The panel was led
by Ernest Oxburg, who happens
to be the honorary president of the
Carbon Capture and Storage Association.
Carbon capture and storage
is an industry that definitely wouldn't
suffer should CO2 limits be imposed.
Oxburg's involvement
with the wind-energy industry raises
further conflict of interest questions.
With this in mind, the lack of depth
into which the investigation went and
the complete acquittal the panel gave
the CRU, is not at all surprising.
The supposed investigation lasted
a mere three weeks and was only five
pages in length.
Steve McIntyre, a leading critic
of the IPCC report and editor of the
Climate Audit blog, pointed out that
the panel thought it only regrettable-
and in no way acknowledged any sort
of cover-up- that key facts and figures
were tucked away in obscure scientific
journals and omitted from the IPCC
This is significant because,
as he put it, IPCC presentations-
and not the journals- "are how the
climate science community speaks
to the world."
Apparently, these scientists did not
want the world to understand that their
data did not support their theory.
At least according to the well-known
"climate-gate" emails which show that
the scientists involved saw that these
facts would "dilute the message."
McIntyre isn't the only one who is
not sold by this so-called investigation.
The Director of Energy and Global
Warming Policy at the Competitive
Enterprise Institute, Myron Ebel, said,
"They don't even make a minimal effort
to rebut the obvious appearance of
widespread data manipulation, suppression
of dissenting research through improper
means and intentional avoidance of
complying with Freedom of Information
In the scientific community, where
transparency and the ability to replicate
results are everything these charges
are severe
Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Earthday :
While Lenin was alive, he often
ordered Earth Day-like "subbotniks,"
or days of mandatory 'service' in the
This would typically focus on
environmental improvement, including
garbage removal and the collection of
At the height of the Soviet Union,
a nationally mandated yearly subbotnik-
called "Lenin's Subbotnik"-was selected
to fall around or on Lenin's birthday.
The date otherwise known as April 22.
Is It just a bizarre coincidence that both
Lenin's Subbotnik and Earth Day fall
on the same day?
Lenin's views on liberty mirror
that of radical environmentalists.
It is a paternalistic attitude
that reduces freedom.
Lenin once said,
"It is true that liberty is precious;
so precious that it must be carefully
Environmentalists believe we need to
ration liberty because they believe that
is the only way we can preserve the
environment for the future.
They tell us we need to buy smaller
cars, buy different light bulbs, ban
certain products, eat less meat, pay
higher energy prices and reduce economic
growth to cap carbon dioxide emissions -
to name a few.
Czech President Vaclav Klaus said,
"It becomes evident that while discussing
climate we are not witnessing a clash of
views about the environment, but a clash
of views about human freedom."
Economist Walter Block explains it as
switching horses on the same wagon,
saying, "Instead of formal socialism,
these people adopted environmentalism
as a better means toward
their unchanged ends"
The huge Commie federal deficits
threaten to derail the economy .
Because the deficits are soaking up
increasing amounts of capital .
If the capital inflows that are always
and necessarily associated with the
trade deficit are merely paying off the
government's obligations, there is
nothing left over to create jobs
The Commie Value Added Tax :
The president's comments spell out
what has been obvious for months :
the Commie debt commission is a
stalking horse for the VAT as the
solution to close massive deficits
today and in the future.
A VAT would be a massive tax hike
that would transfer trillions of dollars
each year from the wallets of every
American to Washington.
It would permanently slow economic
growth and lower the standard of living
for generations of Americans to come.
It would also be a bottomless well for
Congress to go back to each time it wants
more of our money to pay for new
spending programs.
Once a VAT is in place turning back
the growth of government will be next
to impossible and the efforts of President
Obama and his congressional allies to
recast the nation into a full state of
dependency on Washington will be
The stakes are that high.
As JD Foster pointed out last week,
passing a VAT has been part of
President Obama's long-term strategy
all along.
First he had to jack up spending rapidly
to create a rapidly approaching fiscal
He has accomplished that goal.
Next, he must establish that cutting
spending is impossible because it is in
some way inevitable and essential, and
thus the result of something beyond
anyone's control as opposed to - say
- his own policies.
That leaves tax increases as the only
cure for the deficit.
The Commie Debt Commission will fit
neatly into this plan should it recommend
a VAT. President Obama can then take
comfort in its findings and point to this
panel of experts which found that the
VAT is the only solution to the crisis.
Last week, Senator John McCain
(R-AZ) offered a sense of the Senate
resolution that stated :
"It is the sense of the Senate that the
Value Added Tax is a massive tax
increase that will cripple families on
fixed income and only further push
back America's economic recovery."
The Senate voted 85 to 12
in favor of that resolution.
Foster goes on to say,
Americans who want to save their
country from the damage a VAT
would inflict need to challenge
anyone running for office, anywhere
in the country, to take a stand against
the VAT just as Mr. McCain's
colleagues did in the Senate.
Every town council member, every
mayor, governor, or congressional or
senatorial hopeful should be pressed to
declare whether he or she stands for
or against the VAT.
As they do,
it will become apparent to all that the
United States is not a VAT country