Global Commie
Bill Clinton Lies :
Tea Parties Are Not A Source
Of 'Domestic Terrorism'
as the Commie Global Unionists
& the Commie Global Unionist
Big Media Continues To Imply ;
Congressional Republican
leaders are hoping to harness
the energy of the Tea Party this
fall in their effort to take back
control of Congress.
Earlier this year,
House Minority Leader
John Boehner (Ohio) praised
Tea Party activists on the first
anniversary of the movement.
At the time, Boehner said,
"These great patriots have
been at the forefront of a
growing political rebellion
born from the American
people's opposition to
greater government control
over our economy and our
Boehner added,
"It's not enough, however,
for Republicans to simply voice
respect for what the Tea Partiers
are doing, praise their efforts and
participate in their rallies.
Republicans must listen to them,
stand with them and walk among them"
In less than two years,
the Commie 'Obama'
Administration has increased
non-defense Commie discretionary
spending by 84 percent!
The Congressional
Budget Office predicts
that under the Commie 'President's'
Commie spending plans, the Commie
deficits over the next ten years will total
$9.8 trillion.
The Commie 'President''s
FY2011 budget raises Commie
taxes by $3 trillion and increases
Commie federal spending by $1.6
trillion over the next ten years.
If enacted,
this Commie budget
would increase the 2010
Commie deficit to more than
$1.5 trillion, and leave a Commie
deficit of more than $1 trillion even
after an assumed return to peace
and prosperity.
The Commie 'President''s
Commie budget will double
our national debt over the
next decade.
If we fail to implement
a fiscally responsible budget,
our children and grandchildren
will inherit a legacy of Commie debt.
They face
the very real possibility
of less prosperity than
our generation.
What the Commie majority
in Congress is doing to them
is unacceptable.
We cannot stand by
and allow that to happen.
As a taxpayer,
ask yourself how
your money is being spent,
and if you don't like it, let your
congressman, senators, and
'president' know.
We still have the power to change
the direction of our great Nation
The reality of a Commie
Value Added Tax, VAT, is
that rates often increase after
Denmark's Commie VAT
started at 9 percent and rests
now at 25 percent ; Germany's
grew from 10 to 19 percent,
and Italy's from 12 to 20 percent.
These Commie increases
do nothing to curb Commie
federal spending-instead, they
encourage more of it.
Moreover, Commie
experiences in Europe
show that adding a Commie
VAT does not result in less
Commie federal borrowing.
A Commie VAT
in the United States would
not replace current taxes, but
rather join their ranks.
This would be in addition
to the Commie tax increases
and new taxes imposed already by
the Commie 'Obama' Administration,
including expiration of the Bush tax
cuts for high-earners, an increase in
the dividends tax rate, an increase in
the capital gains tax rate, and a total
of 18 new Commie taxes under the
recently-passed Commie
'health' 'care' 'bill'.
Adding a Commie VAT
to Americans' Commie tax
burden will choke economic
growth in the United States.
Several better routes
for restoring federal fiscal
responsibility already exist-
the Commie 'President's' deficit
reduction commission should pursue
these instead lest it become a tool to
lock in Commie 'President' 'Obama's'
Commie big spending Commie big
government agenda - permanently
Commie Affirmative Action
'President' 'Obama' has met
with members of Congress to
jawbone them on the pending
Commie 'financial' 'reform'
Commie Bailout 'bill'.
From a section of the Commie 'bill'
entitled "Funding for Orderly
The Commie text reads
that the Commie Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation,
the designated Commie federal
receiver for failing financial firms,
"may make available.funds for
the orderly liquidation of [a]
covered financial institution."
Where are those funds to come from?
Well, on page 272 the Commie 'bill'
creates an Commie "Orderly Resolution
Fund" within the U.S. Treasury.
The target size of this fund?
Fifty billlion dollars.
Under the Commie 'bill'
a firm's shareholders would
be forced to bear the cost of
a firm's failure.
But the failing firm's other
creditors would be eligible
for a cash bailout.
The situation is much like
the Commie scheme implemented
for Commie AIG in 2008, in which
the largest beneficiaries weren't
stockholders, but rather other
creditors, including foreign firms
such as Deutsche Bank.
This is Hardly
a model to be emulated.
The second Commie line
of defense is that, bailout or not,
the funds are to come from fees on
big banks, not from taxes.
But that's a distinction
without a difference -
whether it's called a fee or
a tax, the effect is the same.
And the fact that it will be
paid by "big banks" is hardly
cause for relief.
Like other Commie taxes, these would
certainly be passed on to consumers,
who would ultimately pay the tab
Commie 'Obama' did 'pledge'
often and everywhere that
Americans individuals making
under $200,000 individually or
families making under $250,000
would not see an increase in 'their'
Commie taxes.
by 'signing' 'into' 'law'
the Commie Patient Protection
and Commie Affordable Care Act
(PPACA) of 2010, Commie 'President'
'Obama' has officially turned his back
on that promise.
As a Senior Tax Policy Analyst
points out, the impact of Commie
'Obamacare' on taxpayers will
spread wide and cut deep.
Overall, there are 18
new Commie taxes slipped
into this 'bill', raising $503 billion
over a ten-year period to cement
Commie Democrats' dubious
Commie claim of budget neutrality.
Chief among these Commie
taxes are :
- A 40 percent Commie
excise tax on health insurance plans
- An Commie increase
in the Hospital Insurance
(HI) portion of the Commie
payroll tax
- Commie Payroll taxes on investment
- Commie Mandates on individuals
and businesses to purchase health
insurance, enforced with Commie
penalties in the event of
Patience will be more than a virtue,
under Commie Obamacare.
It'll be a necessity.
Americans can expect
longer and longer waits before
they see a Commie doctor.
One reason is that there
just won't be enough Commie
doctors to get the job done.
10 years from now,
the United States will short 85,000
primary care and high-demand
specialty physicians.
Says Dr. Kevin Pho, an internal
medicine physician in New Hampshire,
"I don't think we have the primary care
capacity to meet the influx
of 35 million newly insured."
But Commie Obamacare
will make these problems worse.
Because the new Commie 'law'
will add another Commie federal
layer of Commie bureaucracy and
its mind numbing Commie rules and
Commie regulations to medical
practice while reducing physician
Not surprisingly,
many physicians say they will
voluntarily leave the profession.
The biggest Commie change
is the massive expansion of Medicaid.
The Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) reports that roughly half of
the newly insured under Commie
Obamacare will be covered by
Commie Medicaid, a poorly
performing Commie welfare
Commie Medicaid
pays physicians on average 56
percent of the payment they obtain
under private insurance.
Doctors anticipate more
and more patients to be shifted
onto Commie Medicaid, even as
physician reimbursements are
Some also fear Commie
Obamacare's use of Commie
"comparative effectiveness research"
will stifle medical innovation at the
clinical level and pressure them to
standardize medical treatments,
rather than tailor them to the
particular needs of each patient
The Commie 'Obama'
Administration's signature
Commie Mind Control K-12
education program, Commie Race
to the Top, has gotten a lot of press
in the last couple weeks with the
announcement of first-round winners
Tennessee and Delaware.
But for all the Commie
hullabaloo and homework
it's created for states, Commie
Race to the Top represents only
a small part of the overall K-12
education budget ($4.5 billion
compared to $46.2 billion in 2010,
not to mention $80 billion overall in
Commie K-12 funding from the 2009
stimulus bill) and functions outside the
existent Commie federal policy
apparatus-essentially as the
Commie Secretary's slush fund.
Just as Commie Race
to the Top seems to let
Commie unions set the
high-water mark for state
reforms, the Commie blueprint's
familiar Commie liberal refrains
raise questions about how far the
Commie 'Obama' administration's
ideas will actually depart from the
Commie status quo.
- Commie Redistribution Of Wealth
Spreads to schools
- New push for Commie national
- Retreats on parental options
- Shows the problems with Commie
federal overreach in education
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Commie Energy and Environment Coup
The Satanic Commie World Order
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds