Commie Democrats understand
that passage of Commie 'Obama's'
'healthcare' "reforms" will probably
hurt them in November, so they're
doing everything they can to dampen
the anger directed at them and turn it
against someone - anyone - else.
Anger-dampening was built into the
Commie 'bill', postponing the Commie
tax increases and other Commie burdens
Americans will feel directly until after
the 2010 elections (and some until
after 2012).
Commie 'Obama' and the Commie
congressional Democrats are out
bragging about the Commie rainbows
and Commie unicorns they've produced.
But now several major American
companies - AT&T, Verizon,
Deere & Co. and Caterpillar -
are spoiling the carefully-planned
Commie narrative by saying that
they will incur huge losses
(impliedly causing job losses)
because of the Commie costs
they will incur under the Commie
Obamacare plan.
As a result,
Commie congressional Dems
are planning a Commie public
Inquisition punishment of the 'heretics'
America's Commie teachers unions :
For the longest time,
an overwhelming majority
of teachers have rallied around
the Commie collectively bargained
Commie union flag, supported by
Commie union leaders that see their
members more as steelworkers than
the college-educated professionals
they are.
Most state teachers Commie
unions have field staff, known as
UniServ directors.
They're responsible for
contract negotiations, handing
grievances and discipline and
furthering the Commie union's
political ends - you know,
all the things they do to
"put kids first."
Every few years,
particularly in states where the
Commie National Education
Association is strong, the Commie
union has to bargain with its own staff.
You see,
the Commie union
has its own Commie union.
That's the Commie utopia
we have to look forward to in an era
of a Commie national card check program.
So, suddenly "labor"
becomes "management."
And the fights between the Commie
UniServ staff and the Commie union's
management get quite ugly.
In Oregon, UniServ staff camped out
in front of their own building and verbally
ripped union brass to shreds with personal
attacks, foul words, the works.
They showed no mercy,
and exposed tactics similar to those
they employ during negotiations
and grievance procedures with
school boards.
It is particularly important
to understand these tactics
in an era when school employees,
specifically teachers, are under
increased scrutiny.
That's because Commie
UniServ directors will go to the
same lengths to defend bad teachers
as schools try to increase "accountability"
Commie Big Government
& Commie Big Media Are
Chock Full Of Commie
Big Unions ;
Commie Big Union Bias :
When tens of thousands of citizens
descended upon Washington DC time
and time again over the course of the
last year, concerned over their current
health benefits being taken from them
to subsidize someone else's health
benefits, they were called vitriolic
names and demonized in the media.
But when Commie SEIU and other
Commie unions demand their health
benefits remain untouched, it's not
only justified, it's glorified.
When a multitude of patriots,
concerned about the fiscal state
of the country, pleaded for their
voices to be heard as they begged
the government to make responsible
budget cuts and to stop all the new
spending, they were vilified
and characterized as 'racist'.
When Tea Party protesters
repeatedly held rallies to express
their concerns about the Commie
government's takeover and bailouts
of entire industries like the banks,
they were labeled as
'dangerous extremists'.
But when Commie SEIU protesters
chased down bank executives with knives
and cleavers at the American Bankers
Association last October, they were
applauded and hailed as heroes by
onlookers, the Commie media,
and even members of Commie
(Meanwhile, the executives
were actually from small and medium
sized community banks, not the big dogs)
Commie Union Unfunded Pension
Liability Benefits :
The baby steps Illinois is taking
toward enacting public employee
pension reform, noting that this could
be the "start of a nationwide backlash
against the scandal of runaway public
State government employees
in Illinois receive generous
defined-benefit pension plans
with compounded annual
cost of living increases.
As of August 2009, 536 Illinois
public employee retirees earned
a pension of more than $100,000.
Former state employee
(and now U.S. Senator) Roland Burris
received a pension payment of $121,747
in 2009.
You can look up the individual pension
payments for state retirees at
Considering that Illinois
has an $83 billion unfunded pension
liability for benefits already earned by
current employees, prospective benefit
reforms will need to be buttressed by
a pension funding mechanism that also
tackles runaway government spending.
The Commie public employee unions
in Illinois are squealing over the changes,
but the reforms-however minor-
are long overdue
Commie Net Neutrality ;
These Technocratic Commies
are seeking to Unleash a Commie
Inquisition Against The Internet
& To Castrate & Nuder It,
But So Far They Have Been
Prevented .
And So Must They
Continue To Be Prevented :
A federal appeals court -
second only to the U.S. Supreme
Court in its legal influence - looks
to have put a stop to the desire of the
Commie Federal Communications
Commission to exert its control over
the Internet via the Commie Trojan
horse of net neutrality rules.
The court correctly ruled
that the Commie FCC's "ancillary
authority" over the broadcast and
cable industries 'is not the equivalent
of untrammeled freedom to regulate
activities' on the Internet, too.
Consumers dodged a bullet here,
as a Commie decision ratifying the
Commie FCC's power-grab would
have stifled investment and strangled
the vibrant broadband market.
I'm worried, however,
that the Commie FCC will ignore
the clear instructions of the court
and attempt to cram broadband into
an ill-fitting Commie Title II regulatory
structure without first getting authority
from Congress.
It is probably tempting for the Commie
FCC to do so because Congress seems
reluctant to explicitly grant the commission
the power to enforce strict net neutrality rules
Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds