In the weeks
since President Obama
signed his health care plan
into law, Republicans have
done more to repeal and replace
their own rhetoric than to repeal
and replace Obamacare,
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) said
at The Heritage Foundation
Bloggers Briefing .
Yet, repeal is still possible,
he said-and should be priority No. 1.
Two days after
the health care bill passed,
Republicans said they would
work to rescind the legislation entirely.
Now, some say
they'd like to revoke
only its most egregious aspects.
"They're trying to redefine
what 'repeal' means," King said.
But Republicans can't seek
to salvage the more popular
components of Obamacare if
they want to undo its worst.
"If we have to argue about
what is redeemable about Obamacare,
that means we've put the debate over
on the Democrats' side and we're
arguing on their turf," King said.
"Our turf is:
It's got to be
pulled out root and branch.
And, really, King said,
even 'likeable' measures -
like the federal mandate that
insurance policies extend parental
insurance coverage to kids up to the
age of 26 - can be argued against.
"I'd argue that, if you're old enough
to be elected to Congress and still be
on your parents' health insurance,
probably it's a little bit too big of a
bite," King said.
"We should
be able to make that argument."
So, too, should Republicans
be able to effect a repeal, he continued
Boycott : Commie
Amnesty International
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;
Amnesty International
has a new slogan designed
to drum up support for the
Commie U.N.'s Arms Trade Treaty :
It's calling on its supporters
to demand a "bullet-proof" treaty.
That's cute.
what's cute is not
necessarily good policy,
as Amnesty's slogan
illustrates all too clearly.
It explicitly demands
a treaty that "control[s] all arms
and ammunition and their parts."
Leaving aside
any Second Amendment
considerations, this is insane.
the "parts" of "all arms,"
ranging from bullets to battleships,
would mean controlling every substantial
part and industrial process in the world.
A treaty of this scope
could never be enforced and would
be utterly meaningless in practice.
The evidence for this is all around us