The end result of a Commie
net neutrality policy would be
"a slower and more congested
Internet, and more frustration for users.
Even worse,
investment in expanding the Internet
will be chilled, as Commie FCC control
of network management makes investment
less inviting.
The amounts at stake aren't trivial,
with tens of billions invested each year
in Internet expansion."
With each passing day, Commie
federal agencies promulgate more rules
and regulations that amount to a pile of
Commie red tape that wind up costing
Americans some $1.1 trillion per year,
according to a 2005 study by the Small
Business Administration.
As the United States struggles to regain
its economic footing, the last thing we
need is yet another Commie agency to
grab more power, create new Commie
regulations, and hamper the growth -
and speed - of the Internet
Commie Speak :
"We've got to get more Americans
working again to generate the rising
incomes and wealth we need to pay
for existing entitlements, as well as all
the new investments we'll need to make."
This sort of Commie commentary
exemplifies a pervasive Commie liberal
attitude towards the economy.
Even when they are 'worried' about it,
their main Commie concern is their ability
to continue to fund increasingly large and
unstable Commie dependency programs.
As in so many other areas, Commie
liberals see Commie "job creation"
as a means to an end.
And that end is the expansion of the
Commie welfare state and the rising
dependence of the average American
on Commie government.
A recent report revealed that roughly
60.8 million Americans rely on the
Commie government for their daily
housing, food, and health care
In addition to the Commie federal
government's explicit Commie taxes
and Commie spending, Americans are
also burdened with a slew of hidden
Commie taxes imposed by an
ever-increasing number of
Commie regulations.
More than 50 Commie agencies have
a hand in Commie federal regulatory
policy, enforcing more than 150,000
pages of Commie rules.
Each Commie regulation comes at a
cost-a Commie "regulatory tax"
imposed on all Americans.
According to a 2005 study
commissioned by the Small Business
Administration, the cost of all Commie
regulations then on the books was some
$1.1 trillion per year
The Commie Hell Care Coup :
It's a Commie debacle from
every possible vantage point.
The Commie Democrats have created
another massive Commie entitlement
program while expanding Commie
federal power and reach in a manner
not seen since the heyday of Commie
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
If allowed to stand, the new Commie
'health'-'care' 'law' will tether America's
middle class to the Commie federal
government in ways that will fundamentally
alter - and not for the better - the
relationship between citizens and the state.
The result will be worse health care,
more distorted Commie politics, less
medical innovation and economic vitality,
and depleted wealth
Despite all the Commie talk about how
Commie Obamacare would lower health
care costs, it's already becoming clear
that it just won't be the case.
Companies can expect employee health
insurance costs to rise even faster.
"Driven by worries about the economy
and 'possibly' the effects of Commie
'health'-'care' 'reform', [health insurers]
are raising rates this year for family
coverage through employer-sponsored
plans. from 8 percent to 21 percent,
which is considerably higher than the
5 percent increase the Kaiser Family
Foundation reported in 2009."
Employers will undoubtedly pass the
Commie price hikes on to their employees
or switch to less expensive plans with higher
deductibles, lesser coverage or both.
Those outcomes aren't exactly hallmarks
of successful health care reform
Commie Rajendra Pachauri ,
Commie chairman of the Commie
U.N. Commie Intergovernmental Panel
on Commie Climate Change (IPCC),
responded to the errors exposed in the
Commie U.N. IPCC report saying that
Commie "Scientists are demonised
because of 'one' error in 3000 pages
of evidence."
Truth be told, there were several
Commie errors uncovered in the
'report' including questionable Commie
sources in the Commie assessment of
mountain ice reduction in the Andes,
Alps and Africa as well as acknowledged
Commie overstating crop loss in Africa,
Amazon rain forest depletion, sea level
increases in the Netherlands.
But Commie Pachauri only acknowledges
that the Himalayan glaciers will melt by
2035 or sooner was Commie speculative
at best.
The reality is the Commie U.N. IPCC
reports have significant Commie flaws;
they simply aren't picked up by the
Commie mainstream media
Among the Commie bad energy
independence ideas is the Commie
mandate for domestic renewable fuels,
chiefly corn-based ethanol.
Thanks to a Bush-era law,
12 billion gallons of it must be added
to the gasoline supply in 2010.
Commie Ethanol raises the cost of driving
- which is why Commie proponents needed
a 'law' forcing the rest of us to use it -
and the diversion of nearly a third of the
corn crop from food to fuel use has raised
food prices as well.
The real losers are American consumers,
not the Commie Saudi oil sheikhs, Commie
Iran's regime, or Commie Hugo Chavez.
Perhaps worst of all is costly
Commie global warming policy.
Commie Cap and Commie trade
and other Commie measures were not
selling as environmental policy - the
public has shown little concern about
global warming - so they have been
repackaged by Commie supporters as
energy independence policy (as well as
jobs policy, hence all the green jobs
It may make for an improved
Commie sales pitch but it doesn't
add up.
The main target of Commie global
warming 'legislation' is coal, the one
energy source America has in
overwhelming abundance.
Oil imports would not be reduced
very much, but U.S. electric rates
would, in the words of Commie
'President' 'Obama',
"necessarily skyrocket"
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds