Last Wednesday,
Education Secretary Arne Duncan
tried to publicly shore-up support for
the $23 billion "Education Jobs Fund"
being considered by Congress.
Flanked by union heads
Dennis Van Roekel (President,
National Education Association)
and Randi Weingarten (President,
American Federation of Teachers)
and Representatives Dave Obey
(D-WI) and George Miller (D-CA),
Secretary Duncan pleaded for
additional taxpayers dollars
But the Washington Post editorializes
against Congress' plans for another
public education bailout, suggesting
that the doom-and-gloom picture
painted by the administration
is overblown :
The unions predict layoffs
could go as high as 300,000.
It's hard to imagine losing
that many teachers without
some damage to learning.
But that many teachers
almost certainly are not
going to lose their jobs.
For technical reasons,
school districts must send
notices in the spring to more
teachers than they actually
expect to let go in the fall.
What's more, the unions' 300,000
estimate includes not only classroom
teachers in kindergarten through 12th
grade but also support staff
and college professors.
The bill would distribute
money to states according
to their population, not expected
layoffs; states where no layoffs
are imminent would get checks
anyway, and the majority of
states would receive more than
they could possibly need
to avoid layoffs.
The Senate version of the bill
permits them to spend the
excess on other things.
When the economy was good
and state revenues were plush,
school districts increased
staff roles.
A seemingly endless buffet
of federal funding has enabled
states to continue bloating their
staff roles even when state
budgets needed trimming.
In particular, states piled up
on non-teaching staff positions.
In the mid-20th century
for example, public schools
employed about 2 teachers for
every non-teacher on their rolls;
today, only half of those people
employed by public school
districts are teachers
Last Wednesday CBO Director
Doug Elmendorf gave a slide
presentation on Capitol Hill titled :
Health Costs and the Federal Budget.
Elemendorf's very first slide reads :
Rising health costs
will put tremendous pressure
on the federal budget during the
next few decades and beyond.
In CBO's judgment, the health
legislation enacted earlier this
year does not substantially
diminish that pressure.
The presentation concludes :
Putting the federal budget
on a sustainable path would
almost certainly require a significant
reduction in the growth of federal
health spending relative to current law
(including this year's health legislation).
In other words,
our nation's budget
is on an unsustainable path
and Obamacare did nothing
to change that
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