Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Republicans say they have found a loophole in the budget reconciliation process ;

The left is angry that anybody would dare
to fight back against these strong arm tactics

Fighting the Nuclear Option

The U.S. Constitution and federalism won a key battle ;

The States Fight Back: Virginia Rejects Obamacare's Individual Mandates

While Obamunists continue to try to takeover
health care system & Obamacare would
fast-forward that development ;

Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams is scheduled
for heart surgery in the United States,
a move that throws into question his province's
and his nation's health-care system.

Obamacare policies could still become law through
incremental approach, buried in different bills
or legislative vehicles ;

Reports that Obamacare is near death are premature ;

And, if the past is any guide, flat out wrong.

It is possible for the Administration to lose politically
in pushing its federal takeover of health care,
and yet win the policy battle.

Rumors of Obamacare's Death are Premature

The dangers of a government takeover of health care ;

The deterioration of Britain's health care system
is due to years of liberal health policy marked by
heavy concentration of power, higher taxes
and the proliferation of rules and restrictions
by the National Health Service

To understand the dangers of a government takeover
of health care, America should study Britain's system,
which exemplifies the shortcomings of heavily regulated,
nationalized health care

Don't Centralize Health Care in Washington

The individual mandate would force all U.S. citizens
to purchase health insurance, has outraged many
& has led to public backlash ;

The Virginia Senate passed a measure
that would prohibit the imposition
of the individual mandate -
a feature of both the current House
and Senate health care bills.

An increasing number of state legislatures
have begun considering such legislation.

The individual mandate -
which would force all U.S. citizens to purchase
health insurance -
has outraged many Americans and has led
to a public backlash against the proposal.

States Consider Prohibiting the Individual Mandate

Environmental policies designed to restrict
consumer choice already exist & members
of 'our government' are proposing them.

'Our government' is picking off individual freedoms
and slowly but surely reducing consumer choice.

Having choice is an invaluable benefit of being an
American and the more the government attempts
to restrict it, the less it will be taken for granted.

Commie Wind power is not the economic savior
'the government' said it would be.

The stimulus money is failing
to create the clean energy jobs
the White House said it would :

Wind Mills: Not Spinning, Not Creating Jobs

Obamunists Are Hog Wild On 2011 Budget ;

'President Obama' has released his fiscal year 2011 budget :

$28.4 billion for the Department of Energy (DOE)
and $10 billion for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

$36 billion for Nuclear Loan Guarantees
$4.7 billion for Clean Energy

Elimination of Tax Credits for Coal, Oil and Natural Gas

The government will collect $4.6 trillion
in higher energy taxes from 2012-2035

Mitigating Climate Change:
The EPA's section of the budget also includes
$21 million to implement a Mandatory
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule
and "$56 million -
including $43 million in new funding -
for the EPA and states to address climate change
effectively through regulatory initiatives
to control greenhouse gas emissions."

With the EPA set to move forward
with its backdoor global warming policy,
beginning with new regulations for vehicle tailpipe emissions,
it appears the administration is willing to provide the funding.

Congress should amend the Clean Air Act
in order to prevent unelected government
bureaucrats from bankrupting the nation.

More government spending and more government
regulation are this administration's answer to every
economic problem.

But more debt and more regulation
will not create new jobs.

The 'President's' Permanent Political Slush Fund