Federal government claiming the authority to regulate
in-state commerce under the Constitution's Commerce clause ;
Plaintiff says the 10th Amendment specifically
grants authority to states
CAIR has run afoul of IRS rules ;
It's just a matter of time before the "dirty"
organization is forced to open its books to government
auditors and other investigators.
"It's a dirty institution, founded by Islamic terrorists
and with many subsequent ties to terrorists."
Republicans in Obama's home state of Illinois
sense the Senate seat he left vacant
is ripe for their picking ;
Could Illinois' Senate race copy Massachusetts?
McCain is not going to be re-elected ;
The people of Arizona have had enough of his arrogance
and big-government ideas and so have Americans.
I don't want to see the Democrats
take that McCain seat.
I want to see a real Republican take it.
That real Republican is J.D. Hayworth.
Obama has unveiled a multitrillion-dollar spending plan ;
Asking Congress to quickly approve
new job-creation efforts that would boost
the deficit to a record-breaking $1.56 trillion.
leaving the financial system
vulnerable to another collapse ;
Special Inspector General
of Troubled Asset Relief Program,
says policymakers still have not addressed
fundamental problems that triggered the financial crisis.
Obama's controversial "green jobs" czar,
is slated to address a major environmental forum
alongside speakers from such major corporations
as Microsoft, IBM, Yahoo, Intel, Best Buy
and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Other include Rob Bernard, chief environmental strategist
for Microsoft; Rich Lechner, vice president
of energy and environment for IBM;
Christina Page, director of climate and energy strategy
for Yahoo; Rick Rommel, senior vice president
of emerging business for Best Buy Co.,
Lorie Wigle, general manager of
the eco-technology program office
for Intel Corporation.
Also two speakers will be on hand
from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Congress will move
to pass controversial "card check"
legislation this year, AFL-CIO President
Richard Trumka predicted .
But business groups
and congressional Republicans
have mounted a strong opposition to the bill,
which they say would unfairly bias
labor organizing votes in favor of unions.
In a rare display of bipartisanship,
a top House Democrat agreed to back
a Republican lawmaker's quest
for details of closed-door deals
the White House made with industry insiders
to produce a healthcare reform bill.
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.),
chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee,
said he'd help Dr. Michael Burgess (R-Texas)
seek information on the names of representatives .
That meeting included representatives
from the Advanced Medical Technology Association,
the American Medical Association (AMA),
America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP),
the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
(PhRMA), the American Hospital Association (AHA),
and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).