Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Wall Street Regimes ;

The major media say
the chaos on Wall Street
was the result of a "trader
error, possibly a typo," as
the Washington Post put it.

Some reports claim the culprit
was a "fat finger" on a computer
somewhere that pressed the
wrong key.

But Zubi Diamond,
says these claims are all lies.

"What happened in the market
on Thursday is a typical example
of pure market manipulation" by
unregulated hedge fund short sellers.

He warns that the same hedge fund
short sellers were behind the financial
crash of 2008 that paved the way for
Obama's election to the presidency.

Diamond says the historic market plunge
on Thursday was "due to computerized
hedge fund short selling because there is
no protection for the invested capital
in the equity markets.

There is no uptick rule,
no circuit breakers and no trading curbs.
Our market is primed for manipulation."

Diamond is referring to
financial regulations, which
have been repealed, designed
to prevent market manipulation

The Chris Dodd
financial reform bill
is totally unnecessary,
unwarranted and will be
harmful to the Republic.

The "too big to fail" concept is not
the reason for the economic crisis.

The problem is not Wall Street
as a whole, but the hedge fund
short sellers on Wall Street.

They call themselves the
"alternative investment community"
and have organized themselves into
a special interest group called the
Managed Funds Association (MFA).

In order to understand where Dodd
went wrong, the public must learn to
differentiate between what I call the
"good" Wall Street and the "bad"
Wall Street, and what roles
they play in our economy.

An example of the bad Wall Street
would be someone like George Soros.

These people are the financial hedge
fund short-selling operators who make
money by betting on company collapse,
economic calamities and catastrophes.

Soros and his collaborators
have an anti-capitalism agenda, an
anti-industrialized nation agenda, and
a far-left liberal, Marxist radical agenda.

Most hedge fund
short sellers are not capitalist.

They are anti-capitalist
and they are not investors.

They are anti-investors.
They succeed when companies
(or countries) fail.

For the bad Wall Street
to make money, prices have to go
down, which means that companies
and their investors have to lose money
or even go broke and collapse.

The bad Wall Street
is the hedge fund short sellers.

They destroy companies,
take away liquidity, destroy investor
capital and slow down the economy.

The bad Wall Street,
in the form of the hedge fund
short sellers, engineered the economic
collapse, looted every portfolio that
had exposure to the stock market,
and blamed George Bush and the
Republicans, enabling Barack
Obama and his backers,
including Soros, to take power

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes : Illegal Alien
Visa Abuse ;

While securing the border
remains the focus of national attention,
the government continues ignoring millions
of illegal immigrants who entered the U.S.
legally but never left when their visas
expired like several of
the 9/11 terrorists.

Nearly half of the nation's estimated
12 million illegal immigrants fall into
this category yet few are ever caught
because it's simply not a priority for
the government, according to an
Arizona newspaper report that
provides alarming statistics
on the matter.

Border Patrol presence
along the U.S.-Mexico border has
doubled in the last five years, but there
has been no effort to increase the search
for illegal aliens who overstay their visas.

Hundreds of thousands
of illegal immigrants are apprehended
at the border every year while only a
few dozen visa violators are ever caught.

A case in point listed in the story;
the Border Patrol's Tucson Arizona
sector logged 112,488 apprehensions
last fiscal year while federal agents in
Arizona tracked down and arrested
only 27 people who had overstayed
their visas.

The Homeland Security agency
in charge of tracking down foreigners
who overstay visas is Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE), which is
also responsible for targeting illegal
workers and ensuring every alien who
has been ordered removed departs the
U.S. immediately.

A few years ago ICE created a
special unit dedicated to tracking
foreigners who overstay visas.

Last fiscal year the unit got nearly $70
million in federal funding to fulfill the task.

About 272 investigators arrest an
average of 1,400 violators a year,
according to Homeland Security
officials cited in the article.

At that rate the U.S.
won't ever put a dent
in the number of violators, which
is estimated to be between 4
and 5.5 million.

This is nothing new.
A few years ago a nonprofit
organization dedicated to Hispanic
issues released a report documenting
that nearly half of the 12 million illegal
immigrants in the U.S. entered through
an airport or border crossing with legal
visas that allowed them to visit or reside
in the country for a limited time