Based on all of the new information on climate change
and the manipulation of the "science" for some 15
years, it will be revealing if the United States adheres
to this agreement.
If Obama continues with this nonsense of climate
change and insists on transferring United States' wealth
to third world countries, my assertions have been correct
all along-that the core intentions of the Obama agenda
are to place severe hardship on the American people
by destroying the nation's wealth.
After all, Obama is intentionally proposing, supporting,
and forcing policies through-by any means-that
bankrupt the United States and weaken our economy,
discourage businesses from investing and hiring
workers, deepening unemployment and stifling
innovation, and squeezing the American people into
desperation for federal aid (there is a record number
of food stamp recipients now, for example) and health
care benefits.
It seems the end goal of the Obama Administration
is to make people dependent upon the federal
Public Employee Benefit Plans : Up to 1 Trillion
in unfunded liabilities
Much of the current data regarding liabilities in
public employee pensions was taken before the
recent economic downturn, and the study's authors
warn the problem is much worse today since stock
market losses have not been fully realized in many
official government pension statistics.
Other estimates with recent data place the
unfunded pension liabilities at $1 trillion nationally
Why 'Obama' is wrong about net neutrality and his
scheme must be defeated
Menendez New Jersy recall :
The tea party goes to court
Tea Party activists might be smarter than some would
like to think.
And depending upon the outcome of a court case
later this month, they might also play a role in setting
legal precedent.
When New Jersey state election officials denied
their submission to initiate a recall effort against
U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, calling it
unconstitutional, a grass-roots recall committee's
constitutional instincts kicked into full gear.
Attorneys for the committee, themselves Tea Party
activists, filed to appeal the agency decision and
began writing their supporting brief