Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Inconvenient Lies : The Commie U.N. Copenhagen Accords on climate change ;

Less than two months after it was hastily drafted
to stave off a fiasco, the Commie Copenhagen
Accord on climate change is in a bad way ;

The deal was crafted amid chaos by a small group
of countries, led by the United States and China, to
avert an implosion of the UN's December 7-18
climate summit.

Political momentum is so weak that so far only two
negotiating rounds have been rostered in 2010, one
among officials in Bonn in mid-year, the other in
Mexico at ministerial level in December.

Worse, the Accord itself already seems to have been
quietly disowned by China, India and other emerging
economies just weeks after they helped write it, say
these sources.

And With This Commie Accord Comes Commie
promises of money :
30 billion dollars for climate-vulnerable poor
countries by 2012, with as much as 100 billion
dollars annually by 2020

Oppression under Big Brother's green thumb ;

In Cambridge, Mass.,
the city officially adopted an order recognizing that
there is a climate emergency; & after nearly a year,
officials discovered the city's carbon footprint was
nonetheless growing worse.

Cambridge Commie Mayor Denise Simmons,
therefore, brought together nearly 100 Commie
activists and concerned citizens under the
endorsement of the city council to convene a
"Climate Congress" to make recommendations on
how Cambridge can meet its Commie green goals.

Life in Cambridge may be about to
dramatically change

To add to the list of outrageous Commie earmarks
in 'Obama's' fiscal 2011 budget, it appears Commie
left-wing activist groups including ACORN, the
embezzlement-prone, voter-registration-fraud-plagued
Commie community organizing group, are eligible to
receive up to $3.99 billion in taxpayer-backed slush

The funds would come indirectly from the Commie
Community Development Block Grant, one of the
Commie Department of Housing and Urban
Development's longest-running programs

For the U.S., the crushing weight of its debt threatens
to overwhelm everything the federal government does,
even in the short-term, best-case financial scenario --
a full recovery and a return to prerecession
employment levels