Labor Secretary Hilda Solis
rewarded six former staffers from
her congressional office with political
appointments and huge raises upon
taking over at the Department of Labor.
The appointees had significant pay
increases averaging 50 percent upon
changing jobs; one employee's salary
nearly doubled.
Solis, a former member of the
U.S. House of Representatives from
California, began hiring the employees
shortly after she was confirmed by the
Senate in February 2009.
Political appointments
are non-competitive government jobs
that differ from career positions, which
often involve a long hiring process.
The information was obtained through
a Freedom of Information Act request
by Americans for Limited Government.
The pay raises stand in stark contrast
to the Bush administration, which had
a rule that employees shouldn't make
more than a 20 percent increase from
their previous salary unless there were
extraordinary circumstances.
Only one Solis staffer
made less than a 20 percent raise
upon taking the political appointment
When it comes to spending,
President Obama's proposed budget
for 2011 takes fiscal irresponsibility
to Greece and beyond.
Former Treasury tax officials,
write that "the president's planned
fiscal excesses beyond 2010 cannot
plausibly be attributed to the recession,
blamed on George W. Bush or justified
by economic principles, Keynesian
or otherwise."
Growth in spending
will only aggravate the nation's
currently poor fiscal outlook.
By 2020,
the public debt will be 91 percent
of Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
and the gross debt will be upwards
of 123 percent of GDP.
Christian and Robbins
put this into perspective by pointing
to the debt held by Greece-currently
in financial crisis-of 123 percent
of Greek GDP.
This is the projected fate
for America's federal public
debt, scheduled for this
decade if nothing changes
Almost five years after
Hurricane Katrina devastated
the Gulf Coast, FEMA teeters
on bankruptcy due to its policy
of federalizing virtually every
natural disaster in America.
The federalization
of routine natural disasters began
in 1993 and has yet to show down.
In the short span of 16 years,
the yearly average of FEMA
declarations has tripled from 43
under President George H. W. Bush
to 89 under President Clinton to 130
under President George W. Bush.
In his first year,
President Barack Obama
issued 108 declarations-the 12th
highest in FEMA history-without
the occurrence of one hurricane
or other major disaster.
In the first three months
of 2010, President Obama has
issued 32 declarations, which puts
him on pace for 128 declarations
for the year-the sixth most in
FEMA history.
The Congress needs to put
a brake on this federalization
movement by restricting the
types of natural disasters
eligible for FEMA assistance.
The fundamental reality is that
the vast majority of FEMA disasters
today were handled entirely by states
and localities from 1787 to 1992.
That structure made sense.
Let's save FEMA and its resources
for the Hurricane Katrinas and place
the burden of routine natural disasters
back in the hands of states and localities