Friday, May 7, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Illegal Alien Regime ;

The Obama Administration
is scolding Arizona on its new
illegal alien law, but critics say
it is refusing to take the necessary
steps-such as increase deportation
-to stop the human flow over the
U.S. Southwest border that is quickly
becoming a national security crisis.

Protecting the 1,980-mile Mexico-U.S.
line is not just a jobs issue, as some
liberal pundits would have the
country believe.

It threatens American security,
as well-armed Mexican drug cartels
spread their war from South of the
border into Texas, New Mexico,
Arizona and California, and as
international terrorists look for
avenues to enter the country
to kill Americans.

Yet, when local leaders
ask for troops and more border
agents, the White House responds
with lectures on intolerance.

And it gives a cold shoulder
to government officials who
want to export alien criminals

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Environmentalist Regime :

If Obama's team has its way,
life in the U.S. will be radically
transformed-and soon.

The administration
wants to change the cars we drive,
alter the way we heat our homes
and lessen our leisure time through
draconian legislation meant to make
people feel better about their
carbon footprint.

And yet, it's not really about
climate change or environmentalism
but expanding governmental reach.

seek to use the state
to create scarcity in order
to further impose their will over our lives"

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regime :

Repeal :

Citizenship By Marriage 'Law',
Equal Housing Lender 'Law'
& Tuition for Illegal Aliens 'Law'

America's homeland security
amnesia never ceases to amaze.

In the aftermath of the botched
Times Square terror attack over
the weekend, Pakistani-born bombing
suspect Faisal Shahzad's U.S. citizenship
status caused a bit of shock and awe.

Jeffrey Goldberg's response was typical :

"I am struck by the fact
that he is a naturalized American citizen,
not a recent or temporary visitor."

Well, wake up and smell
the deadly deception .

Shahzad's path to American citizenship --

He reportedly married an American
woman, Huma Mian, in 2008 after
spending a decade in the country
on foreign student and employment
visas -- this a tried-and-true
terrorist formula.

Jihadists have been gaming
the sham marriage racket with
impunity for years.

And immigration benefit fraud
has provided invaluable cover
and aid for U.S.-based Islamic
plotters, including many other
operatives planning attacks
on New York City