After the lengthy
legislative healthcare
battle ended in March,
giving the government
unprecedented new powers
over every aspect of our
medical care, the administration
and the Democratic majority
have set their sights on a much
bigger, more far-reaching power
grab : the nation's entire financial
infrastructure from Wall Street
to Main Street.
The legislation
that is now headed
to the Senate floor
would dramatically
broaden and toughen
federal rules, restrictions
and regulations over the
nation's banks, investment
firms and other sectors of
the financial industry in the
wake of the subprime mortgage
debacle that plunged the economy
into one of the severest
recessions in decades.
In a letter signed by all 41
Senate Republicans, GOP
leaders said last week that
the legislation amounted to
regulatory overkill that "allows
for endless taxpayer bailouts of
Wall Street and establishes new
and unlimited regulatory powers
that will stifle small businesses
and community banks"
Global Commie Horror
Hell Care Coup :
Commie Obamacare
requires all individuals
to carry Commie health
insurance for themselves
and their families.
Those who don't
will have to pay a
Commie penalty.
And the Commie IRS
is the Commie agency
charged with making
sure the uninsured
pony up.
Just how will
the Commie IRS do that?
The Commie Senate
Finance Committee recently
held a Commie hearing to
explore what the Commie IRS
might do to enforce the Commie
congressional Commie mandate
to buy health insurance.
One answer is
that the Commie IRS
May Withhold Tax Refunds
to Enforce Commie
'Health' 'Care' 'Law'
Doctors are becoming
increasingly demoralized.
And no wonder !
They are losing control over their
professional independence and the
Washington lobbyists they hire
to represent them are Commie m
collaborators with an increasingly
hostile Commie Washington political
While the Commie 'President'
repeatedly told Americans that
his Commie 'health' agenda would
not interfere with their relationship
with their doctors, the Commie reality
of Commie Obamacare is that
Commie 'government' will have
an enormous impact on the way
physicians practice medicine.
There is the very real prospect
of many doctors simply giving up
or refusing to practice under the
Commie government's avalanche
of new Commie rules and regulations
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
is presiding over the largest expansion
of the Commie federal government in
a generation, even though the Commie
federal government is already rushing
headlong toward a Commie debt crisis.
The Commie government
is expected to run a Commie budget
deficit in excess of $1 trillion in 2010,
after running a Commie deficit of $1.4
trillion in 2009.
And that's just the beginning
of an endless sea of Commie red ink.
The Congressional Budget Office
expects the Commie 'Obama'
administration's latest Commie
budget plan would push the nation's
debt to more than $20 trillion in 2020,
up from $5.8 trillion in 2008.
No wonder Commie congressional
Democrats want to change the subject.
However, when the Commie
administration does make a push
for closing the Commie budget deficit,
its plan will start with the Commie mother
of all Commie tax increases, probably
a Commie value-added tax (VAT).
With the Commie problem
as big as it is today, Commie
Democrats will see no use in
nickel-and-diming it.
With a Commie VAT,
they would get a large new
Commie revenue stream, not
collected directly from voters,
and one that they could expand
endlessly as they further enlarge
the Commie government.
But an Commie 'Obama'-style
Commie budget fix almost certainly
wouldn't end there.
To get a Commie tax increase,
he and his Commie advisers surely
realize they will need to look like
they are cutting some Commie
spending too.
And, contrary to some Commie
perceptions, Commie liberals are
definitely willing to cut some
Commie entitlement spending;
it's just that they insist it be done
in only one Commie way :
With Commie price controls
on payments to medical providers.
Look at the recently 'enacted'
Commie 'health'-'care' 'bill'.
It includes large Commie cuts in
Medicare's payments to hospitals,
nursing homes, and others