Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oppose The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic & Anti Capitalistic ;

Satanic Zombieland On The Potomac :
Globalist Commie Maoists Manchurians Liberal
Progressive Stateist Unionist Obamunist
Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds ;

The Commie White House has circulated a
memo by pollster Joel Benenson.

It was designed to create momentum for Commie
Obamacare by convincing wayward House
Democrats that support for the Commie 'President's'
plan has been building since the State of the Union

As with everything else that comes out of the
Commie White House on 'health care' these days,
the Commie memo is nothing but pure fantasy

So far in this extended debate over Commie
healthcare, there is absolutely nothing substantive
in the Commie president's proposals or the
Commie House or Senate bills that would
implement any real medical malpractice reforms.

When Commie 'President' 'Obama' held his
health care summit at the White House, Rep.
Dave Camp (R-MI) pointed out that a key part
of containing medical costs was completely missing
from the debate : medical malpractice legal reform.

The cost of defensive medicine alone (without
taking into account the direct costs of such claims)
"could be as high as $239 billion" according to a
study by PriceWaterhouseCoopers cited by Camp.

The House bill actually tries to kill effective
malpractice remedies such as caps on
noneconomic damages.

It provides incentive payments to states that
provide "an alternative medical liability law"
that prompts the "fair resolution" of disputes -
but no such incentive will be paid to any state
that limits "attorneys' fees or imposes caps on

While Commie Congressional leaders are
feverishly plotting to jam the hugely unpopular
Commie Senate health bill through the House of
Representatives the moment Commie Speaker
Pelosi thinks she has the votes, Commie House
liberals are also tinkering around with the Federal
Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).

This is the program that covers federal workers
and retirees; it is a consumer-driven program of
competing private health plans.

Through more regulation, Commie Congressional
liberals would like to make it look a lot more like
Commie Obamacare

The Best Commie Hell Care Bill
Is No Commie Hell Care Bill ;

Bills are enrolled before being sent to the
President for his signature and the House can
prevent the enrollment and delivery of Commie
Obamacare to the 'President' until the Senate
completes work on the reconciliation measure.

Sound complicated?
Yes and it is supposed to so the American
people can't understand that the House
is on the verge of passing an unpopular
Commie Obamacare bill, yet they are reserving
the right to claim that they did not vote for the
Commie Senate passed bill.

If the Commie liberals in the House can pull
off this trick, this would have allowed Senate
Majority Leader Commie Harry Reid (D-NV)
to have secretly written the version of
Obamacare going to the Commie President's

Commie Reid merged, without any official
proceedings, the Commie Senate HELP
and Senate Finance Committee versions of
Obamacare, with his personal Commie
additions to the bill including a Public Option
with an opt out for states, in closed door
meetings with Commie political elites.

Basically, Commies White House Chief of Staff
Rahm Emanuel, HHS Secretary Kathleen
Sebelius, OMB Director Peter Orszag,
Senators Harry Reid (D-NV), Max Baucus
(D-MT), Chris Dodd (D-CT) and a few other
Commie liberal Senators have rewritten Commie
health care law in secret closed door meetings.

After those meetings the Commie Senate moved
to proceed to this bill, without any hearings or
opportunity for public review.

During debate in the Senate, Commie Senator
Harry Reid crafted a manager's package of
amendments and added the Cornhusker
Kickback for Nebraska, a Louisiana Purchase
and a Gator-Aid earmark.

Now the Commie House is preparing to pass
this bill without a vote.

This procedure is a fraud,
Commie, secretive and non-transparent

The final details
of the Commie financial regulatory
reform bill being negotiated by Commie Sens.
Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Bob Corker (R-TN)
are still being hammered out, but the underlying
contours are clear: more Commie government
bureaucracy layered on top of an existing impenetrable
and unaccountable Commie financial regulatory system

Commie Climate change scientists,
according to The Washington Times this last
weekend, are turning to PR, rather than data, to
defend their work.

Then there's Commie Secretary of Energy Steven
Chu, who yesterday continued to make patently
false job-creation claims to sell the Commie
'administration's' radical environmental agenda.

His timing was unerringly bad, as his statements
came on heels of further evidence that two
front-runners-California and Europe-are
discovering that their Commie "green" policies
are producing more red (ink) and less green(backs).

Bad news for California.

With so much of its economic future staked on
Commie green jobs, green tech, and the viability
of Commie green energy-and given that the state
currently is suffering with unemployment 20 percent
higher than the national average and that it has for
months been teetering on fiscal insolvency-news
that Commie green policies are hampering the state's
overall economy stultifies Commie lawmakers'
visions for a Commie green-economy-driven

And yet, it should come as no shock that Commie
legislation mandating the use of more expensive
Commie energy sources would result in aggregate
losses to an economy.

Commie Mandates . kill jobs by raising energy

The only reason these Commie alternative energy
sources need to be mandated in the first place is
that they are too expensive to compete otherwise.

Thus, in addition to forcibly supplanting traditional
energy jobs, Commie renewable energy mandates
raise energy costs and thus destroy jobs.

So, for every dollar of capital that is funneled to
Commie green projects due to Commie government
mandate, there is a dollar less to be capitalized on
by more efficient economic agents.

The net result, of course, is a sub-optimal economic
outcome, and California is not the first economy to
make this simple economic logic manifest.

Spain has likewise invested hugely in Commie
green energy, and a recent study shows the net
effect on the country's economy has been hugely

For every Commie green job created in the
Spanish economy, the study found, 2.2
private-sector jobs were destroyed.