Friday, April 9, 2010

Commie National Sales Tax ;

A Commie Value Added Tax
(VAT), is a fancy way of saying
Commie national sales tax.

Even if we 'assume'
they all go as planned,
Commie 'President' 'Obama's' 'budget'
would borrow 42 cents for each dollar
spent in 2010; would run a $1.6 trillion
deficit in 2010; and would leave permanent
Commie deficits that tops $1 trillion
as late as 2020.

Add on the half trillion dollars in
Commie Medicare cuts that, given
Commie Congress' track record,
the American people would be naive
to think will ever happen, and the
Commie federal government is
looking at a pile of new Commie

The Commie left's solution
to this Commie problem has been
simmering for some time now.

A Commie VAT can be (and has been)
structured in many different ways.

But the real world results are always
the same: higher Commie taxes, more
Commie government spending, lower
growth, fewer jobs and more Commie
special interest power.

Higher Commie Taxes: Don't believe
for a second that a Commie VAT will
help offset other Commie taxes.

Higher Commie Government Spending:
Not surprisingly, with more Commie
revenues, European Commie governments
turn around and spend much more than
the United States does.

Slower Growth: According to the
academic literature, there is a strong
negative relationship between Commie
govern­ment spending and economic

In other words, more Commie
government spending means less
economic growth and fewer jobs.

More Commie Power to Commie
Washington: There is one economy that
would greatly benefit from a Commie VAT:
Washington, DC.

No Commie VAT could ever be levied
evenly on all goods and services

State government finances are in a bad way :

The basic story,
as anyone following state fiscal issues
will surely know, is that too many states
went on spending binges in the early part
of the decade when revenue was rolling in,
but didn't leave enough in reserve to handle
the collapse in revenues caused by the
Commie 2008-2009 recession.

Why did states leave nothing in reserve?
Commie Political pressure, especially from
Commie government employee unions
is a big part of the story.

State Commie legislatures,
for instance, have lavishly enhanced
pension benefits, but state employees
should have little confidence that the
states will ultimately make good
on those promises.

Only 9 percent of state Commie
pension plans have enough assets
to be considered safe according to
government standards.

Many state Commie legislatures,
unwilling to take on the well-organized
Commie lobbies for Commie government
spending, have resorted to raising Commie
taxes on the rich.

But that will only exacerbate
the Commie boom-and-bust budget cycles
& taxpayers and businesses vote with their
feet, because some states' policies-e.g.,
lower taxes, less labor regulation-are
better for the economy than others

The Commie 'national' 'health' 'reform'
rammed through Congress is giving state
officials headaches.

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels
outlines several problems states
will have to deal with as a result
of Commie Obamacare

Commie Obamacare Commie
devotees have described the Commie
tax on retiree drug benefits as a move
to close a "loophole."

The government, they said, was actually
subsidizing the company-paid benefits,
so the tax is merely a way to
recoup some of the government's

Sounds reasonable.
Until you get the back story and the details.

The Commie government "subsidy"
was created in the Commie Medicare
Modernization Act of 2003, when
Commie Congress was busy passing
the last new Commie big entitlement
before Obamacare : a Commie
universal prescription drug benefit
for all Medicare beneficiaries.

That Commie baby added-
drum roll please- roughly $8 trillion
to the unfunded liability of the Commie
Medicare program.

Cut to Commie Obamacare.

To help pay for a whole new Commie
'health' entitlement expansion, it guts the
old Commie "fix" that was originally
designed in 2003 to prevent disruption
of seniors existing drug coverage .

This takes bad Commie 'health'
'policy' to a whole new level.

Instead of helping offset the cost
of Commie Obamacare, it will doubtless
encourage companies to scale back
or even drop their retiree drug benefits
altogether, thereby increasing the number
of seniors directly dependent on the
Commie Medicare program.

Of course, any additional costs from
this latest move will be billed to the
same folks who paid for Commie
Congress's 2003 Commie corporate
welfare subsidies : the taxpayers

Commie GM just isn't making money :

It posted a $4.3 billion loss for the second
half 2009 - far from profitability, far from
a Commie government-led turnaround.

The Commie company claims it has a
chance of "achieving profitability" in 2010,
but keep in mind that GM is $50 billion
in the hole to the American taxpayers,
who paid for a 'bailout' in 2009.

And those taxpayers can't recoup
their losses until the U.S. investment
in Commie GM is sold, which won't
happen until someone actually wants
to buy the company.

With $4.3 billion in losses, don't expect
buyers to come running anytime soon.

There's more bad news for Commie GM.
The Commie company is saddled with
massively underfunded Commie pension
plans, and it needs to come up with
$12.3 billion in payments into the
Commie plan within
the next five years.

According to a government report
released yesterday, it's uncertain whether
Commie GM will be able to make that

That's not a hard conclusion
to reach given today's reported
$4.3 billion in losses.

More bad news for Americans.
As The New York Times reports,
"If either Commie company's plan
[Chrysler or GM's] must be terminated,
the Commie government would become
liable for paying Commie benefits to
hundreds of thousands of retirees."

That's 650,000 Commie
GM retirees, to be exact.

But wait, there's more.
Enter the Commie United Commie
Auto Workers, which has sued
Commie GM, claiming that the company
owes a Commie union-run 'health' 'care'
fund $450 million

The taxpayer-funded Commie 'auto'
'bailout' was largely the result of a number
of poor decisions made by General Motors
and Chrysler.

Along with the excessively high Commie
labor and Commie legacy costs, Detroit's
dependence on big, non-fuel-efficient
vehicles was its own doing and at one
time, was a very profitable strategy.

Detroit struggled to make competitive
fuel-efficient vehicles that rivaled its
Japanese counterparts.

The Commie government stepped in
and took a Commie controlling stake
in General Motors and, more recently,
attempted to provide more Commie
regulatory stability by Commie mandating
stricter Commie fuel efficiency standards.

The Commie Environmental Commie
Protection Agency and Commie National
Commie Highway Commie Traffic Commie
Safety Commie Administration announced
fleet-wide Commie requirements
of 34.1 miles per gallon 2016
for all automakers in the U.S.

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Commie Energy and Environment Coup

The Satanic Commie World Order

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds