Thursday, May 20, 2010

Financial Market Regulations of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

As debate on the Wall Street
"Reform" bill winds down in the
Senate, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
is still pushing his ban on "naked"
credit default swaps.

Swap prices are a symptom,
not a cause of credit problems.

Restricting markets will not
solve economic problems in the US

Entitlement Spending of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :

The U.S.,
where debt is increasing far
faster than almost any other country.

Because the average maturity
on U.S. debt is relatively short,
the U.S. will need to sell a lot of
debt very quickly, which means the
U.S. is even more vulnerable if the
market suddenly decides to demand
higher interest rates.

As the IMF puts it,
"the U.S. [needs] to reduce
its structural deficit by the equivalent
of 12% of GDP, a much larger portion
than any other country analyzed
except Japan."

These numbers don't reflect
the effects of Obamacare, or
any more emergency spending
('stimulative' or otherwise).

Nor do
they reflect the fact that, if taxes
are held at their historic levels,
entitlement spending will by 2052
consume the entire federal budget,
leaving nothing for the national defense
or even interest on our debt mountain