Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Those Damned Commie Globalists Can't Keep Their Hands Off Of Anything ;

International forces have conspired
at high levels to suppress the price
of gold for at least a decade ;

Mainstream recognition of gold price
suppression is not confined to the US

Metals Market Manipulation Update :
Are The Metals markets Rigged?
Do Fish Swim?!

Have 'Our leaders'
learned nothing :

They are now back at it again
printing oceans of money and
racking up trillions and trillions
of dollars of new debt.

Too much consumption and too
much debt is what got us into our
current mess in the first place.

How does it help us to get more
bankrupt because let's face it, the
USA is bankrupt.

It's simply not possible to borrow
trillions and trillions of dollars and
spend our way out of bankruptcy.

The laws of economics are not going
to be magically revoked for a country
anymore than they will for an individual.

Just ask Greece!

Fed Releases Details
on Bear Stearns, AIG Portfolios :

The bailouts exposed taxpayers
to potential losses on the $64.8 billion
of assets, prompting Congress to propose
stripping the Fed of some of its regulatory
and bailout powers.

As recently as March 17,
New York Fed President William Dudley
rebuffed a lawmaker's request for the details,
saying it would harm the central bank's ability
to maximize value to taxpayers

How Lou Lucido
Let AIG Lose $35 Billion
With Goldman Sachs CDO

March 31 (Bloomberg) --
Joseph Cassano insisted American
International Group Inc. would be fine.

The insurer had quit guaranteeing
securities tied to U.S. subprime loans
in 2005, 'before' lenders got reckless,
the head of AIG's derivatives unit told
investors on Dec. 5, 2007, as home
prices plummeted and mortgage losses

Cassano didn't mention Lou Lucido

Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee :
Daily Dispatches

Gold & Silver
Daily News

Solari News

Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds