap and trade policy
based on these reports that would result in $4.6 trillion
in higher energy taxes, job losses exceeding 2.5 million
and nearly $10 trillion lost in gross domestic product (GDP).
Commie Washington looks increasingly
like a public-works jobs program
for lawyers and lobbyists,
a profit center for professionals
who are in business for themselves."
Second Stimulus, Same as the First
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Daily Maoist Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;