The Keynesian economic formula
fits all totalitarianisms, including Fascism,
Nazism, and Communism.
Sir Oswald Mosley, for example,
was a Fascist leader and a member
of the Fabian Society.
Lauchlin Currie, a prominent Keynesian
advocate, was a Soviet spy and an economic
aide to F.D.R.
Joan Robinson, a Marxist economist,
assisted Keynes in some of his economic
writings, arguing, "the differences between
Marx and Keynes are only verbal."
(Keynes At Harvard, p. 68; also see
Mark Skousen, The Making of Modern
Economics, p. 433)
Keynes also had a strong relationship
with the notorious Soviet spy Harry D
exter White.
Keynes considered White to be
"the central figure in the Keynesian
manipulations in the United States."
Harry Dexter White just happened to be
the Assistant to the Secretary of the U.S.
Treasury. Even after White was exposed
as a Soviet spy, Keynesians to this day
"see nothing wrong in White's Soviet role,"
a "typical . . . attitude of Fabian socialist
elements toward the whole coterie of spies
and Fifth Amendment communists in the
United States" (Keynes At Harvard, p. 83).
It was Keynes himself who admitted
that by "a continuous process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and
unobserved, an important part of the wealth
of their citizens.
By this method, they not only confiscate,
but confiscate arbitrarily: and while the
process impoverishes many, it actually
enriches some [e.g., Al Gore].
The process engages all of the hidden
forces of economic law on the side of
destruction, and does it in a manner that
not one man in a million can diagnose."
Thus it is astounding
that Larry Summers, head of President
Obama's National Economic Council
and former president of Harvard
University, when asked
by Charlie Rose
"what idea, what person has most
influenced your thinking on how to
deal with this [financial] mess?"
without hesitation answered "Keynes"
The Trans Texas Corridors
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes :
The Commie Free Trade corridor
network that tie Mexico, Canada
and the U.S. together are a critical
component of the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
that was negotiated by George W.
Bush and signed into law
by Bill Clinton.
Both Bush and Clinton
were members of the
Trilateral Commission.
Furthermore, NAFTA's
chief architect was U.S.
Trade Representative
Carla Hills, also a Trilateral.
The Trans Texas Corridor
is the first major link of this
super-corridor system; if
successfully completed (e.g.,
if Texans lose the fight to
stop it again), America will be
opened up like a can of sardines.
After Rick Perry's
highway department announced
the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) route
known as TTC-35 was "dead" in 2009,
we find out post-election in 2010 that it,
along with free trade, is very much
alive and well.
Canadian officials have shown
renewed interest in a multi-modal
trade corridor along I-35.
Winnipeg recently announced its
intention to build an inland port
similar to those in San Antonio
and Dallas.
One such inland port in Kansas City
has ceded sovereign United States
territory to Canada and Mexico with
the flags of all three countries flying
over it.
Officials in Winnipeg said it also
intends to run a logistics and trade
corridor to include rail and high speed
highways all the way to Mexico as an
Asia-Pacific gateway connecting to
Toronto and Montreal.
It should surprise no one
that former San Antonio Mayor
Phil Hardberger and tolling authority
(Alamo RMA) Chairman Bill Thornton
took a trip to Toronto in 2006, partially
at taxpayer expense, to promote
Trans Texas Corridor-style trade
connections and to be certain it
includes the Port of San Antonio.
Norris Pettis,
Canadian Consul General in Dallas,
notes in the latest San Antonio Business
Journal that "of all the urban centers I deal
with, San Antonio is right up there in
preaching free trade"