The Commie Corker-Dodd-Alinsky Bill
In addition
to the troubling new Commie powers
for a new nanny-state consumer agency and
possibly the Commie Federal Reserve added
to the prospect of billions more in bailouts for
reckless financial firms, the bill may also contain
the sneaky Commie "proxy access" power grab
for Commie unions, radical environmentalists, and
other groups on the Left.
This rule, inspired by Saul Alinsky's
Rules for Radicals, is contained in Dodd's
"discussion draft" bill from late last year.
"proxy access would federalize and override
decades of state law governing the structure of
corporations and force publicly-traded companies
to put shareholders' nominees for a board of
directors on a company's proxy ballot along with
the firm's own nominees for those positions."
Many Commie shareholder groups that are
pushing this are Commie union pension funds, the
Commie radical Tides Foundation, and other
Commie progressive groups - from animal rights
to anti-Israel - who place their own Commie
political agenda items at the expense
of ordinary shareholders
Based on the data,
more than two third of the 594,754.3 jobs
"created or saved" with the Commie
stimulus funds in the Commie
Department of Education
Basically, what the Commie administration meant
by shovel ready Commie PORK projects was
funding for your next door teacher.
1. Most jobs are created in the
Department of Education
2. In 2009, for the first time ever, more
public-sector employees (7.9 million) belonged
to a union than did private-sector employees
(7.4 million) despite there being five times more
wage and salary workers in the private sector.
3. A third of all union jobs are in Education
4. 33 percent of the education industry is
5. The Commie union boss, Andy Stern, was
appointed to be on the Commie 'president's'
debt commission.
Now, what do you think the chances are that the
Commie stimulus funds for education will be
made permanent?
One of the more extreme proposals floated early
in the national Commie 'health care' debate was
the idea of taxing soda and other sugary beverages.
That trial balloon was almost immediately shot
down by the American public, but the Commie
'Obama' administration is attempting to achieve,
by subterfuge, soda taxes and a lot of other ways
to micromanage our lives in the name of
'public health' -whether or not
Commie ObamaCare passes.
The mechanism is buried in last year's
$862-billion-and-counting stimulus bill,
and works by diverting hundreds of millions of
dollars that should be promoting economic growth
to instead pay lobbyists to push for higher taxes
and nanny-state controls over our lives.
It's on pages 66 and 67 of the
American Commie Recovery and Reinvestment
Act, which created a $1 billion Commie
"Prevention and Wellness Fund." Of that,
$650 million went to Commie Kathleen Sebelius's
Commie Department of Health and Human Services
and has been used to start a new program at the
Commie Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) called Commie "Communities
Putting Prevention to Work" (CPPW).
Commie 'Barack Obama's' money train has
steamrolled uncontrollably across the country,
compiling record-breaking budgets, deficits,
and debt along its path.
Now, the train is running out of fuel, and the
nation's retirement money may find its way on
board, to keep the train on the tracks.
Earlier this year, the Commie U.S. Treasury
and Labor Departments began a public discussion
on the aim to convert 401(k) saving plans and
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) into
annuities and other forms of guaranteed income
Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry
stated, "the question is how to encourage it, and
whether the government can and should be helpful
in that regard."
The supposition that the government is looking
to be helpful with this proposal should
automatically cause alarm.
The rationale for what would ultimately serve as
a government takeover of the nation's private
pension system is of the same mold as the position
Commie 'Obama' and Commie Congressional
Democrats have staked throughout the debate
on health-care reform ;
"trust us, we know better than you".
Their Commie assertion is that a weakened
economy and a volatile stock market call for
them to 'protect' you and your interests, in this
case your retirement money
Those around long enough to remember the
1990's will grumble to recall the battle over
ergonomics regulations sought by Commie
Big Labor and the Commie Occupational Health
and Safety Administration.
Commie OSHA has already taken an important
step in the march to regulating ergonomics by
announcing its plan to require employers to keep
records of ill-defined "musculo-skeletal disorders."
It announced today that the deadline for filing
comments is March 30
Knowing that federal and state money doesn't
come from Commie 'Obama's' stash and does
come from our own paychecks and our friend's
and neighbor's paychecks, I found the 2010
US Census form letter puzzling.
Yes, I know that the census is required
(but not all forms are completed) and helps
allocate federal funds, but this was much more
in-your-face and clearly baits the reader
with federal funds that they "need"
The census process has had to endure a
Commie White House power grab making
Americans very skeptical of the WH's true intentions.
Moreover, there's is some inherent distrust of how
the census is designed and the information it may
yield that could allow for a permanent
Commie Democrat-controlled government:
Not sure about that if the people they are referring
to are in this country illegally.
But, because the citizenship questions are not on
the form, illegal residents will be more inclined to
fill out the form.
Furthermore, the questions asked are quite intrusive
and appear unconstitutional.
Finally, the form letter has all the characteristics
of Commie 'Obama's' "fair share" and "spread
the wealth around" sentiment because, as we
clearly know now, he will 'return the wealth
to its rightful owner' - and it's not the ones
who earned it-because that wouldn't be fair.
And it's disturbing that other people's money
is used as the bait to motivate people
to fill out the census form
Here's Something Else that
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Can Protest About ;
It appears that Commie Bailout Bob Corker
continues to ignore the pleas of his conservative
allies and constituents and is close to reaching a
deal on establishing a new consumer regulatory
bureaucracy that in the words of Sen. Dodd,
will be like one we have not seen before.
Corker has told CNBC that the last stick point
is not the principle of new regulation - he has
capitulated on that point -
but "administrative issues."
The legislation includes Commie Corker's
PORKER pet project, a "strong resolution
mechanism for unwinding troubled companies."
News to Corker: For over 200 years, America
had such a mechanism - it was called bankruptcy.
But "unwinding" troubled Commie companies is
a code word for BAILOUT.
The Federal Government, via the Federal Reserve,
would be empowered to break-up, subsidize and
bailout companies.
As House conservatives warned during the House
debate, enactment of the bill would establish bailouts
as the official policy of the United States for decades
to come.
That's why the House bill authorizes $4 trillion
for the Federal Reserve.
Adding insult to injury, Reuters also reports that
the Corker "reform" bill does not address the
main culprit in the financial crisis -
Commies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
It does not address the issues associated with
Commie Community Lending that encouraged
banks to lend to people who could never pay back
their loans.
It does not address Commie ACORNS.
All it does it layer more Commie Washington
bureaucracy on top of existing Commie
Washington Bureaucracy.
Nice work, Commie Bob.
The bill was flatlined and now Commie
Corker has revived it.
His media fawning work will cost taxpayers
for decades to come.
It appears that Corker
is officially off the conservative reservation
Commie ACORN Vote Fraud ...
( I wonder what they got away with while they
were holed up in the National Census Bureau ?)
Five Wisconsin residents have been charged
with criminal counts of voter fraud in the
November 2008 general election, state
Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen
announced Monday.
Two of those charged -
Maria Miles, 36, of Milwaukee,
and Kevin Clancy, 26, of Racine -
worked for the Commie Association of
Community Organizations for Reform Now
(ACORN), the embattled Commie community
organizing group.
"The complaint alleges that Commies Miles
and Clancy submitted multiple voter registration
applications for the same individuals, and also
were part of a scheme in which they and other
Commie (special registration deputies) registered
each other to vote multiple times in order to meet
voter registration quotas imposed
by Commie ACORN"
The worldwide Commie "consensus"
on climate change is unraveling amidst mounting
evidence that the Commie UN and Commie senior
scientists manipulated the data to suit their
predictions of rapid warming and their
prescriptions for drastic intervention
in the global economy.
The Commie science is a mess, and the Commie
policy disagreements between developing and
developed countries are intractable.
Commie 'President' 'Barack Obama' could not
solve the Commie UN's climate change troubles,
and neither will Commie Marthunus van Schalkwyk.
But Van Schalkwyk will be content to sit atop the
rubble as the edifice crumbles.
He has done it before-and done it well