Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
The Commie Senate's Commie
'health' 'care' 'bill' became 'law'
earlier this week, but the fight against
a Commie government 'overhaul' of
our nation's health system continued
in the Senate.
Senators voted on many amendments
to the Commie 'reconciliation' 'bill'
'passed' by the Commie House as
a "fix" to the massive Commie Senate
'health' 'bill', Commie H.R. 3590.
This process proved extremely important,
since it underscored some very key policy
issues that have surfaced in the national
Forget what Commie 'lawmakers' say;
look instead on how they act.
Votes on key issues tell a big story.
Consider the following policy issues :
- Medicaid For Congressmen
- Protecting Medicare Advantage
- Freedom for States
to Chart Their Own Course
- Protecting Jobs
- Stopping Commie Entitlement Growth
Stop Taxing Investments
Commie Obamacare
has not even been 'the law of the land'
for one week and already major Fortune 500
companies are announcing hundreds of millions,
and even billion, dollar hits to their bottom line.
Our health care team has gone through
the Commie 'legislation' and produced
the following timeline of major Commie 'policy'
AT&T Inc.
will take a $1 billion non-cash
charge in the first quarter
And by "take a non-cash charge"
what they really mean is that Commie
'President' 'Barack Obama's' Commie
'health' spending plan just ate $1 billion
out of AT&T's bottom line.
And that's to pay for just one
of the Commie tax hikes wrought
by Commie Obamacare.
AT&T is just one of many companies
that subsidize Medicare drug coverage
for their retirees.
The new Commie 'health' 'law' slaps a tax
on those subsidies, effective next year.
In addition to costing the communications
giant a cool billion, the Commie tax is likely
to cost workers and retirees a cherished benefit.
Because of the Commie legislation,
AT&T is now "looking into changing
the health care benefits it offers
to active and retired workers."
So much for the Commie promise
about being able to keep the health
care you have!
From day one we have been highly
skeptical of Commie Congress' ability
to cut Medicare as necessitated to fund
Commie Obamacare's $2.5 trillion
in new spending.
The top down Commie
cuts-by-committee-of-experts approach
is far too susceptible to typical Commie
Washington deal making.
Now we learn that in order to secure
Commie votes in the final days before
'passage', the Commie House has
already proved Commie Obamacare
will only increase, not decrease,
Commie Medicare spending
As Commie 'President' 'Barack Obama'
embarks on a high profile Commie campaign
to bolster Commie public opinion of his
Commie 'health care' plan, there is one Commie
man who is already convinced that Commie
Obamacare is the right move for America -
Commie Fidel Castro, the Commie Cuban
revolutionary leader and Commie first secretary
of the Cuban Communist Party.
According to an Associated Press report,
Commie Castro hailed Commie Obamacare
as "a miracle" and "an important Commie battle
and a Commie success of Commie (Obama's)
Commie government."
The Commie Senate's 'health care bill'
'became law' earlier this week, but that
does not mean the fight against a Commie
'government' 'overhaul' of our nation's
health system is over.
This week, the Commie Senate considers
amendments to the 'reconciliation bill passed'
by the Commie House alongside the Commie
Senate 'health bill', Commie H.R. 3590.
This process will provide a chance to
ameliorate the 'numerous shortcomings'
of the 'passed legislation', and will provide
Americans with a glimpse at the true intentions
of their 'elected officials' as they are forced
to take a stance on difficult questions regarding
changes to the 'bill'.
Here's an outline of some of the amendments
put forth and the 'Senate's verdict' :
- Protecting Medicare Savings
- Getting Rid of Special Deals
- Removing Taxes on the Middle Class
- Protecting Jobs and the Economy
- Preventing Premium Increases
Subjecting Lawmakers to Obamacare
This Week
The U.S. Commie Senate began
debate of Commie H.R. 4872, which
'amends' the Commie Obamacare 'bill'
'passed' by the Commie House and
'signed' into 'law' by the Commie
Parts of Commie H.R. 4872 actually
make the original 'bill' worse - for
example, the Commie 'provision' that
would increase the separate, new
Commie premium tax on commercial
health insurance coverage and the one
that expands the new Commie tax on
medical devices.
And Yet another Commie 'provision'
would change the federal Medicaid
funding formula such that Commie
Obamacare will cost taxpayers in 28
states and the District of Columbia
even more money.
That means that 56 Commie senators
have yet another opportunity to once
more vote against the interests of their
constituents back home by approving
Commie H.R. 4872.
The Commie Obamacare 'legislation'
(now designated Public Law 111-148)
'will' 'cover' the uninsured mainly by
dumping 20 million of them into the
Federal/State Medicaid program.
While the 'federal government' will
'pick up' most of the extra Commie
cost, state taxpayers will still be left
holding the bag for the rest of the
Commie expense
Commie Union 'leaders' were outraged
by last month's bipartisan Senate vote
against Commie Craig Becker, Commie
'President' 'Obama's' Commie nominee
to the Commie National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB).
Rather than accept another setback,
however, Commie Big Labor and its
Commie partisan allies in the Commie
White House are going on the offensive :
Commie 'Obama' is planning to use
a Commie recess appointment to place
Becker on the Commie NLRB.
Doing so would not only disregard
the Senate's constitutional responsibility
of advice and consent, but, according to
all 41 Senate Republicans, would "institute
far-reaching Commie changes in labor law
policy far exceeding the Board's authority
and by-passing the role of Congress"-
Commie changes that, coincidentally,
happen to mirror Commie organized labor's
Commie 'legislative' agenda
Not only does the Commie Dodd 'bill'
not prevent future taxpayer-funded Commie
'Wall Street' 'bailouts', it virtually guarantees
them forever.
Just as the original $700 billion Commie
TARP fund quickly devolved into Commie
'President' 'Obama's' personal Commie
slush fund, the Commie Dodd 'bill' empowers
the Commie Treasury Secretary to take over
and liquidate any financial firm at any time,
and no one can stop him.
And so it is Commie business as usual
in the Commie 'Obama' White House.
The empowerment of Commie
big government, the enrichment of
Commie cronies, all justified by phony
Commie bi-partisanship and Commie
centrist rhetoric.
Don't be fooled.
The Commie Dodd 'bill' and the Commie
'Obama' agenda take the worst of our current
financial system and puts it on Commie steroids
Commie Carol Browner, the Commie
White House's Commie climate czar
stressed that the Commie government
still stands adamantly behind Commie
carbon caps.
She 'said', "It is our Commie hope
the Commie Senate will act this year
and we will do everything in our
Commie power to support that."
And yet,
even now as the international community
grapples with the recent revelations of
Commie misinformation contained in the
Commie UN Commie Intergovernmental
Commie Panel for Commie Climate
Change's 2007 Commie report that
made the "unequivocal" Commie case
for man-made global warming, and as
Americans find themselves still at the outset
of an incipient economic recovery, Commie
Senators Kerry, Commie Graham, and Commie
Lieberman are proposing Commie legislation
that would slap energy consumption Commie
taxes, sector by sector, on major portions
of the American economy.
The Commie
consequence of such a Commie 'bill'
would be enormously negative for Americans
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;