Commie Hell Care Steals More Money
from Medicare :
To pay for Cornhusker Kickbacks for all,
increased subsidies for health insurance, and the
health insurance tax delay, the White House raises
the Medicare payroll tax and extends it for the first
time ever to investment income.
The least they could have done is slate this new
$120 billion in taxes to help plug Medicare's
existing $38 trillion unfunded liability, not fund a
brand new entitlement.
Can Commies Make Obamacare Worse?
Yes They Can!
$2 trillion dollar Secret Commie Hell Care Coup ;
Yet again, the Obama Administration has tossed
aside transparency and has crafted this legislation
behind closed doors.
Not even all Congressional Democrats have been
looped into this secret proposal
The legislation is being crafted in a way to allow
for partisans in the House and Senate to pass the
legislation without any support from Republicans
and in a way that avoids a 60 vote threshold of a
filibuster in the Senate.
Democratic officials said the president's proposal
was being written so that it could be attached to a
budget bill as a way of averting a Republican
filibuster in the Senate.
The procedure, known as budget reconciliation,
would let Democrats advance the bill with a simple
majority rather than a 60-vote supermajority.
Some may bring up other examples of massive
legislation passed through reconciliation bills as
proof that using reconciliation bills to explode
government spending is okay, but past instances
of wrongdoing does not make it acceptable to add
$2 trillion dollars worth of health care spending
The Commie 'President' promised that under
health reform taxpayers would not be forced
to fund abortion. Not true
Given that the 'President's' proposal builds off of
the Senate bill, that means that a number of
features of the Senate bill that many , if not most,
of Americans find objectionable are going to be
For example, the President insists on an individual
mandate for Americans to buy health insurance
coverage that is approved by federal authorities.
The President's proposal adopts the Senate
approach to imposing an individual mandate but
lowers the tax assessments.
He also insists on the imposition of an employer
mandate, though he would soften it to some extent
by providing $40 billion worth of tax credits to
small businesses.
Consistent with the Senate bill, he would exempt
small firms with less than 50 employees from the
employer mandate.
Even more important
is what the outline does not spell out
If Congress can raise payroll taxes easily to pay for
any spending it desires, payroll taxes will no longer
be used to pay for entitlements, but as an ATM for
Congress to go back to each time it needs more cash.
Obama's Health Plan Has Dangerous New Taxes
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Daily Maoist Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;