Friday, February 26, 2010

Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist Obamunist Unionist Hell Care Coup Ponzi Scheme Summit : No Choice, No Competition ;

Analysis of Commie 'Health Care' Summit

The Commie 'President's' 'Health Care' Summit
was an exercise in public education; it was

Particularly noteworthy was the threat of rising
deficits to the nation's future articulated by
Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI)

In preparation for his bipartisan 'Health Care'
Summit, Commie 'President Obama' released his
own version of 'health care reform' earlier this week.

The 'President's' proposal includes several
high-ticket provisions for expanding coverage.

Since he has promised time and again not to raise
taxes on the middle-class in order to pay for
'health care' reform, the 'President's' bill imposes
a Medicare tax on the investment income to off-set
some of the cost of expanding Medicaid
and financing other provisions of his 'health' agenda

These new taxes would have widespread adverse
effects for all Americans, not just the wealthy that
they target

Commie 'President Obama' keeps rolling out
the tax hikes.

In his budget released earlier this month, excluding
the tax hikes he assumed to pay for 'health care',
he called for $1.3 trillion in higher taxes over the
next decade.

Now in his recently released health reform plan,
he calls for even more tax increases

In preparation for the 'Health Care' Summit,
'President Obama' unveiled his first official health
care proposal.

It is intended to reconcile the differences between
the highly unpopular House and Senate bills.

Curiously, President Obama's latest iteration of
the Commie liberal health policy agenda includes
more federal power : the power
to control "private" health plan premiums

The Commie White House-sponsored 'health care'
summit is an insult to the intelligence of every honest

'President Barack Obama's' communications minions
are still trying sell his plan as an "opening bid" in the
health care debate.

The White House does not enter Thursday's summit
expecting Republicans to make a deal.

In fact, the President's recently-unveiled plan is
specifically designed to be passed without a single
Republican vote

In anticipation of the February 25th health care
summit with members of Congress, the Commie
'President' released his proposal for pricey,
government-run health care.

The Commie White House estimates the cost of
the proposal to be $950 billion over a decade,
decreasing the federal deficit.

However, health policy expert James Capretta, a
former senior official of the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), shows in a recent paper that
this is not only inaccurate, but far from reality.

Capretta's research shows that ten full years of
implementation of the President's proposal would
cost closer to $2.5 trillion, with the strong
likelihood of far exceeding this amount

The well tested Commie rhetoric used by the
White House to sugarcoat the Commie health
policy outline should not fool ordinary

This proposal is even more expensive than the
Senate bill upon which it is apparently based

'The President's' new version of Obamacare,
and his method of passing it, are not popular with
the American people.

Dubbed the Health Care Nuclear Option, this
tactic will only further anger the American people
by sidetracking the filibuster in the Senate and
creating an even more highly charged partisan
atmosphere in Congress.

The content of Obamacare, and the strategies
being employed to pass it, violates one of our
nation's core first principles :
the consent of the governed.

Our Republic is not a democracy where
bare 51 vote majorities rule

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;