As many are already aware, the SEIU has been
incessantly battering Sodexo since 2007, in its
desire to unionize some of its nearly 400,000
employees, many of them hotel and food service
Sodexo is one of the largest food services and facilities
management companies in the world, and is the
provider of choice for most schools, universities,
companies, hotels, prisons and other facilities that
outsource their cafeteria and food catering operations,
and for those that outsource industrial cleaning services.
The other target though, since 2003, has actually
been another union, UNITE HERE, the former
combination of the Union of Needle trades, Industrial
and Textile Employees and the Hotel Employees
and Restaurant Employees International union.
There has been a longstanding war amongst the
three, where SEIU once partnered with UNITE to
attack HERE, then eventually betrayed UNITE as well.
The prize of course being hotel and casino workers,
cleaners, garment workers, and potentially even bank
The epic battle is not exactly secret, nor is it new,
although there have been significant recent escalations
in their ongoing war
Census 2010 : Up to 800 Canvassers With
Criminal Records
Despite reports last fall that the Census Bureau had
severed ties with community-organizing group known
as ACORN, Americans might want to think twice
before opening their doors to canvassers for the
2010 Census
According to a report issued by the Government
Accountability approximately 785 employees with
disqualifying criminal records could still end up
working for the Census Bureau this year.
Excerpts (below) show the exact wording of the
agency's frightening information about the people
who go door to door conducting interviews and
collecting information for the 2010 Census :
The Bureau's efforts to fingerprint employees, which
was required as part of a criminal background check,
did not proceed smoothly, in part because of training
As a result, over 35,000 temporary census workers -
over a fifth of the address canvassing workforce -
were hired despite the fact that their fingerprints could
not be processed and they were not fully screened for
employment eligibility
Cumulative consumer energy costs will rise by
$2.35 trillion over the next two decades ;
A new report says U.S. oil-and-gas drilling bans will
increase consumer energy costs and decrease cumulative
U.S. GDP by $2.36 trillion over the next two decades
In a vivid display of President Obama's diminished
clout, the Senate's newest Republican and two veteran
Democrats Tuesday helped block Mr. Obama's bid
to fill a key labor post with a nominee they considered
too cozy with unions.
With newly seated Sen. Scott Brown, Massachusetts
Republican, voting to sustain the filibuster, Senate
Democratic leaders failed to muster the 60 votes
needed to force a vote on the nomination of Craig
Becker to the National Labor Relations Board,
which resolves disputes between unions and
Dubbed a friend of organized labor, Mr. Becker
had been fiercely opposed by business and employer
groups, who feared his support for the proposed
Employee Free Choice Act, called "card check,"
which would give unions a stronger hand in organizing
Republicans strongly oppose the legislation, which
could come up for a vote in the Senate later this year