Friday, March 5, 2010

Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds ;

From the start the Commie 'president's health care'
cost estimates were much too modest.

Here's why : First, the Commie
administration's accountants left off the books
nearly a quarter-trillion dollars in what's called
the "Doc Fix".

When this measure is taken into account, costs
hit $1.15 trillion.

When the true ten year window (2014-2023) is
examined, and the costs of the "Doc Fix" are taken
into account, the cost rises to $2.3 trillion.

A new entitlement program will assuredly send
costs soaring.

If you're not buying the CBO analysis, consider
the historical record for two public health plans.

When Medicare was first introduced in 1965 it
was projected to cost $12 billion by 1990.

However, the actual cost in 1990 was $112 billion.
Off by nearly factor of 10.

Imagine that the current bill turns out to cost
10 times as much as its projection.

That's more than $25 trillion - almost twice
the value of everything produced within the
United States

The doctors in lab coats surrounding Commie
'President Barack Obama' as he gave his latest
'health care' speech yesterday were not there to
give 'the President' a physical;

No, these doctors were props, dressed to impress
for what the Commie White House claims is their
"final push" for 'the President's' Commie government
take-over of the health care industry.

'The President' again repeated the same old tired
claims he has been making for months

We, and plenty of others, have refuted all these
claims before, but this time they are particularly
easy to expose as patently false

Commie Congress and its allies on the left
are hell bent to overhaul the health care of
every American.

They have focused strongly on increasing
regulation of insurance companies.

But making insurers the scapegoat for
out-of-control costs in our current health
system misses the point

Strong opposition to the Commie 'President's'
'health care' plan among the American people
continues to build ;

This is beyond a sham of bipartisanship.
Details matter.

The American people must be allowed to see real
legislative language and they must be allowed the
time to read and comment on it before any votes
are taken.

The bills before Congress, including the
'President's' new additions, would still result in a
massive shift of power over health care financing
and delivery of care to Washington politicians
and bureaucrats.

The public has spoken, and it does not want a
federal take over of health care

To meet the Commie 'Obama administration's'
Commie targets for cutting greenhouse gas
emissions, some researchers say, Americans
may have to experience a sobering reality :
gas at $7 a gallon.

To reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the
transportation sector 14 percent from 2005 levels
by 2020, the cost of driving must simply increase,
according to a forthcoming Commie report by
researchers at Harvard's Belfer Center for Science
and International Affairs.

The 14 percent target was set in the Commie
Environmental Protection Agency's budget
for fiscal 2010

The Commie Green Job stimulus hasn't produced
the results initially purported when the 'American'
Commie Reinvestment and Recovery Act
became law

Our economy's Free Enterprise job creators have been
trying to send a message to the Commie 'Obama'
'administration' for months :

stop creating so much uncertainty in the tax and
regulatory environment so that we can figure out
how to invest our money and start creating jobs.

Stop taking over car companies.
Stop shedding financing contracts.
Stop taking over 1/6th of our economy.
Stop raising taxes on our energy sector.
Just stop.

Our economy will eventually recover and start
producing jobs again, probably very soon.

But that recovery has already been delayed by a
Commie 'administration' that saw this recession as
an opportunity to fundamentally rewrite our nation's
relationship with the federal government.

Unless this 'administration' completely abandons
its far reaching transformation agenda, this recovery
will be a very slow one

Commie 'President' 'Barack Obama' proposed
"a modest fee" on banks that "would pay back
the taxpayers who rescued them in their time
of need."

In truth, his bank tax would hit financial
institutions who have paid-back their bailout
funds, with interest, while those who haven't -
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, General Motors
and Chrysler - would get off scot-free