Last Wednesday,
Education Secretary Arne Duncan
tried to publicly shore-up support for
the $23 billion "Education Jobs Fund"
being considered by Congress.
Flanked by union heads
Dennis Van Roekel (President,
National Education Association)
and Randi Weingarten (President,
American Federation of Teachers)
and Representatives Dave Obey
(D-WI) and George Miller (D-CA),
Secretary Duncan pleaded for
additional taxpayers dollars
But the Washington Post editorializes
against Congress' plans for another
public education bailout, suggesting
that the doom-and-gloom picture
painted by the administration
is overblown :
The unions predict layoffs
could go as high as 300,000.
It's hard to imagine losing
that many teachers without
some damage to learning.
But that many teachers
almost certainly are not
going to lose their jobs.
For technical reasons,
school districts must send
notices in the spring to more
teachers than they actually
expect to let go in the fall.
What's more, the unions' 300,000
estimate includes not only classroom
teachers in kindergarten through 12th
grade but also support staff
and college professors.
The bill would distribute
money to states according
to their population, not expected
layoffs; states where no layoffs
are imminent would get checks
anyway, and the majority of
states would receive more than
they could possibly need
to avoid layoffs.
The Senate version of the bill
permits them to spend the
excess on other things.
When the economy was good
and state revenues were plush,
school districts increased
staff roles.
A seemingly endless buffet
of federal funding has enabled
states to continue bloating their
staff roles even when state
budgets needed trimming.
In particular, states piled up
on non-teaching staff positions.
In the mid-20th century
for example, public schools
employed about 2 teachers for
every non-teacher on their rolls;
today, only half of those people
employed by public school
districts are teachers
Last Wednesday CBO Director
Doug Elmendorf gave a slide
presentation on Capitol Hill titled :
Health Costs and the Federal Budget.
Elemendorf's very first slide reads :
Rising health costs
will put tremendous pressure
on the federal budget during the
next few decades and beyond.
In CBO's judgment, the health
legislation enacted earlier this
year does not substantially
diminish that pressure.
The presentation concludes :
Putting the federal budget
on a sustainable path would
almost certainly require a significant
reduction in the growth of federal
health spending relative to current law
(including this year's health legislation).
In other words,
our nation's budget
is on an unsustainable path
and Obamacare did nothing
to change that
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Monday, May 31, 2010
Victims of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The political opportunists will use a
worsening disaster as capital to impede
oil exploration efforts, when their very
interference forced exploration so far
offshore and so deep as to make drilling
so difficult and risky.
The governor has said
he will start the dredging,
even if it means going to jail
If he really offers leadership like that,
there are probably a hundred thousand
watermen, shrimpers, fishermen, and
assorted bayou boys in Louisiana who
would gladly take his place at the Bastille.
The State of Arizona
also faces two enemies :
The army of intruders crossing an
unsecured border is one, and the
federal government that refuses to
secure it is the other.
One enemy has many faces,
drug running, human trafficking, ruined
desert habitats, crime, kidnapping, and
national security concerns among them.
When the crime and cost resulting from
that unsecured border became too grave
and the federal government steadfastly
refused to do its duty to secure the border
and protect the citizens of Arizona, the state
rightfully took matters into its own hands.
It is now beginning to feel
the wrath of the second enemy.
The courts will play out decisions
of constitutionality and supremacy
of federal law, but the reality on the
ground is that a dangerous situation
existed, one that threatened the life,
liberty, and property of Americans,
and something had to be done.
Again, the federal government is
willfully obstructionist and incompetent
when it comes to securing the border.
Border patrol agents need to wait for
the Parks Service before they can enter
the parkland and preserve what makes
up the vast majority of the Arizona border
area, leaving huge gaps where drugs and
people swarm north.
Most recently, John Morton, the assistant
secretary of homeland security for U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
has stated that his agency may not even
process illegal immigrants referred by the
state of Arizona due to the controversial
law, a position backed by Janet Napolitano,
Secretary of Homeland Security.
Few of the political elite have any interest
in securing the border ; many of them are
pandering for votes and voters, and their
campaign donors want an inexhaustible
supply of cheap labor.
Just as in Louisiana,
the people on the ground -- the ranchers,
business owners, and citizens of Arizona --
will reap the consequences of Federal
indifference and irresponsibility
How did we get there?
That is the question posed by
Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)
to Supreme Court Justice
Nominee Sonia Sotomayor
during her confirmation hearing.
The "there" Senator Coburn was
asking about is the situation where the
individual's right to bear arms is explicit
in the Constitution yet unsettled in law,
while a woman's right to privacy
(to an abortion), not mentioned at all
in the Constitution, is settled in law.
Thus, the perfectly reasonable
question, "How did we get there?"
The problem we face is that
there are a lot of "theres" out there.
From an early age,
we Americans are taught
that ours is a government with
limited powers designed to protect
the liberty of the individual from
powerful individuals, special interest
groups, and tyranny of the majority
imposed by government itself -- that
the brilliance of our founders was in
crafting a constitution that enumerates
the powers of the federal government
and that any power not specifically given
to that government cannot be usurped
from the states or the people.
Today, it is estimated that two-thirds
to three-fourths of federal government
expenditures do not have a foundation
in its enumerated powers, and nearly all
of the regulatory agencies are without
any Constitutional foundation.
How did we get there?
Since 1789, forty-three
presidents have taken an
oath "to preserve, protect,
and defend the Constitution
of the United States."
Since 1789,
every Senator and Representative,
every member of the several state
legislatures, every executive and judicial
officer, whether of the United States or
of the several States, was or is bound
by an oath or affirmation to support
the Constitution of the United States.
Still, we have gone from a government
intended to be small and unintrusive in
our economy to one that is so bloated
that its direct expenditures account for
25 percent of total output -- but that is
only a fraction of the true cost of government
worsening disaster as capital to impede
oil exploration efforts, when their very
interference forced exploration so far
offshore and so deep as to make drilling
so difficult and risky.
The governor has said
he will start the dredging,
even if it means going to jail
If he really offers leadership like that,
there are probably a hundred thousand
watermen, shrimpers, fishermen, and
assorted bayou boys in Louisiana who
would gladly take his place at the Bastille.
The State of Arizona
also faces two enemies :
The army of intruders crossing an
unsecured border is one, and the
federal government that refuses to
secure it is the other.
One enemy has many faces,
drug running, human trafficking, ruined
desert habitats, crime, kidnapping, and
national security concerns among them.
When the crime and cost resulting from
that unsecured border became too grave
and the federal government steadfastly
refused to do its duty to secure the border
and protect the citizens of Arizona, the state
rightfully took matters into its own hands.
It is now beginning to feel
the wrath of the second enemy.
The courts will play out decisions
of constitutionality and supremacy
of federal law, but the reality on the
ground is that a dangerous situation
existed, one that threatened the life,
liberty, and property of Americans,
and something had to be done.
Again, the federal government is
willfully obstructionist and incompetent
when it comes to securing the border.
Border patrol agents need to wait for
the Parks Service before they can enter
the parkland and preserve what makes
up the vast majority of the Arizona border
area, leaving huge gaps where drugs and
people swarm north.
Most recently, John Morton, the assistant
secretary of homeland security for U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
has stated that his agency may not even
process illegal immigrants referred by the
state of Arizona due to the controversial
law, a position backed by Janet Napolitano,
Secretary of Homeland Security.
Few of the political elite have any interest
in securing the border ; many of them are
pandering for votes and voters, and their
campaign donors want an inexhaustible
supply of cheap labor.
Just as in Louisiana,
the people on the ground -- the ranchers,
business owners, and citizens of Arizona --
will reap the consequences of Federal
indifference and irresponsibility
How did we get there?
That is the question posed by
Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)
to Supreme Court Justice
Nominee Sonia Sotomayor
during her confirmation hearing.
The "there" Senator Coburn was
asking about is the situation where the
individual's right to bear arms is explicit
in the Constitution yet unsettled in law,
while a woman's right to privacy
(to an abortion), not mentioned at all
in the Constitution, is settled in law.
Thus, the perfectly reasonable
question, "How did we get there?"
The problem we face is that
there are a lot of "theres" out there.
From an early age,
we Americans are taught
that ours is a government with
limited powers designed to protect
the liberty of the individual from
powerful individuals, special interest
groups, and tyranny of the majority
imposed by government itself -- that
the brilliance of our founders was in
crafting a constitution that enumerates
the powers of the federal government
and that any power not specifically given
to that government cannot be usurped
from the states or the people.
Today, it is estimated that two-thirds
to three-fourths of federal government
expenditures do not have a foundation
in its enumerated powers, and nearly all
of the regulatory agencies are without
any Constitutional foundation.
How did we get there?
Since 1789, forty-three
presidents have taken an
oath "to preserve, protect,
and defend the Constitution
of the United States."
Since 1789,
every Senator and Representative,
every member of the several state
legislatures, every executive and judicial
officer, whether of the United States or
of the several States, was or is bound
by an oath or affirmation to support
the Constitution of the United States.
Still, we have gone from a government
intended to be small and unintrusive in
our economy to one that is so bloated
that its direct expenditures account for
25 percent of total output -- but that is
only a fraction of the true cost of government
Tax, Spend, Debt & Waste Laden Agenda's of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Government spending
is increasing at an alarmingly
quick rate.
This is especially true when
it comes to entitlement programs.
In fact, entitlement spending
will consume all tax revenue
by 2052.
But Congress
is already spending
at a breakneck pace
accumulating unprecedented debt.
Sen. George LeMieux noticed
this and had a very interesting
observation when he tweeted :
Today the debt hit 13 trillion.
The debt increased
a trillion in less than a year.
It took 191 years
to amass the first trillion in debt.
This is very troubling
because we are only going
to get more marred in debt
unless something is done
to reform spending.
Since Alexander Hamilton
assumed all the war debts from
the original 13 colonies, America
has always been in debt.
Only Andrew Jackson
has been able to make us
debt free, but in 25 years,
unless we reform entitlement
spending, debt will consume
more than 180 percent
of the economy.
Heritage has put together
a Federal Budget Chart Book
that graphically illustrates
our growing problem.
Something needs to be done about
spending before our debt consumes us
The Spend, Tax, Debt & Waste
Laden Agenda's of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes Are Like
A Ruptured Oil Well That Has
Been Uncapped For Far Too Long ;
Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton is concerning
herself with. America's taxes?
That's right.
Clinton has said that
the U.S. tax rate isn't
high enough and that we should
strive to become more like Brazil :
"The rich
are not paying
their fair share in any nation
that is facing the kind of employment
issues (the United States is), whether
it's individual, corporate, whatever
the taxation forms are."
According to Heritage's
Index of Economic Freedom,
Brazil's economy is ranked 113th
in the world, among "mostly unfree"
It charts below
regional and world
averages, and its GDP
is one-tenth the size of
the United States.'
But Our revenue raised
is effectively capped, the
ratio of taxes to GDP can't
rise much unless the GDP itself
begins to contract - or government
generates revenue through new sources,
such as the value added tax.
Is Secretary Clinton finally
pushing the Administration
out of the closet on levying
a massive new VAT tax?
It's not the first time
a member of the Obama
Administration has weighed
in on taxes.
In April, Vice President
Joe Biden said the U.S. tax
system is unfair because, in
his view, the wealthy don't
pay enough, despite the fact
that the top one percent of
income earners pay more
than 40 percent of all
income taxes.
However, for Secretary Clinton,
whose job description revolves
around foreign affairs, tax policy
is something of a departure.
As Secretary Clinton
remarked, we are living
in an increasingly complicated
world, which makes the job of
diplomacy - as she sees it -
harder than ever.
Maybe this is a good reason
for her to stick to her day job,
America's diplomat in chief.
wasn't it Hillary Clinton's husband
who once as president admitted to
a group of business executives that
he had raised their tax rates too much?
Higher taxes kill the economy.
It is the last thing
the United States need right now"
is increasing at an alarmingly
quick rate.
This is especially true when
it comes to entitlement programs.
In fact, entitlement spending
will consume all tax revenue
by 2052.
But Congress
is already spending
at a breakneck pace
accumulating unprecedented debt.
Sen. George LeMieux noticed
this and had a very interesting
observation when he tweeted :
Today the debt hit 13 trillion.
The debt increased
a trillion in less than a year.
It took 191 years
to amass the first trillion in debt.
This is very troubling
because we are only going
to get more marred in debt
unless something is done
to reform spending.
Since Alexander Hamilton
assumed all the war debts from
the original 13 colonies, America
has always been in debt.
Only Andrew Jackson
has been able to make us
debt free, but in 25 years,
unless we reform entitlement
spending, debt will consume
more than 180 percent
of the economy.
Heritage has put together
a Federal Budget Chart Book
that graphically illustrates
our growing problem.
Something needs to be done about
spending before our debt consumes us
The Spend, Tax, Debt & Waste
Laden Agenda's of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes Are Like
A Ruptured Oil Well That Has
Been Uncapped For Far Too Long ;
Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton is concerning
herself with. America's taxes?
That's right.
Clinton has said that
the U.S. tax rate isn't
high enough and that we should
strive to become more like Brazil :
"The rich
are not paying
their fair share in any nation
that is facing the kind of employment
issues (the United States is), whether
it's individual, corporate, whatever
the taxation forms are."
According to Heritage's
Index of Economic Freedom,
Brazil's economy is ranked 113th
in the world, among "mostly unfree"
It charts below
regional and world
averages, and its GDP
is one-tenth the size of
the United States.'
But Our revenue raised
is effectively capped, the
ratio of taxes to GDP can't
rise much unless the GDP itself
begins to contract - or government
generates revenue through new sources,
such as the value added tax.
Is Secretary Clinton finally
pushing the Administration
out of the closet on levying
a massive new VAT tax?
It's not the first time
a member of the Obama
Administration has weighed
in on taxes.
In April, Vice President
Joe Biden said the U.S. tax
system is unfair because, in
his view, the wealthy don't
pay enough, despite the fact
that the top one percent of
income earners pay more
than 40 percent of all
income taxes.
However, for Secretary Clinton,
whose job description revolves
around foreign affairs, tax policy
is something of a departure.
As Secretary Clinton
remarked, we are living
in an increasingly complicated
world, which makes the job of
diplomacy - as she sees it -
harder than ever.
Maybe this is a good reason
for her to stick to her day job,
America's diplomat in chief.
wasn't it Hillary Clinton's husband
who once as president admitted to
a group of business executives that
he had raised their tax rates too much?
Higher taxes kill the economy.
It is the last thing
the United States need right now"
Gulag USA of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The socialist policies implemented by
the Obama administration and the
Democrat leadership undermine
America's economic prosperity
and prolong the misery for millions
of companies and workers.
Despite passing multi-trillion dollar
government tax and spend initiatives,
numerous bailouts of failed businesses,
and repeated extensions of government
benefits, Americans are suffering and the
economy is languishing.
Nationwide the unemployment rate has
risen to 9.9%, while mortgage defaults
and foreclosure rates have surged to
record numbers.
Even with the tens of billions of dollars
Congress has spent on preventing
consumer mortgage defaults and
home foreclosures, things have
not improved much.
How could they?
Such government bailout measures
are temporary band-aids that fail to
address the structural problems our
economy faces.
They only delay the inevitable and
push the problem further down the road.
It doesn't matter that house payments
are now lower and the government has
picked up the tab for a few months.
If Americans cannot find a job or raise
the capital to start a business they won't
have the money to pay even reduced
mortgage payments.
The situation is grim
for millions of American homeowners.
The foreclosure crisis that the
administration hoped to address via its
"prevention program" is far from being over.
In fact the situation may be getting worse.
The Mortgage Bankers Association reports
that during the January to March period of
this year more than 10% of homeowners
missed making at least one mortgage payment.
This is an increase from the 9.1%
that missed home payments in 2009.
Right now approximately 4.3 million
Americans are either in foreclosure or
have missed at least three months
of mortgage payments.
Nationally, more than
4.6% of all homeowners
are in foreclosure, a new
record for the country
As Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
ask for an additional $8.4 billion of
U.S. taxpayer dollars to cover their
rising mortgage losses, their cumulative
total debt to the American public comes
to $145 billion.
The citizenry hardly notices,
and the government quietly writes
a check to the two failing institutions.
This strategy is in keeping
with the American political
system's management of the
populace's collective attention,
with the understanding that if an
administration can ride out a scandal
for six months, then all will be forgotten.
The uncurious press moves on
to other events, and the limited
public memory replaces old
facts with new.
This myopic historical memory
is exactly what the political class
is using to hide its culpability in
the national mortgage crisis.
a quick history lesson is in order.
The 1970s brought
the Community Reinvestment
Act, followed by the Equal Credit
Opportunity Act and the Home
Mortgage Disclosure Act.
These laws were then used
by socio-political activists to
pressure banking and lending
institutions into making bad loans,
which these institutions probably
would not have made without the
new laws in place.
In the name of social justice,
the FDIC was further empowered
to audit lenders for redlining practices
and pressured regulated private
lending institutions to make
marginal and bad loans.
From within Fannie and Freddie,
two quasi-political, uninsured, and
unregulated government institutions,
these bad loans were bought and
packaged or securitized as
collateralized mortgage
obligations (CMO).
The bad loans were packaged
with a collection of good loans
into multi-year tranches so that
the entire loan package could
receive an investment-grade
bond rating.
With rating institutions
giving good ratings to these
volatile, risky CMOs, an artificial,
government-created market was born
the Obama administration and the
Democrat leadership undermine
America's economic prosperity
and prolong the misery for millions
of companies and workers.
Despite passing multi-trillion dollar
government tax and spend initiatives,
numerous bailouts of failed businesses,
and repeated extensions of government
benefits, Americans are suffering and the
economy is languishing.
Nationwide the unemployment rate has
risen to 9.9%, while mortgage defaults
and foreclosure rates have surged to
record numbers.
Even with the tens of billions of dollars
Congress has spent on preventing
consumer mortgage defaults and
home foreclosures, things have
not improved much.
How could they?
Such government bailout measures
are temporary band-aids that fail to
address the structural problems our
economy faces.
They only delay the inevitable and
push the problem further down the road.
It doesn't matter that house payments
are now lower and the government has
picked up the tab for a few months.
If Americans cannot find a job or raise
the capital to start a business they won't
have the money to pay even reduced
mortgage payments.
The situation is grim
for millions of American homeowners.
The foreclosure crisis that the
administration hoped to address via its
"prevention program" is far from being over.
In fact the situation may be getting worse.
The Mortgage Bankers Association reports
that during the January to March period of
this year more than 10% of homeowners
missed making at least one mortgage payment.
This is an increase from the 9.1%
that missed home payments in 2009.
Right now approximately 4.3 million
Americans are either in foreclosure or
have missed at least three months
of mortgage payments.
Nationally, more than
4.6% of all homeowners
are in foreclosure, a new
record for the country
As Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
ask for an additional $8.4 billion of
U.S. taxpayer dollars to cover their
rising mortgage losses, their cumulative
total debt to the American public comes
to $145 billion.
The citizenry hardly notices,
and the government quietly writes
a check to the two failing institutions.
This strategy is in keeping
with the American political
system's management of the
populace's collective attention,
with the understanding that if an
administration can ride out a scandal
for six months, then all will be forgotten.
The uncurious press moves on
to other events, and the limited
public memory replaces old
facts with new.
This myopic historical memory
is exactly what the political class
is using to hide its culpability in
the national mortgage crisis.
a quick history lesson is in order.
The 1970s brought
the Community Reinvestment
Act, followed by the Equal Credit
Opportunity Act and the Home
Mortgage Disclosure Act.
These laws were then used
by socio-political activists to
pressure banking and lending
institutions into making bad loans,
which these institutions probably
would not have made without the
new laws in place.
In the name of social justice,
the FDIC was further empowered
to audit lenders for redlining practices
and pressured regulated private
lending institutions to make
marginal and bad loans.
From within Fannie and Freddie,
two quasi-political, uninsured, and
unregulated government institutions,
these bad loans were bought and
packaged or securitized as
collateralized mortgage
obligations (CMO).
The bad loans were packaged
with a collection of good loans
into multi-year tranches so that
the entire loan package could
receive an investment-grade
bond rating.
With rating institutions
giving good ratings to these
volatile, risky CMOs, an artificial,
government-created market was born
Abolish All of the Agenda's of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
In the weeks
since President Obama
signed his health care plan
into law, Republicans have
done more to repeal and replace
their own rhetoric than to repeal
and replace Obamacare,
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) said
at The Heritage Foundation
Bloggers Briefing .
Yet, repeal is still possible,
he said-and should be priority No. 1.
Two days after
the health care bill passed,
Republicans said they would
work to rescind the legislation entirely.
Now, some say
they'd like to revoke
only its most egregious aspects.
"They're trying to redefine
what 'repeal' means," King said.
But Republicans can't seek
to salvage the more popular
components of Obamacare if
they want to undo its worst.
"If we have to argue about
what is redeemable about Obamacare,
that means we've put the debate over
on the Democrats' side and we're
arguing on their turf," King said.
"Our turf is:
It's got to be
pulled out root and branch.
And, really, King said,
even 'likeable' measures -
like the federal mandate that
insurance policies extend parental
insurance coverage to kids up to the
age of 26 - can be argued against.
"I'd argue that, if you're old enough
to be elected to Congress and still be
on your parents' health insurance,
probably it's a little bit too big of a
bite," King said.
"We should
be able to make that argument."
So, too, should Republicans
be able to effect a repeal, he continued
Boycott : Commie
Amnesty International
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Amnesty International
has a new slogan designed
to drum up support for the
Commie U.N.'s Arms Trade Treaty :
It's calling on its supporters
to demand a "bullet-proof" treaty.
That's cute.
what's cute is not
necessarily good policy,
as Amnesty's slogan
illustrates all too clearly.
It explicitly demands
a treaty that "control[s] all arms
and ammunition and their parts."
Leaving aside
any Second Amendment
considerations, this is insane.
the "parts" of "all arms,"
ranging from bullets to battleships,
would mean controlling every substantial
part and industrial process in the world.
A treaty of this scope
could never be enforced and would
be utterly meaningless in practice.
The evidence for this is all around us
since President Obama
signed his health care plan
into law, Republicans have
done more to repeal and replace
their own rhetoric than to repeal
and replace Obamacare,
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) said
at The Heritage Foundation
Bloggers Briefing .
Yet, repeal is still possible,
he said-and should be priority No. 1.
Two days after
the health care bill passed,
Republicans said they would
work to rescind the legislation entirely.
Now, some say
they'd like to revoke
only its most egregious aspects.
"They're trying to redefine
what 'repeal' means," King said.
But Republicans can't seek
to salvage the more popular
components of Obamacare if
they want to undo its worst.
"If we have to argue about
what is redeemable about Obamacare,
that means we've put the debate over
on the Democrats' side and we're
arguing on their turf," King said.
"Our turf is:
It's got to be
pulled out root and branch.
And, really, King said,
even 'likeable' measures -
like the federal mandate that
insurance policies extend parental
insurance coverage to kids up to the
age of 26 - can be argued against.
"I'd argue that, if you're old enough
to be elected to Congress and still be
on your parents' health insurance,
probably it's a little bit too big of a
bite," King said.
"We should
be able to make that argument."
So, too, should Republicans
be able to effect a repeal, he continued
Boycott : Commie
Amnesty International
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Amnesty International
has a new slogan designed
to drum up support for the
Commie U.N.'s Arms Trade Treaty :
It's calling on its supporters
to demand a "bullet-proof" treaty.
That's cute.
what's cute is not
necessarily good policy,
as Amnesty's slogan
illustrates all too clearly.
It explicitly demands
a treaty that "control[s] all arms
and ammunition and their parts."
Leaving aside
any Second Amendment
considerations, this is insane.
the "parts" of "all arms,"
ranging from bullets to battleships,
would mean controlling every substantial
part and industrial process in the world.
A treaty of this scope
could never be enforced and would
be utterly meaningless in practice.
The evidence for this is all around us
Comprehensive Tyranny of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
The pursuit of happiness
and the acquisition of wealth
and property are as integral to
capitalism as the products
advertised on television.
But President Obama
would have Americans
believe that this activity
is inherently evil and
must be curbed.
Obama has appointed a czar
to oversee what he deems
"excessive" pay.
And according to President Obama,
there is a point at which someone has
"enough" money.
Assuming Obama's premise is correct,
who is he to make such a determination?
Who is Congress?
These men and women are public servants,
not public masters, as noted by financial
commentator Thomas Sowell.
these individuals long ago made "enough"
-- with President Obama raking in over
$5 million this year.
At the heart of this paradigm
is the mistaken belief that the
economy is a zero-sum game,
a fixed pie that neither expands
nor contracts, and that making
money takes money from
someone else.
In this paradigm,
the existence of tycoons
like Bill Gates "steals"
opportunity from the poor
and removes wealth from
the "fixed" economy.
This misconception is
bad economics and certainly
bad politics for a free country.
Bill Gates' possession
of large quantities of money
in no way removes wealth
or reduces the opportunities
for others to climb the ladder
of economic success.
The economy is a dynamic
and constantly expanding
(not static) entity.
This is why,
apart from outdated CBO models,
tax cuts yield greater revenue than
tax increases -- because when people
are given more of their money to spend,
investments are made, jobs are created,
the income base expands, and a smaller
slice returns greater revenue.
If the economy were static,
the rich would pay less after
tax cuts, but the most current
data indicate that the rich pay
a larger share of the tax burden
after tax cuts.
a principle called income mobility
demonstrates that the poorest in
American society often rise to the
highest echelons of American society
in the course of single decade
Should Americans be concerned
about a Federal Communications
Commission official having once
suggested that if government doesn't
help minorities reduce white ownership
of broadcast media, then only violence
would assure the protection of
minorities' civil rights?
In the little-noticed 2007 publication
"The Erosion of Civil Rights," Mark Lloyd
attempted to make a case for Washington
controlling media ownership.
At the time, Lloyd -- now FCC
Chief Diversity Officer -- was a
senior fellow at the Center
for American Progress.
Lloyd's contribution, "Civil Rights
and Communications Policy-2006,"
is saturated with straw man arguments.
Ideologues use two
predominant straw man templates.
Type I declares the existence
of nonexistent problems in order
to draw implications that bolster
ideological talking points.
Type II
offers imagined evidence
against imagined problems
to strengthen talking points.
Mark Lloyd depended
on Type I straw men in "Civil Rights
and Communications Policy-2006."
He wrote,
"Communications policy
determines who gets to speak
to whom, how soon and at what cost."
Bad policy
"enhances one
group's ability to
communicate and
limits another group,"
violates the limited group's
civil rights, and "perpetuates
the stereotypes one group
holds about the other."
There is no proof
of a "communications policy"
that either benefits or hurts
certain "groups," and yet Lloyd
stated the contention as fact.
Indeed, there's no proof
that Americans communicate
according to any "policy" at all.
The very idea
of government-controlled
communications violates
the First Amendment.
Lloyd's follow-on
points depend on the
reader not noticing the hocus-pocus
and the acquisition of wealth
and property are as integral to
capitalism as the products
advertised on television.
But President Obama
would have Americans
believe that this activity
is inherently evil and
must be curbed.
Obama has appointed a czar
to oversee what he deems
"excessive" pay.
And according to President Obama,
there is a point at which someone has
"enough" money.
Assuming Obama's premise is correct,
who is he to make such a determination?
Who is Congress?
These men and women are public servants,
not public masters, as noted by financial
commentator Thomas Sowell.
these individuals long ago made "enough"
-- with President Obama raking in over
$5 million this year.
At the heart of this paradigm
is the mistaken belief that the
economy is a zero-sum game,
a fixed pie that neither expands
nor contracts, and that making
money takes money from
someone else.
In this paradigm,
the existence of tycoons
like Bill Gates "steals"
opportunity from the poor
and removes wealth from
the "fixed" economy.
This misconception is
bad economics and certainly
bad politics for a free country.
Bill Gates' possession
of large quantities of money
in no way removes wealth
or reduces the opportunities
for others to climb the ladder
of economic success.
The economy is a dynamic
and constantly expanding
(not static) entity.
This is why,
apart from outdated CBO models,
tax cuts yield greater revenue than
tax increases -- because when people
are given more of their money to spend,
investments are made, jobs are created,
the income base expands, and a smaller
slice returns greater revenue.
If the economy were static,
the rich would pay less after
tax cuts, but the most current
data indicate that the rich pay
a larger share of the tax burden
after tax cuts.
a principle called income mobility
demonstrates that the poorest in
American society often rise to the
highest echelons of American society
in the course of single decade
Should Americans be concerned
about a Federal Communications
Commission official having once
suggested that if government doesn't
help minorities reduce white ownership
of broadcast media, then only violence
would assure the protection of
minorities' civil rights?
In the little-noticed 2007 publication
"The Erosion of Civil Rights," Mark Lloyd
attempted to make a case for Washington
controlling media ownership.
At the time, Lloyd -- now FCC
Chief Diversity Officer -- was a
senior fellow at the Center
for American Progress.
Lloyd's contribution, "Civil Rights
and Communications Policy-2006,"
is saturated with straw man arguments.
Ideologues use two
predominant straw man templates.
Type I declares the existence
of nonexistent problems in order
to draw implications that bolster
ideological talking points.
Type II
offers imagined evidence
against imagined problems
to strengthen talking points.
Mark Lloyd depended
on Type I straw men in "Civil Rights
and Communications Policy-2006."
He wrote,
"Communications policy
determines who gets to speak
to whom, how soon and at what cost."
Bad policy
"enhances one
group's ability to
communicate and
limits another group,"
violates the limited group's
civil rights, and "perpetuates
the stereotypes one group
holds about the other."
There is no proof
of a "communications policy"
that either benefits or hurts
certain "groups," and yet Lloyd
stated the contention as fact.
Indeed, there's no proof
that Americans communicate
according to any "policy" at all.
The very idea
of government-controlled
communications violates
the First Amendment.
Lloyd's follow-on
points depend on the
reader not noticing the hocus-pocus
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Commie Comprehensive Agenda's of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
House Cloakroom: May 24 - 28
House Analysis:
The House potentially
has a full plate this week
as Leadership tries to clear
it's plate before leaving
for Memorial Day recess.
For a second week in a row
the House failed to pass the
Competes Act, which would
authorize $48 billion over three
years (originally $85.6 billion over
five years) for the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, the
National Science Foundation, and
research programs at the
Department of Energy.
Despite many Republican concerns
that the bill spends too much, creates
too many new programs, and shifts
money to climate change efforts,
House Leadership may make a third
attempt to pass the bill this week.
The tax extenders bill discussed in
the Cloakroom last week was pulled
from floor before consideration.
The bill is reported to be $190 billion
but only some of it is paid for, resulting
in increased deficit spending estimated
at around $100 billion.
Additionally, the temporary
extensions that are paid for are done
so with permanent tax increases.
Expect this to be a very close vote
as Democrats who anticipate close
races in the fall are hesitant to
support a bill that will add
billions more to the deficit.
The Defense Authorization bill was
passed out of the House Armed
Services Committee last week and
will be brought up on the floor
for a vote this week.
It authorizes budget authority
for the Department of Defense,
national security programs at the
Department of Energy, overseas
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,
and also disaster assistance to Haiti.
Two additional other items worth
mentioning include Rep. Barney
Frank's (D-MA) TARP III bill
which would create a $30 billion
lending program that would
duplicate efforts made by the
$700 billion original TARP bill.
Lastly the Democrat response to the
Supreme Court case Citizens United
was introduced and could be seen
on the floor next week as well.
Heritage expert
Hans von Spakovsky
wrote about the Citizens United
case here.
Total possible spending for the week
. nearly $1,000,000,000,000 (that
would be a trillion in case you don't
want to count the zeros).
And still no signs
Congress will pass a budget this year.
Senate Cloakroom: May 24 -28
With the financial regulation
and bailout bill behind them,
the Senate will shift its focus to
some housekeeping measures.
Of course, housekeeping items
in Congress are rarely routine
and this will be no exception.
Substantive issues remain
with the war supplemental
and massive extenders package
crafted by House Democrats.
The biggest fight
may be over jobs, though.
Senator Murkowski (R-AK)
could bring her resolution of
disapproval to the floor, forcing
Senators to choose between
jobs and costly EPA regulations
the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
'Yesterday', the House voted
down a provision introduced by
House Republican Whip Eric
Cantor (R-VA) to cut a 2009
welfare expansion program.
The introduction of this spending
cut was a part of a new program by
Cantor's office called "You Cut".
The programs offers a website
where Americans can go and vote
each week on one of 5 wasteful
programs that will then be put
up for a vote in the House.
'Yesterday's' winner
was voted down 240 to 177.
Florida Representative Alcee
Hastings took to the House floor
Thursday to denounce the entire
You Cut program and the nearly
300,000 "so-called Americans"
concerned about Washington's
out-of-control spending
who participated
House Analysis:
The House potentially
has a full plate this week
as Leadership tries to clear
it's plate before leaving
for Memorial Day recess.
For a second week in a row
the House failed to pass the
Competes Act, which would
authorize $48 billion over three
years (originally $85.6 billion over
five years) for the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, the
National Science Foundation, and
research programs at the
Department of Energy.
Despite many Republican concerns
that the bill spends too much, creates
too many new programs, and shifts
money to climate change efforts,
House Leadership may make a third
attempt to pass the bill this week.
The tax extenders bill discussed in
the Cloakroom last week was pulled
from floor before consideration.
The bill is reported to be $190 billion
but only some of it is paid for, resulting
in increased deficit spending estimated
at around $100 billion.
Additionally, the temporary
extensions that are paid for are done
so with permanent tax increases.
Expect this to be a very close vote
as Democrats who anticipate close
races in the fall are hesitant to
support a bill that will add
billions more to the deficit.
The Defense Authorization bill was
passed out of the House Armed
Services Committee last week and
will be brought up on the floor
for a vote this week.
It authorizes budget authority
for the Department of Defense,
national security programs at the
Department of Energy, overseas
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,
and also disaster assistance to Haiti.
Two additional other items worth
mentioning include Rep. Barney
Frank's (D-MA) TARP III bill
which would create a $30 billion
lending program that would
duplicate efforts made by the
$700 billion original TARP bill.
Lastly the Democrat response to the
Supreme Court case Citizens United
was introduced and could be seen
on the floor next week as well.
Heritage expert
Hans von Spakovsky
wrote about the Citizens United
case here.
Total possible spending for the week
. nearly $1,000,000,000,000 (that
would be a trillion in case you don't
want to count the zeros).
And still no signs
Congress will pass a budget this year.
Senate Cloakroom: May 24 -28
With the financial regulation
and bailout bill behind them,
the Senate will shift its focus to
some housekeeping measures.
Of course, housekeeping items
in Congress are rarely routine
and this will be no exception.
Substantive issues remain
with the war supplemental
and massive extenders package
crafted by House Democrats.
The biggest fight
may be over jobs, though.
Senator Murkowski (R-AK)
could bring her resolution of
disapproval to the floor, forcing
Senators to choose between
jobs and costly EPA regulations
the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
'Yesterday', the House voted
down a provision introduced by
House Republican Whip Eric
Cantor (R-VA) to cut a 2009
welfare expansion program.
The introduction of this spending
cut was a part of a new program by
Cantor's office called "You Cut".
The programs offers a website
where Americans can go and vote
each week on one of 5 wasteful
programs that will then be put
up for a vote in the House.
'Yesterday's' winner
was voted down 240 to 177.
Florida Representative Alcee
Hastings took to the House floor
Thursday to denounce the entire
You Cut program and the nearly
300,000 "so-called Americans"
concerned about Washington's
out-of-control spending
who participated
Opposing Illegal Aliens of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
A bad night for incumbent Senators
who have favored foreign workers
over U.S. workers -- and hopeful
signs of improved immigration
balance in Congress next year :
Although immigration
was not a pivotal issue
in the campaigns, the election
results suggest possibilities
of real improvements in the
immigration-issue balance
in Congress.
But voters need to push most of
Tuesday's winners toward stronger
immigration-reduction positions.
Pennsylvania Democrats
in their Primary election put
an end to the 30-year U.S.
Senate tenure of Arlen Specter
who had spent most of that career
as a Republican championing the
importation of foreign workers.
In Arkansas,
a consistent supporter of amnesties
to keep illegal foreign workers in U.S.
jobs (Sen. Blanche Lincoln) failed to
win the nomination in the Democratic
Primary, forced into a runoff in June.
In the Arkansas Republican Primary,
the winner (Rep. John Boozeman) is
one of the best Republicans in the U.S.
House in protecting U.S. workers from
unfair competition from high immigration.
Coincidentally, an extramarital affair
led to the resignation Tuesday of the
holder of one of the worst immigration
records among U.S. House Republicans
(Rep. Mark Souder).
Only 5 Republicans in the House have
worse career immigration-reduction grades.
This follows Utah's Republican convention
defeat of incumbent Sen. Robert Bennett
earlier (he had a record of leaning toward
greedy business desires for foreign labor)
And the earlier Democratic Primary
defeat of West Virginia incumbent
Rep. Allan Mullohan who for 38
years has earned a NumbersUSA
"F-Grade" for his dozens of actions
putting the interests of greedy employers
and foreign workers over the needs of
low-paid and unemployed U.S. workers
Rep. John Boozman (R.Ark.)
received more than 50% of the
vote in Tuesday's Republican
Senatorial Primary, avoiding a
run-off and winning the party's
nomination for the Senate seat
currently held by Blanche Lincoln.
Rep. Boozman holds
a career A-grade and completed a
NumbersUSA Immigration-Reduction
Survey, agreeing with NumbersUSA
on all our key issues.
Rep. Boozman will face
either incumbent Senator
Blance Lincoln (D-Ark.) or
Arkansas Lt. Governor Bill Halter.
Neither candidate received
more than 50% of the vote
in Tuesday's primary.
The run-off is June 8.
Rep. Boozman is a distinguished
member of the NumbersUSA
"5-for-5 Club" because he has
sponsored the five immigration bills
most important to NumbersUSA
- the SAVE Act, the Visa Lottery
elimination bill, the Birthright
Citizenship bill, the CLEAR Act,
and the Chain Migration bill.
Rep. Boozman has served
in the House for eight terms,
and has scored an A or better
in eight of the 10 possible categories
who have favored foreign workers
over U.S. workers -- and hopeful
signs of improved immigration
balance in Congress next year :
Although immigration
was not a pivotal issue
in the campaigns, the election
results suggest possibilities
of real improvements in the
immigration-issue balance
in Congress.
But voters need to push most of
Tuesday's winners toward stronger
immigration-reduction positions.
Pennsylvania Democrats
in their Primary election put
an end to the 30-year U.S.
Senate tenure of Arlen Specter
who had spent most of that career
as a Republican championing the
importation of foreign workers.
In Arkansas,
a consistent supporter of amnesties
to keep illegal foreign workers in U.S.
jobs (Sen. Blanche Lincoln) failed to
win the nomination in the Democratic
Primary, forced into a runoff in June.
In the Arkansas Republican Primary,
the winner (Rep. John Boozeman) is
one of the best Republicans in the U.S.
House in protecting U.S. workers from
unfair competition from high immigration.
Coincidentally, an extramarital affair
led to the resignation Tuesday of the
holder of one of the worst immigration
records among U.S. House Republicans
(Rep. Mark Souder).
Only 5 Republicans in the House have
worse career immigration-reduction grades.
This follows Utah's Republican convention
defeat of incumbent Sen. Robert Bennett
earlier (he had a record of leaning toward
greedy business desires for foreign labor)
And the earlier Democratic Primary
defeat of West Virginia incumbent
Rep. Allan Mullohan who for 38
years has earned a NumbersUSA
"F-Grade" for his dozens of actions
putting the interests of greedy employers
and foreign workers over the needs of
low-paid and unemployed U.S. workers
Rep. John Boozman (R.Ark.)
received more than 50% of the
vote in Tuesday's Republican
Senatorial Primary, avoiding a
run-off and winning the party's
nomination for the Senate seat
currently held by Blanche Lincoln.
Rep. Boozman holds
a career A-grade and completed a
NumbersUSA Immigration-Reduction
Survey, agreeing with NumbersUSA
on all our key issues.
Rep. Boozman will face
either incumbent Senator
Blance Lincoln (D-Ark.) or
Arkansas Lt. Governor Bill Halter.
Neither candidate received
more than 50% of the vote
in Tuesday's primary.
The run-off is June 8.
Rep. Boozman is a distinguished
member of the NumbersUSA
"5-for-5 Club" because he has
sponsored the five immigration bills
most important to NumbersUSA
- the SAVE Act, the Visa Lottery
elimination bill, the Birthright
Citizenship bill, the CLEAR Act,
and the Chain Migration bill.
Rep. Boozman has served
in the House for eight terms,
and has scored an A or better
in eight of the 10 possible categories
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Value Added Tax of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
A concerted push from the left
for a new broad-based tax, the
value added tax (VAT), is
revving into high gear.
A VAT with a high enough rate
could raise enough revenue to pay
for the cradle-to-grave entitlements
liberals have long desired.
Without it they know they will have
no choice but to give up their bigger
government dreams and constrain
spending to historical levels.
If Congress gives in to temptation
and passes a VAT, it would forever
expand the size of government and be
an enormous tax increase that would
raise the prices of everything we buy.
Some have suggested
a rate as high as 20 percent.
At that level, the VAT would transfer
about $1.5 trillion annually at the end
of the decade from productive private
hands to the wasteful hand of
A VAT in addition to the current tax
code would also solidify in place the
economic damage caused by the
existing tax system and add on a
new layer of inefficiency.
The added economic drag
created by the VAT and the
massive amount of resources
taken out of the economy by
the VAT combined would
significantly and permanently
curtail economic growth.
That is why it is
so important to stop the VAT.
Despite the best efforts of some
to make it appear the VAT is
inevitable, Congress can reduce
spending down to the historical
average and the United States
can remain VAT-free
Senate Democrats secretly agree
that Sen. Blanche Lincoln's (D-AR)
proposal to attempt to impose a
complete separating on credit default
swaps and credit providers (i.e. banks)
makes no sense.
Now that Lincoln has been forced
into a June 8 run-off against Halter,
Lincoln's Senate colleagues are looking
for a quiet way to kill her swaps proposal.
Banking Committee Chair Chris Dodd
(D-CT) first proposed, and then backed
off, a two-year delay in the effective date
of the Lincoln proposal, suggesting that
regulators, who uniformly oppose the
idea, will kill it before then.
Based on Sen. Judd Gregg's (R-NH)
comments, Dodd may have dropped
his amendment because sensibly-thinking
Senators didn't buy the delay scheme.
And it is a good thing they didn't.
All Dodd's delaying amendment
would do is cover the swaps
market in uncertainty.
Attempting to re-engineer
the financial markets in Congress
was a bad idea from the beginning.
The predictable result
will be to make markets
more like Congress: irrational,
unpredictable, and dysfunctional
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
for a new broad-based tax, the
value added tax (VAT), is
revving into high gear.
A VAT with a high enough rate
could raise enough revenue to pay
for the cradle-to-grave entitlements
liberals have long desired.
Without it they know they will have
no choice but to give up their bigger
government dreams and constrain
spending to historical levels.
If Congress gives in to temptation
and passes a VAT, it would forever
expand the size of government and be
an enormous tax increase that would
raise the prices of everything we buy.
Some have suggested
a rate as high as 20 percent.
At that level, the VAT would transfer
about $1.5 trillion annually at the end
of the decade from productive private
hands to the wasteful hand of
A VAT in addition to the current tax
code would also solidify in place the
economic damage caused by the
existing tax system and add on a
new layer of inefficiency.
The added economic drag
created by the VAT and the
massive amount of resources
taken out of the economy by
the VAT combined would
significantly and permanently
curtail economic growth.
That is why it is
so important to stop the VAT.
Despite the best efforts of some
to make it appear the VAT is
inevitable, Congress can reduce
spending down to the historical
average and the United States
can remain VAT-free
Senate Democrats secretly agree
that Sen. Blanche Lincoln's (D-AR)
proposal to attempt to impose a
complete separating on credit default
swaps and credit providers (i.e. banks)
makes no sense.
Now that Lincoln has been forced
into a June 8 run-off against Halter,
Lincoln's Senate colleagues are looking
for a quiet way to kill her swaps proposal.
Banking Committee Chair Chris Dodd
(D-CT) first proposed, and then backed
off, a two-year delay in the effective date
of the Lincoln proposal, suggesting that
regulators, who uniformly oppose the
idea, will kill it before then.
Based on Sen. Judd Gregg's (R-NH)
comments, Dodd may have dropped
his amendment because sensibly-thinking
Senators didn't buy the delay scheme.
And it is a good thing they didn't.
All Dodd's delaying amendment
would do is cover the swaps
market in uncertainty.
Attempting to re-engineer
the financial markets in Congress
was a bad idea from the beginning.
The predictable result
will be to make markets
more like Congress: irrational,
unpredictable, and dysfunctional
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Mexican Commie Invasions of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Commies Calderon & Obama
Warmly Endorse them, Even
as they Invade Arizona &
the U.S.A. :
One of Bill Ayers'
courses at the University
of Illinois includes Pedagogy
of the Oppressed as required
Author Paulo Freire,
a Brazilian Marxist, declared :
"This, then, is the great humanistic
and historical task of the oppressed :
To liberate themselves
and their oppressors as well."
It turns out that the Freire book
is required reading in "Raza Studies"
or Mexican-American courses in the
high schools in Tucson, Arizona, where
students have been protesting Arizona's
new immigration law.
Other required books
are Occupied America
by Rodolfo Acuña, a professor
emeritus of Chicano studies at
California State University in
Northridge (CSUN), and Prison
Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci,
the Italian Communist.
Occupied America,
the fifth edition, includes
an image of Fidel Castro
on the front cover, and
Castro and Che Guevara
on the back cover.
It refers to white people
as "gringos" and actually includes
a quotation on page 323 from Jose
Angel Gutierrez of the Mexican
American Youth Organization
(MAYO), who was angry
over the cancellation of a
government program
Voting Right For Illegal Aliens of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
A major U.S. county
that has long offered illegal immigrants
official sanctuary wants to join a handful
of others around the nation in granting
them voting privileges reserved
for American citizens.
The San Francisco
Board of Supervisors
wants immigrants who don't
have voting rights to cast ballots
in school board elections if their
children attend public schools in
the northern California county.
The president of the county's
Board of Supervisors, David Chiu,
introduced the legislation this week.
The former president
of San Francisco's Board
of Supervisors, Matt Gonzales,
introduced a similar law six years
ago but voters in the famously liberal
California city by the bay narrowly
rejected it.
However, nearly half (49%)
of the voters approved it and
city leaders believe it will pass
the second time around.
They claim that one-third
of the households with children
in public schools is headed by
parents who aren't citizens
Warmly Endorse them, Even
as they Invade Arizona &
the U.S.A. :
One of Bill Ayers'
courses at the University
of Illinois includes Pedagogy
of the Oppressed as required
Author Paulo Freire,
a Brazilian Marxist, declared :
"This, then, is the great humanistic
and historical task of the oppressed :
To liberate themselves
and their oppressors as well."
It turns out that the Freire book
is required reading in "Raza Studies"
or Mexican-American courses in the
high schools in Tucson, Arizona, where
students have been protesting Arizona's
new immigration law.
Other required books
are Occupied America
by Rodolfo Acuña, a professor
emeritus of Chicano studies at
California State University in
Northridge (CSUN), and Prison
Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci,
the Italian Communist.
Occupied America,
the fifth edition, includes
an image of Fidel Castro
on the front cover, and
Castro and Che Guevara
on the back cover.
It refers to white people
as "gringos" and actually includes
a quotation on page 323 from Jose
Angel Gutierrez of the Mexican
American Youth Organization
(MAYO), who was angry
over the cancellation of a
government program
Voting Right For Illegal Aliens of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
A major U.S. county
that has long offered illegal immigrants
official sanctuary wants to join a handful
of others around the nation in granting
them voting privileges reserved
for American citizens.
The San Francisco
Board of Supervisors
wants immigrants who don't
have voting rights to cast ballots
in school board elections if their
children attend public schools in
the northern California county.
The president of the county's
Board of Supervisors, David Chiu,
introduced the legislation this week.
The former president
of San Francisco's Board
of Supervisors, Matt Gonzales,
introduced a similar law six years
ago but voters in the famously liberal
California city by the bay narrowly
rejected it.
However, nearly half (49%)
of the voters approved it and
city leaders believe it will pass
the second time around.
They claim that one-third
of the households with children
in public schools is headed by
parents who aren't citizens
Financial Market Regulations of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
As debate on the Wall Street
"Reform" bill winds down in the
Senate, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
is still pushing his ban on "naked"
credit default swaps.
Swap prices are a symptom,
not a cause of credit problems.
Restricting markets will not
solve economic problems in the US
Entitlement Spending of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
The U.S.,
where debt is increasing far
faster than almost any other country.
Because the average maturity
on U.S. debt is relatively short,
the U.S. will need to sell a lot of
debt very quickly, which means the
U.S. is even more vulnerable if the
market suddenly decides to demand
higher interest rates.
As the IMF puts it,
"the U.S. [needs] to reduce
its structural deficit by the equivalent
of 12% of GDP, a much larger portion
than any other country analyzed
except Japan."
These numbers don't reflect
the effects of Obamacare, or
any more emergency spending
('stimulative' or otherwise).
Nor do
they reflect the fact that, if taxes
are held at their historic levels,
entitlement spending will by 2052
consume the entire federal budget,
leaving nothing for the national defense
or even interest on our debt mountain
"Reform" bill winds down in the
Senate, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
is still pushing his ban on "naked"
credit default swaps.
Swap prices are a symptom,
not a cause of credit problems.
Restricting markets will not
solve economic problems in the US
Entitlement Spending of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
The U.S.,
where debt is increasing far
faster than almost any other country.
Because the average maturity
on U.S. debt is relatively short,
the U.S. will need to sell a lot of
debt very quickly, which means the
U.S. is even more vulnerable if the
market suddenly decides to demand
higher interest rates.
As the IMF puts it,
"the U.S. [needs] to reduce
its structural deficit by the equivalent
of 12% of GDP, a much larger portion
than any other country analyzed
except Japan."
These numbers don't reflect
the effects of Obamacare, or
any more emergency spending
('stimulative' or otherwise).
Nor do
they reflect the fact that, if taxes
are held at their historic levels,
entitlement spending will by 2052
consume the entire federal budget,
leaving nothing for the national defense
or even interest on our debt mountain
Monday, May 17, 2010
Economic Disasters of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Greece's recent escapades in
economic disaster are a sobering
example to the United States of the
consequences of allowing government
spending to far exceed revenue.
But though Americans' concern
regarding the financial outlook of
the federal government grows,
those with the power to act
seem largely unaffected.
The International Monetary Fund
(IMF) recently released a report
that the United States' debt could
surpass 100 percent of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP)
as early as 2015.
According to the Hill,
"The IMF predicts that
the U.S. would need to
reduce its structural deficit
by the equivalent of 12% of
GDP, a much larger portion
than any other country
analyzed except Japan.
Greece, in the midst
of a financial crisis, needs
to reduce its structural deficit
by just 9% of GDP, according
to the IMF's analysis"
Commies Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae
of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
The financial regulation bill
does nothing to fix the problems
with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae,
both of which A) played a major role
in the meltdown of 2008 and B) are
asking for more money.
Fannie and Freddie
would be a huge mistake.
More than a year after going into
receivership, they still dominate the
housing finance market by buying
mortgages from lenders, packaging
them into bond issues, and then
reselling them to investors worldwide.
Last year,
the two financed or backed about
70% of single-family mortgage loans.
They hold about $5 trillion
in their investment portfolios.
Most importantly :
Both are losing money fast,
with those losses being covered
by the U.S. taxpayer.
About a week ago,
Freddie announced it had lost
$8 billion in the first quarter of 2010
and would be asking for another
$10.6 billion in taxpayer help.
Not to be outdone,
Fannie announced an
$11.5 billion loss and
asked for another $8.4
billion from taxpayers.
economic disaster are a sobering
example to the United States of the
consequences of allowing government
spending to far exceed revenue.
But though Americans' concern
regarding the financial outlook of
the federal government grows,
those with the power to act
seem largely unaffected.
The International Monetary Fund
(IMF) recently released a report
that the United States' debt could
surpass 100 percent of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP)
as early as 2015.
According to the Hill,
"The IMF predicts that
the U.S. would need to
reduce its structural deficit
by the equivalent of 12% of
GDP, a much larger portion
than any other country
analyzed except Japan.
Greece, in the midst
of a financial crisis, needs
to reduce its structural deficit
by just 9% of GDP, according
to the IMF's analysis"
Commies Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae
of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
The financial regulation bill
does nothing to fix the problems
with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae,
both of which A) played a major role
in the meltdown of 2008 and B) are
asking for more money.
Fannie and Freddie
would be a huge mistake.
More than a year after going into
receivership, they still dominate the
housing finance market by buying
mortgages from lenders, packaging
them into bond issues, and then
reselling them to investors worldwide.
Last year,
the two financed or backed about
70% of single-family mortgage loans.
They hold about $5 trillion
in their investment portfolios.
Most importantly :
Both are losing money fast,
with those losses being covered
by the U.S. taxpayer.
About a week ago,
Freddie announced it had lost
$8 billion in the first quarter of 2010
and would be asking for another
$10.6 billion in taxpayer help.
Not to be outdone,
Fannie announced an
$11.5 billion loss and
asked for another $8.4
billion from taxpayers.
Commie Mexican President Calderone of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
I daresay that if Mexicans
- illegal or otherwise - disappeared
from America tomorrow, life would
most assuredly go on and Americans
who are unemployed would take most
of those jobs if competitive wages
would be offered.
Note: The American worker
is the most productive worker
in the history of human civilization.
Our productivity rate is far
beyond any other industrialized
country and continues to rise.
Mexican President Calderone
in Washington to whine
about immigration law
The Cloward-Piven
Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regime :
No one to my knowledge
has yet connected all the dots
between Barack Obama
and the Radical Left.
When seen together,
the influences on Obama's
life comprise a who's who
of the radical leftist movement,
and it becomes painfully apparent
that not only is Obama a willing
participant in that movement, he
has spent most of his adult life
deeply immersed in it.
He can be tied directly
to a malevolent overarching
strategy that has motivated many,
if not all, of the most destructive
radical leftist organizations in the
United States since the 1960s.
The Cloward-Piven
Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis
I noted the liberal record
of unmitigated legislative disasters,
the latest of which is now being
played out in the financial markets
before our eyes.
Before the 1994 Republican
takeover, Democrats had sixty
years of virtually unbroken power
in Congress - with substantial
majorities most of the time.
Can a group of smart people,
studying issue after issue for
years on end, with virtually
unlimited resources at their
command, not come up with
a single policy that works?
are they chronically incapable?
One of two things must be true.
Either the Democrats
are unfathomable idiots,
who ignorantly pursue ever
more destructive policies despite
decades of contrary evidence, or
they understand the consequences
of their actions and relentlessly carry
on anyway because they
somehow benefit.
I submit to you
they understand the consequences.
For many it is simply a practical
matter of eliciting votes from a
targeted constituency at taxpayer
expense; we lose a little, they gain
a lot, and the politician keeps his job.
But for others,
the goal is more malevolent
- the failure is deliberate.
Don't laugh.
This method not only has its proponents,
it has a name : the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
It describes their agenda,
tactics, and long-term strategy
- illegal or otherwise - disappeared
from America tomorrow, life would
most assuredly go on and Americans
who are unemployed would take most
of those jobs if competitive wages
would be offered.
Note: The American worker
is the most productive worker
in the history of human civilization.
Our productivity rate is far
beyond any other industrialized
country and continues to rise.
Mexican President Calderone
in Washington to whine
about immigration law
The Cloward-Piven
Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regime :
No one to my knowledge
has yet connected all the dots
between Barack Obama
and the Radical Left.
When seen together,
the influences on Obama's
life comprise a who's who
of the radical leftist movement,
and it becomes painfully apparent
that not only is Obama a willing
participant in that movement, he
has spent most of his adult life
deeply immersed in it.
He can be tied directly
to a malevolent overarching
strategy that has motivated many,
if not all, of the most destructive
radical leftist organizations in the
United States since the 1960s.
The Cloward-Piven
Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis
I noted the liberal record
of unmitigated legislative disasters,
the latest of which is now being
played out in the financial markets
before our eyes.
Before the 1994 Republican
takeover, Democrats had sixty
years of virtually unbroken power
in Congress - with substantial
majorities most of the time.
Can a group of smart people,
studying issue after issue for
years on end, with virtually
unlimited resources at their
command, not come up with
a single policy that works?
are they chronically incapable?
One of two things must be true.
Either the Democrats
are unfathomable idiots,
who ignorantly pursue ever
more destructive policies despite
decades of contrary evidence, or
they understand the consequences
of their actions and relentlessly carry
on anyway because they
somehow benefit.
I submit to you
they understand the consequences.
For many it is simply a practical
matter of eliciting votes from a
targeted constituency at taxpayer
expense; we lose a little, they gain
a lot, and the politician keeps his job.
But for others,
the goal is more malevolent
- the failure is deliberate.
Don't laugh.
This method not only has its proponents,
it has a name : the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
It describes their agenda,
tactics, and long-term strategy
House and Senate Cloakroom of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
House Analysis :
Last week Majority Leader
Steny Hoyer announced the House
would not be taking up a budget this
year, which would be the first time since
the modern budget process was created
in 1974 that the House failed
to pass a budget.
The reason becomes clear when you
take into account a previous statement
Hoyer made, "It's difficult to pass budgets
in election years because they reflect
what the [fiscal] status is."
The House Republicans successfully used
their last chance to amend the bill known
as the "motion to recommit" to force a
vote that stalled the passage of the $85.6
billion authorization bill for the National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
the National Science Foundation, and
research programs at the Department
of Energy.
This bill is expected to come back
this week with some modifications.
The other major bill likely to move
this week is a $200 billion tax extender
bill that will also extend spending programs
like Unemployment Insurance, COBRA,
TANF, and FMAP and will likely also
include a Medicare Doc Fix.
The final bill is not yet available
as they are still working on
several of the provisions.
Senate Analysis :
Legislative action stalled out last week
on Senator Dodd's (D-CT) financial
regulation and bailout bill, as political
and policy problems emerged.
Chief among them are what to do with
Senator Lincoln's (D-AR) derivative
language, which was added to Dodd's
bill despite broad opposition.
Senator Corker (R-TN) suggested the
problem would not be resolved until after
Lincoln's primary challenge is resolved
on Tuesday.
Of course,
even if that problem is resolved,
the Dodd bill remains riddled with
problems, including the failure to
address taxpayer-owned housing
giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Fiscal Irresponsibility of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
The term 'fiscal responsibility'
is en vogue in Washington these days.
Lawmakers have been quick to claim
they will tackle the federal government's
impending financial crisis, a claim
showcased by the President's
commission to reduce the
federal deficit.
But Congress' recent behavior proves
they are no more serious about reining
in spending than they were before,
exposing the deficit commission
for the fig leaf that it really is
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Last week Majority Leader
Steny Hoyer announced the House
would not be taking up a budget this
year, which would be the first time since
the modern budget process was created
in 1974 that the House failed
to pass a budget.
The reason becomes clear when you
take into account a previous statement
Hoyer made, "It's difficult to pass budgets
in election years because they reflect
what the [fiscal] status is."
The House Republicans successfully used
their last chance to amend the bill known
as the "motion to recommit" to force a
vote that stalled the passage of the $85.6
billion authorization bill for the National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
the National Science Foundation, and
research programs at the Department
of Energy.
This bill is expected to come back
this week with some modifications.
The other major bill likely to move
this week is a $200 billion tax extender
bill that will also extend spending programs
like Unemployment Insurance, COBRA,
TANF, and FMAP and will likely also
include a Medicare Doc Fix.
The final bill is not yet available
as they are still working on
several of the provisions.
Senate Analysis :
Legislative action stalled out last week
on Senator Dodd's (D-CT) financial
regulation and bailout bill, as political
and policy problems emerged.
Chief among them are what to do with
Senator Lincoln's (D-AR) derivative
language, which was added to Dodd's
bill despite broad opposition.
Senator Corker (R-TN) suggested the
problem would not be resolved until after
Lincoln's primary challenge is resolved
on Tuesday.
Of course,
even if that problem is resolved,
the Dodd bill remains riddled with
problems, including the failure to
address taxpayer-owned housing
giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Fiscal Irresponsibility of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
The term 'fiscal responsibility'
is en vogue in Washington these days.
Lawmakers have been quick to claim
they will tackle the federal government's
impending financial crisis, a claim
showcased by the President's
commission to reduce the
federal deficit.
But Congress' recent behavior proves
they are no more serious about reining
in spending than they were before,
exposing the deficit commission
for the fig leaf that it really is
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Markets have been manipulated to suppress the prices of gold and silver for over a decade ;
The gold markets
are selling the same bar of gold
to multiple buyers at the same time
because virtually none of the buyers
actually takes physical delivery
of the metal.
Instead, buyers have preferred
the "convenience" of taking a
few sheets of paper certificates
("paper gold") that can be
readily traded.
As a result, there can be
multiple paper claims on the
same physical bar of gold.
If and when buyers demand
to take actual possession of gold
rather than possession "paper gold,"
the physical/actual market for gold will
overwhelm the current fictional/paper
market; the supply of gold will be seen
to be a fraction of what's currently
reported; those who've been merrily
selling the same bar of gold to several
buyers will be jailed for fraud; and the
price and demand for actual, physical
gold will skyrocket
In a research note an analyst
for JPMorgan Securities Inc.,
John Bridges, more or less explains
why central banks hate gold -- for its
being a competitor with their
own forms of money.
The analyst, John Bridges, wrote:
"A German banker once told us
that gold normally trades like a
when investors lose confidence in
currencies, because the pool of gold
is so much smaller than the pool of
currencies, demand for gold can
effectively become unlimited.
We believe the European version
of 'QE' [quantitative easing] is
generating serious currency worries. ..."
That observation hints at why
Western central banks and the
International Monetary Fund backstop
the London Bullion Market Association
and the New York Commodities Exchange
in their sales of unlimited and largely
unbacked paper gold :
so that the world may be deceived
into thinking that the gold supply is a
lot larger than it is, so the world is
deprived of its traditional hedge against
monetary debasement, and so potentially
"unlimited" demand for gold can be met
with unlimited supply of imaginary gold,
thereby sustaining confidence in
government currencies and the
power of governments to inflate
and reap the profits and power
of the hidden tax of inflation
are selling the same bar of gold
to multiple buyers at the same time
because virtually none of the buyers
actually takes physical delivery
of the metal.
Instead, buyers have preferred
the "convenience" of taking a
few sheets of paper certificates
("paper gold") that can be
readily traded.
As a result, there can be
multiple paper claims on the
same physical bar of gold.
If and when buyers demand
to take actual possession of gold
rather than possession "paper gold,"
the physical/actual market for gold will
overwhelm the current fictional/paper
market; the supply of gold will be seen
to be a fraction of what's currently
reported; those who've been merrily
selling the same bar of gold to several
buyers will be jailed for fraud; and the
price and demand for actual, physical
gold will skyrocket
In a research note an analyst
for JPMorgan Securities Inc.,
John Bridges, more or less explains
why central banks hate gold -- for its
being a competitor with their
own forms of money.
The analyst, John Bridges, wrote:
"A German banker once told us
that gold normally trades like a
when investors lose confidence in
currencies, because the pool of gold
is so much smaller than the pool of
currencies, demand for gold can
effectively become unlimited.
We believe the European version
of 'QE' [quantitative easing] is
generating serious currency worries. ..."
That observation hints at why
Western central banks and the
International Monetary Fund backstop
the London Bullion Market Association
and the New York Commodities Exchange
in their sales of unlimited and largely
unbacked paper gold :
so that the world may be deceived
into thinking that the gold supply is a
lot larger than it is, so the world is
deprived of its traditional hedge against
monetary debasement, and so potentially
"unlimited" demand for gold can be met
with unlimited supply of imaginary gold,
thereby sustaining confidence in
government currencies and the
power of governments to inflate
and reap the profits and power
of the hidden tax of inflation
The 2nd & 14th Amendments, Commie Kagan & the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime ;
Much of the discussion
and speculation about Elena Kagan's
legal philosophy is limited by her very
thin record of scholarship, along with
an almost complete lack of experience
in the courtroom or participation in
litigation through amicus briefs prior
to her appointment last year
as solicitor general.
So we must parse what evidence
exists more closely, and a lack of
action - particularly in her current
job - can be an important indication
of her views on an issue
The Greek & U.S. Fiascos of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
An interesting, if alarming Op-Ed
outlines what is likely to happen due
to Washington's Devil-may-care
spending habits.
The authors point out that according
to the Obama administration's planned
budget, the gross national debt will
reach 123% of GDP by 2020.
Greece's Debt to GDP ratio
stands at 133% this year however
there is no conglomerate of comparable
size to the U.S. as The European Union
is to Greece so no rescue of
America will be imminent
and speculation about Elena Kagan's
legal philosophy is limited by her very
thin record of scholarship, along with
an almost complete lack of experience
in the courtroom or participation in
litigation through amicus briefs prior
to her appointment last year
as solicitor general.
So we must parse what evidence
exists more closely, and a lack of
action - particularly in her current
job - can be an important indication
of her views on an issue
The Greek & U.S. Fiascos of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :
An interesting, if alarming Op-Ed
outlines what is likely to happen due
to Washington's Devil-may-care
spending habits.
The authors point out that according
to the Obama administration's planned
budget, the gross national debt will
reach 123% of GDP by 2020.
Greece's Debt to GDP ratio
stands at 133% this year however
there is no conglomerate of comparable
size to the U.S. as The European Union
is to Greece so no rescue of
America will be imminent
The Keynesian economics of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime ;
The Keynesian economic formula
fits all totalitarianisms, including Fascism,
Nazism, and Communism.
Sir Oswald Mosley, for example,
was a Fascist leader and a member
of the Fabian Society.
Lauchlin Currie, a prominent Keynesian
advocate, was a Soviet spy and an economic
aide to F.D.R.
Joan Robinson, a Marxist economist,
assisted Keynes in some of his economic
writings, arguing, "the differences between
Marx and Keynes are only verbal."
(Keynes At Harvard, p. 68; also see
Mark Skousen, The Making of Modern
Economics, p. 433)
Keynes also had a strong relationship
with the notorious Soviet spy Harry D
exter White.
Keynes considered White to be
"the central figure in the Keynesian
manipulations in the United States."
Harry Dexter White just happened to be
the Assistant to the Secretary of the U.S.
Treasury. Even after White was exposed
as a Soviet spy, Keynesians to this day
"see nothing wrong in White's Soviet role,"
a "typical . . . attitude of Fabian socialist
elements toward the whole coterie of spies
and Fifth Amendment communists in the
United States" (Keynes At Harvard, p. 83).
It was Keynes himself who admitted
that by "a continuous process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and
unobserved, an important part of the wealth
of their citizens.
By this method, they not only confiscate,
but confiscate arbitrarily: and while the
process impoverishes many, it actually
enriches some [e.g., Al Gore].
The process engages all of the hidden
forces of economic law on the side of
destruction, and does it in a manner that
not one man in a million can diagnose."
Thus it is astounding
that Larry Summers, head of President
Obama's National Economic Council
and former president of Harvard
University, when asked
by Charlie Rose
"what idea, what person has most
influenced your thinking on how to
deal with this [financial] mess?"
without hesitation answered "Keynes"
The Trans Texas Corridors
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes :
The Commie Free Trade corridor
network that tie Mexico, Canada
and the U.S. together are a critical
component of the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
that was negotiated by George W.
Bush and signed into law
by Bill Clinton.
Both Bush and Clinton
were members of the
Trilateral Commission.
Furthermore, NAFTA's
chief architect was U.S.
Trade Representative
Carla Hills, also a Trilateral.
The Trans Texas Corridor
is the first major link of this
super-corridor system; if
successfully completed (e.g.,
if Texans lose the fight to
stop it again), America will be
opened up like a can of sardines.
After Rick Perry's
highway department announced
the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) route
known as TTC-35 was "dead" in 2009,
we find out post-election in 2010 that it,
along with free trade, is very much
alive and well.
Canadian officials have shown
renewed interest in a multi-modal
trade corridor along I-35.
Winnipeg recently announced its
intention to build an inland port
similar to those in San Antonio
and Dallas.
One such inland port in Kansas City
has ceded sovereign United States
territory to Canada and Mexico with
the flags of all three countries flying
over it.
Officials in Winnipeg said it also
intends to run a logistics and trade
corridor to include rail and high speed
highways all the way to Mexico as an
Asia-Pacific gateway connecting to
Toronto and Montreal.
It should surprise no one
that former San Antonio Mayor
Phil Hardberger and tolling authority
(Alamo RMA) Chairman Bill Thornton
took a trip to Toronto in 2006, partially
at taxpayer expense, to promote
Trans Texas Corridor-style trade
connections and to be certain it
includes the Port of San Antonio.
Norris Pettis,
Canadian Consul General in Dallas,
notes in the latest San Antonio Business
Journal that "of all the urban centers I deal
with, San Antonio is right up there in
preaching free trade"
fits all totalitarianisms, including Fascism,
Nazism, and Communism.
Sir Oswald Mosley, for example,
was a Fascist leader and a member
of the Fabian Society.
Lauchlin Currie, a prominent Keynesian
advocate, was a Soviet spy and an economic
aide to F.D.R.
Joan Robinson, a Marxist economist,
assisted Keynes in some of his economic
writings, arguing, "the differences between
Marx and Keynes are only verbal."
(Keynes At Harvard, p. 68; also see
Mark Skousen, The Making of Modern
Economics, p. 433)
Keynes also had a strong relationship
with the notorious Soviet spy Harry D
exter White.
Keynes considered White to be
"the central figure in the Keynesian
manipulations in the United States."
Harry Dexter White just happened to be
the Assistant to the Secretary of the U.S.
Treasury. Even after White was exposed
as a Soviet spy, Keynesians to this day
"see nothing wrong in White's Soviet role,"
a "typical . . . attitude of Fabian socialist
elements toward the whole coterie of spies
and Fifth Amendment communists in the
United States" (Keynes At Harvard, p. 83).
It was Keynes himself who admitted
that by "a continuous process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and
unobserved, an important part of the wealth
of their citizens.
By this method, they not only confiscate,
but confiscate arbitrarily: and while the
process impoverishes many, it actually
enriches some [e.g., Al Gore].
The process engages all of the hidden
forces of economic law on the side of
destruction, and does it in a manner that
not one man in a million can diagnose."
Thus it is astounding
that Larry Summers, head of President
Obama's National Economic Council
and former president of Harvard
University, when asked
by Charlie Rose
"what idea, what person has most
influenced your thinking on how to
deal with this [financial] mess?"
without hesitation answered "Keynes"
The Trans Texas Corridors
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes :
The Commie Free Trade corridor
network that tie Mexico, Canada
and the U.S. together are a critical
component of the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
that was negotiated by George W.
Bush and signed into law
by Bill Clinton.
Both Bush and Clinton
were members of the
Trilateral Commission.
Furthermore, NAFTA's
chief architect was U.S.
Trade Representative
Carla Hills, also a Trilateral.
The Trans Texas Corridor
is the first major link of this
super-corridor system; if
successfully completed (e.g.,
if Texans lose the fight to
stop it again), America will be
opened up like a can of sardines.
After Rick Perry's
highway department announced
the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) route
known as TTC-35 was "dead" in 2009,
we find out post-election in 2010 that it,
along with free trade, is very much
alive and well.
Canadian officials have shown
renewed interest in a multi-modal
trade corridor along I-35.
Winnipeg recently announced its
intention to build an inland port
similar to those in San Antonio
and Dallas.
One such inland port in Kansas City
has ceded sovereign United States
territory to Canada and Mexico with
the flags of all three countries flying
over it.
Officials in Winnipeg said it also
intends to run a logistics and trade
corridor to include rail and high speed
highways all the way to Mexico as an
Asia-Pacific gateway connecting to
Toronto and Montreal.
It should surprise no one
that former San Antonio Mayor
Phil Hardberger and tolling authority
(Alamo RMA) Chairman Bill Thornton
took a trip to Toronto in 2006, partially
at taxpayer expense, to promote
Trans Texas Corridor-style trade
connections and to be certain it
includes the Port of San Antonio.
Norris Pettis,
Canadian Consul General in Dallas,
notes in the latest San Antonio Business
Journal that "of all the urban centers I deal
with, San Antonio is right up there in
preaching free trade"
Commies Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime ;
In the last week,
the government-backed
mortgage finance giants
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
asked the taxpayer for $19 billion
to stay afloat.
Add that to the $127 billion
in bailouts they have already
received since September 2008,
and we are now talking about a
whopping $146 billion of your
hard-earned tax dollars being
used to prop up these failed
In more than a year and a half
we have heard nothing from the
Administration about a plan to
implement real reforms to stop
the bleeding.
This Democratic Congress,
in the midst of a debate on financial
regulatory reform, is completely silent
on the issue.
The Democrat Majority in
Congress has chosen to duck
Fannie and Freddie reform
Commie climate change
& Commie cap and trade
Schemes of the Global
Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal
Regime :
Commie Senators Kerry
and Lieberman have introduced
their "compromise" climate change
legislation that relies largely on a
"cap and trade" scheme to reduce
carbon emissions.
Even assuming
there was a need for carbon limits,
the Kerry-Lieberman bill gets the
mechanism all wrong, apparently
because the Senators either don't
understand or don't trust markets.
Kerry and Lieberman
propose that the government
manage a carbon market because
controlling pollution is really important.
This will work about as well as
the government running grocery
stores because everyone needs food
the government-backed
mortgage finance giants
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
asked the taxpayer for $19 billion
to stay afloat.
Add that to the $127 billion
in bailouts they have already
received since September 2008,
and we are now talking about a
whopping $146 billion of your
hard-earned tax dollars being
used to prop up these failed
In more than a year and a half
we have heard nothing from the
Administration about a plan to
implement real reforms to stop
the bleeding.
This Democratic Congress,
in the midst of a debate on financial
regulatory reform, is completely silent
on the issue.
The Democrat Majority in
Congress has chosen to duck
Fannie and Freddie reform
Commie climate change
& Commie cap and trade
Schemes of the Global
Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal
Regime :
Commie Senators Kerry
and Lieberman have introduced
their "compromise" climate change
legislation that relies largely on a
"cap and trade" scheme to reduce
carbon emissions.
Even assuming
there was a need for carbon limits,
the Kerry-Lieberman bill gets the
mechanism all wrong, apparently
because the Senators either don't
understand or don't trust markets.
Kerry and Lieberman
propose that the government
manage a carbon market because
controlling pollution is really important.
This will work about as well as
the government running grocery
stores because everyone needs food
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes : Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae ;
of Sen. Chris Dodd's financial
regulation bill say it will end
financial bailouts.
In fact,
the Senate - anxious to reassure
Americans on that fact - even
added an amendment last week,
with a stated purpose
"To prohibit taxpayers from ever
having to bail out the financial sector."
But someone forgot to tell the folks
across town at Freddie Mac and
Fannie Mae.
Freddie last week announced it had
lost $8 billion in the first quarter of the
year, and would be asking for another
$10.6 in taxpayer help.
And today,
its twin Fannie announced a $11.5
billion loss, and asked for a further
$8.4 billion in aid from taxpayers.
That's in addition to
the nearly $145 billion in aid to Fannie
and Freddie they have already received
The U.S. has historically maintained
more separation between government
and business, avoiding the politicization
of economic decision-making that has
characterized European systems.
Unfortunately, that wall of separation
has all but collapsed under the weight
of TARP, the stimulus bill, automotive
bailouts, and the health care bill.
What took years to develop
in Europe seems to be happening
in an instant in America.
The Greek crisis is providing
a great object lesson for America.
If the United States continues to rush
down the European economic path,
we can expect a default on government
promises (Medicare, Social Security,
Health care), higher interest rates on
U.S. government bonds or even a
flight by foreign investors like China
to alternative investments, and a drop
in the value of the dollar, raising energy
and consumer costs and spreading
inflation throughout the economy
the White House's insistence that,
under Obamacare, you keep your
insurance plan if you like it?
We didn't believe it then.
Turns out we were right.
AT&T, Verizon, John Deere
and others may well drop the health
care coverage they now offer
their employees.
makes it much cheaper for these
companies to dump their workers
into the government-controlled health
exchanges and pay a penalty for NOT
insuring them.
Internal documents
recently reviewed by Fortune,
originally requested by Congress,
show what the bill's critics predicted,
and what its champions dreaded :
Many large companies
are examining a course that was
heretofore unthinkable, dumping the
health care coverage they provide to
their workers in exchange for paying
penalty fees to the government.
That would dismantle
the employer-based system
that has reigned since World War II.
It would also seem
to contradict President Obama's
statements that Americans who like
their current plans could keep them
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
of Sen. Chris Dodd's financial
regulation bill say it will end
financial bailouts.
In fact,
the Senate - anxious to reassure
Americans on that fact - even
added an amendment last week,
with a stated purpose
"To prohibit taxpayers from ever
having to bail out the financial sector."
But someone forgot to tell the folks
across town at Freddie Mac and
Fannie Mae.
Freddie last week announced it had
lost $8 billion in the first quarter of the
year, and would be asking for another
$10.6 in taxpayer help.
And today,
its twin Fannie announced a $11.5
billion loss, and asked for a further
$8.4 billion in aid from taxpayers.
That's in addition to
the nearly $145 billion in aid to Fannie
and Freddie they have already received
The U.S. has historically maintained
more separation between government
and business, avoiding the politicization
of economic decision-making that has
characterized European systems.
Unfortunately, that wall of separation
has all but collapsed under the weight
of TARP, the stimulus bill, automotive
bailouts, and the health care bill.
What took years to develop
in Europe seems to be happening
in an instant in America.
The Greek crisis is providing
a great object lesson for America.
If the United States continues to rush
down the European economic path,
we can expect a default on government
promises (Medicare, Social Security,
Health care), higher interest rates on
U.S. government bonds or even a
flight by foreign investors like China
to alternative investments, and a drop
in the value of the dollar, raising energy
and consumer costs and spreading
inflation throughout the economy
the White House's insistence that,
under Obamacare, you keep your
insurance plan if you like it?
We didn't believe it then.
Turns out we were right.
AT&T, Verizon, John Deere
and others may well drop the health
care coverage they now offer
their employees.
makes it much cheaper for these
companies to dump their workers
into the government-controlled health
exchanges and pay a penalty for NOT
insuring them.
Internal documents
recently reviewed by Fortune,
originally requested by Congress,
show what the bill's critics predicted,
and what its champions dreaded :
Many large companies
are examining a course that was
heretofore unthinkable, dumping the
health care coverage they provide to
their workers in exchange for paying
penalty fees to the government.
That would dismantle
the employer-based system
that has reigned since World War II.
It would also seem
to contradict President Obama's
statements that Americans who like
their current plans could keep them
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Wall Street Regimes ;
The major media say
the chaos on Wall Street
was the result of a "trader
error, possibly a typo," as
the Washington Post put it.
Some reports claim the culprit
was a "fat finger" on a computer
somewhere that pressed the
wrong key.
But Zubi Diamond,
says these claims are all lies.
"What happened in the market
on Thursday is a typical example
of pure market manipulation" by
unregulated hedge fund short sellers.
He warns that the same hedge fund
short sellers were behind the financial
crash of 2008 that paved the way for
Obama's election to the presidency.
Diamond says the historic market plunge
on Thursday was "due to computerized
hedge fund short selling because there is
no protection for the invested capital
in the equity markets.
There is no uptick rule,
no circuit breakers and no trading curbs.
Our market is primed for manipulation."
Diamond is referring to
financial regulations, which
have been repealed, designed
to prevent market manipulation
The Chris Dodd
financial reform bill
is totally unnecessary,
unwarranted and will be
harmful to the Republic.
The "too big to fail" concept is not
the reason for the economic crisis.
The problem is not Wall Street
as a whole, but the hedge fund
short sellers on Wall Street.
They call themselves the
"alternative investment community"
and have organized themselves into
a special interest group called the
Managed Funds Association (MFA).
In order to understand where Dodd
went wrong, the public must learn to
differentiate between what I call the
"good" Wall Street and the "bad"
Wall Street, and what roles
they play in our economy.
An example of the bad Wall Street
would be someone like George Soros.
These people are the financial hedge
fund short-selling operators who make
money by betting on company collapse,
economic calamities and catastrophes.
Soros and his collaborators
have an anti-capitalism agenda, an
anti-industrialized nation agenda, and
a far-left liberal, Marxist radical agenda.
Most hedge fund
short sellers are not capitalist.
They are anti-capitalist
and they are not investors.
They are anti-investors.
They succeed when companies
(or countries) fail.
For the bad Wall Street
to make money, prices have to go
down, which means that companies
and their investors have to lose money
or even go broke and collapse.
The bad Wall Street
is the hedge fund short sellers.
They destroy companies,
take away liquidity, destroy investor
capital and slow down the economy.
The bad Wall Street,
in the form of the hedge fund
short sellers, engineered the economic
collapse, looted every portfolio that
had exposure to the stock market,
and blamed George Bush and the
Republicans, enabling Barack
Obama and his backers,
including Soros, to take power
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes : Illegal Alien
Visa Abuse ;
While securing the border
remains the focus of national attention,
the government continues ignoring millions
of illegal immigrants who entered the U.S.
legally but never left when their visas
expired like several of
the 9/11 terrorists.
Nearly half of the nation's estimated
12 million illegal immigrants fall into
this category yet few are ever caught
because it's simply not a priority for
the government, according to an
Arizona newspaper report that
provides alarming statistics
on the matter.
Border Patrol presence
along the U.S.-Mexico border has
doubled in the last five years, but there
has been no effort to increase the search
for illegal aliens who overstay their visas.
Hundreds of thousands
of illegal immigrants are apprehended
at the border every year while only a
few dozen visa violators are ever caught.
A case in point listed in the story;
the Border Patrol's Tucson Arizona
sector logged 112,488 apprehensions
last fiscal year while federal agents in
Arizona tracked down and arrested
only 27 people who had overstayed
their visas.
The Homeland Security agency
in charge of tracking down foreigners
who overstay visas is Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE), which is
also responsible for targeting illegal
workers and ensuring every alien who
has been ordered removed departs the
U.S. immediately.
A few years ago ICE created a
special unit dedicated to tracking
foreigners who overstay visas.
Last fiscal year the unit got nearly $70
million in federal funding to fulfill the task.
About 272 investigators arrest an
average of 1,400 violators a year,
according to Homeland Security
officials cited in the article.
At that rate the U.S.
won't ever put a dent
in the number of violators, which
is estimated to be between 4
and 5.5 million.
This is nothing new.
A few years ago a nonprofit
organization dedicated to Hispanic
issues released a report documenting
that nearly half of the 12 million illegal
immigrants in the U.S. entered through
an airport or border crossing with legal
visas that allowed them to visit or reside
in the country for a limited time
the chaos on Wall Street
was the result of a "trader
error, possibly a typo," as
the Washington Post put it.
Some reports claim the culprit
was a "fat finger" on a computer
somewhere that pressed the
wrong key.
But Zubi Diamond,
says these claims are all lies.
"What happened in the market
on Thursday is a typical example
of pure market manipulation" by
unregulated hedge fund short sellers.
He warns that the same hedge fund
short sellers were behind the financial
crash of 2008 that paved the way for
Obama's election to the presidency.
Diamond says the historic market plunge
on Thursday was "due to computerized
hedge fund short selling because there is
no protection for the invested capital
in the equity markets.
There is no uptick rule,
no circuit breakers and no trading curbs.
Our market is primed for manipulation."
Diamond is referring to
financial regulations, which
have been repealed, designed
to prevent market manipulation
The Chris Dodd
financial reform bill
is totally unnecessary,
unwarranted and will be
harmful to the Republic.
The "too big to fail" concept is not
the reason for the economic crisis.
The problem is not Wall Street
as a whole, but the hedge fund
short sellers on Wall Street.
They call themselves the
"alternative investment community"
and have organized themselves into
a special interest group called the
Managed Funds Association (MFA).
In order to understand where Dodd
went wrong, the public must learn to
differentiate between what I call the
"good" Wall Street and the "bad"
Wall Street, and what roles
they play in our economy.
An example of the bad Wall Street
would be someone like George Soros.
These people are the financial hedge
fund short-selling operators who make
money by betting on company collapse,
economic calamities and catastrophes.
Soros and his collaborators
have an anti-capitalism agenda, an
anti-industrialized nation agenda, and
a far-left liberal, Marxist radical agenda.
Most hedge fund
short sellers are not capitalist.
They are anti-capitalist
and they are not investors.
They are anti-investors.
They succeed when companies
(or countries) fail.
For the bad Wall Street
to make money, prices have to go
down, which means that companies
and their investors have to lose money
or even go broke and collapse.
The bad Wall Street
is the hedge fund short sellers.
They destroy companies,
take away liquidity, destroy investor
capital and slow down the economy.
The bad Wall Street,
in the form of the hedge fund
short sellers, engineered the economic
collapse, looted every portfolio that
had exposure to the stock market,
and blamed George Bush and the
Republicans, enabling Barack
Obama and his backers,
including Soros, to take power
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes : Illegal Alien
Visa Abuse ;
While securing the border
remains the focus of national attention,
the government continues ignoring millions
of illegal immigrants who entered the U.S.
legally but never left when their visas
expired like several of
the 9/11 terrorists.
Nearly half of the nation's estimated
12 million illegal immigrants fall into
this category yet few are ever caught
because it's simply not a priority for
the government, according to an
Arizona newspaper report that
provides alarming statistics
on the matter.
Border Patrol presence
along the U.S.-Mexico border has
doubled in the last five years, but there
has been no effort to increase the search
for illegal aliens who overstay their visas.
Hundreds of thousands
of illegal immigrants are apprehended
at the border every year while only a
few dozen visa violators are ever caught.
A case in point listed in the story;
the Border Patrol's Tucson Arizona
sector logged 112,488 apprehensions
last fiscal year while federal agents in
Arizona tracked down and arrested
only 27 people who had overstayed
their visas.
The Homeland Security agency
in charge of tracking down foreigners
who overstay visas is Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE), which is
also responsible for targeting illegal
workers and ensuring every alien who
has been ordered removed departs the
U.S. immediately.
A few years ago ICE created a
special unit dedicated to tracking
foreigners who overstay visas.
Last fiscal year the unit got nearly $70
million in federal funding to fulfill the task.
About 272 investigators arrest an
average of 1,400 violators a year,
according to Homeland Security
officials cited in the article.
At that rate the U.S.
won't ever put a dent
in the number of violators, which
is estimated to be between 4
and 5.5 million.
This is nothing new.
A few years ago a nonprofit
organization dedicated to Hispanic
issues released a report documenting
that nearly half of the 12 million illegal
immigrants in the U.S. entered through
an airport or border crossing with legal
visas that allowed them to visit or reside
in the country for a limited time
Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Department Of Labor Regimes ;
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis
rewarded six former staffers from
her congressional office with political
appointments and huge raises upon
taking over at the Department of Labor.
The appointees had significant pay
increases averaging 50 percent upon
changing jobs; one employee's salary
nearly doubled.
Solis, a former member of the
U.S. House of Representatives from
California, began hiring the employees
shortly after she was confirmed by the
Senate in February 2009.
Political appointments
are non-competitive government jobs
that differ from career positions, which
often involve a long hiring process.
The information was obtained through
a Freedom of Information Act request
by Americans for Limited Government.
The pay raises stand in stark contrast
to the Bush administration, which had
a rule that employees shouldn't make
more than a 20 percent increase from
their previous salary unless there were
extraordinary circumstances.
Only one Solis staffer
made less than a 20 percent raise
upon taking the political appointment
When it comes to spending,
President Obama's proposed budget
for 2011 takes fiscal irresponsibility
to Greece and beyond.
Former Treasury tax officials,
write that "the president's planned
fiscal excesses beyond 2010 cannot
plausibly be attributed to the recession,
blamed on George W. Bush or justified
by economic principles, Keynesian
or otherwise."
Growth in spending
will only aggravate the nation's
currently poor fiscal outlook.
By 2020,
the public debt will be 91 percent
of Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
and the gross debt will be upwards
of 123 percent of GDP.
Christian and Robbins
put this into perspective by pointing
to the debt held by Greece-currently
in financial crisis-of 123 percent
of Greek GDP.
This is the projected fate
for America's federal public
debt, scheduled for this
decade if nothing changes
Almost five years after
Hurricane Katrina devastated
the Gulf Coast, FEMA teeters
on bankruptcy due to its policy
of federalizing virtually every
natural disaster in America.
The federalization
of routine natural disasters began
in 1993 and has yet to show down.
In the short span of 16 years,
the yearly average of FEMA
declarations has tripled from 43
under President George H. W. Bush
to 89 under President Clinton to 130
under President George W. Bush.
In his first year,
President Barack Obama
issued 108 declarations-the 12th
highest in FEMA history-without
the occurrence of one hurricane
or other major disaster.
In the first three months
of 2010, President Obama has
issued 32 declarations, which puts
him on pace for 128 declarations
for the year-the sixth most in
FEMA history.
The Congress needs to put
a brake on this federalization
movement by restricting the
types of natural disasters
eligible for FEMA assistance.
The fundamental reality is that
the vast majority of FEMA disasters
today were handled entirely by states
and localities from 1787 to 1992.
That structure made sense.
Let's save FEMA and its resources
for the Hurricane Katrinas and place
the burden of routine natural disasters
back in the hands of states and localities
rewarded six former staffers from
her congressional office with political
appointments and huge raises upon
taking over at the Department of Labor.
The appointees had significant pay
increases averaging 50 percent upon
changing jobs; one employee's salary
nearly doubled.
Solis, a former member of the
U.S. House of Representatives from
California, began hiring the employees
shortly after she was confirmed by the
Senate in February 2009.
Political appointments
are non-competitive government jobs
that differ from career positions, which
often involve a long hiring process.
The information was obtained through
a Freedom of Information Act request
by Americans for Limited Government.
The pay raises stand in stark contrast
to the Bush administration, which had
a rule that employees shouldn't make
more than a 20 percent increase from
their previous salary unless there were
extraordinary circumstances.
Only one Solis staffer
made less than a 20 percent raise
upon taking the political appointment
When it comes to spending,
President Obama's proposed budget
for 2011 takes fiscal irresponsibility
to Greece and beyond.
Former Treasury tax officials,
write that "the president's planned
fiscal excesses beyond 2010 cannot
plausibly be attributed to the recession,
blamed on George W. Bush or justified
by economic principles, Keynesian
or otherwise."
Growth in spending
will only aggravate the nation's
currently poor fiscal outlook.
By 2020,
the public debt will be 91 percent
of Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
and the gross debt will be upwards
of 123 percent of GDP.
Christian and Robbins
put this into perspective by pointing
to the debt held by Greece-currently
in financial crisis-of 123 percent
of Greek GDP.
This is the projected fate
for America's federal public
debt, scheduled for this
decade if nothing changes
Almost five years after
Hurricane Katrina devastated
the Gulf Coast, FEMA teeters
on bankruptcy due to its policy
of federalizing virtually every
natural disaster in America.
The federalization
of routine natural disasters began
in 1993 and has yet to show down.
In the short span of 16 years,
the yearly average of FEMA
declarations has tripled from 43
under President George H. W. Bush
to 89 under President Clinton to 130
under President George W. Bush.
In his first year,
President Barack Obama
issued 108 declarations-the 12th
highest in FEMA history-without
the occurrence of one hurricane
or other major disaster.
In the first three months
of 2010, President Obama has
issued 32 declarations, which puts
him on pace for 128 declarations
for the year-the sixth most in
FEMA history.
The Congress needs to put
a brake on this federalization
movement by restricting the
types of natural disasters
eligible for FEMA assistance.
The fundamental reality is that
the vast majority of FEMA disasters
today were handled entirely by states
and localities from 1787 to 1992.
That structure made sense.
Let's save FEMA and its resources
for the Hurricane Katrinas and place
the burden of routine natural disasters
back in the hands of states and localities
Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes Taxpayer Handouts For Commies ;
Greece's problems
did not start with Goldman Sachs
although Taki Theodoracopoulos on
18 February makes a good argument
in "High Life, Goldman Sachs Turned
The Greeks Into Crooks," in which he
wrote :
"Bravo Goldman Sachs.
You've done it again. As in the U.S.
subprime crisis, this house of ill repute
created a deal which helped the Greeks
obscure billions in debt from the budget
overseers, then charged the Greeks
hundreds of millions of Euros for
helping them hide the debts."
it was not a liberal president
or a socialist party as one would
have expected, but the conservative
president Constantine Karamanlis and
his administration that first legalized
the communist party of Greece
(KKE) that had been banned
for decades.
After the civil war,
the Karamanlis government
extended an invitation to those
communists who fled to different
communist countries to return to
Greece, even granting them full
amnesty and pensions.
The legalization of the communist party
was considered by many as a gesture
of political inclusion.
What we are seeing today
on the streets of Athens and
throughout the country is the
return of the red communist
flags and the angry mobs.
Three people died
after the mob torched
an Athens bank in protest against
the drastic austerity moves being
imposed by the Greek government
to avert financial collapse.
Used to years of profligate
government spending and
government acceptance of
union demands, the mobs react
as they always have -- anarchy.
The spectacle of Greek unions,
especially government employee
unions along with their communist
comrades, demanding more and
more benefits, earlier retirement,
fewer working hours and compliant
politicians desperate to buy votes but
unable to deliver on their promises
should be a clear picture of America's
future as we rush down the same
road to insolvency.
To see America's future,
all we need to do is to look at Greece.
According to Forbes,
in the United States the
total federal debt, including
debt held by government agencies
like the Social Security fund has
ballooned by 50 percent since
2006 to $12.3 trillion.
The U.S. government
debt-to-GDP ratio is 84 percent.
A tipping point into default
is generally believed to be 90 percent.
Can the whole financial system be gamed?
Well, yes. On September 15, 2008 there
was a suspicious, coordinated withdrawal
of $550 billion from American banks just
before the end of the 2008
election campaigns.
It forced the Federal Reserve
to shut down the drain of funds
leaving the nation.
Within days the then-Secretary
of Treasury, Henry Paulson was
asking Congress to cut him a blank
check for billions in order to stave off
the collapse of major financial institutions.
Subsequently, one of them, Lehman
Brothers, was allowed to fail while a
forced marriage between Bank of
America and Merrill Lynch ensued
to keep the latter from failing.
Troubled asset or TARP funds
were dispensed and repaid.
It's hard not to make a profit
when the Federal Reserve is lending
you billions at zero interest rates.
It is now official White House policy
to berate Wall Street and threaten it
with a ruinous expansion of regulation.
considered enemies of the state by
the Obama administration include
insurance and pharmaceutical companies,
along with producers of oil and coal
While politicians denigrate
the government of Arizona
and "activists" attempt to punish
that state's citizens, these so-called
social justice paragons ignore the
fact that the U.S. is Mexico's
de facto penal colony.
Complex problems are associated
with illegal aliens who commit crimes.
Criminal aliens tend to be
drug-oriented and violent, often preying
on members of their own cultures.
If deported, they frequently use
new names to reenter the United States
and establish residence in different cities.
aliens do not confine their criminal
activities to border cities - communities
throughout this country are experiencing
increasing alien involvement in drug
importation and distribution, weapons
smuggling, and violence against
persons and property
did not start with Goldman Sachs
although Taki Theodoracopoulos on
18 February makes a good argument
in "High Life, Goldman Sachs Turned
The Greeks Into Crooks," in which he
wrote :
"Bravo Goldman Sachs.
You've done it again. As in the U.S.
subprime crisis, this house of ill repute
created a deal which helped the Greeks
obscure billions in debt from the budget
overseers, then charged the Greeks
hundreds of millions of Euros for
helping them hide the debts."
it was not a liberal president
or a socialist party as one would
have expected, but the conservative
president Constantine Karamanlis and
his administration that first legalized
the communist party of Greece
(KKE) that had been banned
for decades.
After the civil war,
the Karamanlis government
extended an invitation to those
communists who fled to different
communist countries to return to
Greece, even granting them full
amnesty and pensions.
The legalization of the communist party
was considered by many as a gesture
of political inclusion.
What we are seeing today
on the streets of Athens and
throughout the country is the
return of the red communist
flags and the angry mobs.
Three people died
after the mob torched
an Athens bank in protest against
the drastic austerity moves being
imposed by the Greek government
to avert financial collapse.
Used to years of profligate
government spending and
government acceptance of
union demands, the mobs react
as they always have -- anarchy.
The spectacle of Greek unions,
especially government employee
unions along with their communist
comrades, demanding more and
more benefits, earlier retirement,
fewer working hours and compliant
politicians desperate to buy votes but
unable to deliver on their promises
should be a clear picture of America's
future as we rush down the same
road to insolvency.
To see America's future,
all we need to do is to look at Greece.
According to Forbes,
in the United States the
total federal debt, including
debt held by government agencies
like the Social Security fund has
ballooned by 50 percent since
2006 to $12.3 trillion.
The U.S. government
debt-to-GDP ratio is 84 percent.
A tipping point into default
is generally believed to be 90 percent.
Can the whole financial system be gamed?
Well, yes. On September 15, 2008 there
was a suspicious, coordinated withdrawal
of $550 billion from American banks just
before the end of the 2008
election campaigns.
It forced the Federal Reserve
to shut down the drain of funds
leaving the nation.
Within days the then-Secretary
of Treasury, Henry Paulson was
asking Congress to cut him a blank
check for billions in order to stave off
the collapse of major financial institutions.
Subsequently, one of them, Lehman
Brothers, was allowed to fail while a
forced marriage between Bank of
America and Merrill Lynch ensued
to keep the latter from failing.
Troubled asset or TARP funds
were dispensed and repaid.
It's hard not to make a profit
when the Federal Reserve is lending
you billions at zero interest rates.
It is now official White House policy
to berate Wall Street and threaten it
with a ruinous expansion of regulation.
considered enemies of the state by
the Obama administration include
insurance and pharmaceutical companies,
along with producers of oil and coal
While politicians denigrate
the government of Arizona
and "activists" attempt to punish
that state's citizens, these so-called
social justice paragons ignore the
fact that the U.S. is Mexico's
de facto penal colony.
Complex problems are associated
with illegal aliens who commit crimes.
Criminal aliens tend to be
drug-oriented and violent, often preying
on members of their own cultures.
If deported, they frequently use
new names to reenter the United States
and establish residence in different cities.
aliens do not confine their criminal
activities to border cities - communities
throughout this country are experiencing
increasing alien involvement in drug
importation and distribution, weapons
smuggling, and violence against
persons and property
Monday, May 10, 2010
Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime's Agendas Continued ;
Last week the House passed a bill
to authorize $6.6 billion for its cash
for caulkers program reminiscent of
last years cash for clunkers program.
This week they are taking the spending
to a whole new level with an $82.5 billion
authorization bill for the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, the National
Science Foundation, and research programs
at the Department of Energy.
On top of the spending there are
also other concerns including how this
duplicates efforts already going on in the
federal government and in some cases
goes beyond basic research
and development.
The House Energy
and Commerce Committee
will hold hearings of note
this week.
On Thursday
the Communications, Technology
and the Internet subcommittee will
discuss the "National Broadband Plan."
Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid (D-NV) seems intent
on ending debate on Senator Chris
Dodd's (D-CT) financial regulation bill.
Reid's rush to finish the bill, despite
having voted on just seven amendments,
should concern Americans because
significant flaws remain.
The President is also set to make news
next week by announcing his nominee
for the Supreme Court.
Senators John Kerry (D-MA)
and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
are rumored to be announcing
their global warming plan -
notably absent will be Senator
Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
The Finance Committee will hold
a hearing on taxing financial institutions
Repeal :
Internet Neutrality
Repeal :
National Broadband Plan
Repeal :
Corporate Subsidies
Repeal :
Commie Mortgage Lending :
Everybody now knows
that the hedge fund at the center of
the Goldman Sachs SEC complaint,
Paulson & Co., made a fortune by
selecting credit default obligations
made up of high risk mortgages.
What is less well known
is how Paulson picked mortgages.
"According to the SEC complaint,
[Paulson and Company head John]
Paulson especially wanted to find risky
subprime adjustable rate mortgages that
had been given to borrowers in California,
Arizona, Florida, and Nevada-states with
big spikes in home prices that he reckoned
would crash."
Yet, President Barack Obama
has decided to re inflate the bubble
in these five states with $1.5 billion in
bailouts for delinquent borrowers.
Worse Obama administration
Transportation Secretary Roy
LaHood wants to create
new bubble zones :
Other pending legislation
and policies-notably the draft
of the transportation reauthorization
bill and the many statements by
Transportation Secretary Ray
LaHood on the need for greater
housing and population densities
-will make things worse by pursuing
counterproductive policies endorsed
by the President's environmental
As recent reports have
revealed, both the legislation
and the proposed policies have
as one of their chief purposes the
encouragement of the type of land
use regulations that led to the house
price inflation in the four states
whose mortgages Paulson targeted
for opportunity based on potential failure
The United States must reverse
its spending habits, and most
Americans know it.
62 percent of likely voters
are very concerned about the
level of deficit spending of which
Congress is guilty.
When those that are
somewhat concerned are included,
the percentage of Americans that
view Congress' spending as
reckless and irresponsible
grows even larger.
Yet, the President
has signed a bloated and likely-to-fail
health care bill that creates expensive
new entitlement programs and it will
cost trillions.
He raised the debt
ceiling to $14.3 trillion.
He proposed a budget that
will create record deficits
for years to come.
56 percent of likely voters agree
that the costly stimulus package
was a waste of borrowed dollars
on unnecessary spending.
As far as fiscal responsibility goes,
President Obama does not have
a good track record.
Soaring deficits are due not
to a lack of taxation, but rather
out-of-control spending.
This is based on current
and historical levels of spending
and taxation as a percentage of
Gross Domestic Product.
The way forward is clear:
cut spending, and do it now
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
to authorize $6.6 billion for its cash
for caulkers program reminiscent of
last years cash for clunkers program.
This week they are taking the spending
to a whole new level with an $82.5 billion
authorization bill for the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, the National
Science Foundation, and research programs
at the Department of Energy.
On top of the spending there are
also other concerns including how this
duplicates efforts already going on in the
federal government and in some cases
goes beyond basic research
and development.
The House Energy
and Commerce Committee
will hold hearings of note
this week.
On Thursday
the Communications, Technology
and the Internet subcommittee will
discuss the "National Broadband Plan."
Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid (D-NV) seems intent
on ending debate on Senator Chris
Dodd's (D-CT) financial regulation bill.
Reid's rush to finish the bill, despite
having voted on just seven amendments,
should concern Americans because
significant flaws remain.
The President is also set to make news
next week by announcing his nominee
for the Supreme Court.
Senators John Kerry (D-MA)
and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
are rumored to be announcing
their global warming plan -
notably absent will be Senator
Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
The Finance Committee will hold
a hearing on taxing financial institutions
Repeal :
Internet Neutrality
Repeal :
National Broadband Plan
Repeal :
Corporate Subsidies
Repeal :
Commie Mortgage Lending :
Everybody now knows
that the hedge fund at the center of
the Goldman Sachs SEC complaint,
Paulson & Co., made a fortune by
selecting credit default obligations
made up of high risk mortgages.
What is less well known
is how Paulson picked mortgages.
"According to the SEC complaint,
[Paulson and Company head John]
Paulson especially wanted to find risky
subprime adjustable rate mortgages that
had been given to borrowers in California,
Arizona, Florida, and Nevada-states with
big spikes in home prices that he reckoned
would crash."
Yet, President Barack Obama
has decided to re inflate the bubble
in these five states with $1.5 billion in
bailouts for delinquent borrowers.
Worse Obama administration
Transportation Secretary Roy
LaHood wants to create
new bubble zones :
Other pending legislation
and policies-notably the draft
of the transportation reauthorization
bill and the many statements by
Transportation Secretary Ray
LaHood on the need for greater
housing and population densities
-will make things worse by pursuing
counterproductive policies endorsed
by the President's environmental
As recent reports have
revealed, both the legislation
and the proposed policies have
as one of their chief purposes the
encouragement of the type of land
use regulations that led to the house
price inflation in the four states
whose mortgages Paulson targeted
for opportunity based on potential failure
The United States must reverse
its spending habits, and most
Americans know it.
62 percent of likely voters
are very concerned about the
level of deficit spending of which
Congress is guilty.
When those that are
somewhat concerned are included,
the percentage of Americans that
view Congress' spending as
reckless and irresponsible
grows even larger.
Yet, the President
has signed a bloated and likely-to-fail
health care bill that creates expensive
new entitlement programs and it will
cost trillions.
He raised the debt
ceiling to $14.3 trillion.
He proposed a budget that
will create record deficits
for years to come.
56 percent of likely voters agree
that the costly stimulus package
was a waste of borrowed dollars
on unnecessary spending.
As far as fiscal responsibility goes,
President Obama does not have
a good track record.
Soaring deficits are due not
to a lack of taxation, but rather
out-of-control spending.
This is based on current
and historical levels of spending
and taxation as a percentage of
Gross Domestic Product.
The way forward is clear:
cut spending, and do it now
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Socialist Justice Regimes ;
President Barack Obama
is to nominate Solicitor General
Elena Kagan as his pick to replace
retiring Justice John Paul Stevens
on the Supreme Court ;
Let the vetting begin.
A preview of the Senate debate
on Kagan to be Supreme Court Justice
can be found in the Congressional Record
preceding the March 19, 2009 vote on her
nomination to be President Obama's
Solicitor General.
Kagan is going to have a rough ride -
she only passed on a 61-31 vote.
Three issues will be central
to the prospects of Kagan's
confirmation to the U.S.
Supreme Court.
First, did she disqualify herself
for a lifetime appointment to the Court
with her extreme actions in barring the
military from recruiting on the
Harvard Law campus.
Second, will she legislate from the bench
and exhibit the same elitist attitude that
lead her to disregard the Solomon
Amendment by barring the military
from recruiting on campus during
time of war.
will she answer any questions
during the confirmation process
allowing Senators to understand
her judicial philosophy.
If the answer is no to the final question,
conservative Senators may filibuster the
Kagan nomination for the purpose of
forcing Kagan, and future nominees, to
directly answer questions about
judicial philosophy.
Any way you slice it,
this is going to be a tough
nomination process and a
difficult confirmation battle
President Obama is quoted
explaining how he lost control
of the political momentum early
in his administration, claiming that
the unanimous Republican opposition
in the House of Representatives to his
stimulus spending bill "set the tenor
for the whole year."
"That helped to create the tea-baggers
and empowered that whole wing of
the Republican Party to where it now
controls the agenda for Republicans."
Because the Democrat party was
alone in passing the stimulus and then
the budget and then the healthcare
spending bill, the Democrats alone
own the increasingly unpopular
issue of overspending.
Obama is determined
not to repeat this mistake
when he moves to massively
raise taxes after the 2010 election.
He needs cover, a useful idiot, a high
profile Republican who can stand with
him in the Rose Garden when he endorses
a VAT and higher income taxes
and energy taxes.
He wants Republican
fingerprints on the murder weapon.
The Democrats are stuck
with their ownership of overspending.
They want to share the blame
for the taxes to pay to continue
their overspending.
To try and lure Republicans
into a repeat of the Andrews Air Force
Base negotiations that tricked President
George H.W. Bush in 1990 to join hands
with the Democrats to raise taxes to pay
for higher spending, Obama has built a
mousetrap he calls the "National
Commission on Fiscal
Responsibility and Reform"
In the same week
that the nation's Homeland Security
secretary assured Congress the southern
border is more secure than ever, an Arizona
sheriff deputy got shot by Mexican drug
smugglers and an illegal immigrant drop
house got busted in separate areas.
Is it possible
that Janet Napolitano misspoke
at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing
when she confidently asserted that the
U.S.-Mexico border is "as secure now
as it's ever been?"
She is after all, the Obama Administration
official charged with protecting the country's
safety and securing its borders.
Her words certainly lost credibility
because they were delivered within
days of two separate incidents that
contradict her seemingly delusional
assessment of the southern border.
Additionally, there has been solid
documentation-from the media as
well as the government-of a drastic
increase in violence by drug and
human smugglers that routinely
make their way north.
Just a few weeks ago
a federal report revealed that Mexican
drug cartels continue to be the nation's
largest supplier of illicit narcotics and
that violent Mexican gangs have
expanded into every region of the
country, including idyllic rural areas.
Thousands of metric tons of heroin,
methamphetamine, marijuana and cocaine
were smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico
in the last year and tens of billions of dollars
in drug proceeds flowed back south,
according to the Justice Department's
National Drug Intelligence Center.
Weeks before that the Department
of Homeland Security issued an alert
to warn U.S. law enforcement officers
and their families that a deadly Mexican
gang is actively plotting to kill them in
retaliation for a sweep targeting its thugs.
The alert warns cops
to wear body armor and vary routes
to avoid being tracked by the violent
gang that has spread throughout the U.S.
is to nominate Solicitor General
Elena Kagan as his pick to replace
retiring Justice John Paul Stevens
on the Supreme Court ;
Let the vetting begin.
A preview of the Senate debate
on Kagan to be Supreme Court Justice
can be found in the Congressional Record
preceding the March 19, 2009 vote on her
nomination to be President Obama's
Solicitor General.
Kagan is going to have a rough ride -
she only passed on a 61-31 vote.
Three issues will be central
to the prospects of Kagan's
confirmation to the U.S.
Supreme Court.
First, did she disqualify herself
for a lifetime appointment to the Court
with her extreme actions in barring the
military from recruiting on the
Harvard Law campus.
Second, will she legislate from the bench
and exhibit the same elitist attitude that
lead her to disregard the Solomon
Amendment by barring the military
from recruiting on campus during
time of war.
will she answer any questions
during the confirmation process
allowing Senators to understand
her judicial philosophy.
If the answer is no to the final question,
conservative Senators may filibuster the
Kagan nomination for the purpose of
forcing Kagan, and future nominees, to
directly answer questions about
judicial philosophy.
Any way you slice it,
this is going to be a tough
nomination process and a
difficult confirmation battle
President Obama is quoted
explaining how he lost control
of the political momentum early
in his administration, claiming that
the unanimous Republican opposition
in the House of Representatives to his
stimulus spending bill "set the tenor
for the whole year."
"That helped to create the tea-baggers
and empowered that whole wing of
the Republican Party to where it now
controls the agenda for Republicans."
Because the Democrat party was
alone in passing the stimulus and then
the budget and then the healthcare
spending bill, the Democrats alone
own the increasingly unpopular
issue of overspending.
Obama is determined
not to repeat this mistake
when he moves to massively
raise taxes after the 2010 election.
He needs cover, a useful idiot, a high
profile Republican who can stand with
him in the Rose Garden when he endorses
a VAT and higher income taxes
and energy taxes.
He wants Republican
fingerprints on the murder weapon.
The Democrats are stuck
with their ownership of overspending.
They want to share the blame
for the taxes to pay to continue
their overspending.
To try and lure Republicans
into a repeat of the Andrews Air Force
Base negotiations that tricked President
George H.W. Bush in 1990 to join hands
with the Democrats to raise taxes to pay
for higher spending, Obama has built a
mousetrap he calls the "National
Commission on Fiscal
Responsibility and Reform"
In the same week
that the nation's Homeland Security
secretary assured Congress the southern
border is more secure than ever, an Arizona
sheriff deputy got shot by Mexican drug
smugglers and an illegal immigrant drop
house got busted in separate areas.
Is it possible
that Janet Napolitano misspoke
at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing
when she confidently asserted that the
U.S.-Mexico border is "as secure now
as it's ever been?"
She is after all, the Obama Administration
official charged with protecting the country's
safety and securing its borders.
Her words certainly lost credibility
because they were delivered within
days of two separate incidents that
contradict her seemingly delusional
assessment of the southern border.
Additionally, there has been solid
documentation-from the media as
well as the government-of a drastic
increase in violence by drug and
human smugglers that routinely
make their way north.
Just a few weeks ago
a federal report revealed that Mexican
drug cartels continue to be the nation's
largest supplier of illicit narcotics and
that violent Mexican gangs have
expanded into every region of the
country, including idyllic rural areas.
Thousands of metric tons of heroin,
methamphetamine, marijuana and cocaine
were smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico
in the last year and tens of billions of dollars
in drug proceeds flowed back south,
according to the Justice Department's
National Drug Intelligence Center.
Weeks before that the Department
of Homeland Security issued an alert
to warn U.S. law enforcement officers
and their families that a deadly Mexican
gang is actively plotting to kill them in
retaliation for a sweep targeting its thugs.
The alert warns cops
to wear body armor and vary routes
to avoid being tracked by the violent
gang that has spread throughout the U.S.
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