The Commie 'Obama'
administration's Commie
game plan for 'passing'
their Commie financial
Commie regulatory
Commie 'reform' Taxpayer
Handouts plan is clear : ignore
the details of their Commie 'bill',
demonize Wall Street, and cast
conservatives as the pawns
of big bankers.
But there's a Commie
complication in their Commie
battle plan : "The Commie
Democratic Party is closer
to Commie corporate America
- and to Commie Wall Street
in particular - than many Commie
Democrats would care to admit."
The Commie Wall Street
Commie Bank Taxpayer
Handouts :
Whenever Commie
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT)
says his Commie Wall Street
Commie 'Bailout' 'Bill' "would have
prevented Commie Bank 'Bailouts'
from happening" he needs
to explain how.
If anything,
the Commie Dodd
plan will only make future
Commie Wall Street Commie
'bailouts' more likely and more
costly while also stifling
consumer choice :
Increases Chance
of Future Commie 'Bailouts' :
Commie 'Obama'
administration Commie
officials are claiming their
Commie plan "outlaws bailouts,"
but in fact it institutionalizes
them forever.
Increases the Costs
of Future Commie 'Bailouts' :
The second Commie
administrative fall back
position is that while the
Commie 'bill' does 'bailout'
Commie Wall Street, the
'bailouts' will be paid for
by Commie Wall Street so
taxpayers won't foot the bill.
But where does the Commie
left think Commie Wall Street
will get the money for the Commie
'bailout' funds?
Commie Wall Street
will suck the Commie 'bailout'
money from American consumers
in the form of higher bank fees.
One of many Commie
bureaucratic boondoggles
in the Commie Senate Taxpayer
financial Handout Commie "reform"
'legislation' is a Commie "Bureau
of Commie Consumer Commie
Financial Commie Protection."
Just how exactly
would the proposed new
Commie bureaucracy protect
The same way Commie
bureaucrats do everything :
with more Commie paperwork
and fewer choices.
The Commie Dodd 'bill',
named after Commie Senate
Banking Committee chair
Commie Christopher Dodd
of Connecticut, would supposedly
"reform" the financial industry.
Its Commie goal is to make
Commie financial meltdowns,
such as the one that locked up
the markets in 2008, impossible.
But Who would Really benefit
from such Commie regulation?
Big Commie banks :
they would be protected
against competition and be
given an excuse for failing
to offer new products.
That's no way
to help consumers
or to avert the next
Commie financial crisis
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
came to Washington to 'restore'
'trust' in Commie 'government'.
A new survey indicates he's failed.
Just 22%
of the poll's respondents
said they trust the Commie
federal government almost
always or most of the time.
That's one of the all-time
low points in the survey
and represents a decline
from when Commie
'Obama' took office.
The last time Americans
felt this discontent with
Washington was 1994.
The similarities are Eerie :
A newly elected Commie
Democrat was in the White
House, the country was
'recovering' from a Commie
recession, and Commie 'President'
Commie Bill Clinton was making
an aggressive Commie push for
Commie government-run
Commie 'health' 'care'