The Commie Democrats
are planning an attack on Internet
Freedom, to empower the Commie
FCC to control the Internet and
everything on it, just as they do
television and radio.
Yes, I'm talking about our 'good friend',
Commie neo-Marxist Net Neutrality.
Commie Deem and Pass.
They call it "reclassifying," because
they want to take the unprecedented
step of placing ISPs under Title II of
the Communications act, which would
give the Commie FCC the same power
over ISPs that the Bush-era FCC had
when it fined television stations for showing
Janet Jackson's breast, and that Commie
FCCs in eras past had when they imposed
the Commie Fairness Doctrine on television
and radio stations.
The Commie Democrats of the Commie
FCC are plotting it because they just can't
stand the freedom enjoyed on the Internet
There must be Commie
commissars watching every ISP, every
router, every packet, to ensure Commie
political correctness Commie
transparency and Commie neutrality
Commie White House Commie
economic adviser Paul Volcker's
Commie suggestion that Congress
enact a Commie "value added tax"
(VAT) has spurred outrage from
conservatives, led the Commie
White House to distance itself from
Commie his comments, and furthered
speculation that a Commie VAT may
well be in the Commie cards as soon
as this fall.
The Commie VAT, already used
in the Commie European Union,
as "similar to a Commie national retail
sales tax but is collected at every stage
of business production until its entire
Commie burden ultimately falls
on the consumer."
The odds are overwhelming
that under Commie 'Obama'
it would be collected in addition
to the income tax.
Commie Volcker, addressed
the growing Commie deficit
and talked about Commie
tax-hikes that could be used
to control it, including Commie
taxes on carbon and energy
and a Commie value added tax
Commie 'Obama' Plots Assault
on Non-Union Businesses
The Commie 'Obama'
Administration, in one of its most
sweeping Commie socio-economic
reforms to date, now plans to use the
federal contracting system to reward
higher-paying Commie unionized firms
that give workers bigger healthcare
and pension benefits.
"Business groups and Commie unions
are at odds over a Commie union-backed
proposal to make it easier for Commie
government agencies to bypass low
bidders and award contracts to higher
bidders that pay more wages and benefits..."
"This is an attempt by the Commie
unions to force their Commie policy
agenda on a wide swath of the economy
by rigging the government procurement
Two of Commie 'Obama's'
Commie left-wing allies have been
the driving force behind the push to
use the government contract process
as a weapon to push up 'private' sector
pay and benefits : Commie John Podesta,
former Commie White House chief of staff
for Commie 'President' Clinton who headed
Commie 'Obama's' transition team,
and Commie Andy Stern, president
of the Commie powerful, very liberal
Commie Service Employees International
Union, who is virtually a fixture
in the Commie 'Obama' White House
The Commie government
takeover of the student loan program.
Call it Chapter Three
(after the $767 billion Commie
"stimulus" and the Commie
'healthcare' "reform" scheme)
in Commie 'Barack Obama's'
strategy to create an ever-expanding
Commie class of Americans dependent
upon the Commie government.
Commie 'Obama'
and his Commie statist allies
in Congress attached this Commie
'bill' to the 'healthcare' 'legislation'.
Now, with the stroke of his pen,
Mr. Commie 'Obama' has taken
the 15 million college students who
chose from 2,000 lenders for their
loans, and dumped them into the
Commie Department of Education,
which will process future loans
Commie 'Obama' & Co.
are touting the "savings" they will
reap by taking over the program
from the banks.
The Commie Department
of Education will borrow student
loan money at 2.8% interest and
charge the students 6.8%.
What happens to the difference
between the two?
This and most of the money
the Commie government will "save"
by not paying fees to banks to service
loans will go toward paying for Commie
'Obama's' budget-busting Commie
'healthcare' scheme.
The only winners here, however,
are the Commie Department
of Education Commie bureaucracy
and the Commie public employee
unions that welcome its expansion
Resist Defy Defeat Expose Oppose & Protest :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds