Friday, April 30, 2010

U.S. Invaded By Aliens Under The Color Of 'Law', Immigration & Amnesty ;

Global Jesuit Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminals :

Attitudes toward immigration
"did not evolve slowly and authentically
from traditional Christianity, but rather
have been assiduously advanced by
radical intellectuals, both Protestant
and Catholic, whose goals have been
primarily political, and have run counter
to the best interests of the vast majority
of native-born American citizens."

The occupation of the Catholic Church
by Marxist elements is now front and center

Global Jesuit Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminals :

The Vatican's triple crown :
church, government and state

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Hate Citizens of the U.S. ;

Stop All Immigration :

Every thirty days, our U.S.
Congress imports 150,000 to 180,000
legal immigrants as well as allows illegal
alien migrants to cross into our country
without warrant.

Total: 1.5 to 2.0 million new people
added to this country, give or take
a few thousand, annually.

Since we suffer 20 million unemployed
Americans, but we only create 95,000
new jobs each month, and we add
150,000 to 180,000 immigrants every
30 days throughout the year, and they
must take jobs to live, or live off our
welfare and food stamp programs-
how will we ever bring full employment
to 20 million unemployed American

Since our U.S. Congress allows
at least 10-12 million of the 20 million
illegal aliens in this country to remain
employed illegally, how will they ever
help our working poor to gain 'living wage'
jobs in order to extricate themselves from
poverty, foreclosures on their homes and
feed their children?

How will we ever extract 13.4 million
American children out of poverty?

Our U.S. Congress, by importing 1.5
to 2.0 million immigrants including H-1B,
H-2B, L-1, H-2A and a myriad of other
visas to other countries for workers
annually -drives American workers
into unemployment lines, into welfare
soup kitchens, into the streets and into
unproductive lives.

With Congress' outsourcing, insourcing
and offshoring of jobs-we citizens don't
stand a chance.

Massive and unrelenting immigration
cannot add up, does not equate and
cannot continue if this country hopes
to serve its citizens, its children
and its future.

To legalize 20 to 25 million illegal aliens
and their children, will bring on massive
importation of millions more through
'family reunification'.

If we continue on this 1.5 to 2.0 million
people imported into America every year
much longer, we won't be able to save
ourselves, our communities, our culture,
our country, our children or our civilization

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Military Industrial Complex :

During his confirmation hearing,
Navy Vice Admiral James "Sandy"
Winnefeld Jr. told a Senate committee
on April 15 that if confirmed to head U.S.
Northern Command and the North American
Aerospace Defense Command, he will work
to build and maintain the commands
relationships he called critical to the

Those relationships include
the militaries of Canada and Mexico