Saturday, April 24, 2010

Global Corporate Unionist Commies Continue To Tax & Spend ;

A Commie proposal
to dig tunnels for broadband
fiber while constructing new
Commie roads and highways
has gotten Commie backing from
Commie House Energy and Commerce
Committee Chairman Commie Henry
Waxman (D-Calif.) .

The appropriately named Commie
"ditch-digging bill" is an example
of better Commie coordination
among Commie government
resources, Commie Waxman
said in his opening Commie
remarks during an Commie
oversight hearing of the
Commie National
Broadband Plan.

"Greater Commie access
to rights-of-ways at reduced
Commie costs can help spur
the Commie deployment of
advanced Commie facilities
not only in Commie urban areas,
but also deeper into rural areas,"
said Commie Waxman, who is
now a Commie co-sponsor
of the Commie 'bill'."

The Commie 'bill'
was introduced almost
a year ago by Commie
Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.)
with a Commie companion 'bill'
by Commie Sen. Amy Klobuchar

The Commie Broadband
Conduit Deployment Act,
introduced in the Commie
House in May, would direct
Commie DOT Secretary
Commie Ray LaHood to
require the Commie installation
of Commie broadband channels--
which could be filled with Commie
fiber later--while the ground is already
being torn up for Commie federally
funded Commie highway construction
and other Commie transportation projects.

As a result, Internet
companies can simply
install the fiber lines when
they build out new networks.

Commie LaHood
has said the plan "makes
Commie sense" and Commie
Federal Communications Commie
Commission Commie Chairman
Commie Julius Genachowski
also supports the idea.

The Commie ditch-digging
proposal has become more
relevant as the Commie House
Commie Subcommittee on Commie
Communications, Commie Technology
and the Commie Internet examined
the Commie FCC's Commie proposals
for getting fiber all the way to the
'consumers' doorstep--the so-called
"last Commie mile" of Commie
broadband networks

Global Commie Democrats
& Global Commie RINO
Republicans Are Ready
To Pass The Global
Commie Value Added Tax

Vulnerable Commie House
Commie Democrats who
supported the Commie 'healthcare'
'bill' reaped big financial rewards.

Federal Election Commission
(FEC) reports show the crucial
Commie yes votes cashed in
between March 21 and the end
of the first quarter on March 31.

They received big
Commie money from
Commie Democratic-leaning
political action committees (PACs)
and fellow Commie Democratic
members of Congress.

Several of these Commie
members were last-minute
yes votes, which helped push
the Commie 'legislation' to 'passage'

Should Global Commie
RINO Republicans Push
For A Global Commie
Value Added Tax ?

No, because it's a totally
irresponsible Commie position.

Every objective study
of this has shown that the
actual Commie tax rate would
have to be much higher than
advertised to make up for the
Commie revenue that would be
lost - so high that it would almost
certainly lead to high levels of
cheating and tax evasion requiring
the sort of intrusive Commie
enforcement that Commie fair-tax
Commie advocates 'say' they despise.

And the end result
would almost certainly
be a marked shift in the
Commie tax burden from
the wealthiest Americans to
the middle class.

It's bad Commie tax policy
and bad Commie politics