Sunday, April 18, 2010

We The People to The Tea Parties : We Love You & We Thank You ;

But Not You Commie
Dick Armey Because You
Are Way Too Chummy
With Those Commie Illegal
Aliens ;

The lone Democrat
to be endorsed by the
Tea Party movement
said Friday he's happy
to have their backing,
though he vowed to
maintain his political

First-term Rep.
Walt Minnick (D-Idaho)
said Friday that his work
on balancing the budget
and eliminating earmarks
had led the often conservative
movement to endorse him.

"Well, they are just ordinary folks
who think the government ought to
balance its budget," Minnick said of
Tea Partiers.

"There's nothing very radical about that.
So I'm pleased to have their endorsement."

The Securities and Exchange
Commission on Friday formally
accused Goldman Sachs, one of
the nation's preeminent investment
banks, of fraud, sending the bank's
shares plunging.

In a 22-page complaint
filed with the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of New York,
the SEC alleged that Goldman Sachs
defrauded clients by creating and selling
a mortgage investment fund
that was designed to fail.

The SEC suit 'helps' Commie
Senate Democrats' message
strategy for next week, when
Commie Senate Majority Leader
Commie Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
hopes to bring a Commie
Democratic 'financial' 'reform'
'bill' to the floor.

Commie Democrats hope
to paint Republicans who
oppose the Commie Wall Street
'reform' 'bill' as doing the dirty
work of big banks that want
to avoid tighter regulation.

Commie Illegal Aliens
Need To Pack Up Their
Commie Families, Go Back
To Their Commie Homelands
& Don't Come Back ;

In the absence of federal enforcement
a Mexican border state blasted by a
Commie illegal immigration pandemic
has passed legislation that bans
"sanctuary city" policies and
makes it a state crime to be in
the U.S. without proper

The law marks
an unprecedented effort by a state
to take Commie immigration matters
into its own hands since Commie
immigration offenses are currently
violations of Commie federal law
that cannot be enforced
by local police.

But lawmakers in Arizona
are fed up with the enormous
toll that Commie illegal aliens
are having on their state as the
Commie feds sit idly by and 'fail'
to secure the southern border.

Commie Illegal aliens
will be charged in state court
with trespassing and anyone-
documented or undocumented-
seeking work from a road or sidewalk
will also be criminally prosecuted.

Drivers who pick up Commie
illegal alien day laborers will also
be punished when the law kicks in.

Predictably, Commie immigration
advocates are incensed and have
called on Arizona Governor Jan
Brewer to veto the measure which
they assert is racist.

The Commie legal director
of a influential Commie national
group that represents Commie day
laborers calls it an "unconstitutional,
unwise and odious bill" created by
"demagogue leaders" who have
become folk heroes for
"white supremacists"
throughout the country

Putting Commie environmental
preservation ahead of national
security, the Commie Interior
Department prevents Border
Patrol agents from securing
heavily transited federal wildlife
refuges along the Mexican border,
including the one used by a Commie
illegal immigrant who recently murdered
an Arizona rancher.

The Commie Mexican national
entered the U.S. through the
2,300-acre San Bernardino
National Wildlife Refuge and
subsequently escaped through
it after gunning down rancher
Robert Krentz a few weeks ago.

For years,
Border Patrol agents have
been prohibited by the Commie
Interior Department and the U.S.
Commie Forest Service from actively
patrolling such areas because it
'threatens' natural resources.

Four Republicans
on the House Natural
Resources Committee
have introduced legislation
that will prohibit the Commie
Department of the Interior (DOI)
from using Commie environmental
regulations to hinder U.S. Border
Patrol from securing the border
on federal lands.

As a result of Commie DOI's
actions these federal lands have
become an unpatrolled highway
that's open to Commie criminals,
drug smugglers, human traffickers
and terrorists who endanger
American lives the lawmakers say.

The Commie Interior Department
is the primary management agency
for nearly half of the land along the
U.S.-Mexican border and around
10% of the Canadian border.

Nearly all of the land is sparsely
populated with easy Commie access
into the U.S. from Mexico.

Commie Terrorist could easily
smuggle nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons through
these routes, according to a
government threat assessment
for public lands

In the latest of many scandals
involving Commie 'President'
'Obama''s monstrous Commie
stimulus, a Commie fraud-infested
welfare program to make low-income
houses 'energy' 'efficient' is cheating
taxpayers out of billions with a recent
example documented in Wisconsin.

At least $5 billion in Commie
stimulus funds have been allocated
to Commie "weatherization" programs
nationwide with virtually no oversight
and plenty of Commie corruption.

The U.S. Commie Department
of Energy distributes the Commie
cash to local Commie "community
groups" that usually subcontract
companies to do the actual work.

Low-income 'homeowners'
get free insulation, sealing and
even new central heating and
cooling systems compliments
Taxpayer Uncle Sam.

Some people even get new
refrigerators, water heaters
and furnaces.

In Wisconsin a Commie
nonprofit called La Casa
de Esperanza (The House of Hope)
got nearly $20 million to Commie
weatherize homes in three counties
but instead has spent some of the
money on gift cards for its Commie
employees, Christmas decorations,
Halloween candy and to pay parking
tickets, according to a Milwaukee
newspaper report.

Additionally, the husband
of a Commie charity employee
illegally got $10,000 worth of U.S.
taxpayer-financed Commie work on
his home and much of the Commie
weatherization done on houses that
actually qualified was faulty or didn't
meet the federal standards.

In all, Wisconsin is getting
$141.5 million in Commie
stimulus funds for its Commie
weatherization projects

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds