Saturday, April 3, 2010

Global Commie 'Health' 'Care' Fraud ;

The 'final' 'passage' of Commie
'President' 'Obama's' Commie
landmark 'health' 'care' 'bill' is
sure to have a huge impact on
the 2010 elections.

And it could particularly present
some pitfalls for Commie RINO
Mitt Romney, who appears to be
setting up a run for the nomination
of a Republican Party that is
dead-set against the idea of
Commie universal 'health' 'care'
-- and who in fact passed a
Commie universal 'health' 'care'
'bill' himself in Massachusetts.

It should be noted that there are
some obvious Commie similarities
between Commie 'Obama's' 'health'
'bill' and Commie RINO Romney's
in Massachusetts, such as the Commie
individual mandate requiring people to
buy insurance, with Commie government
Commie subsidies for lower-income people.

There are also some differences between
the two, in terms of cost controls and
how the programs are paid for.

But the problem
for Commie RINO Romney
is he is running against a Commie
reform measure that bears a strong
resemblance to the Commie one he
'enacted' in Massachusetts and that is
very unpopular with the conservative
base he's trying to win over

The top one percent of taxpayers
pay more taxes than the bottom 95
percent of taxpayers combined.

And the bottom
50 percent of taxpayers
pay less than 3 percent of all taxes.

If current trends continue,
the bottom 50 percent will
soon pay no income taxes at all.

This is a dangerous situation
because that means a majority of
taxpayers, and therefore voters,
will be able to vote themselves a larger
and larger share of government benefits
at no cost to themselves.

All government spending will be
financed entirely by a shrinking
minority of taxpayers.

Politicians will have no incentive
to say no to more government
spending since there are more votes
to be won from increasing spending

Commie 'President' 'Obama'
aims to tax banks who received
Commie bailout money, despite the
fact that they've already paid back the
Commie bailout money.

That Commie policy might "feel" good
or sound good to those who are angry
at Wall Street, but in practice it isn't good.

Consumers - those same unemployed
Americans whose pain Commie Geithner
so deeply feels - will be the ones who pay
that Commie penalty.

Despite Commie Geithner's concern
over being "fair," the Commie 'president'
is awfully willing to accept unfairness in
order to achieve his Commie political ends.

The Commie
bank tax, itself, is patently unfair.

Firms who already paid-back Commie
bailout dollars will be taxed in order to
"pay for" the Commie bailout, but firms
who haven't repaid Commie bailout dollars

Commie (General Motors, Commie Chrysler,
Commie Fannie Mae, Commie Freddie Mac)
get off scot free.

Then there's the inherent unfairness of the
Commie backroom deals secured to 'pass'
the Commie 'president's' 'health' 'care' 'plan'.

Commie 'President' 'Obama's'
Commie Energy Secretary Commie
Steven Chu has said,

"Somehow we have to figure out how to
boost the price of gasoline to the levels
in Europe."

For reference purposes, when Commie
Secretary Chu said that, Europeans were
paying $8 a gallon for gas at the pump.

The Commie 'Obama' 'administration'
has declared war on energy production
in the Mountain West, rescinding oil-shale
development leases in Colorado, Utah
and Wyoming.

And just this week, the Commie 'Obama'
Commie Environmental Commie Protection
Agency began its Commie regulation of
carbon emissions through the Commie
Clean Air Act.

Let's not forget the Commie grand daddy
of them all : a Commie cap and Commie
trade Commie energy Commie tax 'bill'.

Placing a Commie penalty on carbon
emissions would mean disaster for the
American economy.

Commie Cap and tax 'legislation'
would cost the average family of four
almost $3,000 per year, cause 2.5
million net job losses by 2035, and
produce a cumulative gross domestic
product (GDP) loss of $9.4 trillion
between 2012 and 2035.

So don't be fooled by Commie
'President' 'Barack Obama's' Commie
energy rhetoric.

High Commie energy prices are not
a side effect of Commie climate legislation
- they are the whole point.

According to the latest Pew poll, 63%
of Americans support allowing more
offshore oil and gas drilling in U.S. waters.

Americans deserve an energy policy that
reduces prices, creates private sector jobs,
and reduces our national debt.

Right now they have the opposite

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds