Hayworth has officially announced his candidacy for
the Senate
McCain, the "maverick," has been in Congress for
28 years, or since winning his first election in 1982.
He is no longer fighting the establishment; he is the
He personifies the compromise wing of the Republican
Party, which has since become the dominant wing.
J. D. Hayworth represents the 1994 Contract With
America Republicans.
He first entered Congress in that historic turnaround,
the first time Republicans took the majority of the
House since 1952.
He was voted out in 2006 when the House turned
Democrat again on a referendum on Iraq, and the
last time the unemployment rate was below 4.5%.
This Arizona primary election can be put in simple
Do Republicans want more compromise with
Democrats and "bipartisanship," or would they rather
take the Ronald Reagan approach : We win, they lose?
America is funding a large portion of its newly issued
debt by direct purchases from the Federal Reserve.
In other words, as private-sector demand for US
Treasuries wanes, Mr. Bernanke is creating new
money so that Mr. Obama's government can bail out
insolvent financial institutions.
Strangely, the American establishment is quite content
to pledge the economic fate of its future generations
in order to protect the bondholders of dubious
'too big to fail' corporations.
Is America a gigantic Ponzi scheme?
The Bank of England's falsification of gold holdings
data, undertaken with the help of the U.S. Federal
Reserve, to deceive the markets and manipulate
interest rates secretly between 1925 and 1931
The crittical lawsuit challenging that mystery of
finance known as the Bailout started, oddly enough,
with a casual newsroom chat ;
Seeking to crack the Fed's secrecy
around the bank bailout
If the vast majority of climatologists do not believe
the debate on climate change is over, why do our
politicians pushing for cap and trade and a transition
to a "clean energy economy" repeatedly assert that
the science is settled?
Because the Commie Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change said so and told us that a warming
planet was "unequivocal."
While the nation suffers an unemployment rate of
nearly 10 percent, Barack Obama spent last week
talking about job creation with "civil rights" leaders ;
The New York Times reports that 'President Obama'
met with Benjamin T. Jealous of the NAACP,
Marc H. Morial of the National Urban League,
and Reverend Al Sharpton
According to the article, the vast majority of the
meeting was spent discussing "how to get Republican
leaders to support Mr. Obama's jobs proposals."
More Commie Nominees ;
At its Executive Business Meeting on February 4,
2010, the Senate Judiciary Committee sent the
nominations of Edward Chen, Louis Butler, Mary Smith,
and Christopher Schroeder to the floor for
consideration by the Senate. President
'Obama' resubmitted those nominations in January
Chen, worked as a staff attorney for the American
Civil Liberties Union from 1985 to 2001,
While with the ACLU, Chen participated in
unsuccessful challenges to an Arizona referendum
calling for the State's official business to be conducted
in English, a California referendum that eliminated
so-called "bilingual education" and implemented other
measures for teaching English to nonnative students,
and a California ban on racial preferences in state
education, employment, and contracting.
Chen objected to the singing of "America the Beautiful"
at a funeral, citing his "feelings of ambivalence and
cynicism when confronted by appeals to patriotism."
He has also endorsed the notion that judges should
draw on their experiences, including "one's ethnic
and racial background," in judging.
Butler, While on the Wisconsin Supreme Court
helped to expand the rights of criminals and the
scope of potential liability for businesses.
He also helped to strike down legislatively-enacted
limits on punitive damages in medical malpractice
In 2008, the voters of Wisconsin declined to elect him
to the court in his own right.
Smith, was nominated for this position notwithstanding
that she has not held a job specializing in tax law,
written or spoken on tax issues, or taken a continuing
legal education course in tax law.
According to the Department of Justice, while she is
neither "a traditional tax lawyer [n]or a tax specialist,"
she does have "extensive experience in financial litigation,
both for and against the government."
Senator Kyl, who voted against the nomination, pointed
out that there must be "thousands of highly experienced
tax lawyers who would love to have a job like this."
Schroeder, formerly chief counsel for the Democrats
on the Senate Judiciary Committee is now a law
professor at Duke,
Schroeder has been nominated to head the Office
of Legal Policy at DOJ.
In his writings, he has objected to the use of cost-benefit
analysis in the review of proposed federal regulations,
and he told the Judiciary Committee that empathy is
one of the qualities that should be part of a judge's
decision-making process.
While voting to send the nomination forward, Senator
Sessions observed that Schroeder is a
"very strong partisan"