Public opinion is consequential.
Voters will hold Congress accountable
for imposing on them rules and regulations
that they do not want, while attempting
to takeover one-sixth of the nation's economy.
Manufactured Momentum & Support
for ObamaCare Screeching to Halt
Government Unions Ate Your Raise ;
In the private sector, total compensation grew
just 1.2 percent in 2009.
On the other hand the compensation paid to state
and local government employees grew 2.4 percent.
The average government employee got twice the raise
that private sector workers did.
Why did government workers get higher raises?
In the private sector workers compete to produce goods
and services that others value.
In a recession, production falls and employers
have less money to pay raises with.
On the other hand, taxes fund government paychecks.
Government employees can continue getting raises
no matter the health of the overall economy,
so long as taxes keep coming in.
This fact has turned the labor movement
into determined tax hikers.
Union membership has grown in the government
even as it has fallen in the private sector.
In 2009 the numbers crossed: a majority of union members
now work for the government.
Higher pay for government employees can only come
through higher taxes on private sector workers.
Unions almost never go on strike anymore.
Instead, they fight to get more for their members
by lobbying for tax increases.
Unions spent tens of millions of dollars last year
campaigning for higher taxes across the country
It is clear that global warming science
has been hijacked by a subset of researchers
who have crossed the line into advocacy and alarmism.
Climategate alone reveals a number of scandals -
key researchers and institutions manipulating temperature
data to gin up a bigger warming trend,
refusing to allow independent researchers
to see the raw data, and strategizing
to keep skeptical views out of the scientific literature
and official reports.
Climategate is just beginning to unfold.
The UN's vaunted Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) report turns out to contain a whopper
The General Government has,
as a "Form of Government",
"become destructive of the ends"
for which it was first instituted ;
But "secession" is ineffective
unless the "seceding" State
successfully took prior actions
that would make "secession"
unnecessary in the first place.
Some of the world's most prominent bankers
have come out in favour of a global bank
wind-down fund, a concession from the industry
after weeks of fighting proposals
for new taxes in the US and Europe ;
Bankers in favour of paying global fee
In a rare case for a state
that has long offered illegal immigrants sanctuary,
an appellate court in Oregon has ruled in favor
of a state agency that denied an illegal alien
costly public services
based on her immigration status.
Court Says Ok To Deny Illegal Alien Public Service