President Barack Obama
is to nominate Solicitor General
Elena Kagan as his pick to replace
retiring Justice John Paul Stevens
on the Supreme Court ;
Let the vetting begin.
A preview of the Senate debate
on Kagan to be Supreme Court Justice
can be found in the Congressional Record
preceding the March 19, 2009 vote on her
nomination to be President Obama's
Solicitor General.
Kagan is going to have a rough ride -
she only passed on a 61-31 vote.
Three issues will be central
to the prospects of Kagan's
confirmation to the U.S.
Supreme Court.
First, did she disqualify herself
for a lifetime appointment to the Court
with her extreme actions in barring the
military from recruiting on the
Harvard Law campus.
Second, will she legislate from the bench
and exhibit the same elitist attitude that
lead her to disregard the Solomon
Amendment by barring the military
from recruiting on campus during
time of war.
will she answer any questions
during the confirmation process
allowing Senators to understand
her judicial philosophy.
If the answer is no to the final question,
conservative Senators may filibuster the
Kagan nomination for the purpose of
forcing Kagan, and future nominees, to
directly answer questions about
judicial philosophy.
Any way you slice it,
this is going to be a tough
nomination process and a
difficult confirmation battle
President Obama is quoted
explaining how he lost control
of the political momentum early
in his administration, claiming that
the unanimous Republican opposition
in the House of Representatives to his
stimulus spending bill "set the tenor
for the whole year."
"That helped to create the tea-baggers
and empowered that whole wing of
the Republican Party to where it now
controls the agenda for Republicans."
Because the Democrat party was
alone in passing the stimulus and then
the budget and then the healthcare
spending bill, the Democrats alone
own the increasingly unpopular
issue of overspending.
Obama is determined
not to repeat this mistake
when he moves to massively
raise taxes after the 2010 election.
He needs cover, a useful idiot, a high
profile Republican who can stand with
him in the Rose Garden when he endorses
a VAT and higher income taxes
and energy taxes.
He wants Republican
fingerprints on the murder weapon.
The Democrats are stuck
with their ownership of overspending.
They want to share the blame
for the taxes to pay to continue
their overspending.
To try and lure Republicans
into a repeat of the Andrews Air Force
Base negotiations that tricked President
George H.W. Bush in 1990 to join hands
with the Democrats to raise taxes to pay
for higher spending, Obama has built a
mousetrap he calls the "National
Commission on Fiscal
Responsibility and Reform"
In the same week
that the nation's Homeland Security
secretary assured Congress the southern
border is more secure than ever, an Arizona
sheriff deputy got shot by Mexican drug
smugglers and an illegal immigrant drop
house got busted in separate areas.
Is it possible
that Janet Napolitano misspoke
at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing
when she confidently asserted that the
U.S.-Mexico border is "as secure now
as it's ever been?"
She is after all, the Obama Administration
official charged with protecting the country's
safety and securing its borders.
Her words certainly lost credibility
because they were delivered within
days of two separate incidents that
contradict her seemingly delusional
assessment of the southern border.
Additionally, there has been solid
documentation-from the media as
well as the government-of a drastic
increase in violence by drug and
human smugglers that routinely
make their way north.
Just a few weeks ago
a federal report revealed that Mexican
drug cartels continue to be the nation's
largest supplier of illicit narcotics and
that violent Mexican gangs have
expanded into every region of the
country, including idyllic rural areas.
Thousands of metric tons of heroin,
methamphetamine, marijuana and cocaine
were smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico
in the last year and tens of billions of dollars
in drug proceeds flowed back south,
according to the Justice Department's
National Drug Intelligence Center.
Weeks before that the Department
of Homeland Security issued an alert
to warn U.S. law enforcement officers
and their families that a deadly Mexican
gang is actively plotting to kill them in
retaliation for a sweep targeting its thugs.
The alert warns cops
to wear body armor and vary routes
to avoid being tracked by the violent
gang that has spread throughout the U.S.