A dirty little secret
about Washington bureaucrats :
Federal employees are bringing home
twice as much pay as the average
private-sector worker.
Data compiled by the Commerce
Department's Bureau of Economic
Analysis reveals the extent of the pay
gap between federal and private workers.
As of 2008, the average federal salary
was $119,982, compared with $59,909
for the average private sector employee.
The average federal bureaucrat makes
twice as much as the average working
Add the value of benefits like health care
and pensions, and the gap grows even
The average federal employee's benefits
add $40,785 to his annual total compensation,
whereas the average working taxpayer's
benefits increase his total compensation
by only $9,881.
Federal workers are paid on average
salaries that are twice as generous as
those in the private sector, and they
receive benefits that are four times greater
As the Senate moves closer
to another cloture vote on Senator
Dodd's legislation, we are again
reminded of the several flaws found
in the Dodd-Frank approach to
financial regulatory reform :
Beginning with the rescue
of investment bank Bear Stearns in
the spring of 2008, the Federal
government has committed trillions
of taxpayer dollars to institutions like
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG,
Citigroup and Bank of America, out
of fear that the demise of any of these
"too big to fail" institutions would trigger
a systemic crisis and collapse of the
global financial system.
With the bailout of creditors domestically
and overseas, we have seen an increase
in moral hazard and a 78 basis point
advantage in lower borrowing costs
for those firms receiving government
Instead of learning from the failures
of 2008, the legislation put forward
will compound the moral hazard problem
Senator Blanche Lincoln's amendment
to regulate over-the-counter derivatives :
The Lincoln bill is very, very bad,
the Lincoln bill would "impair financial
stability and strong prudential regulation
of derivatives; would have serious
consequences for the competitiveness
of US financial institutions; and would
be highly disruptive and costly, both
for banks and their customers."
It makes a future market
melt-down more likely.
As an informed observer puts it,
the biggest "systemic risk" to the
economy is Congress, not
derivatives dealers
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Friday, April 30, 2010
U.S. Invaded By Aliens Under The Color Of 'Law', Immigration & Amnesty ;
Global Jesuit Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminals :
Attitudes toward immigration
"did not evolve slowly and authentically
from traditional Christianity, but rather
have been assiduously advanced by
radical intellectuals, both Protestant
and Catholic, whose goals have been
primarily political, and have run counter
to the best interests of the vast majority
of native-born American citizens."
The occupation of the Catholic Church
by Marxist elements is now front and center
Global Jesuit Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminals :
The Vatican's triple crown :
church, government and state
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Hate Citizens of the U.S. ;
Stop All Immigration :
Every thirty days, our U.S.
Congress imports 150,000 to 180,000
legal immigrants as well as allows illegal
alien migrants to cross into our country
without warrant.
Total: 1.5 to 2.0 million new people
added to this country, give or take
a few thousand, annually.
Since we suffer 20 million unemployed
Americans, but we only create 95,000
new jobs each month, and we add
150,000 to 180,000 immigrants every
30 days throughout the year, and they
must take jobs to live, or live off our
welfare and food stamp programs-
how will we ever bring full employment
to 20 million unemployed American
Since our U.S. Congress allows
at least 10-12 million of the 20 million
illegal aliens in this country to remain
employed illegally, how will they ever
help our working poor to gain 'living wage'
jobs in order to extricate themselves from
poverty, foreclosures on their homes and
feed their children?
How will we ever extract 13.4 million
American children out of poverty?
Our U.S. Congress, by importing 1.5
to 2.0 million immigrants including H-1B,
H-2B, L-1, H-2A and a myriad of other
visas to other countries for workers
annually -drives American workers
into unemployment lines, into welfare
soup kitchens, into the streets and into
unproductive lives.
With Congress' outsourcing, insourcing
and offshoring of jobs-we citizens don't
stand a chance.
Massive and unrelenting immigration
cannot add up, does not equate and
cannot continue if this country hopes
to serve its citizens, its children
and its future.
To legalize 20 to 25 million illegal aliens
and their children, will bring on massive
importation of millions more through
'family reunification'.
If we continue on this 1.5 to 2.0 million
people imported into America every year
much longer, we won't be able to save
ourselves, our communities, our culture,
our country, our children or our civilization
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Military Industrial Complex :
During his confirmation hearing,
Navy Vice Admiral James "Sandy"
Winnefeld Jr. told a Senate committee
on April 15 that if confirmed to head U.S.
Northern Command and the North American
Aerospace Defense Command, he will work
to build and maintain the commands
relationships he called critical to the
Those relationships include
the militaries of Canada and Mexico
Corporate Criminals :
Attitudes toward immigration
"did not evolve slowly and authentically
from traditional Christianity, but rather
have been assiduously advanced by
radical intellectuals, both Protestant
and Catholic, whose goals have been
primarily political, and have run counter
to the best interests of the vast majority
of native-born American citizens."
The occupation of the Catholic Church
by Marxist elements is now front and center
Global Jesuit Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminals :
The Vatican's triple crown :
church, government and state
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Hate Citizens of the U.S. ;
Stop All Immigration :
Every thirty days, our U.S.
Congress imports 150,000 to 180,000
legal immigrants as well as allows illegal
alien migrants to cross into our country
without warrant.
Total: 1.5 to 2.0 million new people
added to this country, give or take
a few thousand, annually.
Since we suffer 20 million unemployed
Americans, but we only create 95,000
new jobs each month, and we add
150,000 to 180,000 immigrants every
30 days throughout the year, and they
must take jobs to live, or live off our
welfare and food stamp programs-
how will we ever bring full employment
to 20 million unemployed American
Since our U.S. Congress allows
at least 10-12 million of the 20 million
illegal aliens in this country to remain
employed illegally, how will they ever
help our working poor to gain 'living wage'
jobs in order to extricate themselves from
poverty, foreclosures on their homes and
feed their children?
How will we ever extract 13.4 million
American children out of poverty?
Our U.S. Congress, by importing 1.5
to 2.0 million immigrants including H-1B,
H-2B, L-1, H-2A and a myriad of other
visas to other countries for workers
annually -drives American workers
into unemployment lines, into welfare
soup kitchens, into the streets and into
unproductive lives.
With Congress' outsourcing, insourcing
and offshoring of jobs-we citizens don't
stand a chance.
Massive and unrelenting immigration
cannot add up, does not equate and
cannot continue if this country hopes
to serve its citizens, its children
and its future.
To legalize 20 to 25 million illegal aliens
and their children, will bring on massive
importation of millions more through
'family reunification'.
If we continue on this 1.5 to 2.0 million
people imported into America every year
much longer, we won't be able to save
ourselves, our communities, our culture,
our country, our children or our civilization
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Military Industrial Complex :
During his confirmation hearing,
Navy Vice Admiral James "Sandy"
Winnefeld Jr. told a Senate committee
on April 15 that if confirmed to head U.S.
Northern Command and the North American
Aerospace Defense Command, he will work
to build and maintain the commands
relationships he called critical to the
Those relationships include
the militaries of Canada and Mexico
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Global Commie Corporate Unionist Criminals ;
Government unions themselves
are already sapping our economic
Just last January the Labor Department
confirmed what was predicted last year :
Under President Barack Obama, 2009
was the first time in the history of the
United States that the number of
government union employees
outnumbered private sector
union employees.
There are two reasons for this :
1) Unions kill private sector jobs,
and unionized companies earn profits
15% lower than those of comparable
non-union firms.
This makes unionized firms
less competitive, which is why
unionized manufacturing jobs fell
75% between 1977 and 2008, while
non-union manufacturing INCREASED
6% over that same time.
2) Government union
jobs face no competition.
Public sector unionization
has exploded in the past decade
and President Obama's $862 billion
stimulus was specifically designed to
preserve government union jobs.
This is why while total private sector
compensation grew by just 1.2% in 2009,
total compensation paid to state and local
government employees grew 2.4%
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
are already sapping our economic
Just last January the Labor Department
confirmed what was predicted last year :
Under President Barack Obama, 2009
was the first time in the history of the
United States that the number of
government union employees
outnumbered private sector
union employees.
There are two reasons for this :
1) Unions kill private sector jobs,
and unionized companies earn profits
15% lower than those of comparable
non-union firms.
This makes unionized firms
less competitive, which is why
unionized manufacturing jobs fell
75% between 1977 and 2008, while
non-union manufacturing INCREASED
6% over that same time.
2) Government union
jobs face no competition.
Public sector unionization
has exploded in the past decade
and President Obama's $862 billion
stimulus was specifically designed to
preserve government union jobs.
This is why while total private sector
compensation grew by just 1.2% in 2009,
total compensation paid to state and local
government employees grew 2.4%
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminals : The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility ;
There are several things
most people don't know about
the National Commission on Fiscal
Responsibility, created by President
Obama, to get control of the spiraling
federal debt.
It has no actual authority
to cut or control anything,
least of all the budget.
The people running it
think fiscal responsibility
means raising taxes.
The big-government spenders
and taxers outnumber
the budget-cutters.
The 18-member commission
held its first meeting Tuesday,
at which Obama, breaking with
his campaign pledge not to raise
taxes on the middle class, said that
"everything has to be on the table,"
even ways to pay for his new
$1 trillion healthcare scheme.
Recently, Obama and other top
administration officials have been
sending signals that they are open
to raising taxes, even if it means
hitting those who earn less
than $250,000 a year.
The administration
and top Democratic leaders
in Congress are already planning
on letting the 2001 income tax rate
cuts on the two top brackets expire
at the end of this year, effectively
shoving the 35% top tax rate
to over 40%.
And the White House
has let it be known that they
are considering a number of
other taxes such as the Value
Added Tax, or VAT, that would
result in a new national federal sales
tax, hitting everyone.
Obama created the commission
in February after polls showed that
a vocal, sizable majority of Americans
gave him poor marks on controlling
spending and the budget deficit, and
that this is emerging as a paramount
issue in the midterm elections.
Federal spending will soar
to almost $4 trillion in fiscal 2011,
up from $3.5 trillion.
The deficit last year hit $1.4 trillion,
a post-World War II record, which
equaled about 10% of the nation's
$14 trillion economy.
The Congressional Budget Office
forecasts that the yearly gap between
spending and tax revenue will be in the
trillion dollar-plus range for much of this
decade, with the public debt skyrocketing
from $9.2 trillion this year
to $20.3 trillion in 2020.
Obama signaled his true intentions
about reining in spending by picking
as co-chairmen to head the commission
two men who have a history of supporting
higher taxes and increased spending
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Hell Care Coup ;
The President's health care law
will only exacerbate the entitlement
While Obamacare seeks
some cost-savings (witness
its ham-fisted treatment of popular
Medicare Advantage plans), it does
nothing to reform the overall structure
of the Medicare entitlement.
While the new law carves out
$529 billion in Medicare "savings,"
it calls for using those funds-and
trillions more-to bankroll even more
expansive health care entitlements
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Wall Street Welfare
Taxpayer Handout Bill :
Rather than being the targets
of this bill, Wall Street financiers
will be rewarded by it.
The chairman of Goldman Sachs,
Lloyd Blankfein, told a Senate
subcommittee, "The biggest
beneficiary of reform is
Wall Street itself."
The quickest way to pass
another big-government bill
is to label it "anti-bailout,"
even when it's the
Obama claims that so long as taxpayer
money doesn't go directly to a company
or to its shareholders, it's not a bailout.
But he considers it okay to send billions
to pay off that company's creditors-
who typically are big companies
and Wall Street firms.
To the rest of us,
paying a company's debts IS the bailout,
as we've already seen happen multiple times.
When whipping boy Goldman Sachs says
they like the proposed punishment, they're
not being masochists.
They know that they're getting
a government guarantee that they
and their friends-as creditors-
won't suffer losses when a business
partner goes under.
Plus anyone doing business
with the Wall Street big boys
knows they won't take a loss
thanks to the proposed law.
They'll get more business
thanks to that assurance and protection.
The financial reform bill
has plenty of other dangerous flaws,
but the bailout issue attracts the
most attention.
The selling of this bill
echoes the pattern used
to pass Obamacare; only
now are some realizing just
how many false claims were
used to jam that health care
bill into law.
Nobody should forget
that the supporters of the
financial reform measure are
mostly the same members of
Congress who made false claims
about the health package.
People also should remember
that most of these same members
of Congress supported the original
bailouts, making their current
criticism of bankers ring hollow
Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal Value
Added Tax ;
Recently President Obama
and members of his economic team
voiced their support for a European-style
value-added tax, or VAT, as one solution
to our ever-growing 13 trillion
dollar federal debt.
A tax-and-spend economic policy
that includes a value-added tax is
precisely the wrong medicine for
our ailing economy and will do little
to get our deficits under control over
the long-term.
Implementing a national VAT
would add more taxes on to the
shoulders of millions of working
families that already feel they pay
too much in federal taxes.
is just another stealthy federal tax.
What's more, the value-added tax
is a proven job-killer that would burden
our economy at the worst possible time.
Leading economists predict
that even a relatively small VAT
of 3 percent could destroy up 2.1
million jobs by its fifth year of
Americans should look no further
than Greece where its 19 percent VAT
has contributed to that country's economic
turmoil where it sits on the brink of bankruptcy.
Since President Obama took office
in January 2009 non-defense discretionary
spending has increased by more than 84 percent.
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Dodd
'financial' 'reform' 'bill' ;
The Dodd financial reform bill
is beginning to scare executives.
It is scaring motor cycle manufacturers,
college presidents, retailers, car dealers,
and even coffee shop executives.
All of these people and more
are waking up to the Dodd bill's threat
to their businesses.
If you read the Dodd financial reform bill
carefully, the words "bank" or "financial"
could refer to many more people
than just bankers.
So, if you run a company or a college
or just about anything that might remotely
offer a financial product to consumers,
the Wall Street fat cats this bill aims
to regulate just might include you
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Try To
Hide Washington's role in
creating the 2008 financial
crisis :
It was the government-created
and subsidized Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac that played leading
roles in the markets at the center
of the housing storm.
But the left prioritized their political
goals over financial reality.
Rep. Barney Frank told the House
Financial Services Committee :
"These two entities-Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac-are not facing any kind
of financial crisis," and
"[t]he more people exaggerate these
problems, the more pressure there is
on these companies, the less we will
see in terms of affordable housing."
And the author of the very financial
reform bill currently being debated in
the Senate, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) ,
told CNN in July of 2008 :
"To suggest somehow that
[Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac]
are in trouble is simply not accurate."
Just two months later, completely
overrun by bad debt, both companies
were placed in conservatorship.
So unable to acknowledge the
government's role in the last crisis,
not only were Fannie and Freddie
not mentioned at yesterday's hearing,
they are not included in Dodd's
financial regulation bill at all.
Hence the need
for a villain like Goldman
Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal 'Alternatives'
To Coal & Oil Energy Are
All A Load Of Expensive
Wasteful Toxic Commie Fraud
& Crap :
Unfortunately, solar and wind
technologies require huge amounts
of land to deliver relatively small
amounts of energy, disrupting
natural habitats.
Even an aging natural gas well
producing 60,000 cubic feet per day
generates more than 20 times the watts
per square meter of a wind turbine.
The real estate that wind and
solar energy demand led the Nature
Conservancy to issue a report last year
critical of "energy sprawl," including tens
of thousands of miles of high-voltage
transmission lines needed to carry
electricity from wind and solar
installations to distant cities.
Nor does wind energy substantially
reduce CO2 emissions.
Since the wind doesn't always blow,
utilities must use gas- or coal-fired
generators to offset wind's unreliability.
The result is minimal - or no -
carbon dioxide reduction."
But it's actually worse than that.
The intermittency of wind forces coal
and gas-fired plants to operate inefficiently
and actually increase emissions.
This has proven to be the case
in Colorado and Texas, two states
that have adopted a renewable portfolio
standard, which mandates that wind be
included in the state's electricity supply.
A new study from the Independent
Petroleum Association of Mountain
States finds that :
Coal-fired power plants are designed
to run most efficiently at stable rates and
are not well-suited to accommodate the
load variability imposed by the integration
with wind generation.
Cycling causes coal-fired power plants
to operate less efficiently, and reduces
the effectiveness of their environmental
control equipment, which together drive
up emissions.
Paradoxically, using wind energy in such
a way that it forces utilities to cycle their
coal generation often results in greater
SO2, NOX and CO2 emissions than
would have occurred if less wind
energy were generated and coal
generation was not cycled"
most people don't know about
the National Commission on Fiscal
Responsibility, created by President
Obama, to get control of the spiraling
federal debt.
It has no actual authority
to cut or control anything,
least of all the budget.
The people running it
think fiscal responsibility
means raising taxes.
The big-government spenders
and taxers outnumber
the budget-cutters.
The 18-member commission
held its first meeting Tuesday,
at which Obama, breaking with
his campaign pledge not to raise
taxes on the middle class, said that
"everything has to be on the table,"
even ways to pay for his new
$1 trillion healthcare scheme.
Recently, Obama and other top
administration officials have been
sending signals that they are open
to raising taxes, even if it means
hitting those who earn less
than $250,000 a year.
The administration
and top Democratic leaders
in Congress are already planning
on letting the 2001 income tax rate
cuts on the two top brackets expire
at the end of this year, effectively
shoving the 35% top tax rate
to over 40%.
And the White House
has let it be known that they
are considering a number of
other taxes such as the Value
Added Tax, or VAT, that would
result in a new national federal sales
tax, hitting everyone.
Obama created the commission
in February after polls showed that
a vocal, sizable majority of Americans
gave him poor marks on controlling
spending and the budget deficit, and
that this is emerging as a paramount
issue in the midterm elections.
Federal spending will soar
to almost $4 trillion in fiscal 2011,
up from $3.5 trillion.
The deficit last year hit $1.4 trillion,
a post-World War II record, which
equaled about 10% of the nation's
$14 trillion economy.
The Congressional Budget Office
forecasts that the yearly gap between
spending and tax revenue will be in the
trillion dollar-plus range for much of this
decade, with the public debt skyrocketing
from $9.2 trillion this year
to $20.3 trillion in 2020.
Obama signaled his true intentions
about reining in spending by picking
as co-chairmen to head the commission
two men who have a history of supporting
higher taxes and increased spending
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Hell Care Coup ;
The President's health care law
will only exacerbate the entitlement
While Obamacare seeks
some cost-savings (witness
its ham-fisted treatment of popular
Medicare Advantage plans), it does
nothing to reform the overall structure
of the Medicare entitlement.
While the new law carves out
$529 billion in Medicare "savings,"
it calls for using those funds-and
trillions more-to bankroll even more
expansive health care entitlements
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Wall Street Welfare
Taxpayer Handout Bill :
Rather than being the targets
of this bill, Wall Street financiers
will be rewarded by it.
The chairman of Goldman Sachs,
Lloyd Blankfein, told a Senate
subcommittee, "The biggest
beneficiary of reform is
Wall Street itself."
The quickest way to pass
another big-government bill
is to label it "anti-bailout,"
even when it's the
Obama claims that so long as taxpayer
money doesn't go directly to a company
or to its shareholders, it's not a bailout.
But he considers it okay to send billions
to pay off that company's creditors-
who typically are big companies
and Wall Street firms.
To the rest of us,
paying a company's debts IS the bailout,
as we've already seen happen multiple times.
When whipping boy Goldman Sachs says
they like the proposed punishment, they're
not being masochists.
They know that they're getting
a government guarantee that they
and their friends-as creditors-
won't suffer losses when a business
partner goes under.
Plus anyone doing business
with the Wall Street big boys
knows they won't take a loss
thanks to the proposed law.
They'll get more business
thanks to that assurance and protection.
The financial reform bill
has plenty of other dangerous flaws,
but the bailout issue attracts the
most attention.
The selling of this bill
echoes the pattern used
to pass Obamacare; only
now are some realizing just
how many false claims were
used to jam that health care
bill into law.
Nobody should forget
that the supporters of the
financial reform measure are
mostly the same members of
Congress who made false claims
about the health package.
People also should remember
that most of these same members
of Congress supported the original
bailouts, making their current
criticism of bankers ring hollow
Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal Value
Added Tax ;
Recently President Obama
and members of his economic team
voiced their support for a European-style
value-added tax, or VAT, as one solution
to our ever-growing 13 trillion
dollar federal debt.
A tax-and-spend economic policy
that includes a value-added tax is
precisely the wrong medicine for
our ailing economy and will do little
to get our deficits under control over
the long-term.
Implementing a national VAT
would add more taxes on to the
shoulders of millions of working
families that already feel they pay
too much in federal taxes.
is just another stealthy federal tax.
What's more, the value-added tax
is a proven job-killer that would burden
our economy at the worst possible time.
Leading economists predict
that even a relatively small VAT
of 3 percent could destroy up 2.1
million jobs by its fifth year of
Americans should look no further
than Greece where its 19 percent VAT
has contributed to that country's economic
turmoil where it sits on the brink of bankruptcy.
Since President Obama took office
in January 2009 non-defense discretionary
spending has increased by more than 84 percent.
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Dodd
'financial' 'reform' 'bill' ;
The Dodd financial reform bill
is beginning to scare executives.
It is scaring motor cycle manufacturers,
college presidents, retailers, car dealers,
and even coffee shop executives.
All of these people and more
are waking up to the Dodd bill's threat
to their businesses.
If you read the Dodd financial reform bill
carefully, the words "bank" or "financial"
could refer to many more people
than just bankers.
So, if you run a company or a college
or just about anything that might remotely
offer a financial product to consumers,
the Wall Street fat cats this bill aims
to regulate just might include you
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Try To
Hide Washington's role in
creating the 2008 financial
crisis :
It was the government-created
and subsidized Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac that played leading
roles in the markets at the center
of the housing storm.
But the left prioritized their political
goals over financial reality.
Rep. Barney Frank told the House
Financial Services Committee :
"These two entities-Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac-are not facing any kind
of financial crisis," and
"[t]he more people exaggerate these
problems, the more pressure there is
on these companies, the less we will
see in terms of affordable housing."
And the author of the very financial
reform bill currently being debated in
the Senate, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) ,
told CNN in July of 2008 :
"To suggest somehow that
[Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac]
are in trouble is simply not accurate."
Just two months later, completely
overrun by bad debt, both companies
were placed in conservatorship.
So unable to acknowledge the
government's role in the last crisis,
not only were Fannie and Freddie
not mentioned at yesterday's hearing,
they are not included in Dodd's
financial regulation bill at all.
Hence the need
for a villain like Goldman
Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal 'Alternatives'
To Coal & Oil Energy Are
All A Load Of Expensive
Wasteful Toxic Commie Fraud
& Crap :
Unfortunately, solar and wind
technologies require huge amounts
of land to deliver relatively small
amounts of energy, disrupting
natural habitats.
Even an aging natural gas well
producing 60,000 cubic feet per day
generates more than 20 times the watts
per square meter of a wind turbine.
The real estate that wind and
solar energy demand led the Nature
Conservancy to issue a report last year
critical of "energy sprawl," including tens
of thousands of miles of high-voltage
transmission lines needed to carry
electricity from wind and solar
installations to distant cities.
Nor does wind energy substantially
reduce CO2 emissions.
Since the wind doesn't always blow,
utilities must use gas- or coal-fired
generators to offset wind's unreliability.
The result is minimal - or no -
carbon dioxide reduction."
But it's actually worse than that.
The intermittency of wind forces coal
and gas-fired plants to operate inefficiently
and actually increase emissions.
This has proven to be the case
in Colorado and Texas, two states
that have adopted a renewable portfolio
standard, which mandates that wind be
included in the state's electricity supply.
A new study from the Independent
Petroleum Association of Mountain
States finds that :
Coal-fired power plants are designed
to run most efficiently at stable rates and
are not well-suited to accommodate the
load variability imposed by the integration
with wind generation.
Cycling causes coal-fired power plants
to operate less efficiently, and reduces
the effectiveness of their environmental
control equipment, which together drive
up emissions.
Paradoxically, using wind energy in such
a way that it forces utilities to cycle their
coal generation often results in greater
SO2, NOX and CO2 emissions than
would have occurred if less wind
energy were generated and coal
generation was not cycled"
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
We The People to Arizona : We Love You & We Thank You ;
May the rest of the United States
Follow Your Example :
After 30 years of the U.S. Congress
and four presidents failing to enforce
our immigration laws-- Arizona, led
by State Senator Russell Pearce and
a brave band of lawmakers-passed
SB 1070, the most diligent and forceful
immigration law in the nation.
In excess of 460,000 criminal illegal
aliens find themselves facing, for the
first time in 30 years, the rule of law
On Friday, April 23, 2010, Arizona
Governor Jan Brewer signed the bill
into law.
State Senator Russell Pearce said,
"States have the inherent right to
enforce the laws of our country.
Arizona will set the pace.
We are a nation of laws.
We will lead the charge in Arizona
to defend the U.S. Constitution.
Arizona will do away with sanctuary
cities and the sanctuary state.
We want to let
law enforcement do its job.
We can't continue
with weak-kneed politicians"
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Follow Your Example :
After 30 years of the U.S. Congress
and four presidents failing to enforce
our immigration laws-- Arizona, led
by State Senator Russell Pearce and
a brave band of lawmakers-passed
SB 1070, the most diligent and forceful
immigration law in the nation.
In excess of 460,000 criminal illegal
aliens find themselves facing, for the
first time in 30 years, the rule of law
On Friday, April 23, 2010, Arizona
Governor Jan Brewer signed the bill
into law.
State Senator Russell Pearce said,
"States have the inherent right to
enforce the laws of our country.
Arizona will set the pace.
We are a nation of laws.
We will lead the charge in Arizona
to defend the U.S. Constitution.
Arizona will do away with sanctuary
cities and the sanctuary state.
We want to let
law enforcement do its job.
We can't continue
with weak-kneed politicians"
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
A Republic In Peril ;
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Thievery
Against The Taxpayers ;
There are those
who have been talking
about a single global regulator
for years and as a result of the
2008 Credit Crisis, there have
been calls to protect you and
me from future banking crises
through new financial reform.
However, we had better
consider its real impact.
It is not about protecting you
and me it is about changing the national
regulatory laws of America to conform
to a world governmental system and
globalizing the last barrier separating
individual nation-states.
It is about a major power grab
of America's financial assets.
As a result of the high stakes, we
should ask if Republicans are being
told they had better vote for financial
reform so we don't have another
September/October, 2008?
All of a sudden Senators McConnell
and Shelby have had a sea change and
are willing to work together on changing
our banking system.
It is a ruse,
a con game when they say
they are making the system safer.
Let us review some necessary points
The Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Taxpayer
Handout Agendas Of The Week
The Global Commie
Corporate Unionists
Criminal Taxpayer Handouts
Agenda Of The Week ;
Once again the major issues
for the week will be on the Senate
side with possible consideration of
a financial regulation overhaul bill and
the possible introduction of a climate
change bill by Senators Kerry, Graham,
and Lieberman.
The House will be taking up three
smaller measures this week focusing
on misspent federal funds, defense
acquisition, and Puerto Rico.
Though the defense acquisition
bill received complete bi-partisan
support out of the House Armed
Services Committee and is lauded
as a bill that would save taxpayers
billions of dollars it is more likely to
increase bureaucracy, add more
regulation, create a slower and less
efficient acquisition system, and
continue a risk adverse mentality
at the Pentagon
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Taxpayer
Handouts ;
Special interest handouts
are not a pretty sight.
Perhaps that is why
lawmakers buried their
latest one inside the bill
reauthorizing the Federal
Aviation Administration.
Unfortunately putting handouts
out of sight does not make them
any better for the economy.
At issue is the fierce competition
between FedEx and the United Parcel
Service (UPS) in the package delivery
While UPS
must collectively bargain
with the Teamsters, FedEx
remains union free.
The Teamsters and UPS
are jointly lobbying Congress
to transfer jurisdiction over FedEx
to the NLRA to make unionizing FedEx
employees easier.
The Teamsters want more
dues-paying members to shore
up their shaky finances.
UPS wants the Teamsters
to raise their competitor's costs.
Lost in the middle of the lobbying
blitz is the health of the economy.
Saddling FedEx with union work rules
and collective bargaining would raise
their costs, forcing them to raise prices.
Americans will have to pay more
to ship parcels, leaving less money
to spend elsewhere.
And if the Teamsters did strike
against FedEx hubs it could paralyze
package delivery for millions of small
businesses - the two week UPS strike
in 1997 cost the economy
billions of dollars.
Making businesses less competitive
is bad policy in normal economic times,
much less in a severe recession.
However, Organized Labor
is no ordinary interest group.
Labor unions spent
hundreds of millions of
dollars electing President
Obama and the current
Congressional majority
and they want payback
Because the government
chose to bail-out insurance
giant AIG following losses on
derivatives contracts, Congress
has decided that customers who
buy and sell derivatives, not just the
banks that trade them,
have to post collateral.
But even if there is a case
that very big players - such
as AIG or Berkshire - represent
"systemic risks," justifying a capital
requirement, the Senate bill is a massive
over-reaction, requiring every buyer and
every seller to post collateral
for every trade.
Perversely, the burden of collateral
requirements won't be felt most harshly
by the big boys (Berkshire has plenty
of cash), but by small users who
represent no systemic
risk whatsoever.
The result will be
that derivatives are more expensive,
and used less often to mitigate risk
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Economic
Voo Doo Does Not Work ;
Economists argued consistently,
forcefully, and to the intense outrage
of proponents that the Obama stimulus
would stimulate the national debt,
but not the economy.
The reason for the failure
is simply that increasing deficit
spending means increasing federal
borrowing and the money has to come
from somewhere.
It either comes from domestic sources,
in which case domestic investment declines
by the amount of the deficit spending, or it
comes from foreign sources in which case
the trade deficit rises by the amount
of the spending.
Deficit spending reshuffles
domestic demand, but it cannot
increase demand (or supply)
because it cannot create
purchasing power
or improve incentives
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Are A Legion Of
Criminal Over Priced
High Maintenance
Welfare Whores ;
If the Dodd-Obama
resolution plan is ever
actually put to use, the
direct or indirect costs
to taxpayers could be
many times greater.
For example,
the bill authorizes
the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation to borrow from the
Treasury "up to 90 percent of the
fair value of assets" of any company
the FDIC is resolving.
Yet one institution alone-
Citigroup-has assets currently
valued at about $1.8 trillion.
The potential costs
of resolving it (not to mention others)
would be spectacularly higher than
$50 billion.
In short, the $50 billion
in the resolution fund is a
political number-a fraction
of what the FDIC is authorized
to borrow and spend.
Why would this vast sum
be necessary?
The Dodd bill
has one answer.
It says that the FDIC
"may make additional payments,"
over and above what a claimant
might be entitled to in bankruptcy,
if these payments are necessary
"to minimize losses" to the FDIC
"from the orderly liquidation"
of the failing firm.
In other words, the agency would
be able to borrow huge sums so that
it could make more generous payments
to creditors than they would receive in
a bankruptcy.
Generous payments to creditors would
certainly make unwinding a firm "orderly"
-but it would also encourage lending
to the too-big-to-fail financial institutions
while disadvantaging smaller, less favored
This in itself will have a profound
and destructive effect on competition.
This is the core problem
of the Dodd-Obama Wall Street
Bailout Bill : it gives the same regulators
that missed the beginning of the last crisis
the authority to engineer the exact same
politically motivated bailouts
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Hell Care Coup ;
The actuaries
at the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS),
the agency that runs the giant entitlement
programs, released their analysis of the
new health care law.
"White House officials have repeatedly
complained that such analyses have been
too pessimistic and lowball the law's
potential to achieve savings,"
but the official CMS analysis reinforces
several predictions regarding Obamacare.
Some highlights of the CMS report :
- Increase Medicare Solvency?
Don't [Double] Count on it
- Medicare Savings (if they occur)
Mean Bad News for Seniors
- New Federal Programs
Born to be Bailed Out
Bending the Spending Curve UP?
Unionists Criminal Thievery
Against The Taxpayers ;
There are those
who have been talking
about a single global regulator
for years and as a result of the
2008 Credit Crisis, there have
been calls to protect you and
me from future banking crises
through new financial reform.
However, we had better
consider its real impact.
It is not about protecting you
and me it is about changing the national
regulatory laws of America to conform
to a world governmental system and
globalizing the last barrier separating
individual nation-states.
It is about a major power grab
of America's financial assets.
As a result of the high stakes, we
should ask if Republicans are being
told they had better vote for financial
reform so we don't have another
September/October, 2008?
All of a sudden Senators McConnell
and Shelby have had a sea change and
are willing to work together on changing
our banking system.
It is a ruse,
a con game when they say
they are making the system safer.
Let us review some necessary points
The Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Taxpayer
Handout Agendas Of The Week
The Global Commie
Corporate Unionists
Criminal Taxpayer Handouts
Agenda Of The Week ;
Once again the major issues
for the week will be on the Senate
side with possible consideration of
a financial regulation overhaul bill and
the possible introduction of a climate
change bill by Senators Kerry, Graham,
and Lieberman.
The House will be taking up three
smaller measures this week focusing
on misspent federal funds, defense
acquisition, and Puerto Rico.
Though the defense acquisition
bill received complete bi-partisan
support out of the House Armed
Services Committee and is lauded
as a bill that would save taxpayers
billions of dollars it is more likely to
increase bureaucracy, add more
regulation, create a slower and less
efficient acquisition system, and
continue a risk adverse mentality
at the Pentagon
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Taxpayer
Handouts ;
Special interest handouts
are not a pretty sight.
Perhaps that is why
lawmakers buried their
latest one inside the bill
reauthorizing the Federal
Aviation Administration.
Unfortunately putting handouts
out of sight does not make them
any better for the economy.
At issue is the fierce competition
between FedEx and the United Parcel
Service (UPS) in the package delivery
While UPS
must collectively bargain
with the Teamsters, FedEx
remains union free.
The Teamsters and UPS
are jointly lobbying Congress
to transfer jurisdiction over FedEx
to the NLRA to make unionizing FedEx
employees easier.
The Teamsters want more
dues-paying members to shore
up their shaky finances.
UPS wants the Teamsters
to raise their competitor's costs.
Lost in the middle of the lobbying
blitz is the health of the economy.
Saddling FedEx with union work rules
and collective bargaining would raise
their costs, forcing them to raise prices.
Americans will have to pay more
to ship parcels, leaving less money
to spend elsewhere.
And if the Teamsters did strike
against FedEx hubs it could paralyze
package delivery for millions of small
businesses - the two week UPS strike
in 1997 cost the economy
billions of dollars.
Making businesses less competitive
is bad policy in normal economic times,
much less in a severe recession.
However, Organized Labor
is no ordinary interest group.
Labor unions spent
hundreds of millions of
dollars electing President
Obama and the current
Congressional majority
and they want payback
Because the government
chose to bail-out insurance
giant AIG following losses on
derivatives contracts, Congress
has decided that customers who
buy and sell derivatives, not just the
banks that trade them,
have to post collateral.
But even if there is a case
that very big players - such
as AIG or Berkshire - represent
"systemic risks," justifying a capital
requirement, the Senate bill is a massive
over-reaction, requiring every buyer and
every seller to post collateral
for every trade.
Perversely, the burden of collateral
requirements won't be felt most harshly
by the big boys (Berkshire has plenty
of cash), but by small users who
represent no systemic
risk whatsoever.
The result will be
that derivatives are more expensive,
and used less often to mitigate risk
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Economic
Voo Doo Does Not Work ;
Economists argued consistently,
forcefully, and to the intense outrage
of proponents that the Obama stimulus
would stimulate the national debt,
but not the economy.
The reason for the failure
is simply that increasing deficit
spending means increasing federal
borrowing and the money has to come
from somewhere.
It either comes from domestic sources,
in which case domestic investment declines
by the amount of the deficit spending, or it
comes from foreign sources in which case
the trade deficit rises by the amount
of the spending.
Deficit spending reshuffles
domestic demand, but it cannot
increase demand (or supply)
because it cannot create
purchasing power
or improve incentives
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Are A Legion Of
Criminal Over Priced
High Maintenance
Welfare Whores ;
If the Dodd-Obama
resolution plan is ever
actually put to use, the
direct or indirect costs
to taxpayers could be
many times greater.
For example,
the bill authorizes
the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation to borrow from the
Treasury "up to 90 percent of the
fair value of assets" of any company
the FDIC is resolving.
Yet one institution alone-
Citigroup-has assets currently
valued at about $1.8 trillion.
The potential costs
of resolving it (not to mention others)
would be spectacularly higher than
$50 billion.
In short, the $50 billion
in the resolution fund is a
political number-a fraction
of what the FDIC is authorized
to borrow and spend.
Why would this vast sum
be necessary?
The Dodd bill
has one answer.
It says that the FDIC
"may make additional payments,"
over and above what a claimant
might be entitled to in bankruptcy,
if these payments are necessary
"to minimize losses" to the FDIC
"from the orderly liquidation"
of the failing firm.
In other words, the agency would
be able to borrow huge sums so that
it could make more generous payments
to creditors than they would receive in
a bankruptcy.
Generous payments to creditors would
certainly make unwinding a firm "orderly"
-but it would also encourage lending
to the too-big-to-fail financial institutions
while disadvantaging smaller, less favored
This in itself will have a profound
and destructive effect on competition.
This is the core problem
of the Dodd-Obama Wall Street
Bailout Bill : it gives the same regulators
that missed the beginning of the last crisis
the authority to engineer the exact same
politically motivated bailouts
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Hell Care Coup ;
The actuaries
at the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS),
the agency that runs the giant entitlement
programs, released their analysis of the
new health care law.
"White House officials have repeatedly
complained that such analyses have been
too pessimistic and lowball the law's
potential to achieve savings,"
but the official CMS analysis reinforces
several predictions regarding Obamacare.
Some highlights of the CMS report :
- Increase Medicare Solvency?
Don't [Double] Count on it
- Medicare Savings (if they occur)
Mean Bad News for Seniors
- New Federal Programs
Born to be Bailed Out
Bending the Spending Curve UP?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Global Commie Corporate Unionist Earth Day ;
Commie 'government'
is fighting to put in place
more Commie environmental
regulations that will make it
exceedingly difficult for
businesses and individuals
to develop economically
This Commie vehicle
for Commie change is
to transition to a Commie
'clean' energy economy.
The Commie problem
is that the Commie 'President'
wants to force this Commie
transition through Commie
subsidies, Commie mandates
and Commie set-asides
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
is fighting to put in place
more Commie environmental
regulations that will make it
exceedingly difficult for
businesses and individuals
to develop economically
This Commie vehicle
for Commie change is
to transition to a Commie
'clean' energy economy.
The Commie problem
is that the Commie 'President'
wants to force this Commie
transition through Commie
subsidies, Commie mandates
and Commie set-asides
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds
Global Commie Corporate Unionist labor's ties to the Commie White House ;
Less known is just how close
Obama administration interests
align with the big firms that benefit
most from the TARP bailout.
At Goldman Sachs, the nation's
largest investment bank, four of the
five in-house lobbyists were
Democratic Capitol Hill staffers -
the remaining one gave $1,000 to
Hillary Clinton last election.
Goldman Sachs alone has given
nearly $900,000 since January 2009
to congressional candidates, with 69%
of that cash lining Democrat pockets.
Finally, then-candidate Obama
collected almost $1 million from
Goldman executives and employees
in 2008, more than the combined
Goldman haul of every Republican
running for president, Senate
and the House.
So what have Wall Street lobbyists
bought with their campaign cash and
high priced lobbyists?
A bill that gives permanent TARP-like
authority to Washington regulators, thus
enshrining Washington as a permanent
bailout machine.
Specifically, the bill :
- Creates a protected class
of too big to fail firms
- Creates permanent bailout authority
- Provides for seizure
of private property without meaningful
judicial review
- Establishes a $50 billion fund
to pay for bailouts
- Opens a "line of credit"
to the Treasury for additional
government funding
- Authorizes regulators
to guarantee the debt
of solvent banks
- Imposes one-size-fits-all
reform in derivative markets
Repeal : Global Commie
Derivatives Reform ;
Global Commies Spend & Tax
While The Taxpayer Foots The Bill :
Senate Agriculture Committee
mark-up of derivatives reform
legislation revealed that the "reform"
will cost taxpayers big time : a 50%
increase in staffing (and other costs)
at the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC), the agency
that would enforce the new
CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler,
announced at the mark-up that
the bill would require 250 new
employees and a "substantial"
investment in new technology
above the approximately 500
employees and $146 million
the CFTC will spend this year.
What's more, Gensler said those
costs are lower than they might
otherwise be because the bill gives
the CFTC authority to require
derivatives clearinghouses to install
and pay for CFTC-mandated electronic
monitoring and compliance systems.
Gensler did not, however,
provide any estimate of how
much the government-mandated
spyware would "save."
It is easy to see how the new
government mandates will increase
costs for derivatives trading firms.
Now we're told it will also cost
taxpayers another $75 million or so.
Of course the real cost of
government regulation in distorting
markets and increasing private sector
costs is many times the direct costs of
housing and feeding the bureaucrats
Repeal : Global Commie Corporate
Unionists & Taxpayer Funded
Giveaways & Handouts ;
The Senate's plan
provides for bailouts
for the creditors of failing firms.
Section 204 of the bill
provides that the FDIC
(in closing failing firms) may
".make available funds for
the orderly liquidation of [a]
covered financial institution."
The situation is similar
to that of the AIG bailout
in 2008, where shareholders
took steep losses, but creditors -
including some of the largest financial
companies in the world - were held
harmless through taxpayer largesse.
This was a bailout.
There are other problems
with the bill too.
The stated purpose
is to subject them to
enhanced regulation.
But the practical effect
would be to signal to investors
worldwide that the U.S. stands
behind these firms.
Just as Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac enjoyed
implicit federal guarantees,
so would these firms.
There are other problems too.
The bill, under the guise of
consumer regulation, limits the
choices of those very consumers.
It opens the doors
to allow activist groups
to abuse the corporate
governance system.
And, it does nothing
to reform government-sponsored
enterprises such as Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac, who played
leading roles in the housing bubble,
and whose subsequent collapse put
taxpayers on the hook
for over $100 billion
Global Commie Corporate Unionist
Earth Day ;
Global Commie Environmental
& Energy Schemes :
The problem with Al Gore's twisted
version of capitalism is that he and
other green investors get rich only
when regulations cause consumers'
energy bills to skyrocket.
If Al Gore wants to invest his money
in green technology, he can do as he
The taxpayer does not have
such autonomy.
Along with Gore's investments, the
government is taking other people's
money to invest in these projects who
do not have a say in the matter - what
economist Frederic Bastiat calls
legalized theft :
"The law takes from some
persons what belongs to them, and
gives it to other persons to whom it
does not belong.
"The law benefits one citizen at
the expense of another by doing what
the citizen himself cannot do without
committing a crime."
Of course the reason renewable
energy needs a government crutch is
because they can't compete in the
market otherwise.
With cap and trade, a mandated
renewable electricity standard, and
billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded
green energy investments, it's no
surprise "few have put as much money
behind their advocacy as Mr. Gore and
are as well positioned to profit from this
green transformation, if and when it comes."
But it's not just Gore.
Large energy companies are hedging
their bets on political policies designed
to make renewable energy more
competitive with taxpayer support.
The name of the game
is special interest politicking
in Washington.
Few will win at the expense of many
Obama administration interests
align with the big firms that benefit
most from the TARP bailout.
At Goldman Sachs, the nation's
largest investment bank, four of the
five in-house lobbyists were
Democratic Capitol Hill staffers -
the remaining one gave $1,000 to
Hillary Clinton last election.
Goldman Sachs alone has given
nearly $900,000 since January 2009
to congressional candidates, with 69%
of that cash lining Democrat pockets.
Finally, then-candidate Obama
collected almost $1 million from
Goldman executives and employees
in 2008, more than the combined
Goldman haul of every Republican
running for president, Senate
and the House.
So what have Wall Street lobbyists
bought with their campaign cash and
high priced lobbyists?
A bill that gives permanent TARP-like
authority to Washington regulators, thus
enshrining Washington as a permanent
bailout machine.
Specifically, the bill :
- Creates a protected class
of too big to fail firms
- Creates permanent bailout authority
- Provides for seizure
of private property without meaningful
judicial review
- Establishes a $50 billion fund
to pay for bailouts
- Opens a "line of credit"
to the Treasury for additional
government funding
- Authorizes regulators
to guarantee the debt
of solvent banks
- Imposes one-size-fits-all
reform in derivative markets
Repeal : Global Commie
Derivatives Reform ;
Global Commies Spend & Tax
While The Taxpayer Foots The Bill :
Senate Agriculture Committee
mark-up of derivatives reform
legislation revealed that the "reform"
will cost taxpayers big time : a 50%
increase in staffing (and other costs)
at the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC), the agency
that would enforce the new
CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler,
announced at the mark-up that
the bill would require 250 new
employees and a "substantial"
investment in new technology
above the approximately 500
employees and $146 million
the CFTC will spend this year.
What's more, Gensler said those
costs are lower than they might
otherwise be because the bill gives
the CFTC authority to require
derivatives clearinghouses to install
and pay for CFTC-mandated electronic
monitoring and compliance systems.
Gensler did not, however,
provide any estimate of how
much the government-mandated
spyware would "save."
It is easy to see how the new
government mandates will increase
costs for derivatives trading firms.
Now we're told it will also cost
taxpayers another $75 million or so.
Of course the real cost of
government regulation in distorting
markets and increasing private sector
costs is many times the direct costs of
housing and feeding the bureaucrats
Repeal : Global Commie Corporate
Unionists & Taxpayer Funded
Giveaways & Handouts ;
The Senate's plan
provides for bailouts
for the creditors of failing firms.
Section 204 of the bill
provides that the FDIC
(in closing failing firms) may
".make available funds for
the orderly liquidation of [a]
covered financial institution."
The situation is similar
to that of the AIG bailout
in 2008, where shareholders
took steep losses, but creditors -
including some of the largest financial
companies in the world - were held
harmless through taxpayer largesse.
This was a bailout.
There are other problems
with the bill too.
The stated purpose
is to subject them to
enhanced regulation.
But the practical effect
would be to signal to investors
worldwide that the U.S. stands
behind these firms.
Just as Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac enjoyed
implicit federal guarantees,
so would these firms.
There are other problems too.
The bill, under the guise of
consumer regulation, limits the
choices of those very consumers.
It opens the doors
to allow activist groups
to abuse the corporate
governance system.
And, it does nothing
to reform government-sponsored
enterprises such as Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac, who played
leading roles in the housing bubble,
and whose subsequent collapse put
taxpayers on the hook
for over $100 billion
Global Commie Corporate Unionist
Earth Day ;
Global Commie Environmental
& Energy Schemes :
The problem with Al Gore's twisted
version of capitalism is that he and
other green investors get rich only
when regulations cause consumers'
energy bills to skyrocket.
If Al Gore wants to invest his money
in green technology, he can do as he
The taxpayer does not have
such autonomy.
Along with Gore's investments, the
government is taking other people's
money to invest in these projects who
do not have a say in the matter - what
economist Frederic Bastiat calls
legalized theft :
"The law takes from some
persons what belongs to them, and
gives it to other persons to whom it
does not belong.
"The law benefits one citizen at
the expense of another by doing what
the citizen himself cannot do without
committing a crime."
Of course the reason renewable
energy needs a government crutch is
because they can't compete in the
market otherwise.
With cap and trade, a mandated
renewable electricity standard, and
billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded
green energy investments, it's no
surprise "few have put as much money
behind their advocacy as Mr. Gore and
are as well positioned to profit from this
green transformation, if and when it comes."
But it's not just Gore.
Large energy companies are hedging
their bets on political policies designed
to make renewable energy more
competitive with taxpayer support.
The name of the game
is special interest politicking
in Washington.
Few will win at the expense of many
The Global Commie Corporate Unionist Climate Research Unit Fraud ;
The panel was led
by Ernest Oxburg, who happens
to be the honorary president of the
Carbon Capture and Storage Association.
Carbon capture and storage
is an industry that definitely wouldn't
suffer should CO2 limits be imposed.
Oxburg's involvement
with the wind-energy industry raises
further conflict of interest questions.
With this in mind, the lack of depth
into which the investigation went and
the complete acquittal the panel gave
the CRU, is not at all surprising.
The supposed investigation lasted
a mere three weeks and was only five
pages in length.
Steve McIntyre, a leading critic
of the IPCC report and editor of the
Climate Audit blog, pointed out that
the panel thought it only regrettable-
and in no way acknowledged any sort
of cover-up- that key facts and figures
were tucked away in obscure scientific
journals and omitted from the IPCC
This is significant because,
as he put it, IPCC presentations-
and not the journals- "are how the
climate science community speaks
to the world."
Apparently, these scientists did not
want the world to understand that their
data did not support their theory.
At least according to the well-known
"climate-gate" emails which show that
the scientists involved saw that these
facts would "dilute the message."
McIntyre isn't the only one who is
not sold by this so-called investigation.
The Director of Energy and Global
Warming Policy at the Competitive
Enterprise Institute, Myron Ebel, said,
"They don't even make a minimal effort
to rebut the obvious appearance of
widespread data manipulation, suppression
of dissenting research through improper
means and intentional avoidance of
complying with Freedom of Information
In the scientific community, where
transparency and the ability to replicate
results are everything these charges
are severe
Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Earthday :
While Lenin was alive, he often
ordered Earth Day-like "subbotniks,"
or days of mandatory 'service' in the
This would typically focus on
environmental improvement, including
garbage removal and the collection of
At the height of the Soviet Union,
a nationally mandated yearly subbotnik-
called "Lenin's Subbotnik"-was selected
to fall around or on Lenin's birthday.
The date otherwise known as April 22.
Is It just a bizarre coincidence that both
Lenin's Subbotnik and Earth Day fall
on the same day?
Lenin's views on liberty mirror
that of radical environmentalists.
It is a paternalistic attitude
that reduces freedom.
Lenin once said,
"It is true that liberty is precious;
so precious that it must be carefully
Environmentalists believe we need to
ration liberty because they believe that
is the only way we can preserve the
environment for the future.
They tell us we need to buy smaller
cars, buy different light bulbs, ban
certain products, eat less meat, pay
higher energy prices and reduce economic
growth to cap carbon dioxide emissions -
to name a few.
Czech President Vaclav Klaus said,
"It becomes evident that while discussing
climate we are not witnessing a clash of
views about the environment, but a clash
of views about human freedom."
Economist Walter Block explains it as
switching horses on the same wagon,
saying, "Instead of formal socialism,
these people adopted environmentalism
as a better means toward
their unchanged ends"
The huge Commie federal deficits
threaten to derail the economy .
Because the deficits are soaking up
increasing amounts of capital .
If the capital inflows that are always
and necessarily associated with the
trade deficit are merely paying off the
government's obligations, there is
nothing left over to create jobs
The Commie Value Added Tax :
The president's comments spell out
what has been obvious for months :
the Commie debt commission is a
stalking horse for the VAT as the
solution to close massive deficits
today and in the future.
A VAT would be a massive tax hike
that would transfer trillions of dollars
each year from the wallets of every
American to Washington.
It would permanently slow economic
growth and lower the standard of living
for generations of Americans to come.
It would also be a bottomless well for
Congress to go back to each time it wants
more of our money to pay for new
spending programs.
Once a VAT is in place turning back
the growth of government will be next
to impossible and the efforts of President
Obama and his congressional allies to
recast the nation into a full state of
dependency on Washington will be
The stakes are that high.
As JD Foster pointed out last week,
passing a VAT has been part of
President Obama's long-term strategy
all along.
First he had to jack up spending rapidly
to create a rapidly approaching fiscal
He has accomplished that goal.
Next, he must establish that cutting
spending is impossible because it is in
some way inevitable and essential, and
thus the result of something beyond
anyone's control as opposed to - say
- his own policies.
That leaves tax increases as the only
cure for the deficit.
The Commie Debt Commission will fit
neatly into this plan should it recommend
a VAT. President Obama can then take
comfort in its findings and point to this
panel of experts which found that the
VAT is the only solution to the crisis.
Last week, Senator John McCain
(R-AZ) offered a sense of the Senate
resolution that stated :
"It is the sense of the Senate that the
Value Added Tax is a massive tax
increase that will cripple families on
fixed income and only further push
back America's economic recovery."
The Senate voted 85 to 12
in favor of that resolution.
Foster goes on to say,
Americans who want to save their
country from the damage a VAT
would inflict need to challenge
anyone running for office, anywhere
in the country, to take a stand against
the VAT just as Mr. McCain's
colleagues did in the Senate.
Every town council member, every
mayor, governor, or congressional or
senatorial hopeful should be pressed to
declare whether he or she stands for
or against the VAT.
As they do,
it will become apparent to all that the
United States is not a VAT country
by Ernest Oxburg, who happens
to be the honorary president of the
Carbon Capture and Storage Association.
Carbon capture and storage
is an industry that definitely wouldn't
suffer should CO2 limits be imposed.
Oxburg's involvement
with the wind-energy industry raises
further conflict of interest questions.
With this in mind, the lack of depth
into which the investigation went and
the complete acquittal the panel gave
the CRU, is not at all surprising.
The supposed investigation lasted
a mere three weeks and was only five
pages in length.
Steve McIntyre, a leading critic
of the IPCC report and editor of the
Climate Audit blog, pointed out that
the panel thought it only regrettable-
and in no way acknowledged any sort
of cover-up- that key facts and figures
were tucked away in obscure scientific
journals and omitted from the IPCC
This is significant because,
as he put it, IPCC presentations-
and not the journals- "are how the
climate science community speaks
to the world."
Apparently, these scientists did not
want the world to understand that their
data did not support their theory.
At least according to the well-known
"climate-gate" emails which show that
the scientists involved saw that these
facts would "dilute the message."
McIntyre isn't the only one who is
not sold by this so-called investigation.
The Director of Energy and Global
Warming Policy at the Competitive
Enterprise Institute, Myron Ebel, said,
"They don't even make a minimal effort
to rebut the obvious appearance of
widespread data manipulation, suppression
of dissenting research through improper
means and intentional avoidance of
complying with Freedom of Information
In the scientific community, where
transparency and the ability to replicate
results are everything these charges
are severe
Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Earthday :
While Lenin was alive, he often
ordered Earth Day-like "subbotniks,"
or days of mandatory 'service' in the
This would typically focus on
environmental improvement, including
garbage removal and the collection of
At the height of the Soviet Union,
a nationally mandated yearly subbotnik-
called "Lenin's Subbotnik"-was selected
to fall around or on Lenin's birthday.
The date otherwise known as April 22.
Is It just a bizarre coincidence that both
Lenin's Subbotnik and Earth Day fall
on the same day?
Lenin's views on liberty mirror
that of radical environmentalists.
It is a paternalistic attitude
that reduces freedom.
Lenin once said,
"It is true that liberty is precious;
so precious that it must be carefully
Environmentalists believe we need to
ration liberty because they believe that
is the only way we can preserve the
environment for the future.
They tell us we need to buy smaller
cars, buy different light bulbs, ban
certain products, eat less meat, pay
higher energy prices and reduce economic
growth to cap carbon dioxide emissions -
to name a few.
Czech President Vaclav Klaus said,
"It becomes evident that while discussing
climate we are not witnessing a clash of
views about the environment, but a clash
of views about human freedom."
Economist Walter Block explains it as
switching horses on the same wagon,
saying, "Instead of formal socialism,
these people adopted environmentalism
as a better means toward
their unchanged ends"
The huge Commie federal deficits
threaten to derail the economy .
Because the deficits are soaking up
increasing amounts of capital .
If the capital inflows that are always
and necessarily associated with the
trade deficit are merely paying off the
government's obligations, there is
nothing left over to create jobs
The Commie Value Added Tax :
The president's comments spell out
what has been obvious for months :
the Commie debt commission is a
stalking horse for the VAT as the
solution to close massive deficits
today and in the future.
A VAT would be a massive tax hike
that would transfer trillions of dollars
each year from the wallets of every
American to Washington.
It would permanently slow economic
growth and lower the standard of living
for generations of Americans to come.
It would also be a bottomless well for
Congress to go back to each time it wants
more of our money to pay for new
spending programs.
Once a VAT is in place turning back
the growth of government will be next
to impossible and the efforts of President
Obama and his congressional allies to
recast the nation into a full state of
dependency on Washington will be
The stakes are that high.
As JD Foster pointed out last week,
passing a VAT has been part of
President Obama's long-term strategy
all along.
First he had to jack up spending rapidly
to create a rapidly approaching fiscal
He has accomplished that goal.
Next, he must establish that cutting
spending is impossible because it is in
some way inevitable and essential, and
thus the result of something beyond
anyone's control as opposed to - say
- his own policies.
That leaves tax increases as the only
cure for the deficit.
The Commie Debt Commission will fit
neatly into this plan should it recommend
a VAT. President Obama can then take
comfort in its findings and point to this
panel of experts which found that the
VAT is the only solution to the crisis.
Last week, Senator John McCain
(R-AZ) offered a sense of the Senate
resolution that stated :
"It is the sense of the Senate that the
Value Added Tax is a massive tax
increase that will cripple families on
fixed income and only further push
back America's economic recovery."
The Senate voted 85 to 12
in favor of that resolution.
Foster goes on to say,
Americans who want to save their
country from the damage a VAT
would inflict need to challenge
anyone running for office, anywhere
in the country, to take a stand against
the VAT just as Mr. McCain's
colleagues did in the Senate.
Every town council member, every
mayor, governor, or congressional or
senatorial hopeful should be pressed to
declare whether he or she stands for
or against the VAT.
As they do,
it will become apparent to all that the
United States is not a VAT country
The Global Corporate Unionist Commie Taxpayer Handout Bailout ;
After the lengthy
legislative healthcare
battle ended in March,
giving the government
unprecedented new powers
over every aspect of our
medical care, the administration
and the Democratic majority
have set their sights on a much
bigger, more far-reaching power
grab : the nation's entire financial
infrastructure from Wall Street
to Main Street.
The legislation
that is now headed
to the Senate floor
would dramatically
broaden and toughen
federal rules, restrictions
and regulations over the
nation's banks, investment
firms and other sectors of
the financial industry in the
wake of the subprime mortgage
debacle that plunged the economy
into one of the severest
recessions in decades.
In a letter signed by all 41
Senate Republicans, GOP
leaders said last week that
the legislation amounted to
regulatory overkill that "allows
for endless taxpayer bailouts of
Wall Street and establishes new
and unlimited regulatory powers
that will stifle small businesses
and community banks"
Global Commie Horror
Hell Care Coup :
Commie Obamacare
requires all individuals
to carry Commie health
insurance for themselves
and their families.
Those who don't
will have to pay a
Commie penalty.
And the Commie IRS
is the Commie agency
charged with making
sure the uninsured
pony up.
Just how will
the Commie IRS do that?
The Commie Senate
Finance Committee recently
held a Commie hearing to
explore what the Commie IRS
might do to enforce the Commie
congressional Commie mandate
to buy health insurance.
One answer is
that the Commie IRS
May Withhold Tax Refunds
to Enforce Commie
'Health' 'Care' 'Law'
Doctors are becoming
increasingly demoralized.
And no wonder !
They are losing control over their
professional independence and the
Washington lobbyists they hire
to represent them are Commie m
collaborators with an increasingly
hostile Commie Washington political
While the Commie 'President'
repeatedly told Americans that
his Commie 'health' agenda would
not interfere with their relationship
with their doctors, the Commie reality
of Commie Obamacare is that
Commie 'government' will have
an enormous impact on the way
physicians practice medicine.
There is the very real prospect
of many doctors simply giving up
or refusing to practice under the
Commie government's avalanche
of new Commie rules and regulations
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
is presiding over the largest expansion
of the Commie federal government in
a generation, even though the Commie
federal government is already rushing
headlong toward a Commie debt crisis.
The Commie government
is expected to run a Commie budget
deficit in excess of $1 trillion in 2010,
after running a Commie deficit of $1.4
trillion in 2009.
And that's just the beginning
of an endless sea of Commie red ink.
The Congressional Budget Office
expects the Commie 'Obama'
administration's latest Commie
budget plan would push the nation's
debt to more than $20 trillion in 2020,
up from $5.8 trillion in 2008.
No wonder Commie congressional
Democrats want to change the subject.
However, when the Commie
administration does make a push
for closing the Commie budget deficit,
its plan will start with the Commie mother
of all Commie tax increases, probably
a Commie value-added tax (VAT).
With the Commie problem
as big as it is today, Commie
Democrats will see no use in
nickel-and-diming it.
With a Commie VAT,
they would get a large new
Commie revenue stream, not
collected directly from voters,
and one that they could expand
endlessly as they further enlarge
the Commie government.
But an Commie 'Obama'-style
Commie budget fix almost certainly
wouldn't end there.
To get a Commie tax increase,
he and his Commie advisers surely
realize they will need to look like
they are cutting some Commie
spending too.
And, contrary to some Commie
perceptions, Commie liberals are
definitely willing to cut some
Commie entitlement spending;
it's just that they insist it be done
in only one Commie way :
With Commie price controls
on payments to medical providers.
Look at the recently 'enacted'
Commie 'health'-'care' 'bill'.
It includes large Commie cuts in
Medicare's payments to hospitals,
nursing homes, and others
legislative healthcare
battle ended in March,
giving the government
unprecedented new powers
over every aspect of our
medical care, the administration
and the Democratic majority
have set their sights on a much
bigger, more far-reaching power
grab : the nation's entire financial
infrastructure from Wall Street
to Main Street.
The legislation
that is now headed
to the Senate floor
would dramatically
broaden and toughen
federal rules, restrictions
and regulations over the
nation's banks, investment
firms and other sectors of
the financial industry in the
wake of the subprime mortgage
debacle that plunged the economy
into one of the severest
recessions in decades.
In a letter signed by all 41
Senate Republicans, GOP
leaders said last week that
the legislation amounted to
regulatory overkill that "allows
for endless taxpayer bailouts of
Wall Street and establishes new
and unlimited regulatory powers
that will stifle small businesses
and community banks"
Global Commie Horror
Hell Care Coup :
Commie Obamacare
requires all individuals
to carry Commie health
insurance for themselves
and their families.
Those who don't
will have to pay a
Commie penalty.
And the Commie IRS
is the Commie agency
charged with making
sure the uninsured
pony up.
Just how will
the Commie IRS do that?
The Commie Senate
Finance Committee recently
held a Commie hearing to
explore what the Commie IRS
might do to enforce the Commie
congressional Commie mandate
to buy health insurance.
One answer is
that the Commie IRS
May Withhold Tax Refunds
to Enforce Commie
'Health' 'Care' 'Law'
Doctors are becoming
increasingly demoralized.
And no wonder !
They are losing control over their
professional independence and the
Washington lobbyists they hire
to represent them are Commie m
collaborators with an increasingly
hostile Commie Washington political
While the Commie 'President'
repeatedly told Americans that
his Commie 'health' agenda would
not interfere with their relationship
with their doctors, the Commie reality
of Commie Obamacare is that
Commie 'government' will have
an enormous impact on the way
physicians practice medicine.
There is the very real prospect
of many doctors simply giving up
or refusing to practice under the
Commie government's avalanche
of new Commie rules and regulations
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
is presiding over the largest expansion
of the Commie federal government in
a generation, even though the Commie
federal government is already rushing
headlong toward a Commie debt crisis.
The Commie government
is expected to run a Commie budget
deficit in excess of $1 trillion in 2010,
after running a Commie deficit of $1.4
trillion in 2009.
And that's just the beginning
of an endless sea of Commie red ink.
The Congressional Budget Office
expects the Commie 'Obama'
administration's latest Commie
budget plan would push the nation's
debt to more than $20 trillion in 2020,
up from $5.8 trillion in 2008.
No wonder Commie congressional
Democrats want to change the subject.
However, when the Commie
administration does make a push
for closing the Commie budget deficit,
its plan will start with the Commie mother
of all Commie tax increases, probably
a Commie value-added tax (VAT).
With the Commie problem
as big as it is today, Commie
Democrats will see no use in
nickel-and-diming it.
With a Commie VAT,
they would get a large new
Commie revenue stream, not
collected directly from voters,
and one that they could expand
endlessly as they further enlarge
the Commie government.
But an Commie 'Obama'-style
Commie budget fix almost certainly
wouldn't end there.
To get a Commie tax increase,
he and his Commie advisers surely
realize they will need to look like
they are cutting some Commie
spending too.
And, contrary to some Commie
perceptions, Commie liberals are
definitely willing to cut some
Commie entitlement spending;
it's just that they insist it be done
in only one Commie way :
With Commie price controls
on payments to medical providers.
Look at the recently 'enacted'
Commie 'health'-'care' 'bill'.
It includes large Commie cuts in
Medicare's payments to hospitals,
nursing homes, and others
Global Commie Corporate Unionist Cronyism ;
The Commie 'Obama'
administration's Commie
game plan for 'passing'
their Commie financial
Commie regulatory
Commie 'reform' Taxpayer
Handouts plan is clear : ignore
the details of their Commie 'bill',
demonize Wall Street, and cast
conservatives as the pawns
of big bankers.
But there's a Commie
complication in their Commie
battle plan : "The Commie
Democratic Party is closer
to Commie corporate America
- and to Commie Wall Street
in particular - than many Commie
Democrats would care to admit."
The Commie Wall Street
Commie Bank Taxpayer
Handouts :
Whenever Commie
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT)
says his Commie Wall Street
Commie 'Bailout' 'Bill' "would have
prevented Commie Bank 'Bailouts'
from happening" he needs
to explain how.
If anything,
the Commie Dodd
plan will only make future
Commie Wall Street Commie
'bailouts' more likely and more
costly while also stifling
consumer choice :
Increases Chance
of Future Commie 'Bailouts' :
Commie 'Obama'
administration Commie
officials are claiming their
Commie plan "outlaws bailouts,"
but in fact it institutionalizes
them forever.
Increases the Costs
of Future Commie 'Bailouts' :
The second Commie
administrative fall back
position is that while the
Commie 'bill' does 'bailout'
Commie Wall Street, the
'bailouts' will be paid for
by Commie Wall Street so
taxpayers won't foot the bill.
But where does the Commie
left think Commie Wall Street
will get the money for the Commie
'bailout' funds?
Commie Wall Street
will suck the Commie 'bailout'
money from American consumers
in the form of higher bank fees.
One of many Commie
bureaucratic boondoggles
in the Commie Senate Taxpayer
financial Handout Commie "reform"
'legislation' is a Commie "Bureau
of Commie Consumer Commie
Financial Commie Protection."
Just how exactly
would the proposed new
Commie bureaucracy protect
The same way Commie
bureaucrats do everything :
with more Commie paperwork
and fewer choices.
The Commie Dodd 'bill',
named after Commie Senate
Banking Committee chair
Commie Christopher Dodd
of Connecticut, would supposedly
"reform" the financial industry.
Its Commie goal is to make
Commie financial meltdowns,
such as the one that locked up
the markets in 2008, impossible.
But Who would Really benefit
from such Commie regulation?
Big Commie banks :
they would be protected
against competition and be
given an excuse for failing
to offer new products.
That's no way
to help consumers
or to avert the next
Commie financial crisis
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
came to Washington to 'restore'
'trust' in Commie 'government'.
A new survey indicates he's failed.
Just 22%
of the poll's respondents
said they trust the Commie
federal government almost
always or most of the time.
That's one of the all-time
low points in the survey
and represents a decline
from when Commie
'Obama' took office.
The last time Americans
felt this discontent with
Washington was 1994.
The similarities are Eerie :
A newly elected Commie
Democrat was in the White
House, the country was
'recovering' from a Commie
recession, and Commie 'President'
Commie Bill Clinton was making
an aggressive Commie push for
Commie government-run
Commie 'health' 'care'
administration's Commie
game plan for 'passing'
their Commie financial
Commie regulatory
Commie 'reform' Taxpayer
Handouts plan is clear : ignore
the details of their Commie 'bill',
demonize Wall Street, and cast
conservatives as the pawns
of big bankers.
But there's a Commie
complication in their Commie
battle plan : "The Commie
Democratic Party is closer
to Commie corporate America
- and to Commie Wall Street
in particular - than many Commie
Democrats would care to admit."
The Commie Wall Street
Commie Bank Taxpayer
Handouts :
Whenever Commie
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT)
says his Commie Wall Street
Commie 'Bailout' 'Bill' "would have
prevented Commie Bank 'Bailouts'
from happening" he needs
to explain how.
If anything,
the Commie Dodd
plan will only make future
Commie Wall Street Commie
'bailouts' more likely and more
costly while also stifling
consumer choice :
Increases Chance
of Future Commie 'Bailouts' :
Commie 'Obama'
administration Commie
officials are claiming their
Commie plan "outlaws bailouts,"
but in fact it institutionalizes
them forever.
Increases the Costs
of Future Commie 'Bailouts' :
The second Commie
administrative fall back
position is that while the
Commie 'bill' does 'bailout'
Commie Wall Street, the
'bailouts' will be paid for
by Commie Wall Street so
taxpayers won't foot the bill.
But where does the Commie
left think Commie Wall Street
will get the money for the Commie
'bailout' funds?
Commie Wall Street
will suck the Commie 'bailout'
money from American consumers
in the form of higher bank fees.
One of many Commie
bureaucratic boondoggles
in the Commie Senate Taxpayer
financial Handout Commie "reform"
'legislation' is a Commie "Bureau
of Commie Consumer Commie
Financial Commie Protection."
Just how exactly
would the proposed new
Commie bureaucracy protect
The same way Commie
bureaucrats do everything :
with more Commie paperwork
and fewer choices.
The Commie Dodd 'bill',
named after Commie Senate
Banking Committee chair
Commie Christopher Dodd
of Connecticut, would supposedly
"reform" the financial industry.
Its Commie goal is to make
Commie financial meltdowns,
such as the one that locked up
the markets in 2008, impossible.
But Who would Really benefit
from such Commie regulation?
Big Commie banks :
they would be protected
against competition and be
given an excuse for failing
to offer new products.
That's no way
to help consumers
or to avert the next
Commie financial crisis
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
came to Washington to 'restore'
'trust' in Commie 'government'.
A new survey indicates he's failed.
Just 22%
of the poll's respondents
said they trust the Commie
federal government almost
always or most of the time.
That's one of the all-time
low points in the survey
and represents a decline
from when Commie
'Obama' took office.
The last time Americans
felt this discontent with
Washington was 1994.
The similarities are Eerie :
A newly elected Commie
Democrat was in the White
House, the country was
'recovering' from a Commie
recession, and Commie 'President'
Commie Bill Clinton was making
an aggressive Commie push for
Commie government-run
Commie 'health' 'care'
Global Corporate Unionist Commies Continue To Tax & Spend ;
A Commie proposal
to dig tunnels for broadband
fiber while constructing new
Commie roads and highways
has gotten Commie backing from
Commie House Energy and Commerce
Committee Chairman Commie Henry
Waxman (D-Calif.) .
The appropriately named Commie
"ditch-digging bill" is an example
of better Commie coordination
among Commie government
resources, Commie Waxman
said in his opening Commie
remarks during an Commie
oversight hearing of the
Commie National
Broadband Plan.
"Greater Commie access
to rights-of-ways at reduced
Commie costs can help spur
the Commie deployment of
advanced Commie facilities
not only in Commie urban areas,
but also deeper into rural areas,"
said Commie Waxman, who is
now a Commie co-sponsor
of the Commie 'bill'."
The Commie 'bill'
was introduced almost
a year ago by Commie
Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.)
with a Commie companion 'bill'
by Commie Sen. Amy Klobuchar
The Commie Broadband
Conduit Deployment Act,
introduced in the Commie
House in May, would direct
Commie DOT Secretary
Commie Ray LaHood to
require the Commie installation
of Commie broadband channels--
which could be filled with Commie
fiber later--while the ground is already
being torn up for Commie federally
funded Commie highway construction
and other Commie transportation projects.
As a result, Internet
companies can simply
install the fiber lines when
they build out new networks.
Commie LaHood
has said the plan "makes
Commie sense" and Commie
Federal Communications Commie
Commission Commie Chairman
Commie Julius Genachowski
also supports the idea.
The Commie ditch-digging
proposal has become more
relevant as the Commie House
Commie Subcommittee on Commie
Communications, Commie Technology
and the Commie Internet examined
the Commie FCC's Commie proposals
for getting fiber all the way to the
'consumers' doorstep--the so-called
"last Commie mile" of Commie
broadband networks
Global Commie Democrats
& Global Commie RINO
Republicans Are Ready
To Pass The Global
Commie Value Added Tax
Vulnerable Commie House
Commie Democrats who
supported the Commie 'healthcare'
'bill' reaped big financial rewards.
Federal Election Commission
(FEC) reports show the crucial
Commie yes votes cashed in
between March 21 and the end
of the first quarter on March 31.
They received big
Commie money from
Commie Democratic-leaning
political action committees (PACs)
and fellow Commie Democratic
members of Congress.
Several of these Commie
members were last-minute
yes votes, which helped push
the Commie 'legislation' to 'passage'
Should Global Commie
RINO Republicans Push
For A Global Commie
Value Added Tax ?
No, because it's a totally
irresponsible Commie position.
Every objective study
of this has shown that the
actual Commie tax rate would
have to be much higher than
advertised to make up for the
Commie revenue that would be
lost - so high that it would almost
certainly lead to high levels of
cheating and tax evasion requiring
the sort of intrusive Commie
enforcement that Commie fair-tax
Commie advocates 'say' they despise.
And the end result
would almost certainly
be a marked shift in the
Commie tax burden from
the wealthiest Americans to
the middle class.
It's bad Commie tax policy
and bad Commie politics
to dig tunnels for broadband
fiber while constructing new
Commie roads and highways
has gotten Commie backing from
Commie House Energy and Commerce
Committee Chairman Commie Henry
Waxman (D-Calif.) .
The appropriately named Commie
"ditch-digging bill" is an example
of better Commie coordination
among Commie government
resources, Commie Waxman
said in his opening Commie
remarks during an Commie
oversight hearing of the
Commie National
Broadband Plan.
"Greater Commie access
to rights-of-ways at reduced
Commie costs can help spur
the Commie deployment of
advanced Commie facilities
not only in Commie urban areas,
but also deeper into rural areas,"
said Commie Waxman, who is
now a Commie co-sponsor
of the Commie 'bill'."
The Commie 'bill'
was introduced almost
a year ago by Commie
Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.)
with a Commie companion 'bill'
by Commie Sen. Amy Klobuchar
The Commie Broadband
Conduit Deployment Act,
introduced in the Commie
House in May, would direct
Commie DOT Secretary
Commie Ray LaHood to
require the Commie installation
of Commie broadband channels--
which could be filled with Commie
fiber later--while the ground is already
being torn up for Commie federally
funded Commie highway construction
and other Commie transportation projects.
As a result, Internet
companies can simply
install the fiber lines when
they build out new networks.
Commie LaHood
has said the plan "makes
Commie sense" and Commie
Federal Communications Commie
Commission Commie Chairman
Commie Julius Genachowski
also supports the idea.
The Commie ditch-digging
proposal has become more
relevant as the Commie House
Commie Subcommittee on Commie
Communications, Commie Technology
and the Commie Internet examined
the Commie FCC's Commie proposals
for getting fiber all the way to the
'consumers' doorstep--the so-called
"last Commie mile" of Commie
broadband networks
Global Commie Democrats
& Global Commie RINO
Republicans Are Ready
To Pass The Global
Commie Value Added Tax
Vulnerable Commie House
Commie Democrats who
supported the Commie 'healthcare'
'bill' reaped big financial rewards.
Federal Election Commission
(FEC) reports show the crucial
Commie yes votes cashed in
between March 21 and the end
of the first quarter on March 31.
They received big
Commie money from
Commie Democratic-leaning
political action committees (PACs)
and fellow Commie Democratic
members of Congress.
Several of these Commie
members were last-minute
yes votes, which helped push
the Commie 'legislation' to 'passage'
Should Global Commie
RINO Republicans Push
For A Global Commie
Value Added Tax ?
No, because it's a totally
irresponsible Commie position.
Every objective study
of this has shown that the
actual Commie tax rate would
have to be much higher than
advertised to make up for the
Commie revenue that would be
lost - so high that it would almost
certainly lead to high levels of
cheating and tax evasion requiring
the sort of intrusive Commie
enforcement that Commie fair-tax
Commie advocates 'say' they despise.
And the end result
would almost certainly
be a marked shift in the
Commie tax burden from
the wealthiest Americans to
the middle class.
It's bad Commie tax policy
and bad Commie politics
The number of immoral politicians and financiers has reached a critical mass ;
As the world
edges closer to
economic Armageddon,
reports of scandals in
government, banking
and financial institutions
grow increasingly common.
Many people suppose these
scandals to be a result of
economic troubles.
I.e., the public
is under economic
stress and looking for
someone, anyone, to blame.
Therefore, the public
is hungry for "scandals
of the rich and famous"
and our news/infotainment
industry is happy to provide
whatever the public
will pay to believe.
But the truth is
that the current rash
of scandals is not the
result of the economic
crises-it's the cause
(or at least evidence of the cause).
We're heading towards
an economic collapse because
the people in government and
finance who claim to be trustworthy
are actually immoral, greedy, and
unworthy of anyone's trust.
We're heading for an economic
calamity because the number of
immoral politicians and financiers
has reached a critical mass and is
finally too great to be ignored,
denied or survived
Back about A.D. 1995,
President Bill Clinton's
reputation for lying inspired
the "$6 Bill"-a joke "paper dollar"
that included pictures of Bill Clinton
on one side and Monica on the other,
a few witticisms, and a big, bold number
"6" in each of the four corners.
The $6 Bills were so obviously a joke
that they couldn't be construed
as counterfeits.
Even so, a friend of mine conducted
an "experiment" in which he paid for
hotdogs and cokes at several
convenience stores with "$6 Bills".
The clerks (primarily immigrants)
accepted the joke "dollars"
and even gave change
The indictment
of Goldman Sachs is as deceptive
as the "financial reform" bill that
'President' 'Obama' and the liberals
are pushing on Capitol Hill, says
Zubi Diamond, author of the
blockbuster book,
Wizards of Wall Street.
Diamond is warning
legislators not to fall for the 'Obama'
Administration's claim that the legislation
somehow punishes Wall Street
for bad financial practices.
Diamond, who has emerged
as a major critic of the unregulated
hedge fund industry, says he was not
surprised that the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) named hedge fund
short-seller John Paulson as a key player
in the Goldman Sachs scheme to defraud
investors but failed to indict him.
Diamond says
that Paulson is being let off the hook
because he is a member of the most
powerful special interest group working
the corridors of power in Washington,
D.C.-the Managed Funds Association
He says the major media are afraid
of taking on the MFA, which calls
itself "the voice of the global
alternative investment industry,"
because of its tremendous
financial clout.
"The SEC charges
against Goldman Sachs are a ruse,
a ploy, and a smokescreen to get the
Dodd financial reform passed,"
he said.
The bill, he argues, fails to hold the
multibillion dollar hedge fund short
sellers accountable for their illegal
market manipulations.
One of these short sellers,
not named in the Goldman suit,
is billionaire George Soros, known
as the man who "broke the Bank
of England" by betting against the
British pound and who was convicted
of insider trading in France
The fraud charges
against Goldman Sachs & Co.
that rocked financial markets
are no slam dunk, as hazy evidence
and strategic pitfalls could easily trip
up government lawyers.
Yet that hardly matters,
experts say, because the
allegations will kick off a
new era of litigation that
could entangle Goldman
and other banks for years
to come.
The charges against Goldman
relate to a complex investment
tied to the performance of pools
of risky mortgages.
In a complaint filed Friday,
the Securities and Exchange
Commission alleged that Goldman
marketed the package to investors
without disclosing a major conflict
of interest : The pools were picked
by another client, a prominent hedge
fund that was betting that the housing
bubble would burst
Kitco Daily
edges closer to
economic Armageddon,
reports of scandals in
government, banking
and financial institutions
grow increasingly common.
Many people suppose these
scandals to be a result of
economic troubles.
I.e., the public
is under economic
stress and looking for
someone, anyone, to blame.
Therefore, the public
is hungry for "scandals
of the rich and famous"
and our news/infotainment
industry is happy to provide
whatever the public
will pay to believe.
But the truth is
that the current rash
of scandals is not the
result of the economic
crises-it's the cause
(or at least evidence of the cause).
We're heading towards
an economic collapse because
the people in government and
finance who claim to be trustworthy
are actually immoral, greedy, and
unworthy of anyone's trust.
We're heading for an economic
calamity because the number of
immoral politicians and financiers
has reached a critical mass and is
finally too great to be ignored,
denied or survived
Back about A.D. 1995,
President Bill Clinton's
reputation for lying inspired
the "$6 Bill"-a joke "paper dollar"
that included pictures of Bill Clinton
on one side and Monica on the other,
a few witticisms, and a big, bold number
"6" in each of the four corners.
The $6 Bills were so obviously a joke
that they couldn't be construed
as counterfeits.
Even so, a friend of mine conducted
an "experiment" in which he paid for
hotdogs and cokes at several
convenience stores with "$6 Bills".
The clerks (primarily immigrants)
accepted the joke "dollars"
and even gave change
The indictment
of Goldman Sachs is as deceptive
as the "financial reform" bill that
'President' 'Obama' and the liberals
are pushing on Capitol Hill, says
Zubi Diamond, author of the
blockbuster book,
Wizards of Wall Street.
Diamond is warning
legislators not to fall for the 'Obama'
Administration's claim that the legislation
somehow punishes Wall Street
for bad financial practices.
Diamond, who has emerged
as a major critic of the unregulated
hedge fund industry, says he was not
surprised that the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) named hedge fund
short-seller John Paulson as a key player
in the Goldman Sachs scheme to defraud
investors but failed to indict him.
Diamond says
that Paulson is being let off the hook
because he is a member of the most
powerful special interest group working
the corridors of power in Washington,
D.C.-the Managed Funds Association
He says the major media are afraid
of taking on the MFA, which calls
itself "the voice of the global
alternative investment industry,"
because of its tremendous
financial clout.
"The SEC charges
against Goldman Sachs are a ruse,
a ploy, and a smokescreen to get the
Dodd financial reform passed,"
he said.
The bill, he argues, fails to hold the
multibillion dollar hedge fund short
sellers accountable for their illegal
market manipulations.
One of these short sellers,
not named in the Goldman suit,
is billionaire George Soros, known
as the man who "broke the Bank
of England" by betting against the
British pound and who was convicted
of insider trading in France
The fraud charges
against Goldman Sachs & Co.
that rocked financial markets
are no slam dunk, as hazy evidence
and strategic pitfalls could easily trip
up government lawyers.
Yet that hardly matters,
experts say, because the
allegations will kick off a
new era of litigation that
could entangle Goldman
and other banks for years
to come.
The charges against Goldman
relate to a complex investment
tied to the performance of pools
of risky mortgages.
In a complaint filed Friday,
the Securities and Exchange
Commission alleged that Goldman
marketed the package to investors
without disclosing a major conflict
of interest : The pools were picked
by another client, a prominent hedge
fund that was betting that the housing
bubble would burst
Kitco Daily
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Eternal Tea Party 4 Ever ;
Global Commie
Bill Clinton Lies :
Tea Parties Are Not A Source
Of 'Domestic Terrorism'
as the Commie Global Unionists
& the Commie Global Unionist
Big Media Continues To Imply ;
Congressional Republican
leaders are hoping to harness
the energy of the Tea Party this
fall in their effort to take back
control of Congress.
Earlier this year,
House Minority Leader
John Boehner (Ohio) praised
Tea Party activists on the first
anniversary of the movement.
At the time, Boehner said,
"These great patriots have
been at the forefront of a
growing political rebellion
born from the American
people's opposition to
greater government control
over our economy and our
Boehner added,
"It's not enough, however,
for Republicans to simply voice
respect for what the Tea Partiers
are doing, praise their efforts and
participate in their rallies.
Republicans must listen to them,
stand with them and walk among them"
In less than two years,
the Commie 'Obama'
Administration has increased
non-defense Commie discretionary
spending by 84 percent!
The Congressional
Budget Office predicts
that under the Commie 'President's'
Commie spending plans, the Commie
deficits over the next ten years will total
$9.8 trillion.
The Commie 'President''s
FY2011 budget raises Commie
taxes by $3 trillion and increases
Commie federal spending by $1.6
trillion over the next ten years.
If enacted,
this Commie budget
would increase the 2010
Commie deficit to more than
$1.5 trillion, and leave a Commie
deficit of more than $1 trillion even
after an assumed return to peace
and prosperity.
The Commie 'President''s
Commie budget will double
our national debt over the
next decade.
If we fail to implement
a fiscally responsible budget,
our children and grandchildren
will inherit a legacy of Commie debt.
They face
the very real possibility
of less prosperity than
our generation.
What the Commie majority
in Congress is doing to them
is unacceptable.
We cannot stand by
and allow that to happen.
As a taxpayer,
ask yourself how
your money is being spent,
and if you don't like it, let your
congressman, senators, and
'president' know.
We still have the power to change
the direction of our great Nation
The reality of a Commie
Value Added Tax, VAT, is
that rates often increase after
Denmark's Commie VAT
started at 9 percent and rests
now at 25 percent ; Germany's
grew from 10 to 19 percent,
and Italy's from 12 to 20 percent.
These Commie increases
do nothing to curb Commie
federal spending-instead, they
encourage more of it.
Moreover, Commie
experiences in Europe
show that adding a Commie
VAT does not result in less
Commie federal borrowing.
A Commie VAT
in the United States would
not replace current taxes, but
rather join their ranks.
This would be in addition
to the Commie tax increases
and new taxes imposed already by
the Commie 'Obama' Administration,
including expiration of the Bush tax
cuts for high-earners, an increase in
the dividends tax rate, an increase in
the capital gains tax rate, and a total
of 18 new Commie taxes under the
recently-passed Commie
'health' 'care' 'bill'.
Adding a Commie VAT
to Americans' Commie tax
burden will choke economic
growth in the United States.
Several better routes
for restoring federal fiscal
responsibility already exist-
the Commie 'President's' deficit
reduction commission should pursue
these instead lest it become a tool to
lock in Commie 'President' 'Obama's'
Commie big spending Commie big
government agenda - permanently
Commie Affirmative Action
'President' 'Obama' has met
with members of Congress to
jawbone them on the pending
Commie 'financial' 'reform'
Commie Bailout 'bill'.
From a section of the Commie 'bill'
entitled "Funding for Orderly
The Commie text reads
that the Commie Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation,
the designated Commie federal
receiver for failing financial firms,
"may make available.funds for
the orderly liquidation of [a]
covered financial institution."
Where are those funds to come from?
Well, on page 272 the Commie 'bill'
creates an Commie "Orderly Resolution
Fund" within the U.S. Treasury.
The target size of this fund?
Fifty billlion dollars.
Under the Commie 'bill'
a firm's shareholders would
be forced to bear the cost of
a firm's failure.
But the failing firm's other
creditors would be eligible
for a cash bailout.
The situation is much like
the Commie scheme implemented
for Commie AIG in 2008, in which
the largest beneficiaries weren't
stockholders, but rather other
creditors, including foreign firms
such as Deutsche Bank.
This is Hardly
a model to be emulated.
The second Commie line
of defense is that, bailout or not,
the funds are to come from fees on
big banks, not from taxes.
But that's a distinction
without a difference -
whether it's called a fee or
a tax, the effect is the same.
And the fact that it will be
paid by "big banks" is hardly
cause for relief.
Like other Commie taxes, these would
certainly be passed on to consumers,
who would ultimately pay the tab
Commie 'Obama' did 'pledge'
often and everywhere that
Americans individuals making
under $200,000 individually or
families making under $250,000
would not see an increase in 'their'
Commie taxes.
by 'signing' 'into' 'law'
the Commie Patient Protection
and Commie Affordable Care Act
(PPACA) of 2010, Commie 'President'
'Obama' has officially turned his back
on that promise.
As a Senior Tax Policy Analyst
points out, the impact of Commie
'Obamacare' on taxpayers will
spread wide and cut deep.
Overall, there are 18
new Commie taxes slipped
into this 'bill', raising $503 billion
over a ten-year period to cement
Commie Democrats' dubious
Commie claim of budget neutrality.
Chief among these Commie
taxes are :
- A 40 percent Commie
excise tax on health insurance plans
- An Commie increase
in the Hospital Insurance
(HI) portion of the Commie
payroll tax
- Commie Payroll taxes on investment
- Commie Mandates on individuals
and businesses to purchase health
insurance, enforced with Commie
penalties in the event of
Patience will be more than a virtue,
under Commie Obamacare.
It'll be a necessity.
Americans can expect
longer and longer waits before
they see a Commie doctor.
One reason is that there
just won't be enough Commie
doctors to get the job done.
10 years from now,
the United States will short 85,000
primary care and high-demand
specialty physicians.
Says Dr. Kevin Pho, an internal
medicine physician in New Hampshire,
"I don't think we have the primary care
capacity to meet the influx
of 35 million newly insured."
But Commie Obamacare
will make these problems worse.
Because the new Commie 'law'
will add another Commie federal
layer of Commie bureaucracy and
its mind numbing Commie rules and
Commie regulations to medical
practice while reducing physician
Not surprisingly,
many physicians say they will
voluntarily leave the profession.
The biggest Commie change
is the massive expansion of Medicaid.
The Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) reports that roughly half of
the newly insured under Commie
Obamacare will be covered by
Commie Medicaid, a poorly
performing Commie welfare
Commie Medicaid
pays physicians on average 56
percent of the payment they obtain
under private insurance.
Doctors anticipate more
and more patients to be shifted
onto Commie Medicaid, even as
physician reimbursements are
Some also fear Commie
Obamacare's use of Commie
"comparative effectiveness research"
will stifle medical innovation at the
clinical level and pressure them to
standardize medical treatments,
rather than tailor them to the
particular needs of each patient
The Commie 'Obama'
Administration's signature
Commie Mind Control K-12
education program, Commie Race
to the Top, has gotten a lot of press
in the last couple weeks with the
announcement of first-round winners
Tennessee and Delaware.
But for all the Commie
hullabaloo and homework
it's created for states, Commie
Race to the Top represents only
a small part of the overall K-12
education budget ($4.5 billion
compared to $46.2 billion in 2010,
not to mention $80 billion overall in
Commie K-12 funding from the 2009
stimulus bill) and functions outside the
existent Commie federal policy
apparatus-essentially as the
Commie Secretary's slush fund.
Just as Commie Race
to the Top seems to let
Commie unions set the
high-water mark for state
reforms, the Commie blueprint's
familiar Commie liberal refrains
raise questions about how far the
Commie 'Obama' administration's
ideas will actually depart from the
Commie status quo.
- Commie Redistribution Of Wealth
Spreads to schools
- New push for Commie national
- Retreats on parental options
- Shows the problems with Commie
federal overreach in education
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds
Bill Clinton Lies :
Tea Parties Are Not A Source
Of 'Domestic Terrorism'
as the Commie Global Unionists
& the Commie Global Unionist
Big Media Continues To Imply ;
Congressional Republican
leaders are hoping to harness
the energy of the Tea Party this
fall in their effort to take back
control of Congress.
Earlier this year,
House Minority Leader
John Boehner (Ohio) praised
Tea Party activists on the first
anniversary of the movement.
At the time, Boehner said,
"These great patriots have
been at the forefront of a
growing political rebellion
born from the American
people's opposition to
greater government control
over our economy and our
Boehner added,
"It's not enough, however,
for Republicans to simply voice
respect for what the Tea Partiers
are doing, praise their efforts and
participate in their rallies.
Republicans must listen to them,
stand with them and walk among them"
In less than two years,
the Commie 'Obama'
Administration has increased
non-defense Commie discretionary
spending by 84 percent!
The Congressional
Budget Office predicts
that under the Commie 'President's'
Commie spending plans, the Commie
deficits over the next ten years will total
$9.8 trillion.
The Commie 'President''s
FY2011 budget raises Commie
taxes by $3 trillion and increases
Commie federal spending by $1.6
trillion over the next ten years.
If enacted,
this Commie budget
would increase the 2010
Commie deficit to more than
$1.5 trillion, and leave a Commie
deficit of more than $1 trillion even
after an assumed return to peace
and prosperity.
The Commie 'President''s
Commie budget will double
our national debt over the
next decade.
If we fail to implement
a fiscally responsible budget,
our children and grandchildren
will inherit a legacy of Commie debt.
They face
the very real possibility
of less prosperity than
our generation.
What the Commie majority
in Congress is doing to them
is unacceptable.
We cannot stand by
and allow that to happen.
As a taxpayer,
ask yourself how
your money is being spent,
and if you don't like it, let your
congressman, senators, and
'president' know.
We still have the power to change
the direction of our great Nation
The reality of a Commie
Value Added Tax, VAT, is
that rates often increase after
Denmark's Commie VAT
started at 9 percent and rests
now at 25 percent ; Germany's
grew from 10 to 19 percent,
and Italy's from 12 to 20 percent.
These Commie increases
do nothing to curb Commie
federal spending-instead, they
encourage more of it.
Moreover, Commie
experiences in Europe
show that adding a Commie
VAT does not result in less
Commie federal borrowing.
A Commie VAT
in the United States would
not replace current taxes, but
rather join their ranks.
This would be in addition
to the Commie tax increases
and new taxes imposed already by
the Commie 'Obama' Administration,
including expiration of the Bush tax
cuts for high-earners, an increase in
the dividends tax rate, an increase in
the capital gains tax rate, and a total
of 18 new Commie taxes under the
recently-passed Commie
'health' 'care' 'bill'.
Adding a Commie VAT
to Americans' Commie tax
burden will choke economic
growth in the United States.
Several better routes
for restoring federal fiscal
responsibility already exist-
the Commie 'President's' deficit
reduction commission should pursue
these instead lest it become a tool to
lock in Commie 'President' 'Obama's'
Commie big spending Commie big
government agenda - permanently
Commie Affirmative Action
'President' 'Obama' has met
with members of Congress to
jawbone them on the pending
Commie 'financial' 'reform'
Commie Bailout 'bill'.
From a section of the Commie 'bill'
entitled "Funding for Orderly
The Commie text reads
that the Commie Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation,
the designated Commie federal
receiver for failing financial firms,
"may make available.funds for
the orderly liquidation of [a]
covered financial institution."
Where are those funds to come from?
Well, on page 272 the Commie 'bill'
creates an Commie "Orderly Resolution
Fund" within the U.S. Treasury.
The target size of this fund?
Fifty billlion dollars.
Under the Commie 'bill'
a firm's shareholders would
be forced to bear the cost of
a firm's failure.
But the failing firm's other
creditors would be eligible
for a cash bailout.
The situation is much like
the Commie scheme implemented
for Commie AIG in 2008, in which
the largest beneficiaries weren't
stockholders, but rather other
creditors, including foreign firms
such as Deutsche Bank.
This is Hardly
a model to be emulated.
The second Commie line
of defense is that, bailout or not,
the funds are to come from fees on
big banks, not from taxes.
But that's a distinction
without a difference -
whether it's called a fee or
a tax, the effect is the same.
And the fact that it will be
paid by "big banks" is hardly
cause for relief.
Like other Commie taxes, these would
certainly be passed on to consumers,
who would ultimately pay the tab
Commie 'Obama' did 'pledge'
often and everywhere that
Americans individuals making
under $200,000 individually or
families making under $250,000
would not see an increase in 'their'
Commie taxes.
by 'signing' 'into' 'law'
the Commie Patient Protection
and Commie Affordable Care Act
(PPACA) of 2010, Commie 'President'
'Obama' has officially turned his back
on that promise.
As a Senior Tax Policy Analyst
points out, the impact of Commie
'Obamacare' on taxpayers will
spread wide and cut deep.
Overall, there are 18
new Commie taxes slipped
into this 'bill', raising $503 billion
over a ten-year period to cement
Commie Democrats' dubious
Commie claim of budget neutrality.
Chief among these Commie
taxes are :
- A 40 percent Commie
excise tax on health insurance plans
- An Commie increase
in the Hospital Insurance
(HI) portion of the Commie
payroll tax
- Commie Payroll taxes on investment
- Commie Mandates on individuals
and businesses to purchase health
insurance, enforced with Commie
penalties in the event of
Patience will be more than a virtue,
under Commie Obamacare.
It'll be a necessity.
Americans can expect
longer and longer waits before
they see a Commie doctor.
One reason is that there
just won't be enough Commie
doctors to get the job done.
10 years from now,
the United States will short 85,000
primary care and high-demand
specialty physicians.
Says Dr. Kevin Pho, an internal
medicine physician in New Hampshire,
"I don't think we have the primary care
capacity to meet the influx
of 35 million newly insured."
But Commie Obamacare
will make these problems worse.
Because the new Commie 'law'
will add another Commie federal
layer of Commie bureaucracy and
its mind numbing Commie rules and
Commie regulations to medical
practice while reducing physician
Not surprisingly,
many physicians say they will
voluntarily leave the profession.
The biggest Commie change
is the massive expansion of Medicaid.
The Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) reports that roughly half of
the newly insured under Commie
Obamacare will be covered by
Commie Medicaid, a poorly
performing Commie welfare
Commie Medicaid
pays physicians on average 56
percent of the payment they obtain
under private insurance.
Doctors anticipate more
and more patients to be shifted
onto Commie Medicaid, even as
physician reimbursements are
Some also fear Commie
Obamacare's use of Commie
"comparative effectiveness research"
will stifle medical innovation at the
clinical level and pressure them to
standardize medical treatments,
rather than tailor them to the
particular needs of each patient
The Commie 'Obama'
Administration's signature
Commie Mind Control K-12
education program, Commie Race
to the Top, has gotten a lot of press
in the last couple weeks with the
announcement of first-round winners
Tennessee and Delaware.
But for all the Commie
hullabaloo and homework
it's created for states, Commie
Race to the Top represents only
a small part of the overall K-12
education budget ($4.5 billion
compared to $46.2 billion in 2010,
not to mention $80 billion overall in
Commie K-12 funding from the 2009
stimulus bill) and functions outside the
existent Commie federal policy
apparatus-essentially as the
Commie Secretary's slush fund.
Just as Commie Race
to the Top seems to let
Commie unions set the
high-water mark for state
reforms, the Commie blueprint's
familiar Commie liberal refrains
raise questions about how far the
Commie 'Obama' administration's
ideas will actually depart from the
Commie status quo.
- Commie Redistribution Of Wealth
Spreads to schools
- New push for Commie national
- Retreats on parental options
- Shows the problems with Commie
federal overreach in education
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds
Repeal Commies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ;
House Minority Leader John Boehner
(R-Ohio) says that Republican plans to
reform Commie mortgage lenders
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
would do more to protect
"Instead of permanent Commie
bailouts for Commie 'President'
'Obama''s Commie Wall Street
allies, Republicans believe the
best way to protect taxpayers
is by reforming Commies Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac, the Commie
government-sponsored companies
that sparked the meltdown by giving
high-risk Commie loans to Commie
people who couldn't afford it," he said.
Republicans blasted Commie Senate
Democrats' Commie 'bill' as contributing
to a neverending Commie bailout fund,
and doing very little to address "too
big to fail" Commie financial institutions.
Republicans have argued
that the Commie Senate's Commie
Wall Street 'reform' 'bill' would lead
to permanent bailouts of troubled
Commie banks because of a $50
billion fund that is set up to pay for
dissolving Commie 'financial'
'institutions' whose collapse
'could' 'threaten' the economy.
Republicans argue
taxpayers will have to bolster
the fund with additional resources
Three Senate Republicans
are in the spotlight as possible
votes for a Commie Wall Street
'reform' 'bill'.
Sens. Susan Collins (Maine),
Bob Corker (Tenn.) and Judd Gregg
(N.H.) are all seen as gettable votes
by Commie Democrats, who plan to
bring their Commie 'financial' 'overhaul'
'legislation' to the floor next week.
Collins has declined
to sign a letter circulated by GOP
leaders that would commit Republicans
to voting against the Commie legislation
prepared by Commie Senate Banking
Committee Chairman Chris Dodd
Commie Democrats
are likely to need more than one
Republican to join them on the
Commie 'financial' 'overhaul'.
Commie Senate Democratic Whip
Dick Durbin (Ill.) said Thursday he
is not certain Commie Democrats
would have all 59 votes in their
conference for a motion to proceed
to the Commie 'bill'.
Senate GOP Leader
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
has led the charge against
the Commie 'financial' 'bill',
calling it 'legislation' that
perpetuates Commie
government 'bailouts'
of 'financial' 'institutions'.
Commie Dodd filed 'his' 'bill'
with the full Senate on Thursday
evening, and Commie Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
has signaled his intention to bring
it to the floor next week.
Commie Reid's timeline
sets up a key procedural vote
on a motion to proceed that might
be seen as a test for Republicans,
staking out which - if any - GOP
senators are willing to break ranks.
Commie Democrats appear to be
daring Republicans to vote against
the Commie 'bill' in a belief that public
opinion will punish lawmakers
seen as protecting big banks
Commie Public interest groups
hope the White House appoints
another Commie ethics czar if the
current officeholder leaves, thereby
institutionalizing a position Commie
'President' 'Obama' created.
Speculation has been rife
that Commie Norm Eisen,
the Commie president's 'special'
'counsel' for 'ethics' and 'government'
'reform', will be nominated for U.S.
ambassador to the Czech Republic.
A Commie White House
spokesman declined to comment
on press reports saying so and
Commie Eisen did not respond
to messages asking for comment
Commie Federal regulators
would have more Commie
power to restrict the use of
chemicals 'deemed' a 'health'
'hazard' under 'legislation' that
is likely to trigger a lobbying
fight among stakeholders
Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds
(R-Ohio) says that Republican plans to
reform Commie mortgage lenders
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
would do more to protect
"Instead of permanent Commie
bailouts for Commie 'President'
'Obama''s Commie Wall Street
allies, Republicans believe the
best way to protect taxpayers
is by reforming Commies Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac, the Commie
government-sponsored companies
that sparked the meltdown by giving
high-risk Commie loans to Commie
people who couldn't afford it," he said.
Republicans blasted Commie Senate
Democrats' Commie 'bill' as contributing
to a neverending Commie bailout fund,
and doing very little to address "too
big to fail" Commie financial institutions.
Republicans have argued
that the Commie Senate's Commie
Wall Street 'reform' 'bill' would lead
to permanent bailouts of troubled
Commie banks because of a $50
billion fund that is set up to pay for
dissolving Commie 'financial'
'institutions' whose collapse
'could' 'threaten' the economy.
Republicans argue
taxpayers will have to bolster
the fund with additional resources
Three Senate Republicans
are in the spotlight as possible
votes for a Commie Wall Street
'reform' 'bill'.
Sens. Susan Collins (Maine),
Bob Corker (Tenn.) and Judd Gregg
(N.H.) are all seen as gettable votes
by Commie Democrats, who plan to
bring their Commie 'financial' 'overhaul'
'legislation' to the floor next week.
Collins has declined
to sign a letter circulated by GOP
leaders that would commit Republicans
to voting against the Commie legislation
prepared by Commie Senate Banking
Committee Chairman Chris Dodd
Commie Democrats
are likely to need more than one
Republican to join them on the
Commie 'financial' 'overhaul'.
Commie Senate Democratic Whip
Dick Durbin (Ill.) said Thursday he
is not certain Commie Democrats
would have all 59 votes in their
conference for a motion to proceed
to the Commie 'bill'.
Senate GOP Leader
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
has led the charge against
the Commie 'financial' 'bill',
calling it 'legislation' that
perpetuates Commie
government 'bailouts'
of 'financial' 'institutions'.
Commie Dodd filed 'his' 'bill'
with the full Senate on Thursday
evening, and Commie Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
has signaled his intention to bring
it to the floor next week.
Commie Reid's timeline
sets up a key procedural vote
on a motion to proceed that might
be seen as a test for Republicans,
staking out which - if any - GOP
senators are willing to break ranks.
Commie Democrats appear to be
daring Republicans to vote against
the Commie 'bill' in a belief that public
opinion will punish lawmakers
seen as protecting big banks
Commie Public interest groups
hope the White House appoints
another Commie ethics czar if the
current officeholder leaves, thereby
institutionalizing a position Commie
'President' 'Obama' created.
Speculation has been rife
that Commie Norm Eisen,
the Commie president's 'special'
'counsel' for 'ethics' and 'government'
'reform', will be nominated for U.S.
ambassador to the Czech Republic.
A Commie White House
spokesman declined to comment
on press reports saying so and
Commie Eisen did not respond
to messages asking for comment
Commie Federal regulators
would have more Commie
power to restrict the use of
chemicals 'deemed' a 'health'
'hazard' under 'legislation' that
is likely to trigger a lobbying
fight among stakeholders
Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds
We The People to The Tea Parties : We Love You & We Thank You ;
But Not You Commie
Dick Armey Because You
Are Way Too Chummy
With Those Commie Illegal
Aliens ;
The lone Democrat
to be endorsed by the
Tea Party movement
said Friday he's happy
to have their backing,
though he vowed to
maintain his political
First-term Rep.
Walt Minnick (D-Idaho)
said Friday that his work
on balancing the budget
and eliminating earmarks
had led the often conservative
movement to endorse him.
"Well, they are just ordinary folks
who think the government ought to
balance its budget," Minnick said of
Tea Partiers.
"There's nothing very radical about that.
So I'm pleased to have their endorsement."
The Securities and Exchange
Commission on Friday formally
accused Goldman Sachs, one of
the nation's preeminent investment
banks, of fraud, sending the bank's
shares plunging.
In a 22-page complaint
filed with the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of New York,
the SEC alleged that Goldman Sachs
defrauded clients by creating and selling
a mortgage investment fund
that was designed to fail.
The SEC suit 'helps' Commie
Senate Democrats' message
strategy for next week, when
Commie Senate Majority Leader
Commie Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
hopes to bring a Commie
Democratic 'financial' 'reform'
'bill' to the floor.
Commie Democrats hope
to paint Republicans who
oppose the Commie Wall Street
'reform' 'bill' as doing the dirty
work of big banks that want
to avoid tighter regulation.
Commie Illegal Aliens
Need To Pack Up Their
Commie Families, Go Back
To Their Commie Homelands
& Don't Come Back ;
In the absence of federal enforcement
a Mexican border state blasted by a
Commie illegal immigration pandemic
has passed legislation that bans
"sanctuary city" policies and
makes it a state crime to be in
the U.S. without proper
The law marks
an unprecedented effort by a state
to take Commie immigration matters
into its own hands since Commie
immigration offenses are currently
violations of Commie federal law
that cannot be enforced
by local police.
But lawmakers in Arizona
are fed up with the enormous
toll that Commie illegal aliens
are having on their state as the
Commie feds sit idly by and 'fail'
to secure the southern border.
Commie Illegal aliens
will be charged in state court
with trespassing and anyone-
documented or undocumented-
seeking work from a road or sidewalk
will also be criminally prosecuted.
Drivers who pick up Commie
illegal alien day laborers will also
be punished when the law kicks in.
Predictably, Commie immigration
advocates are incensed and have
called on Arizona Governor Jan
Brewer to veto the measure which
they assert is racist.
The Commie legal director
of a influential Commie national
group that represents Commie day
laborers calls it an "unconstitutional,
unwise and odious bill" created by
"demagogue leaders" who have
become folk heroes for
"white supremacists"
throughout the country
Putting Commie environmental
preservation ahead of national
security, the Commie Interior
Department prevents Border
Patrol agents from securing
heavily transited federal wildlife
refuges along the Mexican border,
including the one used by a Commie
illegal immigrant who recently murdered
an Arizona rancher.
The Commie Mexican national
entered the U.S. through the
2,300-acre San Bernardino
National Wildlife Refuge and
subsequently escaped through
it after gunning down rancher
Robert Krentz a few weeks ago.
For years,
Border Patrol agents have
been prohibited by the Commie
Interior Department and the U.S.
Commie Forest Service from actively
patrolling such areas because it
'threatens' natural resources.
Four Republicans
on the House Natural
Resources Committee
have introduced legislation
that will prohibit the Commie
Department of the Interior (DOI)
from using Commie environmental
regulations to hinder U.S. Border
Patrol from securing the border
on federal lands.
As a result of Commie DOI's
actions these federal lands have
become an unpatrolled highway
that's open to Commie criminals,
drug smugglers, human traffickers
and terrorists who endanger
American lives the lawmakers say.
The Commie Interior Department
is the primary management agency
for nearly half of the land along the
U.S.-Mexican border and around
10% of the Canadian border.
Nearly all of the land is sparsely
populated with easy Commie access
into the U.S. from Mexico.
Commie Terrorist could easily
smuggle nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons through
these routes, according to a
government threat assessment
for public lands
In the latest of many scandals
involving Commie 'President'
'Obama''s monstrous Commie
stimulus, a Commie fraud-infested
welfare program to make low-income
houses 'energy' 'efficient' is cheating
taxpayers out of billions with a recent
example documented in Wisconsin.
At least $5 billion in Commie
stimulus funds have been allocated
to Commie "weatherization" programs
nationwide with virtually no oversight
and plenty of Commie corruption.
The U.S. Commie Department
of Energy distributes the Commie
cash to local Commie "community
groups" that usually subcontract
companies to do the actual work.
Low-income 'homeowners'
get free insulation, sealing and
even new central heating and
cooling systems compliments
Taxpayer Uncle Sam.
Some people even get new
refrigerators, water heaters
and furnaces.
In Wisconsin a Commie
nonprofit called La Casa
de Esperanza (The House of Hope)
got nearly $20 million to Commie
weatherize homes in three counties
but instead has spent some of the
money on gift cards for its Commie
employees, Christmas decorations,
Halloween candy and to pay parking
tickets, according to a Milwaukee
newspaper report.
Additionally, the husband
of a Commie charity employee
illegally got $10,000 worth of U.S.
taxpayer-financed Commie work on
his home and much of the Commie
weatherization done on houses that
actually qualified was faulty or didn't
meet the federal standards.
In all, Wisconsin is getting
$141.5 million in Commie
stimulus funds for its Commie
weatherization projects
Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds
Dick Armey Because You
Are Way Too Chummy
With Those Commie Illegal
Aliens ;
The lone Democrat
to be endorsed by the
Tea Party movement
said Friday he's happy
to have their backing,
though he vowed to
maintain his political
First-term Rep.
Walt Minnick (D-Idaho)
said Friday that his work
on balancing the budget
and eliminating earmarks
had led the often conservative
movement to endorse him.
"Well, they are just ordinary folks
who think the government ought to
balance its budget," Minnick said of
Tea Partiers.
"There's nothing very radical about that.
So I'm pleased to have their endorsement."
The Securities and Exchange
Commission on Friday formally
accused Goldman Sachs, one of
the nation's preeminent investment
banks, of fraud, sending the bank's
shares plunging.
In a 22-page complaint
filed with the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of New York,
the SEC alleged that Goldman Sachs
defrauded clients by creating and selling
a mortgage investment fund
that was designed to fail.
The SEC suit 'helps' Commie
Senate Democrats' message
strategy for next week, when
Commie Senate Majority Leader
Commie Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
hopes to bring a Commie
Democratic 'financial' 'reform'
'bill' to the floor.
Commie Democrats hope
to paint Republicans who
oppose the Commie Wall Street
'reform' 'bill' as doing the dirty
work of big banks that want
to avoid tighter regulation.
Commie Illegal Aliens
Need To Pack Up Their
Commie Families, Go Back
To Their Commie Homelands
& Don't Come Back ;
In the absence of federal enforcement
a Mexican border state blasted by a
Commie illegal immigration pandemic
has passed legislation that bans
"sanctuary city" policies and
makes it a state crime to be in
the U.S. without proper
The law marks
an unprecedented effort by a state
to take Commie immigration matters
into its own hands since Commie
immigration offenses are currently
violations of Commie federal law
that cannot be enforced
by local police.
But lawmakers in Arizona
are fed up with the enormous
toll that Commie illegal aliens
are having on their state as the
Commie feds sit idly by and 'fail'
to secure the southern border.
Commie Illegal aliens
will be charged in state court
with trespassing and anyone-
documented or undocumented-
seeking work from a road or sidewalk
will also be criminally prosecuted.
Drivers who pick up Commie
illegal alien day laborers will also
be punished when the law kicks in.
Predictably, Commie immigration
advocates are incensed and have
called on Arizona Governor Jan
Brewer to veto the measure which
they assert is racist.
The Commie legal director
of a influential Commie national
group that represents Commie day
laborers calls it an "unconstitutional,
unwise and odious bill" created by
"demagogue leaders" who have
become folk heroes for
"white supremacists"
throughout the country
Putting Commie environmental
preservation ahead of national
security, the Commie Interior
Department prevents Border
Patrol agents from securing
heavily transited federal wildlife
refuges along the Mexican border,
including the one used by a Commie
illegal immigrant who recently murdered
an Arizona rancher.
The Commie Mexican national
entered the U.S. through the
2,300-acre San Bernardino
National Wildlife Refuge and
subsequently escaped through
it after gunning down rancher
Robert Krentz a few weeks ago.
For years,
Border Patrol agents have
been prohibited by the Commie
Interior Department and the U.S.
Commie Forest Service from actively
patrolling such areas because it
'threatens' natural resources.
Four Republicans
on the House Natural
Resources Committee
have introduced legislation
that will prohibit the Commie
Department of the Interior (DOI)
from using Commie environmental
regulations to hinder U.S. Border
Patrol from securing the border
on federal lands.
As a result of Commie DOI's
actions these federal lands have
become an unpatrolled highway
that's open to Commie criminals,
drug smugglers, human traffickers
and terrorists who endanger
American lives the lawmakers say.
The Commie Interior Department
is the primary management agency
for nearly half of the land along the
U.S.-Mexican border and around
10% of the Canadian border.
Nearly all of the land is sparsely
populated with easy Commie access
into the U.S. from Mexico.
Commie Terrorist could easily
smuggle nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons through
these routes, according to a
government threat assessment
for public lands
In the latest of many scandals
involving Commie 'President'
'Obama''s monstrous Commie
stimulus, a Commie fraud-infested
welfare program to make low-income
houses 'energy' 'efficient' is cheating
taxpayers out of billions with a recent
example documented in Wisconsin.
At least $5 billion in Commie
stimulus funds have been allocated
to Commie "weatherization" programs
nationwide with virtually no oversight
and plenty of Commie corruption.
The U.S. Commie Department
of Energy distributes the Commie
cash to local Commie "community
groups" that usually subcontract
companies to do the actual work.
Low-income 'homeowners'
get free insulation, sealing and
even new central heating and
cooling systems compliments
Taxpayer Uncle Sam.
Some people even get new
refrigerators, water heaters
and furnaces.
In Wisconsin a Commie
nonprofit called La Casa
de Esperanza (The House of Hope)
got nearly $20 million to Commie
weatherize homes in three counties
but instead has spent some of the
money on gift cards for its Commie
employees, Christmas decorations,
Halloween candy and to pay parking
tickets, according to a Milwaukee
newspaper report.
Additionally, the husband
of a Commie charity employee
illegally got $10,000 worth of U.S.
taxpayer-financed Commie work on
his home and much of the Commie
weatherization done on houses that
actually qualified was faulty or didn't
meet the federal standards.
In all, Wisconsin is getting
$141.5 million in Commie
stimulus funds for its Commie
weatherization projects
Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds
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