Repeal :
The Commie feds are coming
to inspect your home if you want
to sell it, according to Commie
regulations buried in Commie
cap-and-trade 'legislation' and
Commie standards decreed
by the Secretary of Energy.
But there are numerous
legal difficulties inherent
in Commie DOE "inspections."
Here are a few :
First, the Commie regulations
purportedly require homeowners
to submit to a Commie warrantless
search of their property.
The result of this Commie
inspection ("looking in") of their home
would be to condemn real property
(fixtures and things attached to the land
are real estate in many states)
and/or personal property
Repeal :
The Globalist Commie Big Green
Ethanol Flex Fuel Fraud
The Commie Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) could be set to give the
already well-subsidized Commie ethanol
industry a big Commie boost by
approving an increase in the amount
of Commie ethanol blended into gasoline
from 10 percent to 15 percent.
That item sits at the top of the Commie
agenda of Washington, D.C.'s powerful
Commie ethanol lobby; a decision is
expected to be reached on it
later this year.
However, it is not the only Commie
handout to what critics dub "Big Corn"
that may be on the table.
Commie pro-ethanol groups
are also actively pushing for Commie
'legislation' that critics charge constitutes
more Commie government meddling
in both the auto industry and the energy
sector-and that they have some powerful
Commie advocates in Congress
and the Commie administration
on their side.
About a week ago,
Sen. Richard Lugar, an Indiana
Commie RINO Republican, unveiled
a Commie "cap-and-trade alternative,"
among whose key Commie provisions
would be one to push automotive
manufacturers to increase the number
of Commie flex-fuel vehicles they build.
Commie Flex fuel vehicles
are designed to run on E85,
which is 85 percent ethanol.
Consequently, critics charge,
it would be a huge boon to Commie
ethanol producers-and also to Commie
government-controlled General Motors,
a big producer of Commie flex fuel vehicles
-were Lugar's Commie 'legislation'
to 'pass' and be 'signed' 'into' 'law'.
That, in turn,
is an outcome that ethanol critics say
Commie Agriculture Secretary Commie
Tom Vilsack would strongly support.
Indeed an effort,
announced last week,
to turn the U.S. Navy into a major consumer
of Commie biofuels, seems to bear that out.
Commie Vilsack's Commie
Agriculture Department has 'partnered'
with the U.S. Navy on the Commie initiative,
which would entail the development of
so-called Commie "Green Strike Groups"
and Commie "Great Green Fleets" comprising
Commie biofuel nuclear ships and Commie
aircraft powered by Commie biofuels,
and increased reliance on-
you guessed it- Commie flex fuel vehicles.
The move has been cheered by Commie
ethanol fans.
For his part,
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
is also seen as a friend of Commie ethanol
by key Commie players in the Commie
industry, including Commie Renewable
Fuels Association Commie President Commie
Bob Dinneen who attended and live-tweeted
his recent Commie energy speech, noting his
Commie appreciation for Commie Obama's
support for Commie ethanol, and indeed
Commie 'Obama's' support for Commie
flex-fuel vehicles.
Critics charge that this friendliness
could translate into additional, major
Commie handouts to the Commie ethanol
industry as November nears : Setting aside
Commie Vilsack and many Commie
congressmen's predisposition to backing
Commie ethanol giveaways, they note
that several of the Commie Democratic
Commie Congressional Campaign
Committee's designated Commie Frontline
Democrats are from Midwestern districts
where the Commie ethanol industry plays
an important Commie role
Repeal :
In the end, the Commie FCC
Commission's attempt to enforce
a regulatory regime over the Internet
without Congressional approval is
unlikely to pass judicial muster.
But testing those limits
seems to be what the current Commie
FCC Chairman and his Commie boss
over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
seem to have in mind :
Expand the role of Commie government
over wide swaths of the economy by
whatever means necessary.
So, instead of appropriately seeking
Congressional approval, which would
be difficult, and probably unsuccessful,
expect Commie Chairman Genachowski
and the Commie Democratic majority
at the FCC to pursue a path of forcing
Internet providers into a regulatory box
known as Title II of the 1934
Communications Act.
No, that's not a typo.
They really are talking about applying
a 1934 statute to the Internet.
(Hope all those gamers learn to love
pushing hoops around with a stick!)
What would that mean?
In her own admission, Commie network
neutrality proponent Commie Gigi Sohn
of Public Knowledge plainly stated
on PBS's NewsHour :
".the best option is for the Commie
FCC to reverse its 2002 decision that
deregulated broadband Internet access.
If they reverse that decision, they say,
look, we were wrong in 2002 -
the predictive assumptions we made
were wrong.
The market has changed.
We're going to now regulate
broadband access again."
Cramming the Internet
into Title II would go against the policy
pronouncements of the Congress, the
Supreme Court, and even the FCC itself.
It would place the Internet under
an outdated regulatory scheme designed
for antiquated phone monopolies -
and treat broadband like a public utility.
But, it would give these power hungry
Commie regulators a better shot of enacting
Commie net neutrality regulations, taxing
internet services under the Universal Service
Fund, and even regulating Internet pricing.
These policies are implicitly
and explicitly written into the Commie
National Broadband Plan Commie
chairman Genachowski just sent
The Commie Obama FCC,
Commies Free Press, and Public
Knowledge will not stop until the
Commie federal government regulates
the Internet.
Through Commie network neutrality
regulations, the Commie National
Broadband Plan, or shoving the
Internet into Title II, their motives
are clear : to control the Internet.
If the Commie Left
wants yet another hot-button issue
to contend with in the upcoming
elections, I think they just found it
Repeal The Global Commie
Obamunist Hell Care Catastrophe :
Every provision of Commie
Obamacare must be repealed -
not selective parts of it.
Not by preserving a short list
of less egregious components.
Commie Obamacare must be
ripped out completely, lock, stock
and barrel - root and branch -
no vestige left behind - not a DNA
particle of Commie Obamacare retained.
The toxic stew of Commie Obamacare
would taint every effort to reform
and give the next generation of Commie
leftist politicians their talking points
for another assault on our liberty.
Republicans will either stand unanimously
together for 100 percent repeal, as we did
against the Commie Hell Care 'bill',
or our ranks will be split
and our effort defeated.
The voracious appetite of the Commie
leftists to consume American Liberty
has spontaneously created a new class
of activists whom I define as the
"constitutional conservatives."
They are the 9-12 Project groups,
all the Tea Party groups, and the
organizations who join in their
Constitutional conservatives
are emerging as the new majority makers
and will not support a partial repeal.
They stood in the streets, town halls
and capitols of our states and nation
to "Kill the bill."
No one demonstrated
to "kill the most egregious aspects"
or "preserve the least egregious aspects"
of Commie Obamacare.
This is an all or nothing fight
from this point forward.
Either we will be unified, energized
and resolute for 100 percent repeal
or we will be divided and deservedly
conquered by Commies Obama,
Pelosi and Reid.
This is a life or death struggle
for the soul of America.
We are the redoubt
of Western Civilization.
It is our charge
to set the standard for the world
Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds