Commie Unionist Liberal Progressive Stateists
Ponzi Schemes ;
The Congressional Research Service reports
that 19 reconciliation measures have been
enacted into law since the procedure's first use
in the twilight of the Carter administration.
It was attempted,
but failed, a couple of times more.
Reconciliation has been used for virtually all
imaginable scenarios - save one :
There is no precedent for using it to enact a
Commie once-in-a-generation rewrite of the
relationship between Americans and their
government that appeals exclusively
to one side of the aisle
Littered throughout the Commie 'President's'
proposed budget and health care plan are
over $2 trillion in new taxes.
In the budget we see tax hikes on businesses
including the death tax; new detrimental
restrictions on a tax provision called "deferral"
that is vital for U.S. companies operating abroad;
and potential new taxes to raise revenue for
Commie health care 'reform'.
We also see in the proposed health care plan a
new Medicare tax on investment income.
Tax increases have a negative effect on the
economy and hinder job growth.
So why is the Commie 'President' insisting on
more tax hikes for businesses when they already
struggle to compete internationally with an
extremely high tax rate?
Every major pillar of Commie Obamacare makes
the third-party-payer problem worse :
mandates that limit out-of-pocket spending by
patients, mandates that extend the minimum
benefits insurance must cover, a massive
expansion of Medicaid, and lower limits
on the tax deductibility of
out-of-pocket spending
Last week's bipartisan summit on Commie
health care reform seems to have done little, if
anything, to build support for the 'President's'
vision of health care reform.
Strong opposition to the Commie Democrats'
proposals remains the position of a majority of
And now, even the President's biggest fans
are following suit
The Commies have been scrambling
to save face and sell the public not on their
Commie Hell Care plan, but on using the
reconciliation process to jam it past the
American people.
They've simply given up on earning any form of
widespread public support for the plan, which
America has loudly rejected.
In fact, the only bipartisan effort in Washington
these days is against the Obama-Reid-Pelosi
health care agenda.
Large numbers of Democrats have joined
Republicans doing everything they can to stop
Obamacare in its tracks.
Of course, this bipartisanship
is strangely labeled obstructionism
Having failed to convince the country that
Commies should reorder one-sixth of our
economy (health care) in one fell swoop,
Commie liberals in the Administration and
Congress are now doubling down and
moving on to the next big thing.
This time it's the transformation of everything,
through Commie climate legislation
Commie Biofuel Mandates Unsustainable ;
It would be wise for the UK to reconsider it's
Commie renewable fuel obligation and it would
be wise for the United States to do the same.
The UK Department for Transport's target for
raising the level of biofuel in all fuel sold in Britain
will result in millions of acres of forest being logged
or burnt down and converted to plantations.
Some of the most commonly-used biofuel crops
fail to meet the minimum sustainability standard
Under the standard, each litre of biofuel should
reduce emissions by at least 35 per cent compared
with burning a litre of fossil fuel.
Yet the study shows that palm oil increases
emissions by 31 per cent because of the carbon
released when forest and grassland is turned into
Rape seed and soy also fail to meet the standard.
Also Unsustainable are the increased inputs of
energy, pesticides and fertilizer needed to grow
more corn.
The same is true for the stress on water supplies,
especially now that corn production is being
expanded in locales where rainfall is insufficient
and irrigation is needed.
Land that is now protected under federal
conservation programs may soon be cleared
for corn.
In addition, the facilities that turn corn into
ethanol create emissions issues of their own.
The goal of the ethanol mandate was to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions, but after taking into
account the carbon dioxide emitted from ethanol
production, the reduction in emissions is modest
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;