Last week the House passed a bill
to authorize $6.6 billion for its cash
for caulkers program reminiscent of
last years cash for clunkers program.
This week they are taking the spending
to a whole new level with an $82.5 billion
authorization bill for the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, the National
Science Foundation, and research programs
at the Department of Energy.
On top of the spending there are
also other concerns including how this
duplicates efforts already going on in the
federal government and in some cases
goes beyond basic research
and development.
The House Energy
and Commerce Committee
will hold hearings of note
this week.
On Thursday
the Communications, Technology
and the Internet subcommittee will
discuss the "National Broadband Plan."
Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid (D-NV) seems intent
on ending debate on Senator Chris
Dodd's (D-CT) financial regulation bill.
Reid's rush to finish the bill, despite
having voted on just seven amendments,
should concern Americans because
significant flaws remain.
The President is also set to make news
next week by announcing his nominee
for the Supreme Court.
Senators John Kerry (D-MA)
and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
are rumored to be announcing
their global warming plan -
notably absent will be Senator
Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
The Finance Committee will hold
a hearing on taxing financial institutions
Repeal :
Internet Neutrality
Repeal :
National Broadband Plan
Repeal :
Corporate Subsidies
Repeal :
Commie Mortgage Lending :
Everybody now knows
that the hedge fund at the center of
the Goldman Sachs SEC complaint,
Paulson & Co., made a fortune by
selecting credit default obligations
made up of high risk mortgages.
What is less well known
is how Paulson picked mortgages.
"According to the SEC complaint,
[Paulson and Company head John]
Paulson especially wanted to find risky
subprime adjustable rate mortgages that
had been given to borrowers in California,
Arizona, Florida, and Nevada-states with
big spikes in home prices that he reckoned
would crash."
Yet, President Barack Obama
has decided to re inflate the bubble
in these five states with $1.5 billion in
bailouts for delinquent borrowers.
Worse Obama administration
Transportation Secretary Roy
LaHood wants to create
new bubble zones :
Other pending legislation
and policies-notably the draft
of the transportation reauthorization
bill and the many statements by
Transportation Secretary Ray
LaHood on the need for greater
housing and population densities
-will make things worse by pursuing
counterproductive policies endorsed
by the President's environmental
As recent reports have
revealed, both the legislation
and the proposed policies have
as one of their chief purposes the
encouragement of the type of land
use regulations that led to the house
price inflation in the four states
whose mortgages Paulson targeted
for opportunity based on potential failure
The United States must reverse
its spending habits, and most
Americans know it.
62 percent of likely voters
are very concerned about the
level of deficit spending of which
Congress is guilty.
When those that are
somewhat concerned are included,
the percentage of Americans that
view Congress' spending as
reckless and irresponsible
grows even larger.
Yet, the President
has signed a bloated and likely-to-fail
health care bill that creates expensive
new entitlement programs and it will
cost trillions.
He raised the debt
ceiling to $14.3 trillion.
He proposed a budget that
will create record deficits
for years to come.
56 percent of likely voters agree
that the costly stimulus package
was a waste of borrowed dollars
on unnecessary spending.
As far as fiscal responsibility goes,
President Obama does not have
a good track record.
Soaring deficits are due not
to a lack of taxation, but rather
out-of-control spending.
This is based on current
and historical levels of spending
and taxation as a percentage of
Gross Domestic Product.
The way forward is clear:
cut spending, and do it now
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds