Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Don't Be Fooled By Commies, Commie Media & The Commies In Commie Washington D.C. ;
'Obama' 'promised' Americans
that "If you like the plan you
have now, you can keep it."
It was a fundamental Commie
'promise' of Commie Obamacare.
But if the coverage you like comes via
a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a
Flexible Spending Account (FSA), that
'promise' may not hold
Commie Congressional liberals
are correct about one thing, Commie
Obamacare is historic.
It is an unprecedented Commie takeover
of Americans' health care now equal to
one-sixth of the entire US economy.
It is historic for its Commie partisan
Commie backroom deals and controversial
Commie parliamentary tactics.
And it is historic for its apparent disregard
for the strongly held opinion of the majority
of the American people.
But it will long be remembered for
its catastrophic Commie side effects- in
record Commie spending and its
Commie disruption- on the lives
of millions of Americans
As CommieObamacare
inched its way toward passage,
boosters of the Commie radical
Commie legislation began making
bold new Commie claims
about its Commie virtues.
The Commie 'bill', they said,
would do far more than simply fix
the health care system; it would
create jobs and boost the economy, too.
Not surprisingly,
the early evidence is quickly
proving their Commie claims to be false.
Consider Massachusetts.
It is home to a large portion
of the nation's life sciences industry.
That industry now faces major job
losses due to the new Commie
Obamacare Commie
tax on medical devices.
So long, jobs.
If Commie Congress had been serious
about stimulating the economy, they
would never have voted for Commie
Instead, they would have worked
to prevent new tax increases until
unemployment falls.
When it comes to job creation,
Commie Obamacare completely misses
the mark-unless you count the thousands
of Commie IRS slots needed to enforce
the Commie 'bill'
Commie Obamacare
is the wrong way to go
Commie Provisions,
such as the rich benefits insurers
will be required to offer in all health
plans, will add further to premium prices.
And don't forget the Commie taxes.
When asked if health premiums would go
up, Aetna CEO Ron Williams responded,
"The answer is yes, and some of the things
that will drive those premiums are significant
additional taxes the industry will ultimately
have to pay in the first year."
And Premium increases will discourage
young adults from purchasing insurance
That will only fuel a "death spiral"
of out-of-control premium price hikes
The Commie 'President'
has made a habit of using
conservative talking points
when trying to sell Commie
liberal ideology because he
knows that this is a center-right
country that rejects his Commie
His Commie supporters
have even tried to shift blame of
the unconstitutional individual mandate
Over 16,000 new Commie IRS agents
will be hired by the Commie government
to enforce the Commie 'President's'
mandate on the American people.
The Commie 'President's' 'health care'
plan also raises premiums, taxes, and
costs while lowering quality,
and expanding Medicaid.
These are not conservative ideas
In the the Commie Congressional
'health care' debate, Commie House
Commie Speaker Commie Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA) told the Commie National
Association of Counties :
"We have to pass the bill
so that you can find out what is in it."
After the end of the first week
of Commie Obamacare Commie
Speaker Commie Pelosi has been
proven right : we are just now finding
out what is in it.
AT&T, the biggest U.S. telephone
company, announced that it would take
a $1 billion Commie charge against earnings
thanks to Commie tax changes buried
in the 2,300+ page Commie 'bill'.
$1 billion.
That is a full third of AT&T's $3 billion
earnings for the fourth quarter of 2009.
And AT&T is not alone.
Towers Watson estimates that just this
Commie tax change alone will eliminate
$14 billion in U.S. corporate profits.
That's $14 billion less
American employers have to
spend creating new jobs when
our unemployment rate is still 9.7%.
And AT&T is not the only company
informing employees that Commie
Obamacare is going to mean worse
care for them.
Verizon Communications,
the second biggest U.S. phone company,
told employees last week that Commie
Obamacare "may have significant
implications for both retirees
and employers"
Commie Union bosses
howled about one Commie
Obamacare tax hike : the levy
on "Cadillac" health plans
(expensive plans rich in benefits).
The problem with this Commie tax,
as they see it, is that it hits the very plans
often enjoyed by their Commie rank-and-file.
Ever eager to please the Commie unions,
Commie Democratic leaders added a "fix"
to the Commie 'reconciliation' 'bill' the Commie
'president' has 'signed' into 'law'
It delays the unpopular Commie tax to 2018.
The pols are touting it as a scaled back version
of the Commie tax.
But even the Commie "fix" is broken
The Commie leftist majorities
in Congress were incensed that
America's employers would dare
warn their investors about the costs
of Commie Obamacare at the same
time as the Commie 'Obama' Commie
administration's national Commie sales
pitch was set to begin.
Caterpillar was quick to inform
the markets exactly what Commie
Obamacare meant for its bottom line.
Caterpillar announced that Commie
Obamacare would raise its insurance
costs by at least 20 percent - or more
than $100 million - just in the first year of
the Commie 'health-care' 'overhaul' program.
And Caterpillar was not alone.
Other Fortune 500 firms quickly
followed suit announcing Commie
Obamacare hits to their bottom line
including: Deere & Co., $150 million;
AK Steel, $31 million; 3M, $90 million;
Valero Energy, $20 million;
and AT&T, $1 billion.
The consulting firm
Towers Watson tells the Wall Street
Journal that the total Commie hit this
year will reach nearly $14 billion.
America's employers
simply can't sustain losses like these,
so many of these companies, including
Verizon, have informed their employees
to expect significant changes to their
current health care benefits
Commie 'President' 'Obama' has
appointed one of Commie Big Labor's
Commie lawyers to a post at the
Commie National Labor Relations Board.
The Commie appointment of Commie
Craig Becker was expected-despite
the Senate's bipartisan rejection of him.
Prior to his appointment, Becker served
as Commie associate general counsel to
the Commie Service Employees International
The Commie union, which spent
an estimated $66 million in 2008
for Commie 'Obama's' 'election',
has been rewarded dearly for its
Commie support.
Becker is the third Commie SEIU
leader tapped for a post by Commie
The appearance of Commie preferential
treatment hasn't stopped Commie 'Obama'
from rewarding his Commie allies at
Commie SEIU.
Commie Stern was picked to serve
on Commie 'Obama's' Commie debt
Commie Burger was tapped for Commie
'Obama's' Commie Economic Recovery
Commie Advisory Board in 2009.
And now Commie Becker,
despite Senate opposition, has secured a
Commie coveted Commie appointment to
represent Commie Big Labor's interests
at the Commie NLRB
While the Commie Environmental
Commie Protection Agency grinds
ahead with its Commie Clean Air Act
Commie regulations to force Commie
reductions of carbon dioxide emissions
from energy consumption, the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) released a
report on a different Commie energy
Commie conservation program
introduced by the Commie EPA
under the same Commie 'law'.
Just because the Commie 'government'
'deems' something to be more energy
efficient does not mean it is.
In fact,
not only may it NOT be more energy
efficient but also it may not even be real
Comprehensive Global Communism :
International Finance Of Global
Commie Enviromentalism ;
The banking giant HSBC
removed two Commie companies
involved in Commie carbon trading
from its Commie Climate Change Index
because they had lost too much value.
Analysts from HSBC said the cause
was mainly that Commie 'governments'
had failed to come up with a Commie
timetable for a Commie global climate deal
at the Commie United Nations Commie
summit in Copenhagen in December.
Commie "Carbon trading
was the major loser from Copenhagen,"
HSBC analysts said in their March 2010
Quarterly Index Review.
Commie 'Cap and trade needs hard targets
and binding Commie rules - and Copenhagen
delivered neither,' HSBC said."
HSBC created a Commie Global Climate
Change Benchmark Index and had four Commie
climate change indices, two of which include a
Commie Climate Change Index and a HSBC
Commie Low Carbon Energy Production Index
(including: solar, wind, biofuels, geothermal).
An HSBC press statement reads:
"In creating these indices, HSBC has responded
to changing investor sentiment in global equity markets.
The HSBC research team
has looked at a wide range of stocks
and identified approximately 300 Commie
companies that are well positioned to benefit
from the Commie challenges
of Commie climate change."
This is a Commie big problem
of the Commie government
creating false expectations.
Commie Businesses
were convinced that the Commie
federal government would continue
its Commie trek to regulate CO2
and subsequently prepared for a
Commie carbon-constrained
Commie future by building
Commie business models
around it.
HSBC's Commie Global Climate
Change Benchmark Index is just
one example.
Companies, especially
in energy-intensive industries, began
to prepare to comply with Commie
regulations, adjust to Commie higher
prices and adapt their operations
to reduce CO2.
Energy producers became Commie
vested Commie stakeholders and lobbied
for Commie handouts to produce Commie
CO2-free energy to capitalize on their own
investments and reap the 'benefits'
of Commie 'government' 'handouts'.
Major oil companies invested
in Commie 'renewable' 'energy'
'technology' to capitalize on Commie
subsidies and Commie tax breaks while
'enhancing' their image.
Even industries that do not emit relatively
large mounts of CO2 had to prepare for
Commie higher energy costs as well as be
more cognizant of their own carbon output.
In the heart
of California's anemic economy,
the Commie Mayor of L.A. and the
Department of Water and Power (DWP)
hope to massively raise energy rates by a
whopping 21% next year, with other rate
increases slated through 2014, for a total
37% hike.
Are the increased rates intended to pay
for a budget shortfall? Are they going up
because the cost of energy is going up, too?
The increased rates would raise Commie
money to "invest" in Commie 'renewable'
In fact, the Commie Mayor
thought the hike was so important
that he invited Commie former 'Vice
President' Commie Al Gore to present
the plan at the city council meeting via satellite
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Commie Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
Monday, March 29, 2010
I Expect Nothing But Trouble From This Commie Washington D.C. Commie Administration ;
Commie Big government
is the problem, not the solution.
Most conservatives have seen the light.
We have seen the corrupting impact
of Commie big government.
We have lived it, and we would rather
protect our values from Commie big
government than entrust Commie
big government with them.
If we want to preserve the next electoral
victory for limited government conservatism,
we will all need to hold the GOP to its promises.
We will need to tell our lawmakers
that we demand liberty.
We will need to tell them
that their cushy seats on Capitol Hill
will be at risk EVERY time they even hint
at voting for more Commie government.
We will need to tell them
that we no longer accept lip service
Excuse me Commie Senator,
but who the hell are you to decide
who is "too wealthy?"
You'd be a perfect Commie candidate
for a Commie Fidel Castro or Commie
Hugo Chavez administration - after all,
Commie Castro did just call Commie
ObamaCare a "miracle."
Or would Commie Castro and Commie
Chavez fit right into the Commie 'leadership'
in Commie Washington, DC these days?
Regardless, all doubts that the Commie
Democrats' takeover of health care was little
more than a Commie power grab in the name
of Commie "social justice" have been confirmed.
And it should be all the more reason to push
for a repeal of this fundamentally Commie
un-American takeover
This week brings more bad news
for Commie "Making Home Affordable's"
Commie central planners in Washington.
Poor Commie planning, poor Commie
implementation, and no credible plan to
demonstrate effectiveness?
Go figure!
It also turns out that-'shockingly'-the Commie
administration grossly over-promised the
number of homeowners its Commie
scheme would assist.
Yet, taxpayers are still stuck with a $75 Billion
Commie price tag for the failed Commie program.
Commie Obamacare will end up costing
well over $2 Trillion over its (true) first ten years.
This massive Commie government plan makes
Commie 'Obama's' Commie mortgage program
look like a dusty, unwanted item on the discount
rack at the dollar store.
They couldn't handle a $1 Billion Commie
cash-for-clunkers program.
They royally screwed up a $75 Billion Commie
housing effort.
Now, they're going to run our health care
A Commie Union
Illegal Alien Federal Holiday ;
If this month long Commie celebration
'seems' excessive, it is because it is.
If history is any indication, however, it may
not be that long until all Americans must submit
to Commie Chavez Day because Commie
'Barack Obama', as a 'presidential candidate',
thought that it ought to be a Commie
federal holiday.
Commie 'Obama' was pandering to a certain
Commie wing of the Hispanic vote and he
sincerely believes in the Commie struggle
of Commie La Raza, but I submit to you,
dear reader, that Commie Cesar Chavez Day
ought not to have been a holiday in the first place.
There are several myths
about Commie Chávez that deserve explanation,
clarification, and explication, but the most pressing
of these myths is that Commie Chavez helped
Latino fruit pickers get a living wage.
He did no such thing
It is the Commie activist community organizers
who are the community destroyers, as they pit
their Commie followers against the policies
that would otherwise help them advance
in society into productive positions.
They advocate
for the Commie minimum wage,
creating unemployment.
They advocate for Commie green jobs,
Commie jobs that destroy wealth and by
Commie extension greater real job creation
as dictated by consumers.
They advocate for Commie labor unions
that end up wrecking the companies that
created the labor in the first place.
They advocate for Commie socialized medicine,
which like all Commie experiments in central
Commie planning produces a worse and more
costly Commie service.
They advocate for artificially Commie cheap
credit for things like homes that end up distorting
and crushing the economy.
They advocate for Commie affirmative action
which institutionalizes Commie reverse racism
and denigrates the people it purports to help
by implying that those of a certain background
cannot make it on their own merits.
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;
Defy Defeat Expose Oppose Protest & Resist :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
Commies Only Bailout Entities That Enable Commie Entitlement Policies ;
The Commie Troubled Assets
Relief Program bailed out Commie
institutions declared "too big to fail."
As a result of those Commie bailouts,
these same Commie institutions are even
bigger today.
The Commie 'Obama' 'administration's'
solution to the problem is to limit executive
pay and take other Commie measures to
Commie regulate private enterprise
on Wall Street.
Yet new Commie bailout authorities
for the Commie 'federal' government may,
if recent history is repeated, make massive
Commie institutions even bigger.
The Commie Dodd 'bill' would actually
create a Commie permanent, $50 billion
Commie emergency fund to rescue or
unwind Commie firms deemed to be a
threat by the new Commie Financial
Stability Oversight Council.
Explicit Commie financial support
of the largest Commie firms by the Commie
federal government encourages risky Commie
behavior and skews the market place, resulting
in progressively riskier and larger Commie firms
A group of over two dozen
prominent conservatives led
by former Atty. Gen. Ed Meese
and operating under the umbrella
of the Conservative Action Project
has issued a highly critical analysis
of Commie Goodwin Liu, Commie
'President' 'Obama's' Commie 'nominee'
to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals,
saying he has "repeatedly shown
a Commie lack of respect
for the Constitution
as the Supreme law of the land."
The memo calls on the Senate
to reject his nomination.
Here is their case against Commie Liu
In yet another example of Commie
violence spreading north of the border,
a deadly Commie Mexican gang is actively
plotting to kill U.S. law enforcement officers
and their families in Texas, according to a
Department of Homeland Security alert
that warns the cops to wear body armor
and vary routes to avoid being tracked.
Issued this week, the government directive
instructs area law enforcement officers-
local and federal-in El Paso to be extra
vigilant because the Commie Mexican-based
Commie Barrio Azteca gang is retaliating
for a recent sweep targeting its Commie
thugs for murdering two Americans
at the U.S. Consulate Juarez.
Dubbed "Operation Knock Down,"
the huge crackdown focused on the lethal
Commie Barrio Azteca gang, which operates
in El Paso jails, and its counterpart in Commie
Mexico, which is allied with the renowned Juarez
drug cartel.
In all, 54 Commie gang members
and their Commie criminal associates
were arrested in El Paso's largest law
enforcement operation which involved
more than 200 officers from 21 agencies,
including the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) and the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA)
Commie E.P.A., D.O.E. Fraud : Energy Star
The Commie scandal-plagued
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
runs the Commie program along with the Commie
Department of Energy (DOE) and millions of tax
dollars have been spent to 'encourage' Americans
to use its Commie approved products.
In fact, Commie Energy Star just got
a $300 million Commie infusion from
the Commie American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act so states
can offer Commie rebates.
Now a congressional investigation reveals
that products carrying the Commie coveted
Energy Star label may not be efficient after all
because the Commie program is highly vulnerable
to Commie fraud.
More than a dozen fake items, including a
"gasoline-powered alarm clock" and nonexistent
dehumidifiers and heat pumps, submitted for
approval easily secured the Commie Energy Star
label, according to a report issued this week
by the Government Accountability Office.
It includes the embarrassing details
of a nine-month probe that sheds a shameful light
on the Commie government for wasting tax dollars
and essentially deceiving Americans into believing
they're using quality, energy-saving products with
a reliable stamp of Commie approval.
For the most part Commie Energy Star
is a self-certification project susceptible
to Commie fraud and abuse, investigators found
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Commie Washington D.C. Week In Review ;
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
The Commie Senate's Commie
'health' 'care' 'bill' became 'law'
earlier this week, but the fight against
a Commie government 'overhaul' of
our nation's health system continued
in the Senate.
Senators voted on many amendments
to the Commie 'reconciliation' 'bill'
'passed' by the Commie House as
a "fix" to the massive Commie Senate
'health' 'bill', Commie H.R. 3590.
This process proved extremely important,
since it underscored some very key policy
issues that have surfaced in the national
Forget what Commie 'lawmakers' say;
look instead on how they act.
Votes on key issues tell a big story.
Consider the following policy issues :
- Medicaid For Congressmen
- Protecting Medicare Advantage
- Freedom for States
to Chart Their Own Course
- Protecting Jobs
- Stopping Commie Entitlement Growth
Stop Taxing Investments
Commie Obamacare
has not even been 'the law of the land'
for one week and already major Fortune 500
companies are announcing hundreds of millions,
and even billion, dollar hits to their bottom line.
Our health care team has gone through
the Commie 'legislation' and produced
the following timeline of major Commie 'policy'
AT&T Inc.
will take a $1 billion non-cash
charge in the first quarter
And by "take a non-cash charge"
what they really mean is that Commie
'President' 'Barack Obama's' Commie
'health' spending plan just ate $1 billion
out of AT&T's bottom line.
And that's to pay for just one
of the Commie tax hikes wrought
by Commie Obamacare.
AT&T is just one of many companies
that subsidize Medicare drug coverage
for their retirees.
The new Commie 'health' 'law' slaps a tax
on those subsidies, effective next year.
In addition to costing the communications
giant a cool billion, the Commie tax is likely
to cost workers and retirees a cherished benefit.
Because of the Commie legislation,
AT&T is now "looking into changing
the health care benefits it offers
to active and retired workers."
So much for the Commie promise
about being able to keep the health
care you have!
From day one we have been highly
skeptical of Commie Congress' ability
to cut Medicare as necessitated to fund
Commie Obamacare's $2.5 trillion
in new spending.
The top down Commie
cuts-by-committee-of-experts approach
is far too susceptible to typical Commie
Washington deal making.
Now we learn that in order to secure
Commie votes in the final days before
'passage', the Commie House has
already proved Commie Obamacare
will only increase, not decrease,
Commie Medicare spending
As Commie 'President' 'Barack Obama'
embarks on a high profile Commie campaign
to bolster Commie public opinion of his
Commie 'health care' plan, there is one Commie
man who is already convinced that Commie
Obamacare is the right move for America -
Commie Fidel Castro, the Commie Cuban
revolutionary leader and Commie first secretary
of the Cuban Communist Party.
According to an Associated Press report,
Commie Castro hailed Commie Obamacare
as "a miracle" and "an important Commie battle
and a Commie success of Commie (Obama's)
Commie government."
The Commie Senate's 'health care bill'
'became law' earlier this week, but that
does not mean the fight against a Commie
'government' 'overhaul' of our nation's
health system is over.
This week, the Commie Senate considers
amendments to the 'reconciliation bill passed'
by the Commie House alongside the Commie
Senate 'health bill', Commie H.R. 3590.
This process will provide a chance to
ameliorate the 'numerous shortcomings'
of the 'passed legislation', and will provide
Americans with a glimpse at the true intentions
of their 'elected officials' as they are forced
to take a stance on difficult questions regarding
changes to the 'bill'.
Here's an outline of some of the amendments
put forth and the 'Senate's verdict' :
- Protecting Medicare Savings
- Getting Rid of Special Deals
- Removing Taxes on the Middle Class
- Protecting Jobs and the Economy
- Preventing Premium Increases
Subjecting Lawmakers to Obamacare
This Week
The U.S. Commie Senate began
debate of Commie H.R. 4872, which
'amends' the Commie Obamacare 'bill'
'passed' by the Commie House and
'signed' into 'law' by the Commie
Parts of Commie H.R. 4872 actually
make the original 'bill' worse - for
example, the Commie 'provision' that
would increase the separate, new
Commie premium tax on commercial
health insurance coverage and the one
that expands the new Commie tax on
medical devices.
And Yet another Commie 'provision'
would change the federal Medicaid
funding formula such that Commie
Obamacare will cost taxpayers in 28
states and the District of Columbia
even more money.
That means that 56 Commie senators
have yet another opportunity to once
more vote against the interests of their
constituents back home by approving
Commie H.R. 4872.
The Commie Obamacare 'legislation'
(now designated Public Law 111-148)
'will' 'cover' the uninsured mainly by
dumping 20 million of them into the
Federal/State Medicaid program.
While the 'federal government' will
'pick up' most of the extra Commie
cost, state taxpayers will still be left
holding the bag for the rest of the
Commie expense
Commie Union 'leaders' were outraged
by last month's bipartisan Senate vote
against Commie Craig Becker, Commie
'President' 'Obama's' Commie nominee
to the Commie National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB).
Rather than accept another setback,
however, Commie Big Labor and its
Commie partisan allies in the Commie
White House are going on the offensive :
Commie 'Obama' is planning to use
a Commie recess appointment to place
Becker on the Commie NLRB.
Doing so would not only disregard
the Senate's constitutional responsibility
of advice and consent, but, according to
all 41 Senate Republicans, would "institute
far-reaching Commie changes in labor law
policy far exceeding the Board's authority
and by-passing the role of Congress"-
Commie changes that, coincidentally,
happen to mirror Commie organized labor's
Commie 'legislative' agenda
Not only does the Commie Dodd 'bill'
not prevent future taxpayer-funded Commie
'Wall Street' 'bailouts', it virtually guarantees
them forever.
Just as the original $700 billion Commie
TARP fund quickly devolved into Commie
'President' 'Obama's' personal Commie
slush fund, the Commie Dodd 'bill' empowers
the Commie Treasury Secretary to take over
and liquidate any financial firm at any time,
and no one can stop him.
And so it is Commie business as usual
in the Commie 'Obama' White House.
The empowerment of Commie
big government, the enrichment of
Commie cronies, all justified by phony
Commie bi-partisanship and Commie
centrist rhetoric.
Don't be fooled.
The Commie Dodd 'bill' and the Commie
'Obama' agenda take the worst of our current
financial system and puts it on Commie steroids
Commie Carol Browner, the Commie
White House's Commie climate czar
stressed that the Commie government
still stands adamantly behind Commie
carbon caps.
She 'said', "It is our Commie hope
the Commie Senate will act this year
and we will do everything in our
Commie power to support that."
And yet,
even now as the international community
grapples with the recent revelations of
Commie misinformation contained in the
Commie UN Commie Intergovernmental
Commie Panel for Commie Climate
Change's 2007 Commie report that
made the "unequivocal" Commie case
for man-made global warming, and as
Americans find themselves still at the outset
of an incipient economic recovery, Commie
Senators Kerry, Commie Graham, and Commie
Lieberman are proposing Commie legislation
that would slap energy consumption Commie
taxes, sector by sector, on major portions
of the American economy.
The Commie
consequence of such a Commie 'bill'
would be enormously negative for Americans
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;
We The People : We Love Our Military, Our Congressional Republicans, Constitutionalists, Conservatives, Teapartyers & Townhallers ;
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
There's a great deal of diversity
among tea party people.
Some just want lower taxes,
and some also want less regulation.
Still others are pro-life voters
or Christian conservatives that also want
fiscal responsibility.
Many others push for conservative judges,
while still others hold up signs calling
for a restoration of American sovereignty,
or protecting America's borders,
or defeating cap and trade or card check.
But they all have two things in common :
They all want smaller government,
and oppose the trampling of the
Constitution embodied in these efforts
to radically expand the size and scope
of government.
And as part of that desire,
they want this utterly-ludicrous spending
binge to end before it bankrupts all of us.
There's nothing extremist
about that agenda, because common
sense is never extreme
The fight over tax havens
is not just a matter of economics
and tax policy.
It also deals with the critical issue
of national fiscal sovereignty.
International Commie bureaucracies
such as the Commie United Nations
and the Paris-based Commie
Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development
want the Commie power to veto
national tax laws, something that
should horrify any sensible person.
If Commie 'Obama' succeeds
in joining with high-tax Commie nations
such as France to undermine tax competition
and tax havens, the American economy
will suffer as capital is withdrawn
from our financial system.
Less jobs, less growth,
and more dependency.
That almost seems
to be the goal in Commie Washington
When Commie 'Barack Obama'
decided to launch his Commie political
career in the living room of unrepentant
domestic Commie terrorist Bill Ayers,
he tacitly endorsed using Commie violence
as a political tactic.
And when two staunch allies of the Commie
Democratic Party-the Commie SEIU and
Commie ACORN-drove busloads of
protesters to the private homes of AIG
executives, just days later, Commie
'President' 'Obama' told a meeting
of bankers that "my administration is
the only thing between you
and the pitchforks."
Implicitly, Commie 'Obama' was using
the threat of violence to get the bankers
to acquiesce.
During his Commie 'presidential' 'campaign',
Commie 'Barack Obama' didn't shy away
from confrontation.
In fact, he encouraged it by telling Commie
supporters to "argue with" opponents
and to "get in their face[s]"
Commie House Majority Whip
& Commie Rep. James Clyburn (SC)
recently accused Republicans of "aiding
and abetting terrorism" because of their
support for the Tea Party movement.
With all due respect, Commie Rep.Clyburn
needs to clean out his own Commie party first
before he has standing to say anything
on the subject.
Top Commie Democrat Party activists
Commie Jodie Evans and Commie Medea
Benjamin, through their group Commie Code
Pink, have spent the past eight years terrorizing
soldiers, their families and public officials on the
homefront while working with Commie terrorists
and Commie state sponsors of Commie terrorism
Rather than being condemned
and disowned, Commie Code Pink
is embraced by Commie 'President'
'Barack Obama' and leading Commie
Democrats while being celebrated by the
Commie media
Commie Unions :
Union pension plans are disastrously
underfunded & Unions blame everyone
but themselves for the underfunding.
Unions use the money in their pension
funds-which they control but do not
own -for corporate proxy campaigns
and political purposes.
Every year the AFL-CIO issues
its Key Votes Survey as part of their
Proxy Voting Guidelines.
The Survey's 2009 edition advised
pension fund trustees to vote for proxy
resolutions supporting Commie
'health care reform', increased Commie
global warming regulation, and Commie
corporate governance proposals to allow
Commie unions to have a greater say
on the pay and benefits of corporate
Commie Unions use protests
and their financial assets to strong arm
companies into supporting Commie
left-wing social agendas and Commie
policies that help unions.
Many times these Commie agendas
can harm the very companies in which
unions have invested.
The result is Commie labor bosses
getting what they want but the pensions
of the rank and file workers being harmed
There Better Not Be Anymore Commie
*RINO's Appointed, Elected Or Running
For Any Office In This Country Any More,
As They Have & They Will
Only Give Us Trouble ;
*RINO : Republican In Name Only
Since Commie 'Obama' Is Constitutionally Unqualified To Be President, How Can Any 'Order', 'Bill' Or 'Anything' That He Signs Be Lawful ;
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
The vote for the Commie 'reconciliation' 'bill'
"fix" mainly added more Commie taxes, more
cuts to Medicare and included a Commie
government takeover of the student
loan industry.
"The Commie Democrats 'healthcare' 'bill'
is so flawed that it hasn't been Commie 'law'
for three days and yet this is the third time
we have voted to 'fix' it,"
"These minor tweaks do nothing to change
the fact that this Commie 'bill' spends over
$1 trillion, cuts Medicare by over one-half
trillion dollars and raises Commie taxes by
over one-half trillion dollars."
The first 48 hours after Commie 'President'
'Obama' 'signed' the 'bill' into Commie 'law',
the fallout to businesses and jobs could
already be felt across the nation
Commie Pro-amnesty Commie
'lawmakers' have a new outline
for Commie immigration legislation.
In actuality, the plan Commie Senators
Charles Schumer (D.-N.Y.) and Commie
Lindsey Graham (R.-S.C.) rolled out
amounts to a retread of the Commie
Bush-McCain amnesty plan of 2006
and 2007.
Its main Commie elements include
mass Commie amnesty for virtually all
Commie illegal aliens, even more Commie
legal immigration and meaningless Commie
The beginning of Spring 2010
marks an historic moment
in American history :
A nation organized as a republic is being
transformed into a Commie tyranny.
The Commie 'healthcare' 'bill' that
has been bruited over for weeks
will be Commie 'law of the land'
giving Commie Washington, D.C.,
Commie control of one-seventh
of the national economy.
More significantly,
this Commie act violates the
Constitution in several critical ways.
'All' Americans will have to obtain Commie
'healthcare' 'insurance' whether they want it
or not.
The Commie 'act' also' forbids' repeal
even if the Republicans recapture control
of one of the houses of Congress
in the next election.
By any measure this is a Commie
coup d'etat, with the Commie 'President'
employing a combination of Commie threats
and Commie blandishments to achieve his
revolutionary Commie goals
Commie Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.)
pulled off his mask when he told Detroit
WJR News/Talk 760 radio talk show host
Paul W. Smith that Commie Democrat
"reforms" wouldn't be in place until 2014
because it takes time for the Commie
government to get Commie control
over people.
"The harsh fact of the matter is
when you're going to pass Commie 'legislation'
that will cover 300 [million] American people
in different ways it takes a long time to do the
necessary Commie administrative steps that
have to be taken to put the Commie legislation
together to control the people," Dingell 'said'.
Control the people.
That's a 'stunning' Commie admission.
It's what opponents of this Commie
government takeover have warned all along :
This was never about health and it most certainly
isn't about care.
It's about cradle-to-grave Commie government
control over "the people"
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Continue To Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
One of the more controversial -
and unconstitutional - components of
Commie 'health' 'care' 'reform' Commie
'President' 'Barack Obama' has 'signed' into
law is Commie Congress' Commie mandate
that individuals purchase 'health' 'insurance'
or face a Commie fine
A jubilant Commie 'President' 'Obama'
put his signature on Commie 'health' 'care'
'legislation' but the Commie work isn't done
quite yet.
The U.S. Commie Senate must pass the
Commie Reconciliation Act of 2010, making
a number of Commie tax 'changes' to current law
Commie Hell Care Voo Doo :
Is Bad Mojo ;
- State Medicaid Programs Worry
About Cost of Commie Expansion
Businesses that Already Offer Insurance
Face Growth-Stifling Commie Expenses
The Commie Senate has pressed forward
with work on the proposed Commie Hell Care
"fix-it" 'bill' through the Commie 'reconciliation'
You may have thought it was impossible
to make the Commie policy and Commie
process of Commie Obamacare even worse,
but that is exactly what this Commie
'reconciliation' 'bill' does :
- Commie Abuse of Process
- Even Higher Commie Deficits
- Even Higher Commie Taxes on Business
- New Commie Taxes on Investments
- Commie 'Cornhusker' Kickbacks
for All Commies
A Commie Government Takeover
Commie Obamacare ;
the battle over its repeal has already begun.
Key to this debate will be which Commie
elements of Commie Obamacare phase in & when.
Back in December after Commie Obamacare
first passed the Senate, Robert Book produced
the following chart detailing how the Commie
policy is scheduled to be 'implemented'
between 2010 and 2017
What we have all just witnessed
in the debate over Commie 'health' 'care'
'reform', in Commie substance and in Commie
process violates our first principles, takes away
our independence and undermines the very rule
of law.
If left standing, this Commie 'law' places us
evermore firmly on the course of becoming
a heavily centralized Commie European-style
Commie nation, stifled by Commie government
run Commie 'health' 'care' and ruled more by
Commie bureaucrats than elected legislatures.
This is not "progress" but the revival of a failed,
undemocratic, and illiberal form of Commie
These acts are intolerable
As Commie liberal groups begin plotting
to spend millions of dollars to "sell" Commie
Obamacare to Americans in swing House
districts, at least 12 state attorneys general
are mounting an effort to stop Commie
Obamacare in its Commie tracks
on constitutional grounds
Much of the fight
against this Commie Hell Care
'bill' will be led by the individual states ;
All told, 33 states have already taken steps
to challenge various aspects of Commie
Obamacare, including its unprecedented
Commie mandate that every American
purchase Commie 'health' 'insurance'
or face a steep Commie penalty
for noncompliance.
Four additional states will have this question
on the ballot in November.
On Capitol Hill, the initial battle over Commie
Obamacare will occur when Congress considers
whether to fund the tens of thousands of new
Commie federal bureaucrats necessary to
implement the new Commie 'law'.
In the tradition of the Hyde amendment,
which prevented Commie federal funding
for abortions through annual limitations
appended to Commie appropriations bills,
conservatives should look to the
appropriations process as a
first line of defense.
Straightforward funding limitations
would prevent any Commie Administration
official or any Commie bureaucrat from
implementing the Commie 'law'
The failures of Commie 'President'
'Barack Obama's' $862 billion Commie
stimulus are legend, but the $8 billion the
Commie 'Obama' administration will waste
on Commie high-speed rail is particularly galling
At 1,336 pages, the Commie Dodd
Commie financial services regulation 'bill' m
'proposal', which the Commie Senate Banking
Committee 'considers' this week, includes
language that 'could' create a permanent
Commie 'bank' bailout.
It is also filled with other significant
Commie issues, any one of which 'could'
cause serious Commie damage to the economy
or consumers by allowing Commie bureaucrats
to micromanage financial services firms
and require them to meet Commie
political priorities.
Unfortunately, Commie Sen. Dodd says
that he wants the Commie Senate Banking
Committee to rush through the 'bill' this week
and then to send it to the Commie Senate floor
for equally swift passage.
This is completely
the wrong approach to this issue
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;
Continue To Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
In the wake of this Commie 'health' 'care'
'debate's' despicable, dysfunctional Commie
process and Commie product, it is clear :
The most dangerous Commie special
interest is Commie Government and Commie
'President' 'Obama' is its Commie lobbyist.
In contrast to Americans' faith in themselves,
every major piece of Commie legislation
proffered by the Commie 'President' and his
Commie Democratic Congress expands
and empowers Commie Government at the
expense of the people.
Possessed of a smug, cynical, patronizing
Commie view of Americans as Commie
dependents desiring Commie State benefits,
this arrogant Commie administration and its
Commie enablers have defied the American
people and bi-partisan opposition in Congress
to unilaterally jam through a trillion-dollar
Commie government takeover of health care
Unfortunately, high-tax Commie nations
have figured out that tax competition is
a threat and want to interfere with the right of
low-tax jurisdictions to maintain good policy.
This Commie campaign to undermine fiscal
sovereignty is usually characterized as an attack
on so-called tax havens, but that is just the first
Commie step.
Commie International bureaucracies such
as the Paris-based Commie Organization
for Commie Economic Cooperation and
Development favor Commie
"global governance" policies.
Other Commie bureaucracies, including
the Commie United Nations and Commie
European Commission, also favor
one-size-fits-all global Commie rules
to benefit high-tax Commie nations
such as France and Germany
Commie 'health' 'care' 'reform' ;
Not only will the Commie legislation not
cut one thin dime from the Commie deficit,
it will also certainly cost far more than the
$940 billion in new Commie spending
already on the table for at least three
reasons :
These include ;
1. Commie Legislative Trickery.
2. Higher Commie Premiums.
3. Bad Commie Accounting.
The Commie government is terrible
at predicting how much Commie
programs will cost
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
'has signed into law' the Commie Democrats'
trillion-dollar Commie 'health' 'care' Commie
takeover, meaning that one-sixth of the
United States economy has now come under
the Commie purview of the Commie 'federal'
Arizona State economics professor
William Boyes has estimated that the Commie
government already owns or controls about
one-third of U.S. economic activity through the
Commie takeover of General Motors, the
partial Commie ownership of two of the
country's largest banks in Bank of America
and Citigroup, and the 'seizure' of Commie
mortgage giants Commie Fannie Mae
and Commie Freddie Mac
as well as Commie AIG.
Combine those numbers,
and we're looking at roughly half
of the U.S. 'economy'
American tax dollars should not be used
to bail out Greece - or any country -
that engages in reckless Commie
government spending
and Commie deficits.
And yet, a Commie bailout
paid for by U.S. taxpayers
remains a real possibility.
If Commie 'President' 'Obama'
is considering bailing out Greece,
American taxpayers need to send
him a message.
And our message is: "Just Say No"
Enforcement Commie Czar
and Commie SEIU boss Andy Stern ;
Fresh off his Commie 'health' 'care' 'reform'
Commie victory, he's renewing his attack
on Bank of America, one of the banks
Commie SEIU and Commie ACORN
targeted during the Commie 'foreclosure'
'crisis' and Commie 'bank' 'bailouts'.
Bank employees reportedly received a memo
saying "that SEIU is ramping up a big attack
on the banks again about derivatives,"
according to sources.
What makes Commi Stern's attack particularly
audacious is that, according to Commie SEIU's
latest LM-2 financial report filed with the federal
Department of Labor, the Commie union currently
has an outstanding loan of $94,578,779
from Bank of America.
It has repaid a paltry $1,740,250
Another unlikely power figure has emerged
in the Commie Obama Administration.
If the ability to influence national leaders,
shape a national agenda and influence public
opinion are indicators, then, Peter Orszag,
the Director of the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), is, arguably,
the most powerful and, potentially,
most dangerous, man in Washington, DC.
What makes Peter Orszag so dangerous
is his access to more information, at a
granular level, than any federal employee.
Information is power, and the ability to sculpt
information with impunity makes Orszag
Information withheld can cause
as many problems as information
that has been doctored, and whether intentional,
or not, inaccurate information, disseminated
by OMB, presented as fact to Congress and the
American people, is what has often occurred
While Sunday's Commie action
in the Commie House, handed one-sixth
of our nation's economy over to the Commie
'federal' government, we can still save future
generations of Americans from the job-crushing
Commie debt and rationed Commie 'medical care'
'prescribed' in the Commie 'Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act.
That is why I've introduced a bill
to fully repeal this fatally flawed
Commie legislation
The 'logic' behind Commie Speaker Pelosi's
'health' 'bill' math defies common sense.
Indeed, anyone claiming to make things
cheaper by having the 'government' provide it
would do well to delegate financial decisions to
someone else.
A quick glance
at the Commie Treasury Secretary's annual
financial statement is all the proof we need.
The United States is in a financial freefall
and a 'new' Commie government healthcare
entitlement will only make things worse.
Existing Commie 'entitlement' programs
like Medicare have unfunded Commie liabilities
amounting to $43 trillion-a figure that grows
by nearly $2 trillion per year.
If all of these facts were not enough,
the Commie Democrats 'enacted' their 'new'
'law' as a result of Commie bribery.
The American people have heard about many
of the Commie deals made prior to the vote.
The Commie Cornhusker Kickback,
Commie Florida Gatorade,
and Commie Louisiana Purchase
are but a few examples.
It is a national disgrace that our Congress
has become an Commie institution dependent
on Commie extortion to enact major legislation.
And we cannot ignore the historic level
of Commie oppression implemented
by Commie Speaker Pelosi's Rules Committee
in her Commie effort to gain passage
of the Commie 'bill'.
As much as the content of the Commie 'bill'
itself, the manner in which it 'passed' Congress
provides clear evidence that the Commie 'bill'
was about Commie government power
not the health of America
Monday, March 22, 2010
Defy Defeat Expose Oppose Protest & Resist :
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
The Commie Hell Care Coup Review ;
Members of the Commie House
of Representatives have approved Commie
'President' 'Obama's' 'health care' 'agenda',
the biggest expansion of Commie government
power since the Commie Great Society.
The Commie 'Obama' 'health care' 'legislation'
is universal in scope and will profoundly impact
the personal lives of more than 300 million
It will restrict our personal freedom
while undercutting the independence
and authority of the several states
The Commie 'health care' 'legislation' would
cover the uninsured mainly by dumping most
of them into the federal/state Medicaid
Not surprisingly, many states have objected
to the additional costs that such a Commie
Medicaid expansion would impose on their
Indeed, that was the motivation behind the
infamous Commie "Cornhusker Kickback"
in the Commie Senate 'bill', under which the
Commie Federal government would pick up
all of Nebraska's Commie Medicaid
expansion costs in perpetuity
Commie Hell Care :
What's In It For You ;
-A Massively Engorged Commie
-A Commie
Cornhusker Kickback for All
-A Freight train of Commie taxes,
slamming the American people
the shape-shifting Commie tax monster
-Unconstitutional Commie mandates,
courtesy of Commie Congress
-Lock your back door, Higher Commie
'health care' costs will be sneaking in
-Lights out for small businesses?
-Commie Abortions,
You will pay for them, like it or not
-Want to play the stock market?
Maybe not, after you read this
It's not a federal system, after all
Commie Congressional 'leaders' are gleefully
reporting that the Congressional Budget Office
score of their Commie 'health care proposal'
shows that their Commie legislation would
reduce the federal deficit by $138 billion in
the first ten years.
But Not so fast-
consummate professionals though they
are, CBO provides a projection based on
assumptions about the future conduct of
Commie Congress that do not 'always'
represent reality
NBC News and The Wall Street Journal have
released poll results that are disturbing but by
no means surprising.
The March 11th - 14th poll of 1000
American adults showed that only 17% of
respondents approve of the job Congress is
doing in Commie Washington.
And as bad as that number is, the reason why
Congress' approval rating is so low is even
more disturbing : a full 76% of Americans
simply do not trust the U.S. Commie
This was the lowest level of trust for any
representative entity tested by NBC/WSJ.
It is no coincidence that these record low
ratings come amid current debate over
health care in the Commie Congress.
Former U.S. Attorneys General
Edwin Meese III and William P. Barr
released the following statement :
Commie Senator Chris Dodd's monstrous
1336-page Commie financial reform draft
includes a whopping 217 pages devoted to
"improving" over-the-counter Commie
derivatives markets.
The Commie derivatives section
may be replaced by a yet-to-be-released
bipartisan Commie compromise from
Commie Senators Jack Reed
and Judd Gregg.
But the Dodd draft suggests
that Commie legislators are focused
on bureaucratic imperatives rather
than improving markets
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
In a matter of hours after House Commie
passage of the Commie Senate 'Bill',
the state of Virginia will file suit
in federal court.
The Commonwealth will be joined
in the suit by a dozen other states.
I expect a flood of additional lawsuits.
The suits will be based on the Commie
'provision' that requires every American
to purchase Commie 'health insurance'.
(This is how the Commie Dems
'crack down' on the insurance industry;
by requiring everyone to buy its product?)
Because this is an individual Commie mandate,
virtually every American has standing to file suit
against this provision.
Also, it is in direct conflict with state law
in at least two states, Idaho and Virginia
The American people
don't trust big Commie government.
Reinforcing those insecurities
and applying them to the health care debate
was precisely the point of raising the issue
& In fairness, negative perceptions of
Commie government bureaucracy certainly
pre-date the Commie 'Obama' 'administration'
and the current "reform" battle.
But much of today's scorn
for big Commi government can be
laid at the feet of Commie policies
proposed and instituted by Commie
'President' 'Obama' and his party.
Americans' skepticism toward
Commie government 'intervention'
has grown more acute after a series
of recent high-profile federal flops
The Commie Hell Care
Coup Coup Review ;
Rations and denies access to healthcare;
Denying access to healthcare
is the most inhumane and unethical
means of cutting costs;
( $100 Billion more than The Senate Bill) ;
Creates over 110 Federal Agencies,
commissions and boards;
Creates The Health Insurance Rate Authority
.. a direct violation of States' Rights;
a " Comprehensive Database" on Americans;
Individual and Employer Mandates
(Mr. Obama's own Chair of Council of
Economic Advisors has stated that this alone
would cost 5.5 Million jobs
..more unemployment.);
Institutes $748 Billion in new taxes;
Cuts Medicare by $500 Billion,
over a period when 30% MORE Americans
will be added to Medicare rolls,
(You do the math.);
Imposes $136 Billion in tax hikes
on working families making LESS
THAN $250,000
(Americans for Tax Reform Analysis);
Ends Medicare Advantage Program
for Seniors and forces them to a more
expensive plan with less benefits;
Applies Medicare Tax to unearned income;
Increases Medicare Payroll Tax
from 2.95 to 3.8%; and Increases
unfunded mandates on every State.
Increases Capital Gains tax rate
as of 2014 to 23.8%
Creates 16,000 jobs for the IRS
to implement penalties
for those not buying insurance
Commie Immigration reform advocates
are keeping the heat on key Commie
Senators to act quickly on a new
Commie legislative package, saying
time is short to get anything done
this year.
Despite scoring a couple of successes in recent
days - the unveiling of a Commie bipartisan
proposal by Commie Sens. Charles Schumer
(D-N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
last week followed by a large Commie rally
Sunday on the National Mall - Commie
reform advocates are worried it will get
increasingly difficult to move Commie
legislation with each day that passes
before the midterm elections
Friday, March 19, 2010
Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
The Commie Reconciliation 'bill' slaps the economy
by increasing taxes on high-income individuals'
wages and on their growth producing investment
A 2.9% tax on investment is estimated to cause
interest payments on the debt to be $12.4 billion
higher over just ten years and slows the economy
further eroding household disposable income by
an estimated $17.3 billion dollars per year.
It places an even higher 3.8% tax on investment
income thereby increasing the after-tax rate of
return threshold on those considering investing.
The tax rate on capital will be increased
by over 50% for some taxpayers
While the Commie House reconciliation 'bill'
keeps many of the Commie Senate provisions
that will already slow economic growth, the
Commie reconciliation 'bill' goes even farther
in punishing employers who do not offer
sufficient Commie 'health care'.
These Commie penalties will slow employment
growth and given employers a disincentive to
hire anyone who purchases Commie subsidized
'health care'.
In their feverish Criminal effort to 'enact' the
Commie Senate 'health bill', the Commie House
'leadership' recently released their 153 page 'bill'
to 'fix' the underlying 2,409 page Commie Senate
'legislation' through the budget reconciliation process.
As a matter of Commie 'health policy',
there is little that is substantively different
between the Commie Senate 'bill'
and this "fix it" 'bill'.
A closer look at the Commie fine print shows
that the latest version would only make the massive
and unpopular Commie Senate 'health bill' even worse.
Based on a preliminary review
of the key provisions, taxpayers should be aware
of the following Commie features of the 'legislation'
The latest CBO projections confirm - again -
that the Commie 'President's health plan' would
pile another unfinanced Commie entitlement
program on top of the unaffordable ones already
on the federal books.
Over a full ten years of implementation, the cost
of the new Commie entitlement spending would
reach $2.5 trillion, not $1 trillion as advertised
by the Commie White House
The public doesn't trust Commie Washington
politicians -and those politicians
don't trust each other.
Those two truths could doom Commie
'President' 'Obama's' Commie 'health care bill'
even if it weren't an unaffordable behemoth.
This week, an Associated Press
fact check article found no truth in Commie
'Obama's' oft-repeated claim that his Commie
proposal will make individuals' health insurance
more affordable.
Making Health Care
Cost More for Government.
The trillion-dollar cost of the Commie 'bill'
(over ten years) makes people wonder how
spending more would supposedly reduce the
The simple answer is that it creates and raises
Commie taxes by more than a trillion dollars,
such as new taxes on health insurance and
medical devices.
The Congressional Budget Office admits
its fiscal evaluation is "preliminary," and others
call the numbers understated or "phony"
Moderate-income self-employed people who
can't afford the high-priced comprehensive
Commie 'health plans' offered through the
Commie exchanges and aren't eligible for
Commie subsidies would not only lose their
insurance, but would pay a Commie penalty
for remaining uninsured
The Commie 'President' would not directly
answer repeated questions about a potentially
unconstitutional Deem and Pass rule, but he
seemed to tacitly support the idea.
Commie 'Obama' would not directly answer
these questions, but seemed to tacitly endorse
the potentially unconstitutional strategy with his
statement that he hoped for a vote
"sometime this week."
The Commie President does not seem troubled
by the constitutional concerns of the Commie
Slaughter Rule strategy
The Commie 'President' claims the Commie
'health care proposals' would
cost under a trillion.
But, that figure excludes major health care
provisions - like filling the Medicare "donut hole",
fixing Medicare reimbursement to physicians,
and creating a new long-term Commie
entitlement program - pushing the price tag
to over $2 trillion.
Only in Commie Washington does spending
more money equal saving money
A letter
released yesterday by 60 Commie leaders
of Commie Catholic women's religious orders
argues that the Commie Senate-passed version
of Commie 'health care reform' does not provide
for funding of Commie elective abortion and is thus
the "REAL [capitalization in original] pro-life" option.
the Commie Senate 'bill's multiple pathways
to subsidize Commie 'health plans' that include
Commie elective abortion or to even fund Commie
abortion directly will become law once the Commie
House passes the Commie Senate 'bill' and sends it to
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
There is no Commie 'bill' but the Commie
Senate 'bill'.
Once the Commie House passes the Commie
Senate 'bill', the Commie 'President' will sign it.
Game over.
It has been almost three months since the
Commie Senate passed their 'bill' in the dead
of night on Christmas Eve.
A review
of just how terrible it really is, is in order :
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;
Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
This, I think,
is the real reason for the Commie mandate :
It has nothing to do with covering more people,
or ensuring that people don't game the system
when pre-existing conditions are no longer
an obstacle to obtaining insurance
(that's a whole other diatribe).
In fact, the Commie mandate is intended
to break the system.
When the Commie mandate is enacted it will,
after a fashion, cause the price of health insurance
to skyrocket making health insurance affordable
to fewer people.
These skyrocketing prices will be blamed on those
'uncaring, inhuman insurance companies' and
'their evil, greedy, profit-hungry corporate managers'.
We are already being conditioned to think this way
about insurance companies by the media
and the Commie Democrats.
Then, when Americans demand a solution,
the Commie Democrats can step in with their
Commie Public OptionT, explaining how it
"works" so well in Europe, Canada and elsewhere
(as they have tried to do each time they propose it here).
Add the $2.5 trillion Social Security obligation
onto our other obligations and our current national
debt stands at $12.5 trillion, or nearly $42,000
for every man, woman, and child in the country.
And it will only get worse under Commie
'President' 'Barack Obama's' 'Budget'
The Commie 'Obama' budget will end up
borrowing $3.7 trillion in the first three years
of his presidency.
This is more than the accumulated debt
in the first 225 years of American history
Commie Redistributionist welfare-state programs,
primarily Social Security and Medicare, are the
main drivers behind accelerating government
borrowing and spending.
Commie Obama's nonsensical answer to the fiscal
problem they pose is to create a new and bigger
Commie distributionist welfare-state program, a
Commie national 'health care' system in which the
federal government will subsidize 'health insurance'
for everyone earning up to 400 percent
of the poverty level.
Soon, politicians in Commie Washington will not
be able to tax and borrow enough to pay for the
Commie entitlement programs they and their
predecessors have created without breaking the
Or as Rep. Ryan said,
"They literally crash the U.S. economy, if these
kinds of deficits that he's proposing, persist"
Resist Defy Defeat Expose Oppose & Protest :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
America today
suffers the spectacle of a Commie 'President
of the United States', and Commie Democrat
Congressional 'leadership', proclaiming to the
nation that their Commie socialized 'medicine
plan' will reduce budget deficits, based on
fantastic Commie assumptions of trillions of
dollars in intractable cuts to Medicare that
would leave that program unworkable in
delivering health care to America's seniors.
Medicare already suffers an unfunded liability
of $38 trillion according to Medicare's own
government actuaries.
What Commie 'Obama' and Commie
Congressional Democrats are proposing
is to loot $2.5 trillion from Medicare over
the next 20 years to spend on new Commie
entitlements under Commie Obamacare,
and leave Medicare with that overwhelming
unfunded liability
It's 'great' to be a 'prisoner'
in Commie 'Obama's' America : you get
Commie stimulus dollars, Commie preferential
job placement, and a Commie place in Commie
But if you're a child in 'public' school, watch out.
Commie 'Obama' said he was going to build
a Commie civilian army - and he is using
our children.
He is recruiting in public school classrooms :
I exclusively broke the story about how his
Commie group Organizing for America is
recruiting in the classroom.
But Commie AmeriCorps (can Commie
'Obama' pronounce the second syllable?)
is the primary Commie machinery for his
Commie youth army.
And there is
huge dough behind it - yours and mine.
And that money is now being used to mandate
Commie service programs that indoctrinate our
children to work for "the comm(ie)on good."
Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli has put Commie
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on notice that what
she and the Commie Democratic 'leadership' are
reportedly scheming to pass Commie 'Health Care'
'reform' is not only wrong - it's unconstitutional.
Commie 'Deem' and 'pass' is a 'process'
by which Commie House Democrats will be
able to avoid taking recorded votes on the
Commie Senate 'health care bill'.
The motives behind 'enacting' this
Commie process specifically for this 'bill'
are highly transparent.
In a letter to the Commie Speaker, Cuccinelli
wrote, "A bill of this magnitude should not be
passed using this maneuver. As the President
noted last week, the American people are
entitled to an up or down vote."
(He's not exaggerating when he talks of the
"magnitude" of this bill. It's said to project up
2.5 trillion dollars in new spending)
Here is the just-released text of the Commie
House Reconciliation Bill.
In the strange, 'through the looking glass' world
that is the Commie House Democrat 'Leadership',
they will 'vote' for these "fixes" to the Commie
Senate 'passed' 'health care' 'bill'.
In 'voting' for these 'fixes', the Commie House
will 'deem' that the Commie Senate 'Health Care'
'bill' is 'passed'.
See, the Commie Democrats can 'vote'
for the 'fixes' 'without having to 'vote'
for the 'bill' that is being 'fixed'.
We already knew they don't have to 'read'
'bills' to 'pass' them.
Now, they don't have to 'vote' for them either.
The Commie Senate, then, will dutifully 'enact'
all of these "fixes," by using elaborate Commie
'procedural' tricks and at least a couple 'votes'
to 'override' the Commie Senate Parliamentarian.
Right, like that is going to happen
It's not often that we can give credit
to Commie Barney Frank but when it comes
to the issue of Commie Financial Reform at least
we can say is he was honest enough to put a price
tag on the proposed permanent Commie
bailout fund.
Can't say the same for Commie
Sen. Chris Dodd.
The Frank bill's price tag for future Commie
bailouts was clear - $4 trillion.
Commie Sen. Dodd's bill proposes the same
Commie bailout authority but makes matters
even worse - he leaves the check blank.
Taxpayers will be on the hook for any amount.
Commie Dodd's bill gives the Commie Fed
"emergency lending authority" to "any " entity
or market utility, program or facility that the
Commie Financial Stability Oversight Council
determines is or is likely to become
"systemically important."
The Congressional Budget Office challenged
claims by Commie health-care overhaul proponents
that Medicare savings in Commie Senate legislation
would help finance expanded coverage and postpone
the bankruptcy of the medical program for the elderly.
The nonpartisan agency said the $246 billion it
projected the Commie legislation would save
Medicare can't both finance new Commie
programs and help pay future expenses for
elderly covered under the federal program.
Nor could those savings be used to extend
the solvency of Medicare
"What we've seen is a colossal manipulation"
by Democrats "of the accounting scores of CBO"
and the independent actuary of the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid, said Alabama Senator
Jeff Sessions, the Republican who requested the
analysis from CBO.
He called the letter "a potential game-changer."
Arguments that the Medicare savings
would both extend Medicare's solvency
and help finance "new spending outside
of Medicare would essentially double count
a large share of those savings," the CBO said