Thursday, April 29, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminals : The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility ;

There are several things
most people don't know about
the National Commission on Fiscal
Responsibility, created by President
Obama, to get control of the spiraling
federal debt.

It has no actual authority
to cut or control anything,
least of all the budget.

The people running it
think fiscal responsibility
means raising taxes.

The big-government spenders
and taxers outnumber
the budget-cutters.

The 18-member commission
held its first meeting Tuesday,
at which Obama, breaking with
his campaign pledge not to raise
taxes on the middle class, said that
"everything has to be on the table,"
even ways to pay for his new
$1 trillion healthcare scheme.

Recently, Obama and other top
administration officials have been
sending signals that they are open
to raising taxes, even if it means
hitting those who earn less
than $250,000 a year.

The administration
and top Democratic leaders
in Congress are already planning
on letting the 2001 income tax rate
cuts on the two top brackets expire
at the end of this year, effectively
shoving the 35% top tax rate
to over 40%.

And the White House
has let it be known that they
are considering a number of
other taxes such as the Value
Added Tax, or VAT, that would
result in a new national federal sales
tax, hitting everyone.

Obama created the commission
in February after polls showed that
a vocal, sizable majority of Americans
gave him poor marks on controlling
spending and the budget deficit, and
that this is emerging as a paramount
issue in the midterm elections.

Federal spending will soar
to almost $4 trillion in fiscal 2011,
up from $3.5 trillion.

The deficit last year hit $1.4 trillion,
a post-World War II record, which
equaled about 10% of the nation's
$14 trillion economy.

The Congressional Budget Office
forecasts that the yearly gap between
spending and tax revenue will be in the
trillion dollar-plus range for much of this
decade, with the public debt skyrocketing
from $9.2 trillion this year
to $20.3 trillion in 2020.

Obama signaled his true intentions
about reining in spending by picking
as co-chairmen to head the commission
two men who have a history of supporting
higher taxes and increased spending

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Hell Care Coup ;

The President's health care law
will only exacerbate the entitlement

While Obamacare seeks
some cost-savings (witness
its ham-fisted treatment of popular
Medicare Advantage plans), it does
nothing to reform the overall structure
of the Medicare entitlement.

While the new law carves out
$529 billion in Medicare "savings,"
it calls for using those funds-and
trillions more-to bankroll even more
expansive health care entitlements

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Wall Street Welfare
Taxpayer Handout Bill :

Rather than being the targets
of this bill, Wall Street financiers
will be rewarded by it.

The chairman of Goldman Sachs,
Lloyd Blankfein, told a Senate
subcommittee, "The biggest
beneficiary of reform is
Wall Street itself."

The quickest way to pass
another big-government bill
is to label it "anti-bailout,"
even when it's the

Obama claims that so long as taxpayer
money doesn't go directly to a company
or to its shareholders, it's not a bailout.

But he considers it okay to send billions
to pay off that company's creditors-
who typically are big companies
and Wall Street firms.

To the rest of us,
paying a company's debts IS the bailout,
as we've already seen happen multiple times.

When whipping boy Goldman Sachs says
they like the proposed punishment, they're
not being masochists.

They know that they're getting
a government guarantee that they
and their friends-as creditors-
won't suffer losses when a business
partner goes under.

Plus anyone doing business
with the Wall Street big boys
knows they won't take a loss
thanks to the proposed law.

They'll get more business
thanks to that assurance and protection.

The financial reform bill
has plenty of other dangerous flaws,
but the bailout issue attracts the
most attention.

The selling of this bill
echoes the pattern used
to pass Obamacare; only
now are some realizing just
how many false claims were
used to jam that health care
bill into law.

Nobody should forget
that the supporters of the
financial reform measure are
mostly the same members of
Congress who made false claims
about the health package.

People also should remember
that most of these same members
of Congress supported the original
bailouts, making their current
criticism of bankers ring hollow

Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal Value
Added Tax ;

Recently President Obama
and members of his economic team
voiced their support for a European-style
value-added tax, or VAT, as one solution
to our ever-growing 13 trillion
dollar federal debt.

A tax-and-spend economic policy
that includes a value-added tax is
precisely the wrong medicine for
our ailing economy and will do little
to get our deficits under control over
the long-term.

Implementing a national VAT
would add more taxes on to the
shoulders of millions of working
families that already feel they pay
too much in federal taxes.

is just another stealthy federal tax.

What's more, the value-added tax
is a proven job-killer that would burden
our economy at the worst possible time.

Leading economists predict
that even a relatively small VAT
of 3 percent could destroy up 2.1
million jobs by its fifth year of

Americans should look no further
than Greece where its 19 percent VAT
has contributed to that country's economic
turmoil where it sits on the brink of bankruptcy.

Since President Obama took office
in January 2009 non-defense discretionary
spending has increased by more than 84 percent.

Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Dodd
'financial' 'reform' 'bill' ;

The Dodd financial reform bill
is beginning to scare executives.

It is scaring motor cycle manufacturers,
college presidents, retailers, car dealers,
and even coffee shop executives.

All of these people and more
are waking up to the Dodd bill's threat
to their businesses.

If you read the Dodd financial reform bill
carefully, the words "bank" or "financial"
could refer to many more people
than just bankers.

So, if you run a company or a college
or just about anything that might remotely
offer a financial product to consumers,
the Wall Street fat cats this bill aims
to regulate just might include you

Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Try To
Hide Washington's role in
creating the 2008 financial
crisis :

It was the government-created
and subsidized Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac that played leading
roles in the markets at the center
of the housing storm.

But the left prioritized their political
goals over financial reality.

Rep. Barney Frank told the House
Financial Services Committee :

"These two entities-Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac-are not facing any kind
of financial crisis," and

"[t]he more people exaggerate these
problems, the more pressure there is
on these companies, the less we will
see in terms of affordable housing."

And the author of the very financial
reform bill currently being debated in
the Senate, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) ,
told CNN in July of 2008 :

"To suggest somehow that
[Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac]
are in trouble is simply not accurate."

Just two months later, completely
overrun by bad debt, both companies
were placed in conservatorship.

So unable to acknowledge the
government's role in the last crisis,
not only were Fannie and Freddie
not mentioned at yesterday's hearing,
they are not included in Dodd's
financial regulation bill at all.

Hence the need
for a villain like Goldman

Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal 'Alternatives'
To Coal & Oil Energy Are
All A Load Of Expensive
Wasteful Toxic Commie Fraud
& Crap :

Unfortunately, solar and wind
technologies require huge amounts
of land to deliver relatively small
amounts of energy, disrupting
natural habitats.

Even an aging natural gas well
producing 60,000 cubic feet per day
generates more than 20 times the watts
per square meter of a wind turbine.

The real estate that wind and
solar energy demand led the Nature
Conservancy to issue a report last year
critical of "energy sprawl," including tens
of thousands of miles of high-voltage
transmission lines needed to carry
electricity from wind and solar
installations to distant cities.

Nor does wind energy substantially
reduce CO2 emissions.

Since the wind doesn't always blow,
utilities must use gas- or coal-fired
generators to offset wind's unreliability.

The result is minimal - or no -
carbon dioxide reduction."

But it's actually worse than that.
The intermittency of wind forces coal
and gas-fired plants to operate inefficiently
and actually increase emissions.

This has proven to be the case
in Colorado and Texas, two states
that have adopted a renewable portfolio
standard, which mandates that wind be
included in the state's electricity supply.

A new study from the Independent
Petroleum Association of Mountain
States finds that :

Coal-fired power plants are designed
to run most efficiently at stable rates and
are not well-suited to accommodate the
load variability imposed by the integration
with wind generation.

Cycling causes coal-fired power plants
to operate less efficiently, and reduces
the effectiveness of their environmental
control equipment, which together drive
up emissions.

Paradoxically, using wind energy in such
a way that it forces utilities to cycle their
coal generation often results in greater
SO2, NOX and CO2 emissions than
would have occurred if less wind
energy were generated and coal
generation was not cycled"