Congressional sources say that Commie
Democrats intend to work through next
weekend in order to get a vote on their
unpopular Commie 'healthcare reform' bill
before Easter recess.
Tomorrow Tea Partiers will convene on
Capitol Hill letting their members know
America wants them to "kill this bill."
The Commie House may structure a rule that
would automatically pass the Commie Senate
version of ObamaCare, subject to a condition :
If the Commie House can pass a budget
reconciliation measure, then the Commie
ObamaCare bill passes without a vote.
This may be yet another unconstitutional
maneuver by a Commie Congress, because
Article 1, Section 7 of the constitution states
that "Every Bill which shall have passed the
House of Representatives and the Senate, shall,
before it becomes a law."
The rule-based
strategy avoids a vote in the House.
Basically, Commie Speaker Pelosi
will write a special rule that would allow the
Commie bill -- crafted in secret by Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) -- to be
passed by the Commie House without any debate,
amendment or vote.
This is a Commie liberal trick to get around the
constitutional requirement that the House and
Senate have to pass identical measures
In the last big push to get Commie Hell Care
reform through, using whatever deals, scams,
ruses and parliamentary evasions fall to hand,
the public and their concerns are pushed ever
more to the periphery of Commie
Washington's vision.
The Commie White House is supporting
reconciliation - a procedure that allows the
Commie Senate to accept revisions to its bill
by simple majority.
This defeats the Republican filibuster.
It also complicates the parliamentary process,
since not all Commie provisions are allowed
under reconciliation.
Already beyond abstruse, now in the realm of
surreal farce, the Commie debate is thus
becoming yet more inward-looking and
Can language on Commie abortion be included
in a reconciliation measure?
(Probably not.)
Can the Commie Senate parliamentarian be
(What is the Senate parliamentarian?)
All that is missing is a speech in favour
of the plan by Groucho Marx.
Recovering voters' respect for the outcome,
even assuming the outcome is good, looks an
ever more distant prospect.
While the Commie Democrats describe their
policies as good, but the process hated,
they are busily pouring gasoline on the
of the voters and are fixing to get
3rd degree burns all over their body.
Does anyone know why the Commie Dems
are trying to pass the bill without voting for it?
Here is why :
they do not have the votes to pass it
on an up or down vote.
This latest Commie Dem perversion of the
process is the same reason they did the
'Louisiana Purchase' and the
'Nelson Kick-back'.
They did not have the votes.
So they paid off the Commie Senators.
Just like before
this Whip Count from The Hill shows
they don't have the votes to win.
So they are trying
to pass the bill without voting on it.
It is the only way they even have a shot,
just a shot, at "passing" it
Commie House 'leaders' are preparing to ram
through ObamaCare this week without a vote.
Not only is the Commie legislation
unconstitutional, but the Commie process
being used to pass it is unconstitutional.
The Commie House is preparing a rule that
would consider the Commie Senate-passed
version of Commie ObamaCare passed in the
House even though members would never
directly vote on it.
That would violate Article 1,
Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution